3 Reasons Why Your Vocabulary Is Not Improving

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and I'm live and I wolfed the camera now it's not oh never mind hey guys I'm teacher pricks and I wanted to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English if you are watching the replay thank you so much I hope I was able to I hope I will be able to help you with the steps okay there's three reasons hello hello everyone thanks for joining and as usual at the end of the video I will update the descriptions okay so that you can read the main ideas and this a summary of the of the main things I'm gonna talk about in this video okay so hi everyone I'm a little flew from the cell phone you can't move sorry about that oh hello so melee or Jamil I'm not sure hi hi file hi JP I don't know how to say your name but I think it's JP a video no how are you thank you all for joining someone said I miss your course I've had I haven't been posting videos and the reason is that I move it very recently and I was having some problems but today I was shooting videos for you guys so next week we should be able to go back to normal with new videos okay hi Alfred thanks for joining hi benissa from Algeria wow that's amazing Mecca how are you thank you all for joining tomorrow or schemata I'm doing very well thank you very much how about you hi Anthony well thank you thank you very much how are you doing okay hello to the one from Morocco how are you what's your name Mohammed thanks for joining our tour from confirming a jedi's my niece just joined she's 10 years old I don't think she can understand us ha ha but hyesu very well Bruno guys did you study English this week this is you know this is the first question I asked my students first I say hi and then I'm like did you study did you study English what did you study so when I asked you guys what did you study this week okay did you study English did you watch a movie did you listen to a podcast it smile the nickname is mild didn't said that they didn't study semana thank you very much marikar did you study English this week prep Prabha I don't know how to pronounce your name but you said you studied a little bit of vocabulary hey awesome half al said that he said it a little bit every day that's awesome let me see one thing here and uh say oh ma thank you thanks for watching my videos that's a good way to study okay watching the videos and if you watch it all the videos go back and repeat watch them again okay ah hello to Mexico thanks for joining and please share the love okay share this video with your friends invite them to watch this video hi I'm Tony thanks for joining I'm trying to find my I'm on my personal account and I'm trying to find my channel but apparently I'm not subscribed to myself the yellow game was bien thanks for the message that I appreciate it yeah I'm not I'm not subscribed to my own channel that's that's a strange all right let me see here switch accounts oh it's because I'm not logged in haha that's why very well guys today I'm gonna be talking to you about vocabulary you know this is something that my students tell me all the time friends talked to me about this and you guys you know and as I said if you have questions okay please post your questions to my social media all right depending on the question it's difficult for me to answer during the live video but if you post them during the week I can prepare a very good answer for you and talk about it here in the live video so you can send me questions on Twitter you can send me questions on my Instagram you can send me questions on my Facebook all right you know the comments here on YouTube and I always read the comments sometimes they don't have the time to answer them but I always read them okay so do you have problems to learn vocabulary because this is a very common problem many people have trouble to to learn vocabulary and most of them say but teacher I can't improve my vocabulary I do everything I watch TV series i watch movies I listen to podcasts and I am NOT improving what's going on and that's why I I set aside three main reasons why your vocabulary is probably not improving okay very well so the first reason I set aside for you guys is lack of context okay so prep is asking me how to I've sent a vocabulary in a sentence I'll talk about I'll try to talk about that okay the first problem is no context sometimes you see a new word having these mistakes for joining sometimes you see any word but for some reason there's no context you just saw this word somewhere or you listen to this word somewhere but you didn't study this word in a context in a situation so it's gonna be very difficult for you to remember that word okay so the reason number one is no context if there is no context you are not going to improve your vocabulary hi Oh janae thanks for joining so for example what what do I mean by context because it's like oh teacher okay no context alright so if you were trying to improve your vocabulary you need to think about the situations when you feel uncomfortable to talk about in English okay so by not having a specific situation you can't improve your vocabulary okay so the first problem is this you don't think about the situations that are difficult for you to talk about okay or you see a new word you listen to the word but you don't really try to insert this word into your routine into your into your everyday life into your studies okay another thing that is it's not here but to study should definitely be a reason why you may not be improving okay highway link tone thanks for joining so this is like mostly bad by the end of this video but if you don't study there's no way you're gonna remember that word okay so the context alright now what happens to many students going back to the videos and podcasts and the music just because you are listening to a podcast or watching TV series episodes every day I have friends who watch 10 episodes of TV shows every day or every week okay I have friends who watch a lot of TV series but whenever they are going to speak English they don't have vocabulary and then they get frustrated and they tell me but teacher but Priscilla I watched so many things in English I listened to so many different materials in English and I don't really learn well maybe just listening it's not gonna be the way to help you learn okay not everybody has auditory learning skills okay maybe that's not the best way for you to learn vocabulary some people learn new words or structure or grammar in a different way so by watching a movie you might improve your vocabulary I watch movies every week do I know everything No okay but for example I was just talking to a student of mine I am watching friends again do you know the TV show friends let me know if you if you watch this show or if you have already watched this show and I was looking at some episodes and I learned in the awards words that I that I didn't even you know and what did I do did I just continued watching the show no I paused whenever he saw something that made me very curious I would pause I would go online I would look up the word that I didn't know and I would check the meaning okay after I checked the meaning of the word and I really understood the word I would go back to the episode I would go back to the TV show and then I would see if I understood okay hi Louise hi Ana Julia thanks for joining so only after I checked the word I would go back to the TV show the episode that was on pause and I would watch it again only that part and see if I really understood and after that there is another step after that and I really did this guys that's really what I did that's what I do when I am learning new vocabulary I wrote it down okay so I was watching I saw a new word I paused it I checked the word I went back to the TV show I played it again because I wanted to see the conversation what was happening what were they talking about did I understand oh yeah I did so I'm gonna write it down okay so that's how you watch a TV show to learn the vocabulary but now you may be wondering well Priscilla should I stop all the time like if the show is 40 minutes I'll never finish the show there are many words that I don't know the key is balanced you can't stop all the time but if you don't stop at all it'll be difficult for you to really learn new words okay so let's suppose you are going to watch a 20 minute TV show okay try to stop and let's suppose you're watching and you saw a word you stopped and check it if you felt really curious to know okay if you felt really connected any founder that were very different and unusual that's when you stop and check it out okay so poverty says prob I'm not sure how to pronounce your name okay so sorry about that if you can use the potatoes yes absolutely okay try to use subtitles in English not in your native language and whenever you get a word that you don't know pause it okay and check it out now how many times should you do it it depends okay if you are watching a new episode of your favorite show it's not cool to just stop all the time to try to understand the words now do these on another time okay on another occasion don't stop a lot like you feel bored and annoyed and irritated irritated but it stopped a few times like three four or five times and that's it don't stop more than that that's a good way to to improve your vocabulary okay so don't stop too much buddy stop take notes write it down okay that's very very very important all right so another thing that you can do after you learned it this new word in in the TV show in the movie or in the podcast I I know that many of you guys like to listen to podcasts right I have some podcast posts on my blog have you checked my blog so check it out okay I will leave the link in the descriptions after the video okay oh yeah so right this these new words down okay so you watched you checked the meaning and then you're gonna write this word down and that's when we have a little problem okay this is actually the reason three I'm gonna talk a little bit about that but just writing the words somewhere let's suppose you have a war diary let's imagine hi Mubarak how are you you know you're still here it's the old time okay I'm I'm on reason number two I talked about the reason number one which was no context and now I'm going tolerance reason number two okay now as I would say sometimes you write the word on a diary or the notebook and you just leave it there that's not gonna help you okay so we're gonna talk about that soon just hang on now the second thing that the second main reason why many people don't improve vocabulary is lack of repetition okay now as I said I was watching the show I learned a new word I passed the show checked the meaning went back to the show and then I checked if I really understood okay but if I only stopped there I will definitely forget the word okay guys it's important that you establish a connection with this word that's what needs to be important for you so repetition is very important if you want to learn the new word okay someone is saying that they like to study podcast because it helps them improve yes party casters are great and the nice thing about podcast is that you get to read eat you can repeat many times and that's what you have to do if you want to improve your vocabulary and that's exactly what many of you don't do okay and from some parlors I guess Brazil how about you where you where are you from here in Brazil so this is the like I would say the number one when we learn something we only really memorize it by repeating it you need to find creative ways to repeat that word maybe watch the episode again okay maybe before going somewhere try to remember the word and you can even use your phone you know right now the word on your phone save it and and then after some time try to look it up again check the word again try to use this word sometimes you don't have a friend you can talk to but you can participate in communities Google+ communities Facebook group groups okay there are so many groups on Facebook use that vocabulary you start conversations and show people what vocabulary you will are learning you're learning this is a good way to that if I don't know if you follow me on Instagram and I'm always posting about new expressions new words how to say things sometimes I'm learning them too okay not for all posts but sometimes when I see something nice I like to share them with you okay so that's why I'm always posting things about vocabulary on my Instagram because I like to share new stuff and by sharing with you i memorize - I do this exercise on my on my desk okay on the wall in front of my desk I I sometimes put post-its with the new words I'm learning okay sometimes I better settle I keep changing that when I feel comfortable with the word I change okay so you don't need to stay forever looking at the word in front of you but change them on a regular basis I cannot establish a frequency and then stick to it so have reminders around this is the repetition that I am talking about you don't need to sit down for an hour and repeat house house house house yes no you don't need to do that find flexible ways to repeat these words without getting bored without getting tired maybe watch the show again maybe listen to just that part of the show for the post-its on the owner wall on the wall okay put something near your mirror in the bathroom or maybe a reminder on your cell phone this is a good will share it with your friends on facebook on twitter or on or on google+ twitter it's it's everything so like short and quick you can tweet a message about a vocabulary you learned hey today I learned about this cool huh that's it you are already repeating okay today there are many different ways to help you repeat what you're learning if you don't repeat you will forget okay this happens to me I learn a lot of vocabulary every week but I sometimes forget that because I am NOT repeating ok that's why I'm watching the show friends again okay somebody's asking me I have every momentarily for got an award in my own language many times because of because of not using it yes many times with my Brazilian students I sometimes have oh do you like the curtain they'll thank you very much I had so many problems to get this curtain it took me a week to get it can you believe that curtain my goodness uh anyways what was I saying oh yeah by the word I have many Brazilian students and sometimes they ask me something and I don't know the word in my in my own language okay I can't remember this happens a lot okay so it's natural to forget things all someone is saying that they watch a lot of videos about aviation that's good ok that's very very good studying a specific vocabulary is great but remember you have to be interested in that kind of vocabulary you like aviation this is good this is motivation ok but if you don't like it that's why we have a little bit of problems but you're doing right you're doing a good job you like it keep doing it ok very nice so the second reason lack of repetition ok so when you are learning new vocabulary how do you do it do you repeat do you study it do you reveal it I have some students who have word Diaries ok they have this notebook piece of paper sheet of paper and they write down all the words they're learning but then sometimes I ask them ok what's happening to this notebook how often do you reveal this notebook and I don't get many good answers I get very sad ok so repeat alright take the notebook read them study them it doesn't have to be every day but you need to establish a routine of frequency ok very well the third reason is translation aha please don't hate me because of that I don't hate translation ok everything in balance is fine the problem is that sometimes and the ideas in the past okay sometimes it happens when we are learning a new word we translated the word and we don't use it because we translated it we didn't connect the new word to a situation and then we go back to reason number one you just translated the word to your native language okay this now that's it house that's casa in Portuguese that's it you make no connections you give no examples you chances are you will never use that word because you didn't write examples you didn't teach yourself how to use that word okay someone is saying our koi saying that he usually watches series and repeats all the words I think that's a big challenge to repeat other words what I like to do is when I hear someone saying something and I really like the intonation and the vibe I repeat it you know sometimes do you watch suits and I really like the the Donna characters and sometimes she says something and I repeat what she says because I like her intonation so I said yes coz I'm Donna yes cuz I'm Priscilla you know just for fun alright so it's a bit difficult to repeat everything but I think that's great to help you improve intonation to help you improve pronunciation okay so keep it up so as I was saying the problem with translation is that when you just translate the word you are not teaching yourself to use that word you are just giving a very quick piece of information okay oh thank you who can hear Emma lonely person yes I'm Priscilla I'm using the intonation from the TV series now I'm just kidding I'm exaggerating of course so um don't just write the translation okay if you really are if you really like to translate it's okay but try to write examples in English try to write explanations in English you can use your words to explain you don't need just to copy the definition of the dictionary right what you really understand that's how you connect that's how this word becomes important to you because you wrote something that you created you understood the definition and you wrote with your words what that word means okay when you just read the translation there's no there's nothing okay there's no story behind it okay private I wouldn't recommend a movie I would definitely recommend TV series okay friends is a really nice show because you are gonna have everyday conversations they use a lot of casual vocabulary they use a lot of everyday situations their friends so there's a lot of informality and sometimes they speak slowly sometimes they speak fast so this is a very nice video for even practice say shadowing okay they're there 20 minutes they're fast they're not very long episodes and for doing the shadowing technique don't do it for the 20 minutes because that's very tiring okay maybe you're not gonna make the most of it but try for five minutes maybe you saw a scene with two characters that you liked and you want to practice you want to imitate that specific scene that's what I do I see a scene I like I get to meander three minutes and I do I practice I imitate those people don't do this with the entire show but that's definitely a good show to help you and why because they have moments when they are happy because they have moments when they are very angry very upset worried stressed sad so we have all these different feelings and all this different are words and expressions and phrases okay so you are gonna work on your intonation in all kinds of situations because sometimes when when we are angry we have to change your intonation and maybe some of you may think oh that simple justice does have to make an angry voice it's not that simple because it's the different language okay the way I express myself and I'm angry in my language is different from the way I express myself when I am angry in English I don't many opportunities to be angry in English but I think it would be fun there are some very cool words you can use when you're angry of course I would never use those words but anywho that's why I like this show but how I Met Your Mother is a very nice show that has very similar situations friends they are all living different stories they talk about work they talk about casual things so it's a very nice show - the episodes are short which is great ok and you don't need to spend a long time doing the shadowing technique ok and for the foot and for the vocabulary thing you don't need to pause all the 20 minutes every time you see a new word but if that part of the author of the show if that specific scene there was a word I didn't know and you've got really curious you were like hmm is that an expression is that a phrasal verb I think it would be nice to learn this that's the moment when you pause and when you check ok that's exactly you know I'll this week this week maybe look this week or next last week I'm not sure I posted rookie mistake I already knew this word I already knew rookie mistake but I was looking for some ideas to post for you guys and I was watching friends and the guy used that expression okay Oh rookie mistake he made this face you know oh what a rookie mistake dude and I was like yes that's my post tomorrow this is great I need to show this to my students to my followers I paused I checked the intonation again because I really liked the the with the scene I liked the character and then I came back to when I went back on watching the show so that's how you practice someone was asking a brutal shadowing basically each to imitate okay so you watch a short scene of a video or you listen to a podcast and you imitate exactly what the speaker is saying you repeat but you don't just repeat the words you try to imitate the intonation you repeat the pronunciation trying to correct herself I sometimes imitate the posture so that I can you know I love to watch Obama's videos and his speeches and uh when I'm watching him I even do the pose you know yes you know yes because it's interesting it's a good way to practice alright and I learned a lot because he has a very clear intonation he has a very clear pronunciation he uses really good vocabulary okay so I love to watch his videos I definitely recommend but I don't recommend for early beginners or pre-intermediate I would recommend to intermediate to advanced speakers okay now let's see oh hi there love from Fortaleza thanks for joining us hasn't even of the same things a diva oh so you watch okay someone is say Oh what's your name by the way cuz I think the yellow game was began tell me your name so he said that he he watches friends in his language I imagine it's the Spanish and Phoebe the girl who plays the guitar you preferred Donald Trump hahaha interesting I don't like Donald Trump but he does have a very informal language okay he's a businessman all right so he has he I'm not gonna say oh he has business English no okay but he has a very simple vocabulary he doesn't have the vocabulary of a politician alright with our respect to everybody who likes who the who doesn't who doesn't like it's he doesn't have he doesn't talk like a politician okay and out of curiosity if you google Donald Trump is English Donald Donald Trump's bad English you will see many articles talking about his English and questioning his choice of words sometimes okay not talking about mistakes that's not the point the point is he has a simple English as a president okay if you compare Obama or other presidents not just Obama his English is simpler because he is not a politician he's a businessman so that's that these are completely different words world so he's he's learning now okay but he has a much different vocabulary okay but he's intonation American totally okay his intonation is on point if you want to practice intonation if you wanna practice shadowing that's definitely something you can also watch okay you can also watch interviews with people you like actors and actresses that you like all right you can you can listen to them in interview short interviews and you can repeat and imitate oh brother really all right no I know you're kidding very well so guys these are the three main reasons why okay translation no context no repetition so if you if you learn a word with no context you just got the word you wrote it down and there's oops I think I hit it with the microphone sorry about that there's if there's no context at all it'll be very difficult for you to remember the word okay so when I write down the words I learned from friends I write the episode I want the the season I make I give as many explanations as possible so that I can really remember that word okay so cool text okay it's so easy to understand you're cut your accent maybe you're Brazilian yes I am Brazilian but I guess they're learned that this is another something that I talk to my students about and to people who ask me that here we are specifically talking about English how to improve your English how to become better speakers and this is a very specific conversation and by understanding me this is awesome because it's preparing you for situations when you're talking to a native speaker and the subject is not related to English okay it's probably related to something else all right so that's probably enough because I'm a non-native speaker okay so as I was saying no context no repetition you write down the word and then I learned a new word come on that's not learning a new word learning on the word means you have to repeat it until you don't forget it okay and the third reason translation translation doesn't mean you are learning a new word it means you are making connections to your language sometimes it's better to write explanations you write your explanations sometimes there are explanations from dictionaries they're very complex difficult to understand so maybe you can try to translate it's okay but after that write an explanation in English write a short definition to help you remember okay so the main message here guys is if your vocabulary is not improving and I believe if this is a problem we have it's probably because you are doing one of these things or a combination of these things okay maybe you don't want to do these things okay maybe you are not intentionally doing this but you are okay so what do you have to do now sit down and pay attention to the way you study English how does your routine work how do you study vocabulary how what do you do after you learn a new words so pay attention to your study habits all right and if your problem is no context try to improve that if your problem is repetition remember you don't need to sit down and repeat her an hour the word that's not how it works put reminders around you use your cell phone use Facebook use Twitter it's your Twitter tweet what you want if you want to tweet the meaning of a new word to learn do it it's your Twitter you can do it so if your problem is translation right explanations use your words to to write the explanations maybe you can translate if you really need to but after you get the translation try to write a short explanation maybe create a short story to connect the ideas better you know and that way you will start to improve okay but ultimately guys the best way to learn vocabulary is time I have been studying English for more than 10 years Mumbai mode more than 10 years is studying in English and I'm still learning things and I still forget words it happens to all of us but do I stop no no I keep going okay well thank you I yell oh game was is saying that maybe because I speak clearly and good intonation yes I work really hard to do that I'm a non-native I make mistakes sometimes I make pronunciation mistakes sometimes I make rookie mistakes hey do you know what Ruki mistake is check my Instagram and you will know follow me on Instagram so sometimes I make rookie mistakes but that doesn't stop me I keep learning I go back I refill I check it again that's how you are going to move forward all right well guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed the three reasons and I hope I was able to help you with those ideas and help you get inspired to change your study habits okay maybe right now you're not improving your vocabulary but pay attention to these tips and I will after as soon as I finish the video I will go back to my channel and I will update the descriptions with the summary read the summary if you have questions post your questions on the descriptions okay on the comments about this video you can post your questions okay now you try to answer them and if you have a question you would like to see me talking about next week post your questions on my social media tag me on instagram on twitter on facebook ask me a question and you shall get an answer on the video here live video work my best to produce something to talk to you guys about okay yes I would do more podcasts time getting back to my routine I had some issues but I'm walking towards to producing things we will go back to full capacity alright so I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend okay go Wow to study English practice and I will see you next time alright guys thank you so much bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 12,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vocabulary not improving, english not improving, my vocabulary is not improving, how to improve vocabulary, reasons why my vocabulary is not improving, english vocabulary, english, esl, teacher prix, bad vocabulary, english tips, how to improve english vocabulary, vocabulary, why my vocabulary is not good, translate vocabulary, ingles, english skills
Id: MaPVxUutI-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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