What's The Difference Between Used To Be Used Get Used To

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hey student watch this video and learn how to use used to be used to and get used to coming up hey France teacher Prix here with another English lesson to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you so much for joining me on another English lesson if it's your first time here consider subscribing because from Monday to Friday I have many different kinds of English lessons to help you become a better and more confident English speaker all right what's the difference between use to get used to and get and be used to huh that's what we're gonna talk tonight talk about tonight and hey make sure to download my free ebook the link isn't in the script in the descriptions when you download the e-book you are gonna learn five different strategies to help you better understand and talk to people in English check out the descriptions and you are gonna find the link and how to join now use two okay this is the first one I'm gonna show you the explanations are simple so this is gonna be a short and sweet email and no today is not very cold but I am cold do I have a cold no I have a stomachache anyway used to a simple past okay that's the first thing you need to know so I used to my friend used to my dog used to okay so I need a subject before used to and I can use in the negative and then I get a form I didn't used to my friends didn't used to okay that in if it's a negative sentence you don't use the letter D and use you say I didn't use to okay no D now as I said this is simple past and I'm going to use this structure to describe active is that I did regularly with frequence in my past a long time ago okay so these activities that you are describing with used to they were simple past they were part of your routine you did them very frequently you did them regularly doesn't mean you did everyday it doesn't have to be every day in the past but you did them very regularly okay now today in your present time you don't do them you don't do them anymore okay so for example I used to live in Boston not anymore today I don't live in Boston okay so I used to live in Boston after used to you have to use a verb in the infinitive form without too because you already have used to so you don't need another two I used to to go No I used to go I used to rule the world then and then and that can sing I don't remember the lyrics so I used to be a nice person not anymore I used to live in the countryside not anymore so I describe every activity that I did regularly in the past but today no more okay so whenever you hear this in a song in a conversation it means you did that in the past but today you don't okay so this was part of your life was part of your routine in the past but not today moving on used to hear yes III post more examples for you guys so my father this is true okay my father used to smoke but he doesn't smoke anymore yes my father is mocked for 40 years more or less give it or take you know 40 years can you imagine how hard it is for someone to quit smoking after 40 years is more King pretty hard but he did it so he used to smoke he smoked regularly in the past but today no more his lungs are clean amazing do you know anybody who used to smoke let me know hearing the chatter in the comments did this person manage to quit to give up this horrible horrible habit this is also true about me I didn't that's negative I didn't use to eat healthy food today I can't live without it okay so in the past this was not part of my habit I didn't use to Lee to eat healthy food so this this is true I didn't eat healthy food okay mm-hmm today it's completely different today I really eat healthy food so here I'm describing something that was not part of my life that I didn't do regularly okay that I didn't often do but now it's changed okay so I can make affirmative and negative sentences with this structure okay now I can also ask a question in the past hey did you use then no D because it's a question okay no IDI no conjugation because you're asking a question so the verb goes back to base form without - did you use to play outside when you were a kid so for some kids that was not very common so in my case if I answer this question did you use to play outside Priscilla when you were a kid yes when I was healthy because I was a little sick when I was a child but whenever I was okay whenever I was feeling good I used to play outside you know and it was amazing I played with my neighbors we got together and we played all afternoon oh it was amazing a good time did you use to play outside when you were a kid let me know here in the chatter in the comments okay now another example that is true about me I used to visit my grandparents every Sunday not just well every weekend but more specifically every Sunday knock knock knock who's there Priscilla and her family to visit grandma okay how about you this is very common in Brazil families visit grandparents every weekend not necessarily every Sunday but every weekend well this habit is changing this culture is changing but when I was a child this used to be pretty common can I use used to be yes I used to be a very shy kid today still shy sorry but not on YouTube when I'm making videos I'm not shy hi so I used to be I used to go I used to study my friends used to be used to go used to do used to buy it doesn't matter what verb you need as long as you use your imagination okay I can't use a modo for example me might know then I would need to change my sentence but I used to do I used to to sing I used to dance I used to study think about things that you did in the past you know frequently regularly it was part of your routine part of your life it was something that repeated at a certain frequency but today you don't do anymore so you can use use to to describe that okay moving on be used to okay this is a different structure nothing to do it has nothing to do with the past okay now if I say someone is used to something or just someone okay or to a situation it's possible okay this means you are accustomed to something okay you are familiar with something this thing or this person or the situation is not as strange to you is not unfamiliar to you so I can use this structuring the present oops excuse me in the present and in the this is not very common in the future okay when I say B+ used to I need to conjugate verbs to be M is our if it's in the present was were if it's in the past okay so remember when I use this I am used to you are used to my friend is used to I am describing something that might say my friend or my I am familiar with I am accustomed to okay so if you don't know the word accustomed if you don't know the word familiar then you have to Google them because if you don't understand these words you will not understand the explanation of these structure okay and again as I said this is not a very basic structure this is a lesson for pre-intermediate and other levels but not before that okay now I'm used to Jack it takes time but you learn to like him okay so what am I saying there here I'm used to Jack I'm used to someone so I'm used to Jack I know he's boring it's just in the beginning after some time you really learn to love the guy he's really nice you'll see you see give him a chance so when I say I'm used to Jack I'm saying that I am accustomed to Jack he's not a he's add to his personality everything about Jack is not estranged to me anymore I am familiar with the way he is so now I am used to Jack okay and it takes time but you learn to like him and I think this is true in many stories you know when you first get to know someone you don't really like the person but after some time you become accustomed to that person okay now I am not used to this kind of accent so maybe someone from Ireland it starts talking to me and I your you're Irish yes like oh I'm not used to this accent I'm sorry your accent is very different so I'm not familiar with your Irish accent ah this this accent is a strange to me and when I say strange I'm not saying this in the negative way okay you you're strange no I'm saying it's a strange because it's new to me I have no experience I'm not familiar with this different accent okay it's the same thing if I go all the way north of Brazil I don't know many people in the North I know that if I start talking to them the accent will be strange to me because it's different from my accent here in San Paulo and I'm not really from some Paulo per se I'm from the countryside of são Paulo so my accent is even different to people who live in the capital who people who are born in the capital my accent is different in Portuguese okay moving on let's take a look at more examples oh and one important thing that I forgot to mention about be used to be used to and get used to I will explain the difference between them because there's a small difference okay every time there is a verb because there will be a verb in many situations remember I can I can be used to people to things to action situations if there is a verb after - in this case it has to be in the gerund form ing I'm used to doing he's used to having they are used to dancing I'm not used to cooking okay ah but teacher how about he used to know different structure okay so if I am describing a past activity I used to dance I used to go out a lot when I was a child if there is a verb which is very common most cases there will be a verb know ing its infinitive and you don't use too because there's already a two here okay not here if there's a verb it goes in the gerund form I am used to making videos on YouTube from Monday to Friday so I am accustomed to making videos on YouTube this is not a strange to me anymore I'm very familiar with the way YouTube works okay more examples I'm not used to having such nice neighbors so let's say I moved to another neighborhood you know new apartment then my neighbors are super friendly super nice and kind and sweet so I call my my my best friend and he asks me about my new place my new apartment and I say wow everything's great you know I'm not used to having nice neighbors they're great they even made me cookies yes dream neighbors oh my stomach um so when I say that I'm not I can use in the negative form okay I'm saying this is a new experience to me I'm not familiar with this experience so if I say in the affirmative if I use this in an affirmative sentence I say I am familiar you feet if it is a negative sentence I'm not familiar okay so I'm not familiar with having good neighbors kind neighbors nice neighbors okay this is a new experience to me I'm not familiar with this experience on the other hand if it's an affirmative sentence then this is not new to me okay so let's see the next example Peter he is used to working hard he got his first job when he was 10 years old so when I say he's used to working hard this is not new to him working hard is not something strange and familiar to him because he started working when he was 10 so this is something he really feels comfortable about okay it's not new to him he's got experience he knows this stuff now next example is true to me I'm not used to driving in these no I'm not familiar with this this is a strange experience to me but Priscilla you lived in Boston yeah but even though there was snow in Boston I believe I drove twice or three times and there's no there wasn't really heavy snow during the time I drove there so I'm not really used to driving in the snow okay next example my mom is used to getting up really early in the morning so it's an affirmative sentence so when I say that I'm saying my mom is really familiar with this priscila she's familiar with what getting up early so she has done that she has been doing that for years since she was young so getting up early to her it's not different it's not strange she has experience she knows this stuff so my mom is used to getting up early in the morning so here when I use be used to I'm describing something I am familiar that I have experience with and this is important because this will lead me to like and share aha that's important that's the stuff so if you're enjoying the lesson I ask you to support the channel and hit the like button and if possible share this lesson when you share it's because of you sharing the lesson that my channel grows so by doing that you're not just helping me grow the channel but you're also helping me grow this community and help other students to learn this lesson okay so make sure to share now get used to huh you can get used to someone something or a situation in action and again gerund if it's an action that you are getting used to you will use the verb in the gerund form now these structure is very commonly used to describe present past and future no be here okay no problems now be used to as I said not so common in the future but get used to yes and you will understand why because there's a difference between get used to and be used to now whenever I use get used to I am focusing on the process of becoming a - something when I say be used to something I am focusing on the result you are accustomed when I use get you are getting you are in the process of becoming accustomed to something that is the biggest in very important difference between get used to and be used to okay so if you get used to something you become accustomed to that thing okay now if you use verb to be I'm saying you are used to something or not if it's a negative sentence okay so let's say I move to a new apartment again think about this I moved to a new apartment new life new neighbors then I'm talking to my friends about the experience and I say oh my god my neighbors are very noisy but I got used to them okay after a few months well I moved already for a long time okay but after a few months I really got used to them so what am I saying here it took me some time to become accustomed to the noisy neighbors but eventually this happened I became familiar I became accustomed to this so this verb get gives me the ideal of the process verb to be doesn't okay if I say I am used to my neighbors I'm not describing the importance of the process behind it but if I use get to I am showing that it took time there was a process behind it okay until I got used and here I really became accustomed to my neighbors and eventually after a few months it happened I became accustomed to them now let's say I changed my routine and I never woke up early before I always woke up late and there one after some time in my life I decided to get up early then after a few months I shared the experience with my friends with my family and I say wow I'm getting used to getting up early so when I say that I am getting this is continuous I am getting used to getting up early very repetitive but I can say that different gets here I'm telling someone I'm telling my friend that I am becoming accustomed to getting up early in the morning I am not 100% there like in the first example I got simple pass so there was a process and it happened and I indicate this process but here I am getting so it's happening gradually okay I'm getting used to getting up early in the morning I am becoming accustomed I am learning to change this habit I'm not 100% there but I am in the process of it okay now more examples because I believe the examples will help you okay the son and the father they're having a conversation son what now I have to make my bed every morning I can't believe it ah then the father tells the son don't worry son you will get used to it okay what is this it making the bed okay he will become accustomed to making the bad at after some point here we will achieve this level in his life okay I know it's a little dramatic but this conversation exists okay happens now I'm saying here that he will go through a process he will have a process of becoming familiar with making his bed every day he will there will be a time when he will adjust and adapt to this new change in his life okay next example so Anna Anna and Peter so Anna asks Peter so he Peter how'd you like your new job and then Peter says well I'm still getting used to the new routine so when I say this I'm not saying I am used to the new routine I'm saying I mean the process I'm getting used to the new routine if I said here well I got used to the routine if I said I got used I said that now I'm already okay okay I went through the process I had a process to become comfortable to become familiar with the process and it happened so this is a very important difference between get used to and be used to so tell me here in the comments are you getting used to the quarantine me not really I can't say I'm getting used to the quarantine I think this will never be something that I will feel comfortable with other than that my friends make sure to share this lesson with your friends and hit the like button thank you so much and I'll see you tomorrow for another English lesson bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 7,065
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Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, vocabulary lesson, learn english vocabulary, vocabulary, improve your english, used to, get used to, be used to, be used to and get used to, grammar explanation, how to use get used to in english, be used to in english, be or get used to, learn english grammar, used to in english grammar, get used to como usar, how to use used to in english grammar
Id: QwOVkqGUBpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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