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i think it's live it's starting yes we are one second in what's up ladies and gentlemen how is everybody doing look we got a whole bunch of people already in the chat um we're doing a stream yard today very different we don't usually do stream yards but i wanted to go live and do a facebook and youtube opening of this box this has been a much anticipation for me as well as a lot of people who follow my channel so this is kind of exciting um yeah we're gonna have a big cross platform live tonight we're gonna be opening up a very exciting box i paid um 40 4 670 bucks to undo to to have this entire box right here graded by psa really what's up look we got all sorts of people in the house look at this we got chris laura john all sorts of people i got um on my chat is shows i'm not sure if everybody can see uh facebook can see youtube chats and youtube can see facebook chats but here in the middle of stream yard i can see both at the same time so that's pretty cool i get that luxury i don't know if you guys can see that but thank you for adding captions awesome j i try to add captions i don't know how that works um what's up mom and g what's up uncle mike style up the world did you just assume my gender i did not i did not assume your gender i apologize if it came out that way i would never do that jack in the house locker nuts what up zygon tiger deborah linda who very exciting we got this exciting box right here boom we are going to be opening this up like i said i got lucky grading is out of control right now real quick a little conversation about grading so much is happening i was watching my friend pittsburgh today his live and apparently all stuff is crazy so this last week psa decided the price i guess to like 75 card and then that wasn't enough they decided to haul to all grading and only allow you to express it's just 300 per grading that's all you get so in the meantime this other company sgc or something that's not even as good price wise it's horrible they went from going like 15 to 20 and i guess they're upping to 75 a car so i am really glad that i uh graded these cards in the time frame i did because if i would have waited any longer i would be hmm i don't want to curse but a bad word right there put enter that right here um there are lots of services out there but if you are doing right if you're grading the right card like i'm not just gonna grade every single rookie card i'm looking for certain cards when i grade a card it has to have the potential of being like five eight hundred to a thousand dollars minimum worst case scenario at nine bringing it down to like 50 to 100 but um it's um that is my whole game plan behind grade i don't want to grade a hundred dollar card i i don't know if there's there's many ways you could do it so i don't want to use a lesser service because i'm not doing that i want to go with the fact that my cards ain't the best value which now it's at a standstill because psa is is the rule of thumb and now they're like they're like hey nobody can send us cards no more great we're getting another order ready as we speak we are sending off like 48 cards to beckett i'm going to try beckett this time which is horrible because look i can show you right here let me see if i have this photo right here says nine months nine month wait time right here in month wait time for a basic economy card to be graded with beckett right now which is like the second i switched to buying graded cars and that smart move candy um so basically yes jack that look at that jen jack noticed uh my spray i did a spray on pink mohawk today guys throwback today in celebration this box i got a spray on it's not permanent it's not permanent don't get don't get carried away it's not permanent but throw back spray on pink mohawk for this special occasion of opening up these 92 cards and seeing what we got so basically i'm sending the next set in the back i'm going to give them a try i got some great cards so lebron is one of the there's the main card i'm going to express grade that and then i'm going to send the rest in economy i'm going to see how it goes a lot of people scared me and they said um oh it's gonna take you seven eight months to get your cards and and that is a very true in psa i got lucky and they just threw me in on what the universe was watching whatever the case may be because now they're charging people um a whole lot more money to great they're charging off hold more money get a card than i would pay now and i'm very thankful for because i cannot you know it's not easy it's not easy to throw around money like that it's like it's kind of a gamble right um do you ha here's it's like saying here i have a 25 bill this is my 25 bill i'm gonna spend 50 to maybe make it a thousand dollar bill or a ten dollar bill because i i'm gonna bet you money i i don't have time i wish that i was fast enough to where i can pull out each card google it real quick the highest price and see what it sells for on ebay etc but i don't have time to do that um but i can bet you that there's like 12 cards in here that are not worth what i graded i can bet that there's 12 cards in here that are not worth what i graded i'm willing to bet 12 of them are less than 50. at least 12. um i don't want to will myself to have more than that but i'm saying 12 of them got to be not worth grading see reselling butcher i was hearing rumors today or or figures were being thrown around that there is 10 million cards waiting to be graded 10 million cards waiting to be great at psa so that makes me think this box right here we're about to do this box here is 92 cards but you have to what what i'm thinking about now is i kind of want to save some of these cards at the same time enter 10 million more cards to the market is that going to drive the price down or do i want to sell mine as fast as i can for the most money and have the cash that says 13 million see what i'm talking about 13 million cards in psa waiting to be that's that's ludicrous guys that's ludicrous 13 million cards i that's going to bring mine down it makes me think i kind of want to i kind of want to sell real fast but who's ready to get started we have any predictions do we have any predictions does anybody have any any encouraging words thank you pickers whatever i think i'm going to do i'm going to start grading tonight i almost want to start grading last or uh up uh posted last night i didn't have time awesome uh right before the steaming money hit recently i don't know what it is i said i got lucky because it's literally i sent the the cards got processed on the 21st lebron 20 versus three days after i sent it and here we are a little over two months i got freaking lucky i got freaking lucky to get my cards back this fast and i'm excited so excited we got like i said we got the spray on pink mohawk only i can't believe only jack noticed that come on guys come on let's see if this allows me to no i don't see the facebook chat on this only i'm looking at my different windows here we got a couple okay there we go there's a chat window there enrique what's up kevin jason open the box okay let's we're going to open the box let's go give it gotta give it a minute to warm up you know what i mean we got 156 here in youtube how many we got on facebook we got at least a good 100 there that's a good amount of number uh okay real quick i'm gonna tell you i i i gambled i didn't i've never done this before at all but life's a learning lesson real quick i'm gonna we're got eight minutes in give me like two minutes we're gonna get started um life's a learning lesson right i believe sometimes it costs money to learn a lesson we're done from here or will understand the process i only learned through experience it cost me a little bit of money to figure this out but i sent a handful of garbage kids in and now i'll probably learn what i will send in next time and what i want but i had to try it i sent in i think seven pokemon one of them was the first edition yellow cheeks i sent in like five charmander shadow list to get a good idea if i send in five or one via ten something like i don't remember exact numbers but i sent handfuls of things and some of this is a learning lesson that's why i said a couple i'm willing to bet a handful of these cards i lost money on i took a 50 bill and i wiped a turbo fit basically because it's the life lesson you learn through processes like this but the fact is i'll know next time and when i'm willing to grade it'll be a wiser process but i can promise a couple of these cards in here that i know for a fact they had to charge me more they sent me email and they're like mike we need you to pay more i got giddy i had to peek i kind of know what the ones they charged more for i didn't look at the whole thing but whatever anyway has to build up the drama yes lana you have to build up the excitement let's get some people in here hit the like button real quick don't forget oh let's cut the commercial this is brought to you by i'm just kidding hit the like button for real look we got 174 in the chat we got 60 likes let's hit a couple likes locker nuts in the house don't forget if you guys watch locker nuts a good buddy of mine five of these cards belong to jack and i jack and i have the the pete pete marriage rookie could be big money it could be fair from five figures all the way down to a thousand dollars right we got a pete maravich we got a shaquille o'neal rookie we got a herschel walker rookie we got a team yankees card and we got one other card that i'm drawing a blank i'll see it when i see it i'll know it's jack and eyes but five cards belong to locker nuts and the rest are my oh one one card is michaela's i'm probably not gonna show it but we're going to uh let her she wants me to hide the card not show her card and then you guys got to go to her channel to watch her one card she graded a pokemon um very we got 185 who's ready who's ready if you already hit the like button i'm gonna go do this let's do this let's do this we can turn this on we could turn this can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me blink twice speak now say why say something i want to know you can hear me because i switched over to the cameras can you hear me now sounds off okay i think i fixed it okay what's up spencer 187 in the chat here we go look at this nicely packed look at that sealed i'm so giddy right now i'm so getting what if we just stopped right now and take another commercial break you know how you know how i like to do it cut to commercials commercial would that be funny if this really wasn't even the psa cards and i thought it was but it was really something else that we still have to wait for the psa cards to come what would that be come on that'd be really aggravating wouldn't that be awesome if this was not the psa cards and i was totally wrong all the time we got all this together there was no card would that just be freaking awesome but oh giddy look at this if i flip the camera if i go like this if you go like this and it brings it back like that and this is you can see who's in facebook it's a psa shirt and sun visor this is the facebook chat and this is the youtube chat right here all right this is exciting which one should we do how do i know do i know which one i want to do first let's just pick one this is so exciting there's 92 cards so what's that 20 per piece you got to sleep at all in plastic sleeves they're all going to be oh this is i need to slow down slow down michael let's go like this this is the only way you ever pick anything in life if anybody tells you different they don't know what they're talking about this is the only way to pick something any meanie my nemo catch a tiger by its toe if he hollers let him go my mom told me to pick the very best one and you are it it's the only way to go this is it nervous forty six hundred and seventy dollars i invested into this most of this came out of a nine hundred dollar storage unit a couple things came from something else let's see what we got here okay let's save the paperwork for later we don't need to look at the paperwork right do we have any reason to look at the paperwork nope it tells me what i estimated the cards to be worth here we go ebay grab and flip i've never don't have any idea what i'm about to see oh i think this is this is ours jack is j is jack is jack in the house jack in the house jack are you in the house jack this is our card right here you ready to see because this is our this one's ours jack this one is our card right here let's see um there's actually it looks like there's there's more one more than one oh there was that's right i did a another big card okay i'm excited here it is jack we got a six and that's pretty crazy because this card is in pretty dang shape but this is a learning lesson like i said ex six i still think that's over a thousand dollars i don't know off the top of my head i'm quite sure that that is worth a thousand dollars there's no questions no nothing asked who okay then oh this was jack and eyes too this was jack and eyes right here i think this one was jack and ice this got a five and i thought that was pretty decent but that just goes to show you lesson learned not even close to a a high grade i think this one i got out of the basketball unit i don't know why i did it it was a four i obviously knew it was bad with this corner right here but it's hits lou alcindor so i believe this one i wanted to see what it was like no matter what there we go three cards so far good money in my eyes still though still cool because look up these cards without a grade and then look up this card now with the grade six very very wise investment right there what have we got come on here are the cards that were not good enough to grade this must be them they gave these n6 errors i don't know why they same thing that happened with the uh with the lebron from them it's a good car look that's a creed of dojo bar but i guess they're saying it's cut too short right so we didn't get either of these these two got a refund that's sad right i said my opinion that's a little sad a little sad to me are you keeping an eye on everybody okay you can talk to people if you wanted to let me see i want to make sure that your part is not in here is it in here is it this one right here yeah that's it all right well hold on a second if you want to see this card right here this one the salt princess grated very worth your time if you enjoy pokemon she will show this grade on her channel i didn't want to show because she asked me not to here see here's an example now i told you guys i did several of these look this thing looked meant to me kind of you could see a spot right there almost which is weird i don't think the card had a spot like that but i tried to examine them all this got an eight then i had a handful of these which i kind of regret i don't know what made me even comment below right now if you know anything about cards i probably shouldn't have tried to grade this card i don't know what i was thinking i thought i saw it as like a five or 800 card i think i was wrong but we got an eight we got a nine and i'm looking once again these are flawless cards you look at them they look really flawless so we got two eights and a nine on those and eight on the charmander charmeleon hello west on my kyle mine is a nine all right my mine's a six we got a six on on that okay here we go and here we go see like i said i did it again a number eight look at the look at the condition on this all right this card here i was hoping for a nine look look at the condition of my montana we got a seven i'm not mad i'm not mad i paid 300 for two of them or something like that or 250 for two of them i sold one in a charity auction which i donated to somebody who got like 500 for the lot and we graded this one for 50. i'm definitely making profit on this purchase this did not come from a storage unit i bought two of them for a certain price but look it's a seven and a little bit of investment but i'm i really thought that that one was going to be a better card i thought it was going to be a little higher grade see i'm a little disappointed because when you look at that i can't tell you why it got a seven i felt it was better this card here i was hoping for a six or seven i can see the corner ding there but i thought it was still a good shape now actually you could see the centering's off i like steve young to me he's a he was my favorite quarterback more than joe montana i felt that he worked harder to make the great team whereas joe montana had like every great player known the existence on that 49er team but still top two favorite quarterbacks we have this card i thought that this is great i looked this one up and for some reason a 10 was a high card right but look off-centered slight bit but i thought it was flawless and look we got a seven you see that we got a seven and that looks pretty flawless to me that looks pretty flawless now this card here this these two i'm gonna go do two at once here these are both jack and ice this card i thought for sure was a possible ten look at that the centering is pretty legit the corners are great this in a 10 is 1500 bucks i was willing to gamble that because it was 1500 bucks we got an eight look at that it's pretty dang flawless is anybody trying to anybody say something i need to uh we need to discuss or anything yeah you could see like this one i wanted to do this one because we didn't do any old cards jack and i had a handful of them um all right let's come over here let me see all right we are one box through we are one box dude what do you guys think what do you guys think are you drinking my soda i might be i might be i'm sorry what do you guys think so far one box deep we got four more to go like i said i told you some cards let's do some bebo all right let's get into some people i'm gonna get back over there i'm excited i'm excited here we go wish i should be making a tick tock and you maybe grab my phone and take a tick tock video of this for me right now we'll just make some footage within a tick-tock manner so that i have something later to put on tick-tock with all this and then i'll do some more footage thank you all right here we go this might be one of the good ones hold on right now we have this though a julius ervin in a five not bad what are you gonna do like that was a good card i had to try it we have this right here and an eight an eight that's probably a good grade right what does an eights mean um h3 you know what st which is weird that's an eight because that seems like it's not as good as the montana i think the montana could have got an eight but whatever we got an eight on this magic johnson right here i'm very pleased with that we got a kobe a six sadly i was hoping this one would be better but i don't know why he got such a low one oh look is that cornell yeah the corner is ding right i see that now i wasn't as picky i wasn't as picky when i sent these off that's good just like a little b-roll of everything is kind of what you do now here we go learning learning learning example here blasted billy this one had a ding and a ding but it looked in pretty great shape i got a five i would probably that might not be worth the 50 i sent i'm uncertain but i don't know off top of my head this one here that's cool i can accept the nine i can accept the nine on this one i could accept a nine on this card right here i would have liked the ten it looks pretty flawless but look at the condition you can see it's flawless money right here kobe bryant nine anything this one i'm a little sad on i'm a little sad on this one why we got a six on this i like to talk to the guy who graded this one if you got my number call me look at that where's my why is that a six this looks flawless i don't know i want to talk to him look at this one watch this card yes that's good i like this one of lebron james's rookie is not of his greater rookies but this is cool i think this puts this card over four digits this card is worth over a thousand i'm pretty sure not 900 sure maybe like 400 percent sure but i think this is over a thousand dollar card right here look at that round ball lebron james i don't even like lebron james really don't get mad at me a nine i was hoping for a 10 on this one i'm not mad though i'm not mad i'm not mad but i was hoping for a 10 on this one this one i thought would be a little bit higher too because let me see like i said i'm getting this next batch of cards i'm a little more stiffer on i would still probably grade this card if i had found it just to gamble anything kobe is hot right now look at that clear metal jack this one's ours right here this one's ours jack a five what in the fork stick um i see it that's weird look at how i didn't notice it was that bad there before you see that i don't think i would have graded that now that i i would have never i would have told jack we could burn this in a video no we wouldn't have done that but here we go here we go kobe 8.5 okay i'm not mad i'm not mad it could have been a little better could have been a little better could have been a little better but 8.5 isn't bad another one a five see why in the hell is that a five that was a waste of money this is not worth this isn't i don't get it what made that a fight look you know what's weird i feel like there was damage look at that see that card right there in the corner i don't feel like the card had that corner where's ben benji are you in the chat do you see that benji did we send it like that benji what happened there and eight this is the one i was hoping for would be a more maybe now maybe not one of them was i was hoping for it to be one of those carmelo anthony's is worth more an eight that's interesting too i thought that was in good shape too but like i said it's a learning lesson i'm learning a lot about cards here we go michael jordan this was not no look at this this something ain't right here this is what pisses me off like i i know i got some good cars coming but look this car did not get set like this we did not send this card bentley look at that you see that somebody folded that card in half yeah at 1.5 that's bad i'm a little upset right here there's no way in hell no way in hell we have no i'm pissed right now okay you can go back over and watch the chat look at this there's no way oh can you make the uh right now there's no way that that this happened i did not send what do we do about this because i did not send cards like this i'm looking at my cards now i now i'm seeing a couple cards that i'm i'm reflective on what was the other one this card right here this card was flawless it didn't have whatever that other kobe bryant was and there's no way in hell i sent this card like this there's no way i sent a card like that yeah it's beyond weird i'm pissed right now if you took pictures before i should have a whole thing that's look at this one 8.5 wow nice that's all right i'll live with that this is kind of one you might just save for the rest of your life right here what made it 8.5 because it's in flawless shape oh here we go here we go this is the larry bird autograph a nine we got a nine on the larry bird autograph i think that makes that a good card i think that makes it a good card in my opinion larry bird look at that nine with the autograph whoof pretty flawless these foil cards are tough okay guess right now 2004 rookie exclusive bom look at that that's a 10. this card right here is some money right here this is a this is a very good card one of the cards that i'm contemplating i might just keep for a while i don't know should i save this for another 20 years or should i sell this like hotcakes right now this one is money right here tell me that ain't sweet and a nine this card right here in a nine is a very good card guys this card is hard to get um there's a there's only two thousand of them and they don't usually grade a nine there's a tough grade a grade nine is actually really good in this card i'm very excited about this one too okay these two right here you don't even i'm telling you even a nine this right here as well wow factor like unbelievable ah 284 in a chat look at that let's see real quick come here what do you guys think should we call it a wrap now just save the other three for another night we could do it maybe uh tomorrow night or something maybe saturday or you guys want to finish the other three is this i don't want it to be too boring i don't want this to be echo boring or nothing i'll just open them all wrap them no wanna go another box one more box we got a lot of people in the house i'm loving it i'm loving this 290 watching baby girl there's 290 in the chat do them all all right let's do it i'm not watching the chat right now so let's do this one i'm so this is so can you put the big window up again for just the thing do you have to do that you hit the little window on the bit on that photo no you ruined it here we got a five another one look at that flawless i thought in my eyes this one was really good but oh off center and then we have this one this one was dinged but it's like that's how you do it you have to do several of them and then we got this one blasted billy sticker glossy look at that sticker checklist sticker glossy stickers whatever i lost on doing that i probably could this is a lesson learned because i could have sold those ungraded for more money probably than what we have right there ah i thought that was gonna be better didn't you yeah now see that's the lesson learned you can look at that card and realize okay if it looks like that it's a six that's what i'm talking about that and the ten was a really good card this in a six is toilet paper right no not toilet paper this one was a really good card it was a 10 a a seven street i don't think is very good but still we got a handful look this one right here in a grade 10 was a 12 000 card i knew it wasn't gonna be maybe a ten thousand because you could see the ding but i wanted to grade it anyway lesson learned same with this all these intense were really good cars i did some research i want this is like an 800 card or something like that i think it was pretty high up there i wanted a grade and we got a five seven and six i don't know if i'll grade uh garbage pail kids again especially with the way that they have manipulated the market on all of those let's see what we got here we got a pokemon oh yellow cheeks got a six that's a bummer too look at that oh man camo piss that sucks might as well spread that one out oh look there's a dirt spot there what's that might as well break it open without it break it open itself that's you know what i don't like about doing that which i know many people do is this deception if you have to go and do that you're deceiving the world it's only going to bring you bad karma long run don't you think the universe remembers yeah something like that last thing to be learned to you that i wouldn't do that because then you're going to be buying a lot of cards of that nature because you entered that energy to the universe you know i'd rather sell it for the loss at this point or keep it keep it maybe 20 years from now that card's worth more i don't know but i sure don't want to break it out and pretend it's not what it is now look at here's what we thought was a 10 didn't we we thought for sure this was a 10. nope it's a 7. this looks so flawless first edition shadowless that would have been a great card in a 10. and a seven that's i don't know a six look at that what are we gonna do with that they're all shadows though yeah the who whoopty doo we got shadowless 20 bills nice six i'm i'm still that learning lesson like i said i don't know i'm just not i wanted higher grades this one we could see we shouldn't agree to retrospect i wouldn't have graded this one see that i'm so i didn't even put i don't think i did any pokemon in my maybe two in my most recent submission because i want i went really super picky look at this one an eight and i thought for sure would be a but it's not a first edition so this and an eight is we shouldn't even grade this if it's not a shadow that's right what are the reasons this one's not hollow i guess you could see why it's an eight right there see that's what i'm saying learning lessons learning lessons this is a a big learning lesson for me an eight and a charmander how do you say it michael charmander what do you think about an eight sounds pretty bad no how about a pair of eights how about a 8.5 no and these aren't even first editions either but i wanted it i wanted to grade several cards i wanted to learn so we know what an 8.5 looks like you can always look at this now you'll forever know michael yeah we got an 8 and an 8 and a 7.5 wow so yeah that's kind of disappointing what did you say we said that how do you guys think kind of disappointing i don't know let's go over here let's go over here to see if everybody see over here let's remember this button right here whoo we can go like this through new comments how many we never steal by information yeah mama g you're right you're right it's still valuable information should have left to be prepped and send your cards uh every day i'm hustling um yeah do you uh i gotta hold other batch i'm sending a beckett now i appreciate that i i know i didn't know i know we talked about that but i don't know how that works either i don't know how that works um this card awesome anthony a lot of them together psa will switch cards on you if they have one in bad condition and yours is better edward actually i swear to god i swear they did that on a few of my cards you guys want to do one more box let's keep going let's keep going one more box we still got a lot of people in the house we're on a live right now come on come on over here i i already know that three of these cards were good and i know that this could be one of them isn't it yes it is that's a good one look at that ted that's a good car what's this one an eight that's a good card ah a one a one one that's a good card right there actually nine this is actually not bad in the nine not bad in the nine that's a good one i'm sending one of these in right now to beckett actually that in a 10 is a good card listening 10 is an actually is a pretty decent card in a 10. i'm very happy about that one and surprisingly i don't think that's one of the ones they charged me extra for so we got that in a 10. that's pretty cool in my eyes two tens everybody read the comments you could you could talk to people too it's not a big deal i wouldn't get mad let's see here wonderful yes and then oh yeah it's gonna get these confused a nine a one and an eight now i'm not mad damn look at that see my card was not like that um this was you can't complain cuz like this they would have switched my card out right they wouldn't have gave me that but i could tell you this i my car did not have what is that it's like they added an extra stick to my card do you see that let's start the bidding on those picksberg says oh i love you are you ready for another one ah a nine this is a good card in ten oh a nine it's still a good card i wish it was a ten a nine three nines ain't bad though i'll tell you right now i'll take three nines like that i wish those were tens but i i what are you gonna do that's still pretty tight tell me that ain't nice three nines in your card so who said that i'm i'm upset because i look i know more my cars look like i did not send a card broke in half like that i promise on everything on you people keep saying they don't switch out cards man they're getting mad at you it's all right they can get mad at me on your life michaela i did not send a broken and a half card on everything i don't know when i'm gonna do my review i'm probably gonna make a video tonight a six what is up with these these are tough grades or what what's two two sixes i can try and upload it tonight but i haven't uploaded a video [Music] oh so we got a nine and eight uh now this is one of those things where i really shouldn't have graded these tim duncan rookies but i had like six of them and i wanted to see how well a card becomes a 10. so i sent a handful of them in there should be more so we got an eight nine six and six hello that man lebron james rookie an eight bummer lebron james rookie an eight bummer lebron james rookie nine huh sorry lebron james rookie is seven oh yeah you can see see now i know better i wouldn't have sent that one and see how the left is cut and the right's not i would not have sent that one in i would know better and eight i had a rin i'd have still tried that one because it looks pretty darn legit now we got some kobe versions and eight i wouldn't have sent this one in c see how the bottom's lower and the top is broken i wouldn't have sent that one in now with the knowledge i have now or are they like that no because that's a nine maybe i would okay something still makes that almost a ten not bad i like that kobe so i got that's pretty tight at least we got no not funny all right one final box let's see here one final boss hold on a second here one box left guys one box left and i'm quite sure we have not seen the best cards yet i'm quite sure we have not seen the best card still 318 in the house so this must be somewhat exciting do you guys want to do one more last box mama g i've spent 4 670 bucks they charged me 50 bucks a card right which i got lucky because when i sent it in they wouldn't give me this uh i i uh had two of them come back and six they don't charge me three got an extra 25 charge but i would have paid more because now it's ridiculous they wouldn't even grade it but nonetheless it was 4 670 for 92 cards pin it up do it all right let's do that last box i'm quite sure we're about to see the best cards in the law let's see it i have a feeling that those are the ones all right another one an eight kobe bryant collegiate 1996 an eight kobe bryant collegiate a seven interesting because that's a really good card i thought but then again i sent a bunch of them because you're testing a soft corner there an 8 same card an eight a nine not bad and an eight okay they're all the same card i did a lot of those but those are kobe rookies so i don't kobe rookie's like the hottest card in the world right now i think in my opinion kobe 8. anybody commenting kobe 8. pirate i'll give 40 for the coughing a nine a nine a seven an eight a nine whoo you get one ten so how many did that take to get a ten how many that take to get a ten please gently one two three four five one of them is a ten that's a pretty decent card in a ten i'm pretty sure was that i think i want to say 800 i could be wrong don't i'm could be wrong okay five cards they're all the same [Laughter] who's ready for these ones oh look at that this is the money guys right here this card right here chills down my spine right there for that one [Laughter] a nine that's still great in this card an eight and an eight these right here i sent five of these in the luck to be able to get two of these in a 10. jackpot these are very very good cards right here very nice yes uh it's they sell all over the place pat uh they sell all over the place let me show you um i i know that i'm just going i'll show you the highest um this is the highest come in no the west no it's a disney channel there's my movie can you show this up close baby girl the uh hit the button this is the highest sale somebody sold three of them for 28 one of them best offer 20 one for 24 000 and then one for 16 000 okay that's the highest sales on those four recently i'm not saying that that's what these two are worth what i'm saying i like to shoot for the moon and these two are lit they're a lot of money these two individually are a lot of money this right here is over a thousand and i think even the eights are still holding a 700 value i could be wrong but i think even the eights or seven eight hundred bucks right now this is very exciting to get back these five right here um i'm speechless on those because i got this other one here like example this 10 right here very good card right here i'm gonna list very high no [Music] is i don't know i never heard that before everybody says the office i've never i usually see a bgs i sent this super chat i didn't even see your super chat bc but if i apologize maybe with the beginning i can't even see it anymore i can't there's still 300 a chat wow amazing what do you guys think what do you guys think let's see let's hear some comments here let me look in the chat here i'm going to see both facebook pirate struck gold thank you anthony i appreciate that i mean i'm sending in more too i'm sending in i'm sending in another 48 cards now i got 48 cards several of my kobe rookies i got the lebron james very rare signed rookie going to beckett and a handful of really quality yu-gi-oh first edition cards a whole bunch of stuff some jordans what are you sitting around oh it is a piece of cards are through the roof amazing best collection seen in a while awesome chris says kobe tops rookie psa if so for six thousand yeah it's all over the map yeah pat thank you you you did actually give me some good advice on the card you did give me some good advice on the cards uh there's some good ones that what's the uh this one let me show this one again this is the one that i think this this is a sleeper car here which where's it at it's a sleeper that one of them is a real good sleeper car it's 2500 alumni these right here and nines are decent i wish those with pins you can't complain about that um there was one that's a good a good 10. a good quality 10. 50 000 for what ryan no not then oh i think he's talking about my uh lebron no where is that a lot of a lot of regular little bit of cards i wish i did some of these i really wish i didn't grade i would be so different now where's the one carter do you have any idea what one card no it's not that one this is a decent card in the nine that's decent and nine eight point five there's one really i'm disappointed in this though i don't know what to say i'm speechless i did not send this card in bent in half these eights that's not a good one no the one lebron i want to show the one lebron 10. that one that's a really decent card oh i don't know i have my card in my hand oh you got your card hidden yeah i'm going to make my video about it after i get my light back i guess i can't see the lebron it just disappeared on me this one right here that's what i was looking to show this is a very good card i think that's worth a several that's a worth a few bucks right there a few bucks it's worth a few bucks that's worth a few bucks there's a lot of money here there's a fair amount of money um let me wrap this up let me see here in this little see here yeah i'm excited um i had a card shop for 20 years what goes up must come down exactly um you definitely want to sell the peak of things you definitely want to sell the peak of things i'm going to probably list some several to ebay um we don't want our repeat of the art yeah um i agree marauder but nfts are changing the game apparently michael j michael cards are big it doesn't always last get them out here fast yep amen to that we got a lot of people still in the chest those are 320 we're gonna wrap this live up i'm probably gonna if you guys are interested i'll probably do an auction tomorrow i tried to go to an auction a day you answer out of control i wanted one for about 500 watch to go for 2400 i can't do it i can't be that guy who's who's um trying to show his eggplant around everybody at the auction i'll just not buy for a while work different in different means i'm hoping that things tone it down soon uh what's the tax time is almost over et cetera et cetera maybe auctions will be a little more reasonable but until they do i'm not going to throw money around i'm not going to do it i got to focus on cleaning house etc etc so videos are kind of hard to get out right now because of that i don't know justin i don't know what this means i i was almost gonna film i mean the little woman went to safeway today right i i should shoot not i almost was gonna make a video like i paid 400 for all this and just did a reveal of my shopping because i don't know what to film right now i have nothing nothing so i was almost gonna make like a unveil of my groceries because i don't know what to do at this point because i'm not gonna buy units i'm not gonna go and spend a thousand bucks and work for two days just to break even to uh make a video i can't do it i'm sorry but i'm just not that guy i'm make an offer for thank you uh thank you spencer thank you appreciate that um spencer really wants the pokemon i bet he does i know he does i'm not even in a hurry spencer my pokemon exactly exactly we can go do couponing channels uh couponing stream coupon can you picture me and justin two cheapest guys at the flea market doing couponing okay i'm gonna go to my room i will give you two eats for uh and i can't do it that's not eat that's only 40 that's under four grand for two for two eats you didn't say which kobe's though yeah he didn't say wish kobe's you were absolutely right i am absolutely right [Music] um tuesday this coming tuesday i have an auction set live on my channel my mom's gonna come help me so if you guys ever want to meet my mother um you see her in a chat sometimes it'll be very interesting she will be here this tuesday she will be helping me with the auction hanging out etc etc um i'm not a fan so far charles i'm not mad because i got a good deal and i i don't like what it's become i wish the card stayed at like 10 20 bucks a card and stuff like that i'd be grading a lot more but i'm i i i regret not doing it sooner before a big jump i regret not doing more um i don't know mother what time her channel's on it's a good question she'll be revealing her one card she got graded she graded a charizard did very well you guys are going to want to watch that i already have some heath you know that car the cards right now are over there thousands of dollars i can put one on ebay and it's like minimum like probably i'll get eight but i'm going ridiculous i'm listing mine for a high uh benji you want to give me right now i don't know i don't have a cash price because i don't really want to i don't i don't know if i'm going to sell them and i look at things differently i don't just go by a medium price or a low price i don't look i don't value my stuff i try to talk dollars though and then plus we have the benji we have the next quarter coming cough cough cough cough cough cough shout out to everybody who came in here and this in this we had a it's a pretty big life we have facebook and youtube i'm pretty sure facebook's still going on i can't tell actually it looks like uh yeah facebook shout out everybody just one time say uh psa type in a psa let's see how many still here from p from facebook and how many are here from youtube because it shows me in the chat here i can see the two conversation but i don't think you all can psa spencer says all right we do have some people we got a couple here in the facebook still awesome i appreciate that shout out to everybody coming together uh and joining the live i'll try to do more streaming art like this where one live i do both at the same time just kind of neat you know it's kind of neat versus just doing one if you don't follow me on facebook please do it if you don't follow me on youtube please do lots of videos on youtube that are not put on facebook yet i'm working trying to get my whole catalog moved from youtube to facebook and you could binge watch a lot of shows on there um put your nine and ten together amen um all these people boom let's uh yeah i'm gonna get done with this i'm gonna go i've been waiting for a while i'll probably get started on listing these i'm gonna list these just because um they need to be listed and it's time to sell i got so much it's this is what i've been working to working my way up i'm hoping that we're going to you know i talked a lot about this this whole we have a plan here at uh very inc and i want to buy a piece of property i want what's the title on lebron in the car um i'll message you jose i want to buy a piece of property i want to build a warehouse i want to get into some other business endeavors on top of the storage business as well as have a nice filming setting for the whole business that i run and this is a good jump in between this what we already did the gems that we're working on selling i'm pretty quite sure we might be fulfilling our dream here in the next couple months my goal is hopefully by july my credit will be right there and we'll be able to slide right in to our next uh are what we've been planning it's been my whole focus that's why i have not been really truly focused on just buying storage units but it's more turning all the things that i've been managed to get lucky enough on into the right avenue so i can fulfill this dream i truly believe once this dream's fulfilled things will be easier to stay fluid i'll be able to buy the units easier i kind of got i got a couple plans but i'm hoping in the next couple months we're going to solidify everything and these things the next becca grading is going to be a little bit of playing et cetera anyway look forward to seeing the express grading on the beckett we will do that on the lebron james real fast like um and yeah i love y'all i'm going to end this live time to go peace out appreciate y'all you don't even know
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 4,772
Rating: 4.8663697 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: fmD0ydTgvQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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