$10,000 NIKE JORDAN’S & LEBRONS & KD’S! I bought an abandoned storage unit found this

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alright it is time to pump it up solar soft moccasins ooh take my shoes oh I like those ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages we are back with another exciting episode of what in the hell do we find in this storage unit right here we got storage stuff but we split this you know why do we split this unit Alex I don't know what could we both wanted the same answer yeah hear about this you're about to see why he liked it yeah this is what we bought basically there's some other stuff in here if you see over here some other boxes so if you profile this unit profile you think ok this guy has lots of Jordans lots of Nikes he has only a few of the boxes so you're gonna speculate this is probably his other personal stuff maybe a box of jerseys maybe a little bit of jewelry maybe some more shoes but it's like a bed and all of his personal items that the ones you're talking these are the same exact ones I have these are expensive shoes are here these are very expensive shoes the 150 and then if you want to get a little more crazier Kobe Bryant's I don't you know it's funny though even though they're ugly I probably still wear those crazy there's a looks about 80 pairs of shoes right here in this we're gonna start going through them now one time we're gonna start off here these are freakin heavy how do you what's possibly can be the least expensive but those are pretty sweet heavy those are heavy they might be a little exclusive you see you like the suede see and then look at Dan California if those were your size I could see you wearing oh yeah sure I would wear these so close and we got silica yeah oh there's a real nice squeeze into these ain't cheap I guarantee you parking in the beginning about the glow speckle this time yeah these are pretty nice they're high-top duck hide these are real nice what nice right now are those my size mm if you got a big big old heavy I want want to in full of money it's gotta be nice like he was trapping on the side you know these are like super weird-looking exclus and when you have super weird looking it's kind of good but I want to know how much to sell some ones like these four we don't because you know sometimes some places let out some shoes and yeah they'd be really nice I don't like who you have a style see as it looks very similar the other ones yeah looking at tens and twenties 30s looking at fifties and hundreds weight that might be in the back we're not gonna count it out it just yet headband doesn't probably hire ease though is this yeah he came out with shoes fond okay cool oh yeah I like those these are nice yeah those are really nice he's a fetch probably about 80 bucks yeah in the store the user well honestly they're bigger sizes so you might see a 100 do you see the the insights these are quite exclusive shoes cuz the star yeah and there's no really there's really no no air maxes that you really can't get for under yeah yeah but especially in that size oh we sorry little mama can you give my wife a shout-out for recording for you shoutout to Liz little mama stop real quick shout-out to my camera woman little mama stock I don't forget to go subscribe to her channel because she will be putting out videos so you're gonna have to definitely do that yeah but we're still looking at him I'm telling you like if we get average 20 30 bucks for the little but I'm telling you even she was like that'd be like maybe 45 50 bucks you will have to excuse me big sizes my word is that everybody we had a late night at Uncle Michael son's wedding mm-hmm slow going today late night being an understatement maybe yeah I don't know what tell me Cody who's Paul Rodriguez they're your brother no but you know what I think that's a comedian seriously Paul Rogers a comedian that because the zoomies they paid ninety four dollars for these Thank You Paul Rodriguez seven pretty probably athlete that we don't know that'd be a good if you know that is go in their comments and leave the comment what that is and if you it is east cost their wipers something ace zoom but what I was saying if you have like average like sizes and shoes and clothes you pay like normal prices but when you're like a size 11 o a random bag let me pick one out for you to build a random bag you know what how about you go through about that box down there love I called is on the gloves trap Oh Coachella did he have a ticket to Coachella what is that a weirdly I bet you those are gonna sell on eBay mm-hmm yeah I don't know what they do Coachella we can't see you like this No Boost Mobile glasses Senior Living okay so this must have been Daniel Wow last thing I'm trying to Z this morning Oh liquor locker challenge Oh non Mike don't even smell that mom I had the last night do not even smell that yes you owe me a car wash and a clean justin Grimes dear me dear me dear me Jeremy what is that that looks expensive it's empty oh don't smell that one for sure I'm feeling sick just touching it I'm feeling sick just I am basically I had a rough night ladies and gentlemen now you smile oh no oh man it's like old man that's for you mate that's why you like will give it on for Michael there you go atlas no battery charger yeah gift cards we found we found money $5 Gratton we got to go to casino now right don't worry we can spend that $5.00 right Oh Boober gift cards oh my called is on that I might need it Starbucks gift card Starbucks gift card well fed at those might have cash on - these are good candles if anybody knows anything about Bath & Body Works house like 14 bucks apiece delivery yeah yeah yeah we're gonna say that you know what that is no him no no there's a guy street fighter in it no I look like Arnold all right it is time to pump it up whoo Artie's the Reebok pumps you you remember these if I a little bit before your time oh yeah these were dope Bentley when I was a surprise super exclusives I don't remember if you 150 maybe I think these are old you should look those up see look at the label that's not a newer labor right this do this do the Google scan I like the Google scan better I always wanted some but I couldn't afford not because my parents only took me to go to buy school shoes so although cool kids Andy's well guess what you got some now no I'm the cool some sort on eBay sorry people you know what that's not working people keep texting me just do your eBay I don't have the eBay account some excellent just Google Reebok Pump omni light metallic what's this where they have got to she's awesome incomes time sir multitasking recording taking pictures making it happen all in one and that is why you want to go subscribe to little mama stop nothing fell no super super exclusive oh this is getting crazy we found a man dollar pair of shoes nothing yeah now we just type it in type it in on um maybe you know there's another barcode no barcode is that a Reebok Pump you know what I like open it Mike hoping the bottle is turn look at the old white pair like this super original ones yeah use $4.99 190 these ng-if and then their gold they look like they're special brand maybe they might be a little different look do you think these are repops or those are the main ones see there do you know what they do when you Oh they check on the tag the tag usually has a gear on those shoes Oh feel that it's all soft these are nurse they pump up and they and they I believe they put support next to your ankle and stuff I think the air comes in here and then you think I really worth something not a lot I think that they're definitely over a hundred bucks minimum hundred dollars ten and a half your size mmm you always wanted to ten and a half makes me too small but the beauty as I said we're gonna pump it up and we just did oh my god got to go oh wow Air Force Ones no - he had a lot of them he like his soul to have this is like the cheap ones right when you go to the outlet store he's like the ones that you're 70 yeah but they're still gonna be you know but there is some tractors that are very expensive yeah very expensive okay these are gonna be $20 bills all day I like cleaned our bills Katie I know that whoa basketball player in the NBA right now gosh did I see someone a boost him when I was gonna move more songs those this $100 right here shoes cheap that's it I have to be careful because I've gotten a lot of green I don't know if you guys know this but a couple weeks ago I made a video and I actually put um anal thermometer in my mouth in oh yeah yeah I was doing checking my temperature showing my daughter how the thermometer works and partly what they said there was an inner monitor so I'm a little thing about what I do now for challenges those are those we got a tag at the house can you grab me that sure kid they're kind of snakey skinny these are why do they have the the two sizes like it has the Euro size and in the American size UK they might be super exclusive interactive I haven't seen that details like that on the inside like all the words and stuff it's almost like a supreme type thing or a could because these could be like come from like the okay bottom in like Paris or so yeah he took a vacay what is that this is I'm gonna go out on my yacht today with my hunting club with my hair these ones always like his these words every days see how you're all worn out there every day go 200 TW on the way they look like it the Nikes the chief neck III standing quads and tears babies are out of lives d-does oh I like those those are nice they almost sounds like the old school look what does it say SL loop $74.99 in the store I wore these like three times maybe five yeah a lot of you are in the right box though right Nike solar soft moccasins oh those are almost pink nice my trusty shoe sidekick here there's incredible are blinding everybody paid in full can we feel about it what if those are the words from a movie painful no it's a movie it's like it's a good movie right not from there Oh byesies byesies Oh Cadiz those are not you know what I have a feeling this back back side right here is gonna get a little better than the rest like the front was the shoes that he was wearing at first or something I'm gonna blur this out cuz I don't like him LeBron James okay I don't know I don't like all the weighted back see that those were Jordans - they say - oh no the 23 the caddesi is never look at both of them I like that what's that maybe it's like he knows he had Mayo and all the stuff maybe keeps his mail in there you put your attorneys it's a flaw it's like tires I just don't like well you know what I like well avaiiabie compares him to Jordan and it's just none at all or some nice honestly his stats are a little better than Jordans I think but that's argument we do not want to point yeah it's not hard to get good stats when you build a team around somebody the difference between Jordan was Jordan made nobody's all-stars for LeBron they had to bring him start we're gonna bring you this guy we're gonna bring this guy Michael Jordan took people like Toni Kukoc and made him us you know what that makes a lot of sense because when you literally think about it he went to LA and they his whole squad was garbage and what he didn't do nothing but Michael Jordan took nobodies every year and they they were complete all-stars they became Olympic gold medalist it was nuts that's the difference between Michael Jordan and LeBron James look at Scottie Pippen member Scottie Pippen sucked after Michael Jordan with him he was considered the greatest all-around player during that time frame he's a good fuck riding bikes at night you guys didn't know me when I used to wear headband like this cuz I had long hair so I wore headbands like this to keep his hair look good those cadiz right there now that is something I can get inside these are aerodynamics when you're running the wind goes like this and this and it helps you I wouldn't know cuz I these probably have to be exclusive this has to be a hundred bucks right here they could be we have to look look getting fun food we have some british bulldogs wow oh wow what they were supposed to be yeah they're not original were they this right here should be perfect in the middle of the laces right there look at the back the bad yeah yeah for a second that I was thinking that those were like original Jordan you ever found like a first date would be the original originals but these are a little worn no telling what we get for him but you still these right here though are like everyone's all-time favorites I sort of hear joints once the first year that was sliced all the way across here $423 oh wow so you just fix them I like the way these shoe boxes are getting that's boring I like those mm-hmm I like I guess you love the my spirit and shorts mm-hmm the white t-shirt maybe even a light beam in my re-listening what's that like a twenty twenty-five dollar sale oh we have a leak I think this is uh you know what it looks like no poison oak now that's what that looks like a poison oak Lee now that I think about it away from you look at that I would rock those CDs you must have played a lot of ball no um well you know I know I feel like shoes are primarily basketball shoes can you imagine what you paid for all this done like I said I think there's over 10 grand in just 80 pairs are the average of hundred books up here your turn what Arden the King does it LeBron yeah damn it cuz I like that shoe those are nice the way those look you warm like twice those it yeah Mike those better be like 150 125 easy easy won't be expensive these have to be a hundred bucks look at that look like a dishwasher and then we put the dishes and stuff in the forks Ben oh look at that what it moves like when you present that's a nice shoe that's a real nice shoe I almost wish I could fit these you didn't put a sock in there oh my god I had this know one of my last videos I was called I said I was gonna end up clunking away in some big old shoes they're so comfy bring out the eyes you could jump higher yeah you can probably run faster at all these wires then from what's that movie the Sandlot I know time with the PA players I love how kids think they can run faster with special shoes my little fast self trying to take my shoes oh I like those no these are Kobe's oh yeah Kobe had the tall ones like that oh those are kind of rare maybe he kept socks in them from our briefing yeah maybe these are like belong to an athlete right and then these were their socks like these healthy food and this was Kobe socks this is Mayo for somebody's kneecap stuff in there those are nice get better we're getting better real nice all right I think it's your turn now dammit LeBron man the bristles I don't like LaVon okay you don't like him but you're gonna make money off this shoes yeah can I get your help yeah Jimmy I do this this right here I think there's one my dick got right here you slowly do like this right here then it comes just had to break it you'll get a finger in holes honestly the LeBrons are like the best didn't I have some like this that I wore for those purple ones and I believe they weren't good work shoes yeah I had those same exact ones I love them shoes they're so comfortable some of them are a little more Elevens I was gonna say when that windows came out when he pulled the box out is now making us all four comfortable playing basketball maybe he was an athlete maybe he was these are like the same ones ahead of us those are nice what are we gonna be selling these LeBrons for I don't know look at that it's again do a little research on so hiccup on three let's think soccer shoes almost like a UH a runner maybe like Ackley these look like you'd be walking down the road in a bag had a whole uh motherfreakin uh ice cream bar looking shoes ice cream bar you know like walking down the red step on something like that it's okay for them all super thin shoes these old subway footlong sandwich shoes these old orange dipped burritos skinny shoe you want to be able to tell orange popsicles creamsicle but you know what that wasn't gonna bring us money so I love ya Wow pink box it looks interesting please open this one you like him no open that colors just it needs your hand did you like on three one these are weird they're a skater shoe stretcher but your those are like a collab of some form because this is a brand when I was a kid Thrasher they're gonna be war Thrasher skateboards January 1981 Thrasher yeah maybe it's Louisville vintage it could be I don't know if they're vintage or if they're late that's one that's that evil rapper might have started that was not he was in the box the bark that's a different shoe but in that box that's crazy they're copy yeah I mean the London next two are probably just gonna be those last box well we still have some boxes over there so it's like a killing it could be boxes of shoes like the good shoes give me boxed up in those shoes look like a really ugly car Wow when you put your foot up somebody's you can even H okay hahaha this is a good watch isn't it diesel yeah I'm gonna put stuff in here to make them usable there's a cool water bottle right nothing the thing you just put your water in there and we're in and out Chipotle yeah all the place everybody nice Maude pizza he liked Coachella you like the party what you haven't seen you do a locker food challenge in a while have you guys watched any Mikayla's video see her and Jasmine keep doing challenges Makayla licked and hold Molly popped the other day what do you want Jasmine eight astronaut food it was actually uh an emergency kit but she thought it was astronaut food I look like this it was the funniest thing yeah I gave them props for trying because they're really trying hard with the videos doesn't look like expensive almost no more this the wedding I think of the line reminds me of Talladega Nights either I like to wear a nice tuxedo shirt kind of says I like to party what I mean business but it's not some exact words he said so he had a job sweater had some style necessary I used to wear it me before your time cuz I was much younger than you so when in like the 80s we used to wear them Leave It to Beaver sweaters it was like the cool thing and then you pegged your pants your pants but you do know about pagan pants though right his clothes yeah he has some style he did oh I would almost rock that one it's got a seal of approval they're just regular clothes what you're talking about with us I think you can tell wrong Niner fans do you know no I don't think so lincecum but it had the feel of it again I was thinking Jean LaRose did yeah that's a good jersey that I still there was 40 bucks Jalen Rose right no no that's not it it's uh something rose but he was hurt for a while through a promotion we're gonna burn this LeBron James no I think we should make money off of it who you know who this is this is vintage well it's newer but this is from its Richmond Derrick Rose Derrick Rose yeah you wait wait you guys just now figured that out okay that's pretty much a wrap on this unit we got some cool stuff that you will have to go to Alex's Channel I know you know this man if you don't subscribe store stock I'll be right here here here here and little mama stock at her link will be like this - or maybe below and you'll see all the things that I didn't put on this video it was well you'll see we got a lot of nice high-end brand name stuff and this wall of shoes amazing I speculate there's over ten thousand dollars retail in these shoes easily what would you say I was at least ten thousand eleven basically well over ten thousand dollars and shoes crazy just this little unit we paid $1400 I'm quite sure we're gonna make some money on this comment below right now what was your favorite pair you saw in this too though you on that side of me on this side and we're both like um yeah hanging upside down from the roof is there a way you could take this couple poses recording yeah we're recording well no we got a blooper yeah go more couple more
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 26,925
Rating: 4.9086957 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: v2C18LFjFgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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