At the flea market with the kids shopping and selling a ton of good treasures to make some cash

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so me and Darwin made it to Lambertville we're gonna go set up with the girls see how we do so this is the setup that the girls put together at a Lambertville definitely uh definitely not doing a bed today did you sell anything yet kid what'd you sell you sold a rabbit anybody interested in the wire it'd be interest in what uh I I wouldn't be upset stripping that wire well that son is really strong all right that's the setup Gabi's ready to go go shopping 20 bucks I thought it was a really good old frame I honestly don't know I got it right out of by Princeton but I think I figure it was a good mission oak frame so that was why the main reason I got it yes and if she's buying that I'll take five off of the frame pretty sure that's to the orange or the yellow yellow jaws I have was that what was on the bottom of the box all these like drill bits that's pretty cool I didn't know those were there good thank you I hope you have a good day yeah what do you think this is for it would be nice but it's for now look see this hole is the is the hint what do you think yeah for what probably I think for sales so go through the canvas of a sale alright let's go see if we can find something to buy there can you take out those green dishes real fast because I think they'll sell it's nice and warm oh there's red in there too oh they're all different colors okay that's just these are like brown I thought they were all all green that's pretty cool you want to go for a quick walk go shopping for a little bit pulled these out of the trash I don't I thought they would sell they're all tailor-mades that's kind of fun isn't it little huh I like this with not $3 and the little bug you want to do that kid all right she wants that and you want that I do a lot of pins and stuff three four ten or four dollars each really annoying it actually melted the glue in here to this what do you get on these if I can find the other earring the ring and the earrings though and and this is what would you want on that ring this and this yes what these earrings are no yeah I have five that I owe you okay nine twelve did you do 15 on the other thank you very much she got a lot of sparkly stuff is that a pin cap how much are these sorry pretty good what are you getting on pins today which one five and five okay thank you so how much have you spent so far you spent 2 bucks on your bracelet right because it rained early this morning everything's empty I want to go look over this other side real fast kid okay she's doing a good job shopping hopefully she finds something she wants Big Buddha see anything you really like how much are they apiece you know we have a lot of beads gab if you ever want to make them right next to the truck I have that one's pretty cool what's that called that's pretty cool all right Gabi found a bracelet that's really nice plate you have $3 left to spend which is about enough to get one more bracelet this one my my cousin aunt got me from when you were up and I got this one today that's pretty cool look at the size of this cuckoo clock kid it's a huge one it is warm in that Sun see look at all the bracelets there for $1 that one's kind of cool you don't have to spend all your money in one spot you can just yeah it's true found the bracelets I kind of like this tinge Niagara Falls anything of that Concord and it will get rid of one more dollar so you got your bracelet so long watch out you're fine hey guy find the tin tin thank you ticket yeah you're gonna have trouble swimming later you want to go to the pool later all right you're allowed to come hey Matt how you doing I just got the wire the other day she give me a price yeah 45 on that one one or anything with direct aerial that one's supposed to be there's probably 200 plus feet in there I know it's normally what the Balor foot or something I know I know welding cable we spoke Anthony and this is 600 volt to so well thank you so it's definitely warm it's almost time to do do it count Gabby and girl or eating some are you having some stars I've had him before but never was able to sell him so I think we're at close to 400 bucks well I think we did pretty decent so far this morning that train so it's pretty cool lots of watches let's go see if my friend has anything over on that far end I always like going under the pavilion when it's sunny like this makes it so so nice and cool trying to get me wet whole different look right see I'm looking some tourists [Applause] [Music] one sip seventy-five cents we got two of them I sure that's a dolphin I want this daddy what do you get on the watches I get that that's pretty cool so we're at four bucks right what do you get on these average I'd say I'd say say four for something like that three for something that are just you yeah all right all right I get a dollar back here you go okay thank you for the watch it'll be interesting if it works that's thank you I hope you have a good day now I'm worried I will just I'm gonna go get a battery in this right now see if it works yeah if you have the patience that cut all these peach pits in half are you gonna go up to Brimfield night we only go for two two days what do you want on this guy these are earrings what are you kid I really like the tiger fighting stuff all over it would take up your whole wrist I think I gotta get these three or four miss for a dollar we get the pewter cup here you go let me get this air gap I'll come help you pull that up we're packing the truck now job you been you have you been packing boxes thank you didn't sell the wire so I guess I'm going to strip it there's definitely a definitely a lot of wire there I just sold the one frame that's great you sold the one frame good I don't think the one we picked out of trash I wanted 20 what did you get you got 40 for that one that's good it had a really good mission okay you know what I'm glad I taught you guys how to pack so good I love how the glasses are with the steel files did get such a good job five bucks on any of the UFO or outer experience books yep where's the other glass or dude I'm gonna try to keep those together yeah how cool think soon we're gonna start having merch available at the flea market and give it out the people who come over say hi yeah well give out some merch but III we're gonna start with we're gonna start with bumper stickers and we'll give out bumper stickers everybody miss capitalist but I don't know we're working on packing everything up Gaby I think does have a design though for our first bumper sticker and that's what we're gonna try to try to give out probably not until beginning of August Sue's beginning August I'll try to have them done you can have the slinky if you want it kid not allowed to talk like that [Laughter] all right keep on packing let go let go let go so the great thing was we did sell a bunch more so the back seat is empty and all you have is what's on the truck here and Gabby is being a trooper good job kid here I'll just put it right here here can I have that Pope hey for bracelets I just bought this to make the first mold with Rea that from when that be cool and concrete huh well I'll show us how to make the huh now help like you'll be able to sell these in concrete if that make sense so you make a mold low for this I don't know that's the plan at least we're having definitely had a good summer day though it will fit on top I still have the still had the wire but not upset and the kids were having a good day also hopefully you thought it was an interesting video we are on our way out of here it's reveille later yeah is it over 500 that's what we needed see everybody later peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 24,267
Rating: 4.8782964 out of 5
Keywords: flea market, selling
Id: B2Xq0xT87mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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