FOUND GOLD SILVER & GEMS! I bought an abandoned storage unit

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sounds promising on three two one now for the moment I've been waiting for the most because I want to get lucky and I want to find some gold and silver so let's knock three times and open at two three and go we going right in on the free way of jewelry in a storage unit ladies and gentlecars patrons of all ages we are back in this jewelry hoarders unit I haven't touched it for like over a week it's been too overwhelmed spent seven thousand on the unit that I got coming up pretty soon in this sequence of videos and a whole bunch of other storages that might have been seen or not here we are back at this unit where if you remember I found about 7,000 and scrap gold and jewelry just in this front of this storage like this just laid in here in the trash riddled in here and now we got to go through these boxes here to get back to this to see what's all in there and see if there's any more jewelry cash gems or something amazing hiding in this unit we're gonna start a jewelry box right now little jewelry pile will not already I like to see when you start opening up storage units and stuff is jewelry just so he hadn't taken ice left oh wow huh I like this all you think keep the theming charger watch them bigger lady lady made in USA s grass now what do we know about them absolutely nothing new well maybe somebody out there will know a little bit about this Vegas orcas have to collectively that part here or what the kewpie doll em pains oh man we go breaking stuff we got cheap on him made in China gifts by Patsy else we don't ever hakufu challenge baby girl we got peanut butter and I'm not fond of hamburgers what they don't they're not exactly great sellers on eBay the sharp of Buchan eight view cam high five mono oral VLE 34 it's all here so I guess we can eBay who in order to see a hint of silver will go through this piece by piece at the end of this video yeah really his mom's China on him dogwood that looks pretty nice Royal Windsor bone china dogwood looks like we got Paul Hall who this is a good box right here you know anything about holiday they're gonna know it's a very expensive well not since a very expensive but it's quality piece for China we'll look some of this up later together so you can learn okay well there Lauren look at that hand balloon 24 karat gold painted roses it's like life you gotta stop and smell the roses red one made in China old gourmet roses real combination some good stuff the guy is a whole big wine little wine check that Hey then we can get this you know let's go anything young lady rivers Jim stay tuned maybe a fire stick we should keep it home good je m'appelle oh great yeah what is smelly yeah good wine can gold berries and Rolexes Chanel purses Louis Vuitton purses diamond earring maybe there'll be a Maybach in the back huh yeah do that think positive it looks like more to stuff she wants that maybe another one is vibrant we'll set this aside to see what's in there all little box towards the end want that on the role that's thought I found a role that start I found it's kind of butterfly DVDs the game we don't play games we're all things asleep on the back in there although there's a genie then comes back genie genie in the bottle please making this and make it all I know it's book baby Thomas Kinkade will help mr. Aziz Ashley Thomas Kinkade was ladies and gentlemen two out there can you comment the salt princess and tell her Thomas King Crete is I always think these cuffs are cool James yeah yeah remember to last time we found at the flea market yeah it had something bad in it be through huh he's an expensive that's beautiful almost a beautiful view that already another one hmm l emojis emojis to the magis I did a horrible job wrapping it up you're saying the name straight - oh I murder everywhere you go that for that alright look you ask uses Hamish Kincaid was yeah the universe answered your question see you ever used twice see these types of paintings a lot in there on everything like little plates and Christmas ornaments like you saw he painted pictures like this see how they all have like the same style I don't know the right word you know I wasn't talking about ambiance live in the light of simplicity I want to do that oh they bubble wrap the diapers baby girl ask your sister oh look look look look look at that box right there you see a box right there right here my name's these be a sterling silver set of sterling silver oh my god I would just pop this unit right now I see glassware money right here ha ha where's the rest of the set how much is this on eBay and we Saudis often like 30 bucks now 30 bucks he said yeah I don't know if you just guessed that or not that was a pretty damn good guess but that's about without that d-hop educated definitely just like all the rest of stuff we like to save to the end this is going over and over a little pile doesn't make a tease the Holy Bible all those cool things this one's signed can it please hear are you getting this yeah I don't know what it says Brent you see Brent I see branch orient okay except they decide to be looked up in the other day all right now we have to we have all this stuff right here to go through look about to get get back to the lab and we're gonna go through this but it's possibly a silver what's possibly jewelry boxes and these boxes here and lay it all out where you're back here at the storage unit and we're gonna go through stuff set up all the jewelry and everything that we think might be in here because obviously you saw me set something aside in that box there the one box in that bag and stuff so let's see what we get snot forget we have to open up this and see if we have a sterling silver setting are we definitely decorated everything that we had there and right off the bat we stopped the laptop I can't find a plug right here to test and see if that works we got this tablet letting over NuVision or whatever it is when I sailing over I don't know what stuck my brain I think I'll just unpacking something else that I learned over in it the Pyrex ball that's $30 easily we had these special sign paper weights we showed that in the beginning of the video just in case you missed it that's one autograph that's the second autograph or a signature and then we have this right here and then we have the camcorder we had these haul pieces I went through that breast the box it look like china cups and tea cups so I was giving all those back happen to find this it's like a Merry Christmas to me look at this Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas Julie we got two bucks basically Santa Claus on them what do we got here a little bit of absolutely nothing a little bit of costume jewelry bees bees are great I'm like the bee whisperer what do we got in here ah pings jewels look at this Vietnam it says on these chopsticks played out they go with it these say nothing a lot of these I've heard that are made from old bullet shell casings from different like wars and battles and stuff and they take all the brass casings and they make these out of them I don't know if that is necessarily true if anybody else has heard that story comment below and let me know but that's what a lot of people have told me they're made from bullet casings whatever you call the bullet casing I think it's a bullet case remember this dog thought that was pretty cool I don't know about that now thought she was cool she's obviously missing something in her hands promising on three two one witnessed who is a jolly rancher nice what do we have here I don't think there's some gold here I can't read what that says can you my eyes are bad come on Oh worst clumsy today to China have to have that tested that would be nice would that be a nice diamond I says nine-to-five bummer that could have been nice oh yeah then you're that little pimp ring 14 karat got some diamonds in it nice that's heavy alright we got a good little jump here now oh look at that 14 karat right there Thanks a little bit of something purple a little bit of some diamonds when we got here infinichi oh look it there that would have been nice that's what kind of ring I want to wear right there I want something like that anything mm-hmm I'm trying to get to the trying to do it with you into one hand I can't read what that says I think it says 95 yeah then we have costume costume that looks like gold things has known to fail this is nine-to-five costume cool look at this damn nine-to-five go later you could sell right there that's not gold nice to fill now we looked at this one can't tell them oh look at that 585 and is signed I can't see that that's nice right there that's gold it's another one of those silver earrings can too then is gold or silver and schnapps something you can't see it you're mocking I'm gonna we got here ooh the other half of this earring let's go where's the other one though the hope I didn't sell it that looks pretty legit right there nice think that's possibly platinum so yeah that's it for this box on three two one there's something in there let's pull it all out we'll pick on the listening stand scold him look like him we'll have everything checked us we always do we have everything checked that we think is gold all this stuff will always be double left by somebody sometimes these are gold and silver oh there's a coin on there this is a nice little sterling silver heart I like that it's missing some stones dang this is kind of cool this is pointing somebody touchdown I like that it's got like a Sun Shine it you are the sunshine of my but you won't best-in-show I like that one play my name is silver detested wish that was cool it could be gold that would be nice there's no marketing whatsoever but that looks like gold I have to have that look they're just a cool little costume here lots of customers out of this Union and that was silly for a second that is - that cheap costume all McCadden this is silver though that's another heart we love hearts pretty nice one actually and here's some sterling silver - I know and we have anything in here saying come on silver no this one might be so look at that wow that's kind of cool sure like it then no we do we got a pair of crystal rings we got a nice little meadow us a volunteer we go a tooth you might have gold well maybe 10 carat might be Suzy I got that I think that might be silver but quick recap that looks like pretty much all gold good to have this one tested we got some costume jewelry there and we have a bunch of costume and then we have a pile of silver and that was a pretty much a wrap for the cost of the moment I've been waiting for the most because I want to get lucky and I want to find some gold and silver so let's knock three times and open at two three angle I don't know Rogers Rogers Flair I'm sort of Roger Clare Jeff sadly that is not sterling hmm see what the bottom says it's a decent set don't get me wrong let's not be discouraged at least we found a good fake sterling silver set I don't know not bad for our umpteenth time in this video keep the gold going Shay wait guys I got a couple more videos coming I think we have two more after this of this unit to wrap it up guys check out we're getting on the like button the share button and say some pretty like old pirate I love when you find gold silver
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 16,496
Rating: 4.935564 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: D87qgYc3aoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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