JUST WOW ! WE HAD TO DO IT ! Live storage unboxing !

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pirates of storage unit buying chasing uh passionate chasing the dream descent i don't think that works that right there no no i don't i always say that though you know um guys i was gonna have an auction today and then i postponed it till later but i just don't think i'm going to be able to get it done store stock why storage stocker and i and little mama here we bought this unit um i thought it was going to be an okay unit but the unit started getting crazy crazy uh for the the good side right and we started finding things we're not going to tell you this is the part of me i like to tease you're going to see some stuff going forward we're not going to show you unit going back it's going to come soon because we're already we still got some other units to go like three four units to go right but when you open boxes and you find receipts that say 14 grand seven grand three grand 16 grand five grand eight grand six grand 12 grand 15 grand but it was a box like ea big that had a 16 000 receipt and you're screaming in the storage facility and all these people are looking at you funny and you're and you've you've gone too far you can't leave the unit so we decided we have to get through the rest of this unit get it loaded make sure we're not leaving any type of treasures any type of treasures and we are going to uh we're not lake cairns we're not doing an auction we're just going to do a live unboxing i'm going to postpone the auction because thursday we're going to do an auction together oh yeah in the evening and it's going to be a tandem auction it's going to be a lot of lots so we decided that thursday we're gonna do an auction together today we're just gonna do a live unboxing we're gonna get you guys see some of this unit forward but we can't show you the great traders pass because that's gonna be the mystery you get to see soon that's a mystery to us what this yeah oh yeah so a quick update we bought this unit for 714 and they were what rich rich how rich how many we found what a couple hundred receipts and each one is a couple hundred thousand each one yeah they they were they were nuts they spent some money i think they're what's that that's uh that's jessica's dad see it's right here say hello to jesse what up justice dad um crazy in it little mom crazy we're not you don't get to see over there because that's already done with filmed and you're going to go to her channel his channel even picker's warehouse that's what we got oh i just forgot about that it says 8 o'clock filming yeah we had the cameraman today pickers warehouse came out he was walking twisting turning doing all the great that's gonna be awesome he made a couple videos one that's gonna be on my channel one that's gonna be on his channel wait a second did you all find the items that receipts friend we did find items we found very great items um that's all i'm gonna tell you what face it just i i know hold on a second you already show let's just show them one thing we found is that 17 gram ring right there 19. 19 gram 19 gram 14 carat ring that's all you get to see i'm telling you have to watch what i'm gonna say is uh we we don't want to leave this facility till we get through the box i postponed the auction and then i said you know what there's no way i'm gonna go home tonight and not have time with the family i can't do an auction tonight i will switch the time till thursday so i hope you guys know that thursday we're gonna do it and i hope you understand but let's do some unboxings we're gonna do a human fungus we're gonna do an uh we're doing a live unboxing right here you know what when's the last time we did remember we made that a thing a while back alex back when back in the day okay and remember okay and we're live so you know we don't i know you guys don't cuss like me holy crap yeah shoot yeah you can oh man oh you almost failed babe i'm sorry i wouldn't copy that that was live too hi trish watch that and i'm gonna screen recorded now i'm gonna freeze frame his face princess house guys we have you guys gonna already kind of get an idea of the things we found i think this was there for we've said that name a lot today princess house oh look at that baby oh that's beautiful this is this is nice isn't that nice this is careful alex says bonnie you see that i started sliding is the ring better than jack's says karen hi diamond it's not about who's better you know it's not about who's better we're not we're not in the race it's better that's nice just kidding that is that princess house i think so bring some of that gold to the auction more princess house yeah that's a 100 tag on it that's a pretty vase it says hand painted in it's fencing dude it's fenton that is nice this is definitely alameda we have a big weekend alex and i've been so busy it's kind of like halted a lot of things we've got alameda coming up this weekend it's the first alameda flea market in 15 months it's the biggest flea market of the year or the month usually it might be the only one all your antiques that we we're getting hey thrift trader 150 is stall we're we're bringing out a lot of this stuff here what three stars hey bonnie oh yeah one's for harold welcome in guys i'll have to go live live unboxing af oh yeah hit the like button hit the share button i'll tell your friends there's a fat guy and a skinny guy and hot little mama going live right now um uh night brandon thank you lisa and everything is just super nice she said she left you two uglies you guys are really cool she didn't call you ugly i did oh wow oh wow oh no oh no here's an example love you guys that's hand blown see how it's gonna even show the camera if you can't see it you got to put it right here yeah that's a better view oh that's a is that a lamp look there's this seat around there see how it looks right here see how it's loaded what's this for look oh maybe it's a uh no it's not it's not a hookah but it's something you see that it seems like something goes right here they messed it up yeah that needs to go in a better box yes it does because this box is a good angle on the box guys a here's the idea of the wealth there their kids went here which is most people who go here you know you're paying a few thousand a month how do you say it de la salle de la salle oh look is this the top no that's way too thick what is this and why is it holding like you what is it i don't know it's like the same stuff that was on this dream case we found what is that i don't know it's gross oh that's the top oh there's pellets in there like they were shooting pellet gun not bad what is this for what is that i'm itching for a good unit so much trash lately right traitor yeah it's a motor guys um real quick hit the like button for me what you guys say we're live you know you have to get the videos out i'll take the box oh you got me unboxing try to get some heads up in here all right cool it's not easy bonnie oh i found out what that was now mike they're both so hard-headed he was wondering what uh that sticky stuff was what is that it's a melted boot these boots aren't made for walking look at that that's what it was melted but how the heck did it melt somebody was running super fast that looks expensive it's like they were running through the the lava or something some lava i don't know the judgment the floor is lava the unit's lava screw well these are our computer parts there's a whole bunch of computer parts this is good this right here that's ram sd what what pirate alex hard heads no no no no no no not at all look this this some weird stuff like what is this this this is one of the worst bosses we've seen come on dude why are you being so nice look at me being so negative if it's major that's a blackberry one of the first ones these are a lot of computer products pierre says she'll see you friday he will here is he coming to town i guess probably on your option i don't know he's that's the little woman's dead okay hang up yeah yeah see what we got here don't you hate when the boxes start to get sucky when people are why are they sucking when people are watching no i don't think that way sometimes they it's still exciting it doesn't have to be a rolex in every box with something like princess rolex huh excitement is anything to turn when you think look at spode this is a 20 no it's a 40 christmas dish that's exciting to me yeah big lots better than uh look at that a mirror legendary fabric a mirror yes this one's heavy it is heavy be careful be careful all right let's see we got in here all right uh safe travels pierre some sewing stuff look at that sewing machine mike tell me if it's a good one enough this is a singer it is an embroidery machine i don't know if it's great but it's not bad it's an ultra lock see how it allows you to do four threads hi boatman um nothing nothing it's not get it out of here who said that i did avalanche hi found some george stratton brooks and done single stitch tees today and not quite plastic rock teas but i'll take it we found a concha tea in our dollar pile you sit at the market some good find is better than no good fine see that oh let me see you want me to take it all the way out i want to see the picture right there that's what it is nutcracker that's nice opens and closes tell mike gotta go good with his the stand up one that would michael that's a hundred herm something bucks or anything is sewing machine going to be on the auction oh do we want it on the option well i'm buying right now right now boxing it right now all right that's worth money alex what'd you just have what oh my put it to the side over there the nutcracker um i put it in the trailer did you not want that i don't know oh we have a plug for it right now look at these places very nice oh christmas we have to see if we have a plug princess house guys those are uh going set aside nice you gotta show the camera just a little bit better it's okay go ahead we've seen it see that just tap the box and disappear it's a party it's a party it's a party um that was supposed to be for like a st patrick's day party but this is supposed to be like save your money day oh plastic porsche and spoons come on okay no it's not diminishing oh no it's a confiscator i would like to confiscate that box thank you this is my attic oh yeah mike no no no we already got our roulette table come on come on he's being a party pooper literally 105 in the chat only 48 likes come on guys let's go folgers to keep that box hit the thumbs up there you go cool oh you broke it i didn't break it almost cut me oh is that the one you dropped no some of this oh that was nice some of this stuff is a little bit you can auction stuff right now thank you thrift trader drift trade you want to open this box up at 100 bucks just kidding um there's some stuff that we can option but i don't like doing a lot of glasses see how it says january on that one this that's dangerous to ship yeah very dangerous to ship if we if we had found the uh if we found okay deal two hey justin long time no see i'm guessing the bottom is the same thing right yeah i don't know about that box get it out of here same thing get it out of here i know it's no styrofoam gravel liz's superhero name the confiscator yes only the really good things though yes party like that is so much party light i think they have to open this it smells good collectables.com guess we'll open it collectibles.com but eat something really really nice something really really nice be something extremely nice the best thing you ever did see you're so correct brenda everything is safe when you ship right out it's scary because uh oh what is that is that a department 56 this is a whole box of party bites certificate authenticity thomas kincaid certified should we open this might as well it says on the bottom of it but at the bottom of this piece it's under your hand there you go it is hard thorn hawthorne village night kringle man it's all written in though that's good is it charles dickens or something it doesn't say interesting 2005. collection thomas king of the thomas king company let's say we got a bunch of those you know what's good though somebody can research it right now alameda tell us what it's worth do we have a researcher do we have uh hello we got 100 and some people watching oh duh i gotta forgot to put it back oh nice good at what i'm thinking at least alameda on that at least [Applause] you want to auction the table nice furniture right there guys sorry all the all the boxes yeah that is a nice table though mike seems like they took really good care um you're getting vids already your subscriber says don't play who says that no no one said that but um you are getting bids already i don't know what are we meaning let us know guys what are you bidding on alex oh ribbon oh i found it for 165 not bidding thank you brenda two bulls in a china store says ontario pickers for 165. what just the ones here they're pretty we have a lot of nice already it's a nice paperweight stunning okay holy crap all right this should be interesting guys you can do it these aren't quite as big as the diamonds we found earlier but hey what can't these aren't just dishes oh it's all this person had some nice stuff really pretty can we see one more piece okay thank you that's enough we have 136 people 138 now people watching in the chat it's not that special i need that diamond glass paper weight nice huh oh yeah yeah yeah those paperweights might your subscribers are saying keep them i've got something really nice i uh want sure let me show i'm gonna show them real quick the piece i i i dipped for the little woman you guys know we love christmas stuff and the girls and the little woman they always like the nutcracker check this thing out check that thing out the thing is almost as tall as me i dipped that that way that went in my dibs pile i can't show you guys anything else here all this good stuff that's what's going to be in the future videos soon hopefully we find some great great treasure to more more what nice are they all the same ones yeah the same brand yeah that one's good to go you know what i need to do i told him brenda the paperweight the diamond paperweight eric says groovy live at the unit yep i'm too short to be reaching up there day in the life of a reseller reseller you have to stalker you have to make things work oh no oh wait [Applause] uh-oh what is it are you gonna ah did you he he really just yeah come on oh man that sucks but that's good though that means that we're coming back into the well i can't see it are you guys going to sell on the weekend says cards today gonna be in cancun in 17 days 17 days princess house we have so much princess house holy crap hi lynn what was that oh that's pretty there was literally diamonds he just threw around these are kind of cool we found this a little bit we didn't we didn't put this on the video we just i just dropped this it's little beads necklaces bracelets or strings strands i don't know wendy lou it is focused it's just moving around because that's what our unboxers are doing necklaces one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so those are for those would be great for jewelry how are we looking alex makers getting the good stuff huh no i'm excited you cut it out no freaking present right here what is it dandelion too bad it's over but it's coming back it's coming back gracias eric i'm working on it i'm working on it what's that mama these are all the same ornaments right here well we'll pull over that butt is too fat more baskets no amy 167 in the chat i love you guys keep it on coming 967 let's get let's get to seven million yeah let's do it this box says kitchen feeling possible it's very what possible this cookies oh you hungry mike um i've done enough locker food challenges for one day look you sure you don't wanna to know 171 people it's not even a real question it's a wonderful someone made that gave it to him personal paperwork we don't need to take that sometimes these guys are what you call bust down oceana bless you thank you adrian from uk i hope everybody understands why i chose to just postpone the auction because we've been out here for literally already almost 12 hours we've been so we're gonna resume it thursday where alex and i will be together i believe liv will be there too we're gonna auction this off three bags of change um or no that's cool tools inside tube isn't neat solix release liners on the inside or move liner what is it dips dips i double dip you it's empty go ahead it's not gonna drink it anyway it's brand new lie you can't tell how light it is it's not light it's the glass sir mister let's try it we're going to pop this open and you're here any time you work something in the shoulder solex yeah i'm here to find the jewelry where are you jewelry subscribers say they want to see our christmas stuff for the auction guys hey marilyn welcome in cool [Music] hello what mother you doing um eric does that mean am i ready for cancun because no i'm not i'm ready i'm ready to go but um like actually ready as in close wise and i do have to um kind of get my mental ready as well i don't do planes very good i've already got my two pieces so my summer bob's ready basically store promo prop um joe you would actually have to wait for the videos to come out and they will definitely have all the details clock tower is that from the uh that's the hawthorne village as well hawthorne village as well that's nice that is pretty so it looks like we have a whole set of these that series i keep dropping the knife we have kind of a mess here today we did not plan to do this heavy in the unit but it's like you jump into a unit did you show everyone how big it was yeah i didn't go out i didn't show it from the outside that's what i was going to try to do but nothing really is that whip so just to kind of give everybody a reference of what you guys have cleared out look how much chef's in there that's all done and then we've got the other sprinter van packed i love it um so we still got lots but it's been so weird there's been no rhyme or reason it's like we earlier justin was here and we he we found this one bag let's pull like plastic bags and it's like this just jump and all of a sudden bags of silver and gold and chains are just flopping out of it and it's like whoa so everything in here has potential in my eyes lorex oh oh you know this is right what is that it is um it's this it's a closed circuit it's a camera system yeah that's a good idea give you guys number two or three um this might be is this number two this is number two i might what this unit we bought two recently we did the one already which will be seen before this right but we still have to do the two units from the the three people look boom wow that's going to be a good uh a good sale for sure nice little lower x4 camera yeah this is a good item that's good what 181 people watching what is that the whole thing holy crap we're rich nice what are we doing with this putting putting it in the trailer why i think i was gonna give i got like 12 cameras at home nice including the the one blue mama just put up can we see this already can we see the boys in the knitted christmas underwear again you know what that was a little um a little different heather i'd rather not than put on the christmas underwear lot of dvds okay i couldn't stop laughing back straight back all right comfy right alex for singing i'm saying that oh look at my butt crack if it hangs out guys sorry um so the camera's not even pointed at you we're not looking at your butt hi barry oh look at this man oh look at you that was heavy was it heavy let's see we got here we got one of these oh i think the confiscator will confiscate what is it i don't know you don't even know what it is i'm just kidding triple distilled tequila mike you thirsty if you know anything about little mama i am currently just fasting that could be taken a lot of different ways meaning no alcohol tequila triple distilled tequila that looks crazy let's practice on saturday night well we've already got the party stuff together in the van that i did or confiscated me soon i don't know no you're not that good oh what are these um uh mr cookie says why wouldn't they finish unloading the unit before the auction why is uncle mike on vacation that's kind of a nice little heart oh that's cute you put your little family's photos on it's a little heart oh pull it up the it's on the other side platinum two-pack item what see are these that's cute you want all your family on them eggs oh that's a heel thingy i'm gonna dip that my feet is crusty i agree why don't you just go get a petti baby a little [Music] what is bigger what is that part of the table what is that you're opening it the wrong way [Music] those are um placemats right yeah okay they're nice little placements the art of the table they're not your regular placements these are pumpernickel yeah yeah we're not auctioning plant it's just a live unboxing the auction was gonna take this whole box down to thursday mike even the foot scrubbers mm-hmm okay these type of things are good these look like you loaded up my cake thingies i tried to dip earlier and you're changing the subject because you know what i'm talking about when where we'll just start this on uh thursday thursday alex you start this on thursday night yeah you get on my nerves excuse me big head hey stop grabbing my butt i'll open up a couple of these show everybody princess house is pretty nice look at that that is a lead crystal czech republic bring it up like this way a little bit yeah there you go and then uh we have you think she had enough why she hadn't been like a dealer or a collector i don't know alex looks hungry but then again there's not one of everyone hungry i'm pretty sure he is clint we had a taqueria lemon and they both look like they needed extra plates after they were finished did you even give this a bite of yours nope scarfed it down that's why she doesn't understand hi nick this one backstreet look at that more princess house wow like the jesus manger the three wise men this is crazy yeah oh this princess house yeah there's a bunch right here there's a bunch right here too 86 degrees today in cancun says eric is the arrogant i don't know eric are you in cancun yeah he lives in cancun he's gonna come meet us when we go he wants to hang out i think let's hang out eric i don't think you want to hang out yes you do be the time of your life your aunt's gonna have some crazy things like you have a place where there's just like lions and tigers jumping off the walls and stuff like that you should uh line something up for us to do out there make a whole day of it loads of money princess house chichen chong of the storage game laugh out loud oh my gosh what is that stefan i don't think it's cheating charm yeah cause alex don't smoke oh wow he said he's lived there for 30 years maybe me you can call me cheeks but it's like do you call me thong i will be chong anyway oh do we uh sorry guys you're like what are we looking at look at this the uh little volkswagen four schwaben walks bargain options that's the vols jewelry box right there this is new to me i never did like this what life yeah more like oh baby that's fine why are you laughing at us baby can you put your shirt over your head [Laughter] but yeah eric if you have me on um facebook or whatever dme oh we're in a group chat because he was sending us information on hotels so was that the group chat i was checking for alex yeah oh cause i finally checked alex's like messages and he had messages her head's broke yeah so if you can carefully load this actually there is a guy here in cancun named pepe that had tigers and jaguars i will have to check if he still does oh yeah i'm not trying to play with no big kitties we said that too fast mike wants to go on tigers hi betty no i like big kitty cats me too that suitcase looks appealing uphill appealing there's nothing in there this is the same box i can put the things in there to make it 202 people watching in the chat recording maybe lurking because they don't want to say nothing thank you guys for being here if you guys have checked out the videos recently got one coming every other day is my new routine this unit will have a few videos but we're about we're honestly about a week and a half why isn't someone loading the trailer uh we're doing we're taking turns that's how good we are you don't even realize it don't realize it damn is this happening what's happening while you sit there who said that clan [Music] holy crap brenda said i have no jaguar come on sucker [Music] that's alex's middle name no no i no uncle mike i speak tonight what is that is it disney sing along cd oh i know they got pandora you know our kids don't have the need for dvd players and cd players uh clint said oakley unit right or wrong wrong no we can't tell you these boxes do have a very big feel of at some point somebody kind of either really packed their stuff bad or they just didn't like it but it's shocking if you know the things we know about what we found so yes come on marilyn give us a i can break headlines now vacationing storage barons eaten by tiger and cancun i'd be a big tiger to eat me oh this bag right here screams oh my goodness wait i'm dipping this i'm sorry cinco de mayo is coming up oh yeah placemats salsa i think she was uh much called doing the parties and taking stuff like this to like the little parts probably a single mile first come on please go put it in the van that's how you feel you can go ahead and just start giving stuff go ahead and just start grabbing you know what that's okay ooh 201 in the chat that's my good friend mike they don't even know where to walk in my house there's so much dip stuff there you're a lie didn't even walk in our house anymore the kids have sleep in the tent outside that's how bad it got this is a nice one maybe or 20 125 i'm gonna want at least probably 80 or 100 on this one alex what is it it's a carmen it's a receiver it's an abr-125 i think it's worth a good agent honey i could be wrong hey jack welcome in oh yeah hey jack i didn't even see him there did you see him there babe put him underneath can you take out my celebration please you can grab at least when he's not looking look something else we found earlier guys i thought this was really nice what about your bottle openers bottle opener for every beer that you can drink an onkyo htr 557. the the quick side note to this unit is we spent 714 dollars out the door and the first plastic tote in this unit put us in profit done with our money already hey mac mccollum oh kill him what are you over here ooh and about oh kill him come on oh i thought we were doing something bring it i thought we probably found sound good you hurt yourself i know yeah he is i usually do i'm surprised he hasn't farted yet you know what both you guys keep getting at me like you crazy i'm gonna have power no you know if you got a problem check out the hub chip and dip it down there princess knows this is all princess house where are you guys from we are we're from earth we're from earth pluto where are you from christopher airplanes trains and automobiles there's a very interesting box on the bottom of this humongous box mike oh yes please get to it we didn't find any well we did find some trains this box is really high is there an interesting box are you tripping which one it's done see it grab it boom told you that's christmas ornament we shouldn't show we shouldn't have cliche let's do another video let's record a video first did we show it man is there any other ones no it's all princesses house look we got that new princess house and so we got the first we had the old stuff and then we got the new stuff oh stoneware hi from portugal we have like almost every piece of princess house everyone there those catalogs spin around circles all right did everybody agree we should look in this yeah i'm gonna say it's christmas blue yes you liked it online thomas christmas balls watch glasses josh don't be a hater hater what are you saying oh no he said why you get so lucky hi from ohio says josh not locked it's not luck and that's the problem if you believe it's left you're already setting yourself back it's probability when you increase the probability by getting up off your ass and hustle grinding or winding you're going to get there that's all he said love you guys no that was a good explanation that was the very one very good one i cut too i'm sorry but it depends no cussing much in certain references all right 131 thumbs up but there's 215 in the chat i don't think so oh wait look at that jack always be on me for cuss works oh bathroom closet nick says hi all the way from antioch why didn't you get there you didn't go with the uh the bathroom box yeah no no no i didn't go with the suitcase i was waiting for you to grab it it looks juicy oh open it open it i'm not thumbing up until the trailer is loaded get out of here to be really good come on let's go what luxurious beauty is engraving concrete this is where they made their money oh man that [Music] hi from mississippi what is that oh take two two please take two this isn't a six zipper bag betty said bless you babe thank you appreciate it baby thank you bruce yeah um nobody wants to see those gingerbread house underpants again is that a lot of paperwork yeah it's a lot of paperwork is it all paperwork no i'm not done going through it come on mike come on mike come on michael what's this this looks kind of nice come on michael oh what is that bitcoin an experian 9300 if it was for her business it's probably a good one you pull up and be a wedding planner or something extravagant for no reason what do you keep the papers for brenda paper that looks personal babe it's personal yep it's all personal oh we're about to go ahead and head on to 300 people holy crap how many let's go guys we got a 25 well we're at 2 30 but let's get let's get that 25 dollar super chat right there 25 hours what's up with that what does it say cold drinks on me great teamwork i need some water i love you guys we're getting drinks he needs some milk some milk oh that's great that is nice hi mrs e what is that you know honestly we can't find the the hat bruce do you do a turkey in person [Music] is that really a turkey that's a turkey only turkey oh that looks like an old one too with the other thing what did you just like that pokemon sorry yeah what i hate that they have a tape that has to be a classic what if it's packed with pokemon take a look i heard money i think they have a cake because it compromises the thing like it i did play it at the pokemon so i'll take my knife oh man look at this thank you angie be very careful now look at this pan how big this thing is holy cannoli covered tayla nice to make um do you think you need a bigger pan what do you mean look at that look at wait 16 inches it's the first time covered get daddy oh no it's a pokemon game oh it's in there don't open it i didn't open it the tape i had to cut the tape see what the board looks like oh look at that wow bring it this way a little bit how many uh did you drop a video today alex oh yes i did all right yours is from the one of our recent units right yeah it's the first one from the second year to the three units that we from nick gordon says number one fan thank you nick candles whatever you want my candle baby you don't smell like nothing though would you like my fire baby this is what happens at the auction guys princess this is the behind the scenes of alex now you don't usually see me it's been a long day long day it's been a very long day [Music] especially i could use something to eat someone turned the microphone down listen here a roller coaster of a unit yeah get your stuff oh yeah it's already buried you gotta wait no it's not i've seen it poor liz isn't allowed to give anything uh-oh your phone's going dead there's locker dibs all over it you're a lie i can't even walk in the house i have to jump through the window to get in my home he's a lie hey mookie don't you love where the box comes out that's okay she loved me in the morning my yeah found some money honey no it's a spoon and something else but it fell off the bottom of this box which is nice like hold on show the camera right here this is like the one you get when you buy it they give this a gift it's still nice oh yeah that's probably 40 50. look the whole box came out the bottom so we're going to take it right here what's that oh no whatever you can go get my party stuff we'll do a couple more minutes live probably your phone's going damn oh yeah what's it in um i think it just said the ten percent warning to 250 people guys and only 150 likes our special thanks rainbow oh that's the little one let's see who she wants is pepco too no rainbow rainbow oh this whole box exploded i'm just gonna kick it to the side there you go crystal plates oh my god they're stuck in every because clint that would cut into um our bag what's cleansing why don't we hire someone to load them who gave this little what's that little broom thing is that another super chat i missed the super chat no i said it the yellow one mm-hmm was it matthew no nick oh nick gave it nick with the 9.99 super chat i'm freaking loving you 166 likes 250 people in the house whoo i love it guys i love it i almost want to try it right i'm dehydrated so i can't otherwise glad you liked it mookie what we got a lot going on guys um we'll be doing an auction thursday right um thomas what are you talking about we're gonna start at around three four o'clock three four two and we'll probably go to like sunday we're just gonna it's gonna be a 172 hour auction or something right i don't know what's going on no but for real thursday we're going to do a joint auction stream yard on my channel i basically took tonight's live and i moved it forward i had to unbeknownst to me this unit was going to be as enticing and intriguing as it has been we found some crazy stuff earlier and there was no way with all the people watching us screaming that i was going to and alex agreed as well we could leave it overnight because people break into these units trust me they break into these units i don't want that so we had to make sure we were able to do our filming rooting get everything out so we can feel comfortable leaving the other stuff overnight yep yeah so we'll know everything is in here and it's been good i'll have a video out tomorrow this man's already put his video out yesterday today out today yeah have you got you got some videos my videos are still loading this one you can come over here oh yeah come on come on the camera guys wait you have a five dollar super chat i'll do the congregation what's up with all these super chats who's who's richard just throwing around money for your vacation have fun cool thank you just worrying about that let's go like this [Music] then we can read the comments see how the technology works oh um head is so big she meant that respectively you know what both you guys were picking on me all day she meant that respectively till sunday sounds good um that it's worth 60 bucks unopened what is that thomas i'm i'm doing it around three o'clock probably oh the pokemon game okay yeah i wouldn't say if it's not very expensive i'll probably did that for the kids because uh michael michaela eviano and 60 bucks they all love that game and sorry so that's a good combo the motherboard unit cs spooner i swear i'm going to get to that soon i keep saying that i'm going to go barely we almost have 200 likes before the lives over with one hour that's amazing could we get to 200 likes real quick guys come on 226 in the chat i know we can show 200 likes thank you guys for joining in dude we're rich in princess house yeah for sure and i think there's plenty of more princess house that way i sub to both of your tick tock mac that's awesome dude i appreciate that awesome unemployed yes boat man we put the fun in fun employed i tell you that right now dang i thought that worked slow in lockers i thought that i worked slow and the jackpot almost got the whole you know notifications you're still on your first one jack yeah comment below if you want to see jack in some of our videos soon comment below right here just let jack know locking us in the chat right now guys i know you've been asking me a lot comment below if you want to see jack come in one of our videos here soon special guest special guest superstar jack in the house j liz you look so young life must be good what was the best thing you found in this unit um i don't know how to answer that which best thing you nearly rolly rolly in the dev you know that the storage auction pirate likes three things i'm not even going to say the words but you know what they are we found them don't have to watch the videos we don't need a water is that water in a van yes we want to see jack great live unboxing yes jack yes look at all these jets look at all these comments jack everybody wants to see you in a video with us soon come on jack i love you all i'm gonna end this live um any last words alex yeah hold on let me come over there's camera on me or you guys it's over here oh don't you gonna show the gold ones one one more time one of the nice you already showed it once i'm going to show it again you can turn it like this and and use it one time just to show the this should give a good glimpse she already is humongous look at that all right no more sneaks huh jack and a niners shirt that'd be it never ray he says okay jack jacks are better that auction on thursday is going to be crazy why my beard look like that let's go you mean we're gonna auction thursday and friday thursday and friday we gotta kill it yep we're gonna do one on my channel and we're gonna just tag team like i'll do like two lots we're gonna do like our goal is gonna be 60 likes that night hey what's up oh look at that i love y'all i'm out goodbye say something pretty peace out hit the like button share see you thursday massive auction
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 10,716
Rating: 4.9265308 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: aGg8JycwZxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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