WE FOUND SO MANY OF THESE IN $1760 ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT storage wars extreme unboxing mystery box

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see the other one says lv bags this one actually says purses come on oh i can't get it it's real i don't want to show anymore oh the video maybe it's some ornaments or something they got ordered from hawaii and they well they're military they said navy on the thing oh oh oh oh let's see if we can see the other one says lv bags this one actually says purses come on sorry i had to do that i'm manifesting like oh think that you know just turn away close your eyes close your eyes let me uh go ahead you ready oh wait you can't get it it's very weird that's louis vuitton kind of but i don't think it's louis vuitton and this looks real personal is this not real no that's not cool oh oh oh oh it's not real oh you know yeah i'm just gonna throw it away because you're just disappointed not real no well you know what i think i have to tune into the next video to see this or are we going to show it now this one enough it's real nope it's not is it you could have told by this but no i don't do that but the one that looked it real wasn't that one and what's the matter what's the matter i don't want to show anymore oh the video is supposed to be over at this one anyway so maybe um we'll finish this up on the next box i think paris has been hanging around with me too long because you know what he just did until next time right yeah until next time on locker nuts no you're wrong no all right wait i'm waiting for a roar ready roar right meow morning yeah we're recording let's see we're gonna continue on nice little alex taught me to tease you all so here we are in the second video going through these purses let's see what we got this unit right we're gonna call this the purse unit this is what made everybody be bidding on this you know the five by 15 should not have went for 1700 lv coaches who made us bid first one out does have a tag however this is 99 not real but if you're the one who thinks it is it is for sale at the flea market stocked in flea markets mondays wednesdays thursdays we still have it's still 30 40 easy well yeah but it's not it's not that top grade look at that bag it's new it smells new where do you buy stuff like this like what are you what are people actually going to stockton yeah is it ironic you see for one i don't think louis vuitton will send you out the store with that plastic maybe i don't maybe maybe not that looks vintage when they're vintage though you never know this one is a little more questionable but we have some numbers right here m51185 look it up guys tell us what you find out about it that's nice throw a laptop in there whose laptop's that small coach it's painful a little bit you know it is look at how off they're stitching usually a lot of people who really can't afford the newer realest though but but most likely this person has a couple real ones laying around because oh good thing we have two more units to go through yeah look at that number that's weird do you think i can pull one of these off on the little woman little woman let her look at it just pull up with it and she's gonna be like i don't want this she's gonna smell it from a mile away yeah hmm look at the little animal in there seeing it the little animals inside of it look at this eyeball oh yeah eyelashes and see the ashes oh those are animals that's actually pretty nice yeah if this was real we'd be oh yeah we did ten times our money smells good ten times no not ten times that'll be nice these look real but what are they nothing real nothings real nothing scarves they're nice and they're rough for a rough night another one oh i know that that's visors gucci louie and all that stuff was she a dealer that's a nice one um fendi was she dealing gucci she probably was selling gucci these are pretty nice so you can feel the quality of it she had she had a quality taste or a steak let's give her the same goes so much shrimp and steak can't wear a visor the reason i wear a hat all the time from a bald spot advisor won't hide it yeah you have to not be ashamed of things but honestly though this bag so far is a couple hundred dollar box not bad we only have 1700 invested into this oh wow oh well i just thought of that but this is still a lot better than spending three thousand on some plastic baskets and flowers oh it's all gucci so you take it out the bag baby that's what you got to do it looks beautiful i love the red on the inside oh that weight is kind of there open this let's get a closer look smells like a cartoon i think the colors are off look how awful it is oh look at those belts in there believe the tombow it's actually really nice really really nice the lining is on it looks kind of on mike this one might have a chance it's nice the leather's soft oh this box is crazy lv interesting i don't know much about these so we're gonna have to have an expert look at them do you have an lv expert okay i still need to i mean even like i said even if the worst case scenario these might be knockoffs but i can tell you this it's sure a lot better than the stuff we were dealing with this morning oh yeah and at darn near the same price another coach that's cool it's gonna be cute it doesn't fit me no don't fit you wrapped up um you know how much this whole thing would have been worth if every single one was real in there and how much this person would have paid for all that let me check my uh check my lv schedule 2004 2005. that's what that says interesting got a couple more here i got ammo that almost comes across as a legit purse but yeah well that was a little bit disappointing alex that's all i gotta think um next be dupe's a hazard nope cute what tarnish oh maybe somebody passed and they had to send it or something hawaii maybe it's some ornaments or something they got ordered from hawaii and they well they're military they said navy on the thing oh oh oh oh oh secret bag gold and then in here we have oh it's a little better better than you thought yeah change fair very dry navy that's nice yeah that's a couple hundred bucks i think maybe look what's the back seat on it you know the brand says this is latched see that l c s c shots shots that's a nice one oh bless me thank you definitely something that ends up on an auction or you know ebay type that's not that's not a flea market cool flea market there's not like the bottom clock middle range this is the top clock the main clock of the whole boat what does the usn stand for uh it's some probably about u.s navy united states navy united states nonsense 1995 oh that's a nice one that's a real nice one oh it's the same one it's no that one's better oh you know what they have them like this it's like it's paired i don't know if you uh i think scott had a combo like this once that i sold for him well not again you guys stupid easy that's nice shots that's a good brand no that's a really good brand this is this is a lot better than i think you realize i know i understand you do i've been doing this business longer than you sir oh yeah okay started before you had to keep the kid quiet or just thought ipad had him in the car widescreen monitor and a vcr in puerto rico our puerto rican trip ooh is that what they're calling right now we knew that was an old ban anything oh yeah that could be a very valuable i used to listen a minute ago when i was a kid seriously right no i'm saying yeah when we have to watch that i never liked him when i was younger i think your little concoction is going to fall over oh i'm going to see how i always been bearing with me should i just go with another box until my time runs out what are your battery going dead well here i i just i have to that time's done and i might get a video out of it oh well come on let's do it and then what's this we're gonna run it full course oh people like me get down like that yeah i like this position i want to sit down too let me pull the thing in we're both about to sit here and be lazy all right it's all right we could be lazy we've been up since five in the morning you were too they're yelling baby but look how's the size of that they're gelling no it's food that's not the size you cut off to your sides you see what the thing is well that's at some point they're making it for somebody that big i think i might want to dip that what this whole thing them little towels what are you gonna do with them i'm gonna use them around the house to wipe down like counters and stuff oh and then put them away it's like a mexican uh towels oh you going back in for more let's do it come on order now are you zoomed in mike no i have 0.5 yeah because that's when you have the third camera i think your other one was on one no yeah oh you won't record in your last video it is what it is basically it's a wide angle when you upgrade to a better phone oh plush you know that seems to be hot yeah it is i just got a bunch of uh oh that's a nice one let's go this is law what is that that is a raccoon that is a beaver it has a tag on it read the tag what does that say that might be a good one you ever ate it beaver before no they had a tough meat i heard it was sweet okay that's not a nice one you ever had a beaver smack in the face oh that's a rifle there's a rifle in there you hear that which one was that oh hbc head in charge yeah i know i can't hbic is there this is a personal box is what i'm thinking it's look it's got pictures it's getting cards there's money in there oh no money jesus christ i don't think he went out to say jesus christ no no no it was that what was on there that picture was it was a picture of jesus christ u.s navy memorial that's interesting okay that's not this is all stuff we give back that she didn't want in the beginning is that hair in there yeah it's very common oh those are pictures oh those are nice old pictures military police station there's more pictures in there yeah we're gonna have to go through these anyway because remember she doesn't want this stuff she walked away from this kind of you lack a better word she couldn't pay a bill and decided to stop paying for that reason because she was old and her husband passed away and that was probably him see oh we didn't see but i didn't want to spell these are all photos look at this we got a new offer for 85 for pokemon 1999 shadowless bass set nintendo it's all photos and let's go with the head in charge papers all of her papers oh my so this was basically a personal box with a little bit of dolls the dolls are actually a little bit sellable that wasn't right but we have to take it also we do have we will load it grab another box come on we need some good stuff daddy lv is that what it says no the other one in there says lv where in there oh i don't even wanna look right now i'm disappointed in the lv it's all right we'll make it up in gold and stuff she must have had some type of uh business ocd or something to put everything so spread out but i think this is barely the first unit of three yeah look like you just had activity right now i'm trying to think like why she did this you know like maybe she put this stuff inside the the place because she was worried about the elements getting to it the element there's something in the pocket of that one that's cool hey that's actually pretty cool on you but me yeah you need a pack of marbles for the pocket i don't smoke anymore though soon but the beauty is i got you one too dang you really stopped smoking huh yeah proud of you this one is actually a marble one what's that oh i thought that was something else what did they make their own army shirts that's a shirt but it's army on it mobile riviera force yeah she was she made a shirt in the shirt making remember i don't know yeah we we found that she was doing shirts and then there's navy but this is cool too dickies what is that maybe navy that's actually some cool stuff it's this whole navy outfit or her navy outfit there's a shirt patches on it too germany hawaii hawaii she was stationed in hawaii and these are military sweat that's pretty cool that's extremely cool hoes looks like a clothes box here brand new oh ooh this one just because you said that i'm going to go with these all right oh she's these are the making shirts look see oh so well i do make my own shirts yeah besides those these are 2xl those are perfect yeah but they're turning yellow a little bit i don't got a red storage stalker shirt yet nice i don't have one either so you can make me one in this black not as high quality as uh yours but we make it happen am i fading because i over wear them oh captain crunch baby yeah that's probably actually a pretty pricey shirt because that's older oh yeah yeah oh that's weird what are they selling what happens at the party stays at the party this is like some this is like some some uh bodega liquor store type stuff you know right here this one mountain dew what'd it do you know who that needs to go to tom cruise he always tells me what to do oh without cut classy cut the sleeves off and sewed and hemmed them right there's my battery looking i don't know i can't see it this is the kind of shirts the kids uncle chris always wears like only these stripes with brand new uh thing across them evolution 72. so yeah that's interesting neat stuff what's that they're definitely to military hammocks there's one two of them see when you go down there you can see the little wood sides right here folds out makes it stretch there's two of them but seriously i'm not exaggerating those were like 50. they're the same one maybe that one's guns right there no worries no worries it's that problem free philosophy packing brown paper same thing that's still nice though because once again two things the military out there for the two clocks which are are really actually nicer than you think they are i know they're nice all the dust particles flying around in there oh yeah what is that flexible light okay um torch some more vintage tools defined vintage 20 years not a vintage but they're nice fives and sands are coming all out of this unit baby two of those we got some gold doorknobs ooh solid gold 4.99 oh these are all tools look at that legos i was going to tell you i was going to tell you that reminds me of my lego box when i was a kid but i didn't want to be wrong and then sure is crap it is it's a toolbox he uses his lego box as a toolbox yeah i can't see it i don't see that i don't like that well yeah but some people do are you gonna close you got some tools on the bottom and another bag right here which is i'm gonna say more tools nope a bag four bags marlboro bags but you believe it or not those are often worth money nowadays should we open it up like that i might have to dip there i told a little woman i'm gonna start keeping some tools drill bits no soldering gun doctor cam sorry oh no airbrush oh wow maybe it looks so good oh look it turns on must have some like parent stuff somewhere along the line like this is an older generation more tools nice oh that's 119 piece wow it's locked up that's a nice set too should we try to open it make sure it's tools um it's definitely tools and i want to wait to see what we sell it for i might have to buy the person i might have to buy a side of that we're not going to buy us out like it's a 500 item well no but it's only right and i'm i want to start keeping tools so a little bag for your tool holding oh wow merry christmas hey why would you put the hammer right there though look at the hammer like really hammer time or what maybe it's a woman hammer time what is this we got um oh it's a oh for your stuff on slide instead of using big old doors like you do in your trailer yeah but that's you can't the trailer expands when you use that yeah sure these are cool right here that's like 50 bucks i thought you were gonna hit me with that for a second i almost finished um yeah no yeah that's yeah look at that trunks it goes with our cb in the box come on that's your intro oh tools see because you think about this psychologically it's um it's the theme right this person stacked their tools here that's chances are there's going to be some tools there is that a stun gun let me tag you in the nuts with it i was going to just tag you right now oh lucky it's dead wait oh it's not working stun gun though so we got a rape whistle alarm a stun gun i'm the number one stunner i'm the number one stunner more tools tubing tool kit um another ratchets you're ratchet i'm gonna to get yoda for picking on alex now oh the wwfb championship belt right there this is the uh hulk hogan wears yeah the incredible hulk hey what kind of car do you have uh oh a motorcycle how big was the biggest that's a police motorcycle what's the biggest unit we want it's a police frequency directory you see that we bought a cop we bought a cop we bought a cop cop unit eight six we have every phone number very police man in the united states of america um we kind of do woodbury i'm excited right down there can you just kick one no about those ones to your right behind you those subscriber once told us one of those may make us rich we got all this to go through guys there's gonna be lots of videos storage stocker look at his name on his shirt yeah store stocker no name on the shirt i'm not wearing it but you can always go to my channel and check me out we got a lot to go and we got two more actually in a few minutes we'll take this down at the end of this video i'll show you a smidgen of both just what it looks like with the door open you're gonna get a sneak peek of the next two units and teasers all you get to see just kidding
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 22,462
Rating: 4.9309354 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker, storage auction live
Id: iRBz5EE2si8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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