I SPILLED THIS AT FLEA MARKET ~ i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this !

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here we got one two three four five six seven boxes we bought them at a vault auction i paid 375 bucks couch cushion oh man i don't i don't want to talk oh no oh no we are at the flea market what's gonna be exciting day um i'm gonna sell the flea market and i'm going to do an unboxing i'm sure they're all being the same video we're getting ready to leave town for a week so i got so much going on we're going for a snow vacation i'm so excited so here we go one two three four five six seven boxes we bought them at a vault auction i paid 375 bucks we're at the flea market we're going to go through my first off let's start with this box says waffle maker it used to be called pancake maker let's get a lower table here so let's go like this we're going to go like this teach you guys a little thumbs you don't get to bend over all the time go like this go like that and then you got that anyway we're going to get started here we are now we can uh what do we got here oh you know what the beauty of it we have lots of coats so we could just throw right into a tote into a wardrobe et cetera et cetera we got nothing there i'll just throw everything in the bucket for dollar sales but what i'll do is i'll just go through real quick and see if we can figure out everything we got you guys seeing it look at that accord a turtle a lizard hey i made this in school that sucks because they'll never get back to them moving companies don't ever take the stuff back just so you guys know most places will they'll do something with it moving companies are not going to give this stuff back we got some not very cool you know kitchen products that's what i'm seeing this is not great i'm not seeing cut toe knives someone's going to trip on that golf ball and hurt himself shy doesn't matter does it tony oh yes it does unfortunately there's an older version though you can already feel look see isn't it yeah still it's pretty pretty big i like it we can probably get 100 for it maybe we could probably get that one came out of the ball oh couch cushion couch cushion oh man damn [Music] tony how much you selling them for i'm just curious what you're selling for you said you want 10 of my 620 bucks no oh maybe i don't i don't want to talk oh no oh no is that a dog hopefully i think it's a dog you're all right i don't know this one's a person tony and it's not all right it's still it's still messed up and it bugs me that's mickey so it's okay what do we do it's what am i supposed to do honey how much how much is the proper procedure here what's that i don't know it's a that's a creep made a dog i don't know what i'm supposed to always want to put it back in there do we just like blow it in the wind well they're supposed to do that it doesn't when that's too late we got the words here it's it's all right let him be free i don't want to step on it it's weird it's not bad i don't know that just makes me uncomfortable because tony look look at this one i don't know well don't you have a collection already uncle brad oh my god why i'm not opening this one it's hurting my hand i'm not even lying to you it's making my hands hurt i know it is but that's how i am what's going on [Music] what do we have here some frankincense okay this is a really weird really weird box innocent see what is this uh what is it a bag that looks like uh a good two bucks maybe right [Applause] okay i'll take 100 for the green one this is what we're selling real quick guys let me make some footage here because i'm all this all over the place we got the bed we're asking 15. we're we cleared out these from the storage we're asking we just sold this for a honda it's a full-on fireplace brand new in the box and i'm no no i'm going through it right now yeah all right those i'm keeping for a moment so i'm using those to put my box on this is kitchen stuff you're not full box hold on i can't do that soon i can't do that i'm filming it for youtube see we got the camera on youtube well you don't necessarily want to be on there if you want to be on there i can put you on there but i don't try not to show people unless they say it's acceptable a lot of people get weird so yeah that's what i do when i whenever i buy a unit i film it all and put it on youtube huh the knife you can look at it's not it's not like a cutco or nothing special but there might be some of that in here i did find a silver set in one of their dish packs so that's what makes their stuff a little more exciting is finding this was about four pounds of sterling yeah this was at beacons on saturday yeah huh i'm trying to get a hundred for that man no but they they weren't though like they lived in black hawk well the thing about is what most people don't realize just because somebody has money doesn't mean they're not a someone i did a move job one time two of the most nastiest people i ever moved was back to back and they were both vice vps of uh hewlett packard filthy as you move their fridge and there was like this much cat hair and dirt under there it was horrible look at this though i've seen worse like i said the hewlett-packard people they had dog poop on their stairs yeah protection i don't feel as they live though oh yeah i know that one was junk guys i apologize ciao mister this one is a little more promising reason being there's a quick real good reason it says it says uh glasses dining room plate yeah i like that you know why because people put their good stuff in the different ways no one puts their good stuff in the kitchen your good stuff always goes in the dining room so you can show off to your friends when they come over you know it's cups oh great what you got there some crystal picture frame my casa yeah do you go through every one of these when you buy a storage unit and you get off like this do you go and open up everything i don't like to yeah that's it you know what it's going to be like hey oh exciting another wine glass oh exciting another one that is a nice wine glass though huh i got the whole step for sale right here one one two here we go we've got some more to all wine glasses part of that set which one the black one there for 30. yeah there should be two 15 for both is fine there's both the uh how much is that this right here this whole piece you want all of it give me uh 15 that's fair now yeah it's a good one same with that i'll take i only want 20 on the two nightstands in the bed frame piece there oh that looks like four oh nice oh look at that are you good now it's okay there's nothing special you don't see waterford or anything it's just basic crystal that's like entry-level crystal right there okay oh what do we got here a little bit better oh it's that red okay carnival glass they call that that's nice that's getting a little better come on let's go let's get the good stuff oh yes i have this set give me um that's a good one give me 15. 15. yeah okay this christmas is coming soon here give me some parts no it's all there look you just plug it in boom as the stand you can open if you want to assemble it okay all right nice francisco hand painting could be more like this i guess i don't open them oh look at this oh man that is nice see there's more in here i just there you go uh two dollars each i just know i'm not gonna undo them they're all nice plates yeah that was kind of cool and i think these are some more like that yep the smaller version they're nice i look them up 12 bucks a piece on ebay you want the plates there uh 20 bucks for all of them that's uncle brad i show you my son uh-huh what do you got there coffee coffee wow wow that is some beat up give me uh give me seven give me six that is some beat up cuckoo right there you ever seen that cuckoo cuckoo that's good stuff i know but look at it look at the the wear on it in the wood i haven't seen this pattern it's just stuck i always like wow you think you're buying all good stuff in these things i'm telling you you're not look at that that's kind of cool have you ever seen a rolling pin like that tony hi sir how you doing thought it was sterling i thought we found the jackpot hold on sir hold on sir what are you doing sir you wanna say hello to everybody on youtube i will right here [Music] i thought that was like the world's first yo-yo nope it's a freaking knife sharpener that is everything guys in that box like i said this when you go to the moving company auctions they're not really they're very seldom it's just great stuff but i gambled i paid 400 just to hope that there was a silver set and i did strike gold i did hit the silver set i got lucky and i'm very grateful for that oh this is actually kind of really tedious we got a lot of spoon okay so forks and spoons they had a lot of different once they entertained a lot you have to think why does the person have all this i'm the heavy ones i like more because i could tell it's stuff like that i'm looking for the rest of my silverstep this stellar crap new haven ah so he was in the furniture moving industry interesting refuses to help him unpack this stuff he'll do anything to do anything else oh i can't sorry mike hey how you doing it's all right it's been okay morning bed better morning it's all right look at your iron man now can you please put that on he is iron man i don't even know the words whatever i can sing the basic sounds of the song so yeah um i need to i'm gonna show you a couple more cups here guys and i'm gonna show you why i don't want to go 320 engineering general instruments okay oh careful that's something that's a human i got to put that away it's the body somebody in there uncle brad don't touch that please he's sleeping tony don't wanna help me he just wants to be in his own world give me three or four oh that looks like five i don't know why i've never seen one so i feel like that's cool that is 15 solid breath yep right there this one yeah see he's getting all nervous just set it in there like that yeah see he's nervous guys another one look at that these things that are not for sale as they break them huh another one you guys save the tea cups i guess for some reason those have all of a sudden become wanted on my hot my auction all right more cups we'll set all of these aside you'll see them in a auction later on tony doesn't want tony do you ever watch my videos yes you do why don't you talk and stuff like that let the world see you because what i tell you because why yeah but people would that'd be cool to see in the chat every now and then just so they can know that you exist you don't get to come talk regularly be part of all that's just crystal save it or not no the teacups i will they're kind of cool and easy to pack but the crystal is i had waterford on the other day and we weren't even really doing well with it that is nice anyone that's a teacup um yeah it's not really pika but we just set it back in here no i mean no i'm putting those let me see let me look myself made in usa oh these are part of this franciscan set right oh yeah you better keep them um let's just set these yeah put them aside put them in one lot we'll just put them here i get all anxiety when i'm just trying to be fluid and do i'm trying to think and i got to make those decisions and get me all like what do i do i'm not panicking my anxiety kicks in oh what about pink uh no no no no that's what this box is that's for the ground i'm putting see this box here is going to go on the ground and then we'll get the rest of stuff out of the truck and i'll have a big sail and i'll go home and we won't see each other for a while we're going to like going we're go a little break how long are you going on vacation that is nice so we're looking like we got a set see those are teacups oh oh look at tony broke that don't look at him tony broke it tony broke it guys we call it all of you no trying to coffee this is our last box of day guys and then i'm going to be done with the unboxing and i think it was a wonderful 500 well spent we've actually sold some of the things from today what'd you sell a tv for no no it's still here he sold you sold the bed no i actually didn't sell anything so far we've sold the racks didn't come from that we sold uh the least i the last item i thought i'd actually sell this one on the christmas tree [Applause] [Applause] we need a tote for these i was gonna go down i'm gonna dig deep and get down here a little bit with something different than cups we'll let tony work on cups and i'll do the good stuff okay so it is part of that set right there the transition oh he's got a bus wow stabs me [Applause] that is nice is it like no it's still nice oh nice tony nice oh you got a couple more things here to go through um you can put the cups in there that we're bringing out oh wow look at this one honey don't break it look at that tell me that's not cute fragile dean and barbara wow that is actually really really nice i haven't seen a dish like that i'm i think the little woman might like this one that's a good one right that's part of the set these plates are part of the set for now that's a body that's got to go in a tote to go back in the front of the trailer basically it's uncle brad it's uncle brad in the year 2000 i don't know you know it'll be fun if we both put our head in the box at the same time and hit our heads what's in the box can this go in our keep box over there you can oh you want to start another one yes go ahead we're getting down to it on this here yeah that's all silver 80. we put uncle brad and mickey and ricky in that box too all right what kind of burger do you want you better go come on i'm gonna go get that because this looks like we're done here and i should i don't i'll go kill two birds with one stone um i'll be right back what's that look like to you that looks like a pan you cook in your dick it's oven safe you can make casseroles oh two dollars two dollars you're being funny guys um that's a wrap on these boxes guys i think that was like i said most of this was we're going to do a couple lots of the china and stuff like that on the youtube auction we got a little bit of stuff that we're just going to fluff out the flea market i don't think i got really any ebay but i did get the silver set doubled my money but that being said don't forget to tell tony you miss him hit the like button share button subscribe say something pretty hope that's a wrap we have managed to make a total after giving tony his expenses for the day and everything we have 580 left a little bit of dump run probably 40 dump run and we're off for our day get ready going skiing tony wants any last encouraging words uh subscribe like know about you wanna see no see next time people you're gonna see yourself later on this video you're like it's me dad look it's me everybody look i'm famous
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 5,512
Rating: 4.9208789 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker, Found body
Id: h7GKGR9kpXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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