YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT WE FOUND IN $1760 STORAGE UNIT ! storage wars extreme unboxing treasure

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we bought this storage unit right here named  swordstalker aka santa claus and his little helper   i'll be the little helper right here 1760.  welcome back ladies gentlemen boys girls big   daddies little mama stalkers and storage lovers  of all ages we are here in this amazing unit we   got alex we've been here so long the hair has  grown down his back i have no fear in his back   i had beard transplants from my beard and my back  and my tummy to my hair we got stuff everywhere   tell me a little bit left what is the  good news we're making money we did   we found more pennies than none yeah we found more  we found silver silver amazing sports collectibles   a very precious gem diamonds uh where  it's like right here you can go to his   channel and her channel little mama stalker  store stalker and you will see some of it   anyway let's get continuing that's  not right let's say something   let's get pillaging that sounds  better very very weird stuff just we'll say that for a second we got  some brake cleaner uh come on a second   this might get you to speed up real quick oh  i thought you might just pick up your pace a   little bit hold me down you get a little bit  of brake cleaner here we got uh what is that   it's an lrd-937 you never seen one of these  it's a radio so these are a home band detector come on gun no this is like a ham radio thing  or a sheep this is actually probably a 50 or   100 let's check everything considering  we found jewelry in the first place make up your mind here stalker geez okay we've  got hose we got oh what is this this feels nice   it's all wrapped in a thing and it's just it's a gm two two five three eight  seven three oh down you know what's um that sounds like paint they got   safety i'm gonna keep my mouth closed  there's a flashlight and a sock that was in there a flashlight use your use your   imagination oh there we go the green  bag that's what i've been waiting for disappointed it's not bummer we haven't  pulled out one piece of trash out here   well no it's not it's not a bummer but like you  know how it is if you wanted that to be a thousand   dollars not six bucks you know there you go you  wanted to yeah he knows how the full box is good   i came out of the womb  forting folding boxes you know   look at this beanie babies yo kettle burger  king yo kettle taco bell keto taco bell taco i got some of those at the house oh archie yeah  those are actually very nice i guarantee you're   like 15 to 20 bucks a piece why would i feel  like jughead would be a good nickname for you   for me yeah oh good job ghetto burger king oh  jughead oh that's nice 80s oh hawaii i like that   i like that if it was actually see how the tag  and stuff is if there wasn't if i noticed it was   like some little stain right here this would be at  least a 20 30 dollar bill without that thing oh we   might oh some bull winkles oh those are tight i  want those dips go ahead they're your sizes look   like you just got a christmas present so happy we  have an unboxing coming soon or those or like the   live try on what they call it the reveal brand  new i can't anymore the new turtleneck medium no   not your style oh when i say nfl because they  they were the proud sponsor of this oil oh some booties what are these are  these like these are little booties   they're for this already  that's what they mean when they okay bring it down mike bring it down too much  fun guys get to work now this is the most overdone   little one it's a freaking gingerbread  house that goes over what your microwave   or something that's kind of no no i think it's  a sweater put it on how cute would you be like   you literally put it over somebody's kitchen oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no  no no no no no no no no no they are huh i'm gonna put one one put that on dude right there i wasn't ready okay babe foster  you can do a tick tock click click this is extremely weird okay hold on hold  on i gotta flip your phone really quick   and go okay ready we bought this store gina  right here name store stalker   aka santa claus and his little helper i'll be  the little helper right here 1760. welcome back that's all i got oh what were we wearing i'm sorry um what do  we got here this is a super shoe you know when   you have to shred on the go say you're  out somewhere and you just fitted a lot   of things you know what you did you just got  to instantly yeah at home what i'm in the car   you guys gotta stress well you know i do have  a big shredder oh no more i don't know one for   you don't tell me that's the tops oh no they're  in there what are these oh i like the sockies hey this actually turned out to be a pretty  good lot for christmas for christmas stuff   believe it or not well nobody's gonna want the  diapers anymore oh yeah they're gonna ask us   to sign them could you guys each sign those  can you please stitch your name in that one   i'll go down here oh more what is this okay  one of these oh look at that central pneumatic   that sounds expensive we got a filter  for this probably goes to like a dodge   viper or the batmobile so that makes these  extremely rare whole bunches of them oh wow   he was definitely a mechanic because he  has a lot of parts and that's where his   rolex watch is or is that his that's that  under armor brand we got hoses we got those guys and the central nomadic which is sadly the  cheapest tool in the in the world and it's an air   vacuum pump but it's made with like six grams of  metal it takes to build that whole entire is it uh it is it's like an air vacuum it  looks like a little air progression oh funny guy oil babe the last  time i opened a bucket like this   and it was full of liquids there was like 25 baby  fetuses and it was blood so this is a lot better   than that one okay well it's full  of oil yeah is water this feels like budweiser the king of beers oh more of these  this guy really are those chains yeah um   chains are expensive i bought some  i bought them for the dodge charger i bought them for the dodge to  go to tahoe and i never used them   yeah i had bought some for my van and i  had to use them 20 160 freaking dollars   and they're changing they are  chains okay and we got a toolbox let me get this one out of the way trusty  sidekick thank you this is a beautiful assistant oh it's it's got zip ties this  guy is all over the map here he is   this is a gps but this thing  has a tag of 3.99 on it okay 3.99 oh yeah back when before cell phones   that's probably why i was so expensive another  set 55 pieces you know what we both need to   step up our tool game i'm definitely  keeping a soccer set at this point it's a taser for the knuckles oh dibs no  put the batteries in no no no no no no no   let me tase you how about not and when you gotta  put the batteries in your mouth oh that was scary   no it's not in there it's horrible feeling it's  all right yeah it's sticky the batteries don't   give him the batteries mike he's a little kid who  does not know how to play with toys you know what   mike's gonna let me shock him no you're not mike  i have a choice a little mom is not gonna let you   i think the batteries blast knuckles this thing  isn't sitting so long it's not even gonna work   you know i'm sorry i could use one of these in  my purse why was i gonna grab it like this and   press it um oh this thing feels so sticky it's  disgusting it made me you know how oh yeah it's   like dirty i'm not going to tell you what that  reminds me of i wonder what they did with it i kept the taste master bedroom what did he do to sit there and watch tools  and then like touch himself or something you know what they say the bedroom  is where the magic happens right another 56 pieces yeah they're  all just wrapped up and another which one there's a 52 piece set nope wow then you have another 53-piece market  thousand sockets going out next week   hey but it's crazy though it's all  vintage i wonder if they sell it like that   look at that 38 bucks honestly you probably  i bet you have stuff's really good on ebay   versus what we'll get in the free market for  people but and all the time on our online   auctions all that matters is we sell it and we  get on to the next right because you honestly you   find this this is not the first first or tenth  time i found piles of brand new craftsmen and this is a marble bag what is that i think you put your joint in the  end of it oh could be wrong not that i would know   gold rings remember when you used  to get symphony chef weird yeah   you have the red cap you got to kill the  sides around the side that's another kid okay maglite it's another one of these see air vacuum  pump it's 12.99 i'm telling you feel it   you don't even know something's in there it's wrenches it's tied together very good yeah  that is about in here just tools again i bought   change the pace too many tools i brought you a  full page carter on 7 000 nine hundred ninety nine   six thousand nine hundred and ninety eight  just kidding are these good brands starlight   stuff right first star i see tonight  tools um yeah imagine that we've gotta oh look at these ones these are these are always  fun we're gonna go sell them at the same party   for the tools oh we're gonna sell hoes yeah those  are nice we gotta be careful because it's illegal   to sell horses in california vegas would be how  much is his receipt for for them um do you ever   want to know cash total 21.94 but that was in  why he never even used it yeah 1999. yeah it's   he collected it this was his thing crazy another  one of these i'm telling you i really want one   of these look i'm keeping one of the bigger sets  like this is never even open beautiful it looks   like they didn't even get put in oh two he bought  them in o2 the beautiful thing is it makes me a   lot more excited for the fact that we had 102 that  was 19 years ago another unit to go through and um   i don't know yeah i'm gonna bring another  one go on you're on a roll mike you're on a   roll here we go we'll be done with this unit  right here in this video guys crazy almost can we take a second to admire  this uh this box crazy horse what are we minoring for that's why i don't  understand crazy horse is that a thing that's the   name of a certain place it is certain somewhere is  it like a whorehouse i thought that was cowdy ugly   oh crazy horses in the strip club though yeah  oh i thought that was a whorehouse 55 pieces   and look at that we have the 35 piece set we  have the other 35 piece set then you come in here   and we have the 35 piece set so we got four 35  piece sets here this isn't i mean that one's 53. wow that's crazy yeah because this little box  here is over 100 bucks are pulling out is upward   i don't understand why you need  so many tools so time's up i'm but how are you doing tools how are you dealing  tools if you're buying brand new exactly makes   no sense you're not making money unless she  was buying it and saving it for all that meals   oh come on flip flops what is it flip flop no no  this is the nasty box oh it's the first nasty box   in the whole unit i said nice don't cut it this  is rope this is uh for everyone that don't know this is oil you guys remember sitting spins  used to sit on them like that and you spin   around oh yeah yeah those are cool i don't know  if that was past your time or before your time   i was wondering what you're talking about this is kind of a really bad box  yeah this one looks kind of like yeah these look like a bunch of toolboxes they were color-coded weird it's like when he had  to go do a job he's like i   need a yellow toolbox don't go in my toolbox it's all craftsman oh craftsman i want to do more  i'm about to start researching   craftsman socket sets because look at  that it was wild and his tools stink   well it's it's what happens when you leave metal  like that and if you ever notice when you go in   units you always smell that there's craftsman  craftsman that's a husky but that's still   like this by itself is fifteen seventeen dollars  maybe twenty it's a three-fourth drive brand new more craftsman a torque wrench a seven piece  wrench set and then some wrenches he used because   naturally these were his working tools not the  ones he collected i don't think he was working   he was a uh pretending mechanic  yeah there you go he was a volcanic tool master look at that we got  the tie rod adjusting the claw oh oh we got some more batmobile  air filters here these are probably   800 bucks a piece on ebay yeah  for the batmobile of course and then oil wow this guy was you know  what it was he was a home mechanic it   was he was running a side business at his  house yeah and knock off louis vuitton he's got the colored ones that is beautiful  oh honey those are cute can i get those auction we might be able to try but then  you know you think about the heaviness of   it we're paying the shipping it might  not be wise you guys found two galore and then you have to apply the turn and  burn if we take our time on every single   item we'll be here for the rest of our life  and we let you on to the next big unit right get a grip come here no   no watch out come on that reminds me of  uh was it the friday after last oh yeah where he had devo oh wait the last tool you find is the ultimate   screwdriver set looks like those that should  have been mac or snapping you know yeah my knees are huge that's a pry bar we have i need to go  with these ones yes sir all right last couple   boxes in this unit and then we have two more  steel to go in this whole series this is amazing   this is the cheap the most expensive but the  most full least full unit this is oil i'm not   going to go through that oh that's unopened 5w30  oil guys this is a two-ton hydraulic floor jack   you think there's anything in here  well no you gotta wait for them you gotta wait for those we love george woo oh i had a pair of those i took the best bath last night little woman made  me one because my back was hurting and i just laid   in it you know honestly as an old person bath  time is like the best time i don't usually like   baths because i don't like hot like i don't want  to be too hot and i don't want to be too cold   i'm like the little baby bear and you know  what you do you make it hot and then you   put the cold water in that's what i do i  get in the shower like this and i touch   it right then i don't get in i pour a little  bit in and i go like that do it over and over   what is that oh these are good oldies but goodies  that might be a good auction lot i i pretty   much put all my dvds and cds in the auction  lots anymore what yeah well people like them   people like them and they don't have to worry  about taking the flea market and everybody   throwing them around and stuff like  that just boom somebody gets all of them   i've even saw vehicle could alex just go all  the way around that's what i was thinking did my ears deceive me oh you  went all the way around to um   get the other stuff shower caps  shower cap galore tons of shower caps   um refrigerator magnets so it's like  the most uncertain redskins oh this   right here is actually kind of cool frederick's  believe it or not that's or fitzgerald's i said oh and duct tape fear nail polish well if we  needed to kidnap anyone we have enough duct tape   that's for sure all right  well that is the wrap guys   yeah it's done we're gonna go on to the next  one this man right here he has a channel   yes what's it called i don't know there's your  hair's in your way i don't know the young lady   behind the camera she has a channel it's called  little mama stuff there you go okay we're gonna   get to the other two don't hit the like button  share button subscribe and say something pretty
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 12,262
Rating: 4.9244266 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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