Diablo 4 Sorceress Blizzard Ice Shard Hybrid Guide, The Best of Both Worlds!

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at this point I've played a lot of sorcerer's builds in fact I've played every single meta build currently on the market and quite a few of the off meta ones as well and out of everything the blizzard ice Shard hybrid build that I found is by far my favorite if you're looking at Raw objective power for nightmare dungeon pushes I think there's a lot of Merit to just being Pure Ice Shard and if you want to take down Uber Lilith then pure blizzard with a two-handed weapon swap is definitely gonna be your best bet but in general I don't like hyper specializing my builds I'd rather do a bunch of content rather than just mindlessly grind one thing over and over again so this is a setup that's very flexible you can optimize it for Speed farming hell Tides you can optimize it for Speed farming dungeons you can optimize it for group play take it to Uber Lilith if you really want to or blast through nightmare dungeons either low or high keys in other words it might not be the single best thing for one piece of content but it's really darn good for every piece of content therefore it's the perfect build at least in my opinion with that flexibility comes a couple of small downsides the first of which is it's a little bit more complicated to put together then well every other build that I've played though it's easier to play than pure ice charts interestingly enough and second of all the problem is that there's a lot of key mechanics you need to pay attention to so be sure to pay really close attention to the next section because it's so important I'm going to put a short reminder to make sure you know the key mechanics have a start of every other section like skills and Paragon just in case people skipped ahead or missed it and if you're curious where does this build rank compared to all the other sork builds get subscribed I'm going to be coming out with an ultimate sork build tier list in the very near future and maybe leave a like while you're down there before getting into the key mechanics a special thanks to my patrons and channel members for the continued support but more about that at the end for now let's start looking at how you actually put this together starting with number one if you're going to be using blizzard you need ice Spike and if you need ice Spike then glacial and of the frozen tundra are mandatory aspects glacial is mandatory because it causes your blizzard to spawn ice spikes that deal massive damage to enemies the amount of damage dealt depends not only on what item it's imprinted on but also the item power of the base donating item therefore you want a high item power base item and before you extract it you need to upgrade it to rank 5. this is very important because it will increase the base damage in my case to 14.73. then I get 50 more from an amulet if you use a two-handed staff then you will absolutely instead want to put your aspect on the staff this way you get the doubling instead of the 150 from amulet but to make the damage even better you need a of the frozen tundra now the build doesn't use deep freeze and the roles don't matter at all what you want is your ice Spikes have 50 increased explosion radius it should be noted that this 50 increased explosion radius text doesn't actually scale with the item it's put on so sadly you don't get any special bonuses from putting it on an amulet or two-handed weapon but according to tests that northward did 50 increased ice Spike AOE is 125 more damage due to massively increasing the number of spikes that overlap on a single Target this will probably vary slightly depending on how many blizzards you put down the space you put them in and the hitbox of the enemy in general though more overlaps is good and damage is great now if you're going to be going pure blizzard you'll want ice blades ice blades has a 40 chance to apply vulnerable for two seconds which is really good for keeping enemies vulnerable in between your ice Novas and it gives you 0.5 second cooldown every time it hits a vulnerable enemy so ice blades itself will have a very high uptime because it's inflicting thunderable and then reducing its own cooldown every time it hits a vulnerable enemy to make this even better you can use summoned ice blades where 20 or 0.1 seconds of the cooldown reduction is applied to all of your other skills which in this case would be your defensive skills teleport flame Shield Frost Nova and Ice armor on the other hand if you're doing what I've done in most of a footage and playing a blizzard ice shards hybrid well destructive ice shards already deals with vulnerable and you're not quite as reliant on the cooldowns therefore instead you want five ranks into ice shards and going with destructive I'm grabbing most of the points for that from my ice blades and I'm also getting the four ranks on my gloves having four ranks on your gloves is absolutely not required if you're not doing this reason I am is that personally I found blizzard by itself to be a bit slow but when I was doing nightmare dungeon testing 4 nightmare 50 it took 6 to 10 minutes to clear it as pure blizzard whereas it took four to six minutes to clear it as blizzard ice shards hybrid this also gives me more flexibility in what I'm doing with my enchantments so let's get into those just a little bit now for the ice chart hybrid version I go with Firebolt because inflicting the burning effect is really really strong and I go with the ice Shard enchantment this way when I teleport into a pack of enemies freeze them all I start firing out ice shards and it absolutely annihilates them with the Pierce aspect but there's several other things you can do first of all if you're pure blizzard you can go with a Teleport enchantment this is especially important when your boots have multiple evade charges as they're implicit it gives you a bunch of teleports that do trigger Raymond of the infinite can stun enemies and therefore absolutely wreck bosses with a little stun duration plus it has a nice advantage of making you hyper Mobile in PvP if you want to just do speed farming you can drop the fire bolt enchantment entirely for teleport and use eye shards to teleport in free stuff then blink over to the next pack on the other hand another enchantment setup that I found to be quite helpful was combining Firebolt with ice blades this way for every 40 seconds of cooldowns I spent I got another ice blades that hit enemies reduced cooldowns even more put up more vulnerable and proc more lucky hits this felt like a nice Middle Ground between speed clearing and purely single Target overall I didn't enjoy the play style quite as much but it definitely felt viable and last but not least I don't really advise pushing nightmare dungeons right now especially on the sorcerer class but if you're going to you'll want the flame Shield enchantment and this is also very key in PvP what it means is every 120 seconds or two minutes you get a free flame Shield that activates when you take fatal damage this will really save you a lot of attempts and being that you're going to need to sit there AFK waiting for your flame Shield to come back up after almost every single poll because if you make a single mistake it procs in PvP flame Shield plus teleports hilarious cause barbs uh can one shot you and they can't one shot you through flame Shield then you just Kite from around with teleport you probably won't kill them but they won't kill you either and they get really mad which is very very funny next up we need to talk about mana mana and Mana recovery is a huge point in terms of this build to start off with I have chance to restore primary resource on my gloves with an 18 roll this feels really good especially because I have a little bit of attack speed and good crit chance that way as my Blizzard's ticking away ice spikes are hitting stuff I'm firing off ice shards all of those things have a chance to restore my Mana I also have maximum mana on my helmet though crowd control duration would also be completely viable in place of this because I found that I don't really need that much extra Max Mana at least with my current setup additionally I have Mana cost reduction on my amulet focus and Boots this is super super important I cannot stress enough like if you have no other stats on those items you really need those stats additionally I do have resource generation currently on one ring maxman on the other and resource generation on my focus this actually isn't that important and I could probably drop it for things like maximum Mana Christians or lucky hit chance then when it comes to my ring I'm using a prodigies aspect this gives you 15 to 25 flat Mana every time you use a cooldown because you have so many cooldowns this is a massive opportunity to restore your Mana quite consistently I love having prodigies aspect and personally wouldn't really play this setup without it because otherwise it just feels a little bit too Mana hungry and finally last but not least frigid Breeze gives a lucky hit against vulnerable enemies that has a 20 chance to generate 15 Mana this is a great way to get a little bit more Mana since as you're spamming out your ice shards or as you're Frost innovating things they will almost always be vulnerable and even with a fairly low lucky hit chance it procs frequently this is why I stuck with a wand over using a dagger and have a little bit of Lucky hit chance here and there on my gear finally last but not least how do you fix defenses on Sorceress the simple answer is by playing a druid the more complicated answer is while in the highest end content you will not be able to fix your defenses but for everything else armor and damage reduction are your best friends getting damage reduction on your pants is great if you don't feel like you really need for grouping from Raymond something that you actually might not with this build in high-end content you can always go with a defensive aspect on your chest and a quad defensive chest in fact I found that for higher tier nightmare dungeons this was the difference between getting one shot and not getting one shot while glass Cannon offers 20 more damage you could also easily drop this either going for some Mana regen damage or utility because again taking that increased damage is really really rough and I know I've said it before but I want to say it again stack armor and when pushing nightmare dungeons use an armor Elixir or at least do this until you get one shot regardless get armor rolls on things like your helmet things like your pants or your amulet they're super super important right now the defenses on Sorceress are not going to keep up with a lot of the other classes you're not a Barb you're not a druid and that's no excuse to be completely one shot in all content if you're doing a nightmare 100 Push ignore everything I just said but if you want to be comfortable in high 60s and low 70s maybe even pushing into the low 80s then going for defenses do actually matter it's just beyond that there's a point where everything's going to one shot you anyway and Flame Shield over flame Shield enchantment plus aspects and roles for crowd control duration are your only friends that gets me into the very last point something that I don't have in my current setup but would be very helpful if I was going to fight Uber Lilith or high-end bosses the amount of stagger that you get from your blizzard depends on your crowd control duration so stacking crowd control duration on things like your helmet Focus or legendary aspects can be a good way to increase that and keep things secede the main reason I don't have that on my focus right now is my focus just isn't perfect however if I was switching over to a pure blizzard setup I wouldn't need a high item power focus and I could instead go for one that had good stats the item power leads to weapon damage which does enhance my ice shards but the ice Spike from blizzard completely ignores it so that's just something to keep in mind if you want even more crowd control for your nightmare dungeon pushes then consider using fist to fate this causes you to deal one to three hundred percent of normal damage so your hits will be incredibly inconsistent however it also causes enemies to be slowed and dazed two very powerful crowd control effects if you can absolutely save your life in high-end content unfortunately I really don't like the damage inconsistency so I haven't been using it very much personally but it is both a very viable and strong option now Inova section has been quite long but there's a lot of key important mechanics and a lot of things to go over especially given the flexibility of a build if there's anything you're confused upon going into a skill section do be sure to go back re-watch the key mechanics a couple times because it should answer questions you have for now time to go into the skill tree first up like with almost every build I've played Fireball enchantment why it inflicts burning burning is good enabling things like the flame feeder glyph and a bunch of bonus damage right now sorceress gets most of her damage from a crud controlling enemies effectively and B setting them on fire I don't particularly like this I wish there were more courses to build things and I wish some of our generators were a little less awful but it is what it is I don't make for rules I just play the game and coming over here we've got ice shards which is exactly what you would need for the ice Shard variant of a build if you're going more of a pure blizzard you would drop destructive ice shards you'd drop all the ranks here this with rank 5 and enhanced ice shards maybe if you're feeling spicy greater ice shards totally fine that's three points you can put the fourth point over into devastation coming down here the defense wheel uh fill out everything always flame Shield shimmering for healing teleport shimmering for damage reduction if you're using the teleport enchantment putting extra ranks here gives you more teleports again if you're going for high-end content personally I think it's fine to drop these ranks from glass Cannon and put them all into shimmering teleport ice armor with enhanced ice armor this is one of the few ways to get a multiplicative increase to your Mana regeneration which is really good also it's a pretty nice reliable barrier Frost Nova um do I really need to say why freezing enemies is good this is where you get most of your damage as it applies both freeze and vulnerable more ranks are better so things like ranks to defensive skills on your amulet super powerful stat unfortunately I don't happen to have it I've had a couple points into Elemental Attunement for a chance to reset defensive skills though with a 10 second cooldown you could potentially drop one of these points and put it over into Precision magic for more lucky hit in general then coming down here if I was to take ice blades I'd grab the points probably from Mana Shield or ice shards again depending on what content I'm doing grab ice blades enhance and summoned see the key mechanic for more information on why then Mana Shield is a pretty good damage reduction you could easily grab one rank from Elemental attune put it over here align the elements of course required to unlock both of these and protection grants you barriers for 30 of your max life if you're really Point starved by the way and you don't need a Mana regen from enhanced ice armor you can drop ice armor as well and put the extra points here here Etc coming down to the Mastery skills why does blizzard only have one rank when it's part of a build's main damage because blizzard doesn't actually do the damage ice Spike does the damage blizzard is just here to spawn ice spikes so what you care about is Blizzard itself and the when cast above 50 Mana blizzard duration is increased more duration is more ice spikes more ice spikes is more damage furthermore I see Veil into cold front chill effect makes things far better because enemies that get chilled faster get Frozen faster and you should almost always have a barrier of course I'm also using devouring Blaze because 150 more damage against immobilized enemies is really sweet now if you don't like being in melee range and want a complete ranged push variant northwar actually has that on his blizzard guide Ultra Maxwell GG I'll link it down below personally I kind of play a mix of both in terms of I often start my pulls at range then aggressively blink in freeze all my enemies pop flame Shield to immobilize them and nuke them but as content gets more scary and as I get into say an 80 key I'd probably want to switch to the range to push variant currently though I really don't enjoy fishing for nightmare dungeons so I just don't coming down here you could take deep freeze especially in PvP this is really good and in high tier nightmare dungeons this is an extra oh I messed up button but it's not necessary permafrost 15 more damage icy Touch 12 more damage or Frost 18 more damage and nine percent when you don't have a frozen enemy plus frigid Breeze helps to fix Mana this isn't necessarily completely mandatory if you are doing ice blades because I dropped ice blades frigid Breeze is a must and last but not least shatter if I'm not using Raymond of the infinite if I'm going for an alternate version or I'm just really struggling with Mana taking Avalanche is totally fine Frost scales have a 10 chance to make the next cast of Ice shards or frozen orb or blizzard the build uses ice shards and blizzard consume no mana and deal 40 increased damage multiplicative chances doubled against vulnerable enemies to my understanding this does not increase the damage of your blizzards ice spikes only the blizzard itself which is not a serious portion of the build's damage however if you're blasting stuff with ice shards something that I find very helpful especially for sniping down a particularly dangerous ranged foe this is actually really good and if you're not using Raymond you don't really have the grouping for Shatter anyway so yet again a lot of options here next up we have glyphs and Paragon points as always be sure to pay close attention to the order in which the boards are presented because it does matter for meeting those secondary thresholds on rare notes and also if you're a little bit confused as to why certain bonuses are so important do be sure to go back and check the key mechanics section so to start off with the glyphs I'm using control this gives a significant bonus against Frozen or stunned enemies almost everything I hit should be frozen or stunned plus it's a nice increase to damage against crowd control targets things like chill stun and Frozen all kind of crowd control effects so it's really good Elementalist gives a small bonus to non-physical damage and damage reduction plus dealing fire colder lightning increases all damage by five percent for 10 seconds once per element well fire damage comes from burning lightning damage comes from teleport and cold damage comes from everything else so all three bonuses are active plus add only 40 intelligence to activate it's a really Point efficient glyph that fits nicely into the starter board exploit gives vulnerable damage this is a powerful multiplicative increase fit when you're playing perfectly has 100 uptime plus dealing damage to a vulnerable enemy increases all the damage you do by up to 10 which should again be up all the time since this build hits a billion times a second flame feeder increased damage to burning enemies everything is always burning 10 multiplicative to burning enemies everything is always burning part of recent use frostbite is you're putting in a will power board rather than a dexterity board one that when I actually get to aborted socketed into and it is a nice layer of damage reduction it should be noted if you end up using a dexterity board instead territorial has a similar defensive and offensive capability last but not least tactician this is just to get more vulnerable damage and a little bit of damage since you're always going to be spamming defensive skills now what's the setup first off starter board with Elementalist this is the first board because well you have no choice again you only need 40 intelligence in the radius don't over commit you could instead for one extra point make this into a dexterity board and drop Elementalist maybe move it to an intelligence board in a different spot on the trait but the starter board is 39 decks which isn't too impressive next we have the icefall board killing a frozen enemy grants 15 of life as barrier for five seconds when clearing this should be up pretty much a hundred percent of the time it also gives a ton of damage to chilled you could instead go for damage to stunned but this is nice and point efficient and it supports a frostbite glyph this is one of a few really strong will power boards that sorcerer has access to your third board is frigid fate the reason this is your third board is you want the vulnerable damage threshold and don't have a ton of willpower so it would have to be either the third or fourth board tactician is socketed here to give the additional 25 vulnerable damage speaking of the fourth board in this case is static surge it gives a lot of damage to stunned and a little bit of extra Max Mana in theory this could be your third board and you'd still be able to meet the thresholds you'd just have to reshape your tree so personally I suggest just sticking with this and then for the fifth and sixth boards you are taking these mostly for static effects not bonuses as you can see the build has nowhere near for willpower for the secondary bonus on Cinders luckily this is 10 additive damage that at this point isn't really that important exploit increases vulnerable damage it's socketed here for the massive 49 decks you want as much decks as possible because this should have 100 uptime if you're playing correctly last but not least the Searing heat board that gives Critical Strike damage the extra bonus of fire damage doesn't matter at all this is just another board where you're slotting in chunky decks and putting in flame feeder if for whatever reason you find yourself having way too much crit damage and want more increased damage in theory you could fit ceaseless conduit but I didn't find any situation that gave me more total damage taking into account my current gear and stats especially because increased damage is really easy to find and crit damage is very hard to find so that is the Paragon board as I'm setting it up currently about the only thing I would potentially change in really high-end content is maybe dropping the ice fall board for the conjure board and also replacing one of my conditionals with the imbiber glyph the imbibergliff is another willpower glyph so it could go right here and it gives a big bonus which does apply even to bosses while you are healthy in high-end content such as a nightmare tier 100 you are either healthy or dead therefore it's totally fine to rely on imbiber because the bonus will be active the entire time in general I do think imbiber is somewhat overrated a lot of people put it on and then look at their attack power stat and game and go oh it increased so imbiber must be really good all that means is the condition of healthy having more than 80 of your life is being met whereas the condition of say the Enemy being crowd controlled is not being met so it's not being reflected in the attack power frostbite if you can keep that conditional up 100 of a time is more damage than in Viber and more defenses as well just something to keep in mind so how does the gearing look I'm using my Frost Blitz helmet which I've kept in almost every single build uh because it does its job pretty well and I haven't found a better replacement I do think in this case getting something like crowd control duration would be really helpful but I would need crowd control duration with the lucky hit chancewell barrier or with the maximum Mana a combination but unfortunately I haven't found yet it should also be noted that if you don't like how Frost Blitz feels something that I can totally understand because I've honestly gone back and forth on it you can instead go with ever living for Less damage taken from crowd controlled or vulnerable enemies or alternatively there's an aspect that I will try to find in my stash here snow guards well within your own blizzard you take up to 25 less damage this is another really good way to add to your defenses next up for my chest piece most of the time I'm using Raymond of the infinite but as I do higher tier content I'm thinking of eating the damage loss and swapping to this and printing it with a legendary aspect it should have really really good defensive capabilities plus that's a good way to pick up again snow guard or ever living for even more defenses I lose a rank of glass Cannon and I gain quad defenses on my chest piece which is really really impactful I put it on in a 70 something that I did recently I think it was a 74-76 it was literally the difference between one shot by a random off-screen Archer versus not one shot by a random off-screen Archer that was without the effects of a increasing the rank or B for legendary aspect do not underestimate how powerful defenses are in the chest especially if you do high-end content for gloves I would consider ranks of ice shards to be mandatory ranks of crit to be mandatory you can put the piercing cold here or anywhere else if you're going with The non-ice Shard variant you do not need piercing cold and can instead do something like storm swell or smiting whatever you prefer then attack speed feels really good to me just restore resource on Lucky hit feels really good ice shards if you're doing ice shards is important those could be things like lucky hit chance lucky hit well barrier crit against injured enemies for pants get defenses and in my opinion particularly focus on getting armor then put for Disobedience to stack your armor even higher for boots movement speeds good ranks of frost Nova are good ranks of teleporter good Mana cost reduction is mandatory finish off with binding Embers so that you can step through stuff immobilize them and do massive damage on wand if you're the pure blizzard variant the item power doesn't matter if your blizzard ice shards then item power does matter stats could strike damage is good intelligence or all stats is good damage to stunned or damage to crowd controlled is really good injured is not great but better than nothing and vulnerable damage is also really important on the other hand if you're pure blizzard and want to fight bosses I suggest a staff like this if you want to get really fancy you can even imprint it with glacial and play a two-handed staff build the entire time but damage to stunned is good crit damage is good Von damage is good and intelligence is good this is just a massive old damage stick unfortunately it makes Mana feel really bad and the playstyle is super clunky so I don't like using this but some people do and it is definitely a safer play style if you're new king things from ranged for my focus cooldown reduction I'd say is mandatory resource gen is okay this could be lucky hit while barrier lucky hit or crit chance all stats honestly should be intelligence Mena cost reduction mandatory again if you are going with the full ice Spike version you don't care about the item power on this but because my ice charge scales off item power I definitely wanted it and therefore I have the 812. for Rings could strike damage and vulnerable damage should be on every item beyond that crit chance is good lucky hit is okay resource gen and maxman are okay on one ring definitely have the prodigies aspect this will carry your Mana recovery on the other ring I've got my Deep Freeze Ice Spike this could be on gloves it could be on an off hand doesn't really matter where it is the scaling on it doesn't matter I don't even have deep freeze I'm not using it for anything but I Spike radius like I explained in key mechanics and last but not least the amulet armor is actually really strong I kind of want armor on my amulet though defensive skill level is also really good Mena cost reduction is good devouring Blaze massive damage boost movement speed feels good that could be defensive skill cooldown instead running slower but blinking more could be another damage aspect though I don't think there's any that are super impactful could be cooldown reduction that's both damage and defenses and so overall that's the gear most of my items are really good and they're specialized for what I'm doing if you're not doing quite what I am hopefully I've explained enough that you should feel comfortable picking your own options now what about the gameplay well the gameplay is exactly why this is my favorite build I like the ability to drop a blizzard from range which causes enemies to start to run at me through my nice line of blizzards then I can aggressively teleport in stunning and grouping everything ice Nova which freezes everything and starts firing ice shards for the spicy part Pop My flame Shield often I actually pop flame Shield as I'm teleporting in because I've had some weird issues where I get stuck on enemies if I don't and then die everything will take massive damage I'll start to see Millions on screen and overall things melt in higher end content I do find myself playing a bit more carefully not being as Cavalier and kind of making this into a ranged push build where I'm firing from a distance dropping blizzards and only really using ice shards if I need to snipe down one lone ranged enemy while dodging its projectiles something that's not going to run at me like the melee foes do this is also why personally I dropped ice blades though I could absolutely see the value and again if you have a two-handed staff I think you absolutely need ice blades because otherwise you're just not really going to be able to get your Mana back fast enough it should also be noted that having a higher level or higher role on prodigies aspect is so so critical to the build feeling good the Codex version is 15 if you can get a 25 your Mana will feel great if you can't you're reliant on things like frigid Breeze or chance to restore resource unlucky hit and those things are of course more effective the bigger of a Mana pool because the goal is to stay above 50. now I wanted to do a little mini comparison of a gameplay or power level of ice shards blizzard and the hybrid build if you're killing something like uber Lilith and you just want to burst her down then pure blizzard ice spike is absolutely the best way to go it's the most damage that sorceress has available right now however I found when clearing in the open world and Nightmare dungeons it's a little slow yes ice packs deal massive damage yes they overlap in shotgun bosses but they take a little bit to start spawning and exploding this feels bad especially against highly mobile enemies or teleporters there was always that moment of vulnerability which I didn't expect I threw this character against a couple of 80 keys just as pure blizzard and was surprised of a number of times where enemies got off attacks that led to me making a mistake and dying or potentially bricking the entire run in comparison ice shards is very much the you play perfectly and if you do everything dies if you don't you die it's in a super skill intensive build that's kind of stressful to play but also extremely rewarding I still think that Pure Ice shards is probably the best nightmare dungeon push build available on the class currently so hopefully that changes with season one as the class gets some Buffs and maybe better survivability on the other hand the blizzard ice Shard hybrid build feels like a little bit of The Best of Both Worlds you have that ability to stand at range drop blizzards on enemies slow them freeze them get ready to teleport in but you also have that ability to be hyper aggressive teleport in on enemies and nuke them with ice shards this makes the build a lot more forgiving than a standard ice Shard build and a lot faster than a standard blizzard build I happen to have some level 50 and level 67 keys I decided to do both as either pure blizzard Pure Ice shards and hybrid by the way I'm now broke because that was way too expensive to respect but anyway cost aside what I found is I was reliably clearing two to three minutes faster than pure blizzard with the hybrid build and slightly faster again with pure ice shards but ice shards was much more stressful if you're just looking to do level 50 Dungeons and go through super fast this is your best option as you start getting into the 65 plus 270 plus range I found that I was leaning a little bit more heavily on my blizzard stuff and a little bit less on my teleport in an ice Shard stuff but it was still highly effective at doing whatever I wanted I also think as I was doing the higher keys I definitely wanted to get a few more defensive roles and crowd control duration because the longer you can keep something crowd controlled off of one instance the more effective your burst window is so I would highly highly recommend getting crowd control duration on Helmet or offhand as soon as possible and probably throwing in something like the smiting aspect for crowd control duration slash crit chance against injured enemies at that point if you're heavily reliant on blizzard you'd replace the piercing cold aspect with smiting or alternatively you could consider replacing your Rim into the infinite with a defensive chest and picking up another defensive aspect and so overall this is by far the best sorcerer's build I've played because I value quality of life very highly and I value playing a build that's actually enjoyable over having the biggest numbers if you're a robot that plays perfectly because ultimately I'm not I'm not going to play every pull perfectly and I do like having some ability to survive when I don't unfortunately the only downside of this build is it's a lot harder to put together than pure ice shards or something simple like flame wall or Arc lash if you want a simpler to put together build then do check out those after this video but going into season one if I was to play sorceress again I'd definitely start with chain lightning that was the easiest and smoothest build to scale without gear for me personally but I think there's a strong argument to be made for either our Clash or flame wall as well and after that I'd be playing this why because it feels really good I have lots of tools to chill enemies snipe down random ranged foes and use defensives to survive as necessary plus I like being able to swap my enchantment around as the situation calls for it and hey seeing a few Millions pop up on screen it's also pretty nice though definitely not required with that said I'm curious what build has resonated with you and how far have you taken it and if you've been a sork main for the entire pre-season one are you going to continue playing the class or try something else for me personally I'm probably gonna play Rogue though ultimately patchy notes are going to make the decision for me because I'll gravitate to one thing then another and then last minute change my mind so I guess get subscribed if you want to know what I'm ultimately playing with that said congratulations you've made it to the end of this quite beefy video I feel like I ended up having a little more to talk about a because I played this more than anything else B Because I had more fun so naturally I'm going to talk about the things I like and see with all the options there was just a lot to cover but hey you got here and congratulations before I go a special thanks to my patrons and channel members for the continued support if you're looking for something else to watch after this there's a video recommendation on screen right now or you can check out any of my other sorceress guides be it flamewall ice shards chain lightning or Arc lash and if you prefer reading northward has an excellent blizzard guide over at Maxwell GG which I'll link down below it was in part in inspiration for some of the ideas I used to incorporate this into my build though this was also an evolution of the ice charge build I originally played the blizzard stuff by subtractum because I've kind of made a Frankenstein monster build that suits me perfectly and ultimately may not be for everyone with that said thanks for watching congratulations on getting to the end I hope you learned something and I'll see you again sometime soon
Channel: Tenkiei
Views: 189,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tenkiei, tenkei, tenkiel, tenkie, diablo 4, sorceress, sorcerer, ice shard build, ice shards build, blizzard build, blizzard, ice shard, ice spike, ice spike build, speed farming build, diablo 4 build guide, diablo 4 sorceress build, ice shard build diablo 4, ice shard sorcerer diablo 4, blizzard sorc diablo 4, ice spike build diablo 4, ice shard aspects, ice shard mana, blizzard aspects, blizzard mana, best sorceress build, best sorc build, uber lillith build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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