Learn Airtable in 60 minutes

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what [Applause] all right welcome to uh automate all the things uh usually i have a guest but today it's just gonna be me uh so excited to see some new and familiar faces in the chat so welcome back penny daniel jeff if you're new here every week i usually bring on a guest to teach us how to work smarter not harder using no code tools but i've been off for a couple weeks and i got a bunch of requests around hey can i just do a session around just learning airtable so that's basically what we're going to do for the next 60 minutes i'm going to try to teach you basically everything you need to know to be proficient in airtable and how i'm going to do this is i've actually been working on a new course around air table called the ultimate guide to air table which i've been recording for over a month now and so yeah i'm gonna kind of use the outline of that course to teach you step-by-step everything you need to uh uh you know be proficient in air table uh i wanted to keep this very fun and uh make sure you get value out of coming live so there's a poll in the chat uh asking you which use case you want to build uh for me to build with so there's crm project management content calendar uh it looks like project management is in the lead i'm going to leave it another minute before we cut this off and then i'm going to start jumping in and building a project management use case teaching you the basics of airtable and if you're new here please feel free to use the chat throughout i want to make sure that you get value out of coming to this stream so i'm going to answer every single question in the chat so please don't hesitate to drop something in the chat so as i see the poll kind of wavering we've got a tie between crm and project management let's talk a little bit about you know the outline for today and how we're going to go ahead and do this but yeah and it's also let me know in the chat what level of proficiency you are in air table so i know that we have some experts but i do want to make sure that we have some beginners as well so go ahead and drop in the chat where you are in terms of error table expertise beginner intermediate expert let me know all right so let's go into this air table base that has uh uh the section uh the different sections of my course that i'm working on so i've got introduction what's possible with air table basics of air table air table views database basics automation collaboration sync interface extension and then let's build so our goal for today is to get through as much of this as possible i think if we can get to collaboration or sync you should be comfortable in the air table so that's my goal for today and i'm going to afford myself five minutes per section so we've got some a lot of beginners and that's super exciting so daniel welcome dee dee risha penny i know that you're an expert you're just too humble to say so uh so so welcome and really my goal for this session is to make sure that you understand the basics of airtable we're gonna go five minutes per section and you know these are the different uh lessons in the course itself uh that i go deeper on but our goal for today is just go through section by section to make you feel comfortable and obviously if you like this you know sections i'm actually going to drop a link in the chat to buy the course before it's ready so i'm about 70 ready uh so if you want to kind of have it right away and learn as i create the course you can go ahead and buy it in the chat um so yeah so that link should pop up soon um cool okay let's get started i'm excited to have beginners so please throughout rishadi daniel penny or even if you're an expert feel free to ask questions so i actually have a timer set up so we're going to give ourselves five five minutes per section let's go ahead and start that timer there we go okay so first is basics of air table so essentially we are going to use create a crm today so that is what one and so when you think of an error table base the fundamental pieces you need to understand is that there are tables and records so tables are for a specific idea type of information that you're tracking if we're thinking of a crm the information we're going to want to track is probably something like contacts we're going to want companies the deals right so we're going to imagine a sales pipeline so the first thing is that tables are for specific types of information that you're going to track so we're going to call our first table contacts so if you're familiar with spreadsheets this should be quite uh um intuitive right so our first table is contacts and then every single record in that table is going to be for a contact so each one of these records and we have three that are already created are going to be for specific contacts and then every field is going to be for information we want to track across all of our contacts maybe i'm getting ahead of myself let's go ahead and delete these fields and let's say our first three contacts are penny risha and oops i gotta press enter there penny daniel and risha those are the three i can add a new record for a new contact dd is going to be my fourth contact so every record in your table is one item of that list so every record in my contacts table is going to be a contact now if you're thinking about it well there's probably additional information you want to track for each one of your contacts you maybe want to track their email phone number right those feel like reasonable things to track for your different contacts we're going to go ahead and add fields for those so let me go ahead and create a email field and you'll notice the difference with spreadsheet is that here we're specifying what type of information we're going to put in our crm and that's important because that allows us data validation and it'll allow us to create views which i'll talk about right after this okay so i've got penny oh sorry penny let's just do email at example.com so we're going quickly here and i'm just going to copy paste that how's the speed so far we're about halfway through error table basics now you'll notice that there are a lot of field types you can add attachment check boxes multi-select single selects phone number let's go ahead and add a phone number all right daniel makes sense awesome so one two three four five six one one two two so nothing too out of the ordinary so far and then i wanna kind of add specific i wanna add say a single select here so what could we tag people with so let's say we want to do department what department do those people work in i have i t so you'll notice that i'm creating my own drop down here my own selector so let's say they work in hr executive there we go and then i could select for each one of these people what department they're in i can also give them a status right so another single select let's say i reached out my discussion and maybe they're you know did not respond those are the three kind of statuses that i have for people and this will have implications when it comes to views okay we have a minute here we're adding little little i wanted to make sure i don't go over because that's something i do a lot of so let me know if this makes sense you have your tables which are specific ideas or types of information you want to track then you have your records which is an item of that type and then you have your fields which are information you want to track for every item in that list so those are the kind of key principles you need to know when building in air table i'm just going to quickly add a second table which i'm going to call companies and i have some mock data here so i have some company names i'm just going to pop in here and this will be good for the next step boom go ahead and delete these fields right we got five seconds here that was the section that was our first section congratulations everyone all right so now we understand tables fields and records so congratulations that's worth the confetti we finished our first section with five seconds to go very impressive now let's imagine that we're working out of this crm and um we're in our contacts table and we have hundreds of contacts right uh um yeah good job us we're doing great hey joey good to see you um we have you know 50 60 70 contacts and we're starting to think of like i can't manage all of these contacts or i don't want to necessarily see all of that information at once i want to see a subset of the information in any table so when you think of subset of information in air table you're going to think of views i got to reset the timer forgot to reset the timer okay we're back so we'll give ourselves an extra minute views are extremely important so views are the ability to configure your you can configure a view to view a subset of the information that's a lot of theory let's go ahead and build a new view so i already have a grid view so i'm going to call this all contacts and then let's say i want to say i only want to see the contacts i've reached out to so i'm going to go ahead and create a new view and i'm going to call this reached out to i'm going to create that view and here you see the view configuration the view toolbar there's a lot i can do here i can hide information let's say i'm calling these people so i don't need to view their email i can filter information out i can say only show me records where and in this case we want to say where the status is reached out now notice that i have many operators here i can say is not is any of right i can filter really granularly for my information then i could group right just to show you what grouping is let's go to all contacts and let's group by status this creates buckets for information of the same type often used with a single select let's go back to our reached out too so i'm just going through the view bar here i can sort it doesn't really make sense here maybe i'll sort by department and this will sort it by the order of the single select so if i change this and there's that it resorts but you can sort on deal size or by date you reached out to actually that actually makes sense let's give add a new field that is date reached out to i'm going to add a date field and let's say i reached out to dd on friday and i'm going to reach out reach out to penny on tuesday i've just added a new field i can go ahead and sort by that date there you go and now i'm sorting by that date i can add color and i can adjust the row configuration now these are view configurations and i'm using that word uh explicitly because we are not changing the information in our table i have not changed any of the information if i go back to v in all contacts i see that i still have my information so just because i've filtered out information from my table does not mean that i am deleting that information so view configurations do not impact your information but views are what i call working views so i mean any changes to your information are reflected everywhere so for instance let's say daniel is in reached out that is a change we've made to daniel's information and if i go to reached out to you'll notice that daniel is now here right so changes to your information to your records are reflected everywhere across your table which makes sense you don't want one view not to be reflected elsewhere now i have a minute and a half and in the course i go really into detail here around different view types so we've been working out of the grid view so all contacts and reach out to our grid views but you have the option of creating many different types of views let's explore kanban with the minute and a half that we have here and let's sort them by status this creates a left to right organization of your information stacking them by a single select so this is very practical if you have a project status task status a deal pipeline like we have here and just like any other view the kanban view is a working view it means you can move information from one bucket to another and if you understand the principle of views here is that this change is in we've changed daniel's status so that change will be reflected everywhere so if i go to all contacts you'll notice that daniel is in discussion and that daniel has left the reached out to view because we are filtering on the status so i think joey says it best it's a great swim lane visualization it creates buckets around information of the same type so similar to the grouping here makes it a little more intuitive and you can create a kanban just with the 20 seconds i have left because i do see that project management actually won out but i left the poll on for too long you can create a calendar view so here i can put my records on a specific calendar in this case it's a date we reached out to but it's particularly useful for content calendar use cases or even project management with task due dates okay how do we feel about views we understand tables records fields and now we understand how to get a subset of the information out of any of the tables with views so next we're going to talk about database basics and i might actually spend 10 minutes here instead of 5 because this is super super important so again let me know in the chat if things are going smoothly if we're feeling good awesome you guys are awesome um cool okay so this is where i think for folks who are spreadsheet users you might be saying oh what's so special here right we've been working in tables those are kind of like the different worksheets that i have in a spreadsheet fields i can kind of remake that but really where i think air table and just generally relational databases shine is this ability to link information across tables so let me just take a moment here confetti off let's go back into our contacts let's go into our all contacts view so i'm gonna explain this in two different ways uh five minutes on each hopefully you'll understand one of the two ways i speak to you uh in the course i just dropped the link in the chat you get 250 off if you're one of the first 10 students with first 10 so yeah so if if you're interested i'm going to explain it like i do in the course in more detail so the first way is you might be saying okay well these people work at a company and i might want to say i want to single select for that company i want to say well penny works at you know let's go let me actually delete this table i'm sorry there we go okay let's say i say i create a new field and i call company i'm gonna call this a single select and let me just go into my fake data got a lot of feedback that my fake data is bad so i'm just gonna get some fake names here we go so uh penny works at myelin pharmaceuticals so i added that to the single select and i have that option so that is where penny works let's go dd works at acorn inc let's just type that in there we go and now let's do one more company for instance let's say home laboratories that is the third option here and risha also works at milan pharmaceuticals now you might say this works but eventually you might say well i want more information around this company maybe i want to know what you know field they're in maybe i want to know what how many people work at that firm maybe i want to know how many people am i speaking to at that firm that will incrementally increase as i speak to more people i want to identify very easily the firms where i'm not speaking to many people then you might say well let's create a new table let's create a company table well that is exactly what you can do but you also want to maintain that relationship you want to say penny works at myelin dd works at acorn but you want the ability to add additional information around these companies so in that case we're going to create a linked record right so i'm going to customize this field i'm going to turn this single select into a linked record so we're going to create a new table from our existing options again might sound confusing but here we go let's just do it and now you'll notice that there is now a company table let's delete the ink it misinterpreted one of the spaces and now we're saying okay well i still have that connection i still have penny works up mylan dd works at acorn daniel works at om risha works at milan but now i have this new company table with that information and i have the inverse relationship i have penny and risha workout mylan daniel works at om and dd works at acorn but the advantage here is i can add additional information i said what industry are they in so i can add a new single select and i could say well this is pharmaceutical and just for example let's say my other one is i t boom i t i t so now i can keep adding information maybe i have a deals table and i want to go ahead and say i have this deal at this company so take a moment here what we've done is we've taken a relationship we've said penny works at this company we've created a table that has the inverse relationship we have these contacts at this company and now we can add additional information about that company and what happens is let's say we talk to we reach out to um let's say joey if i come here i can associate information across my tables i can say joey works at home laboratories if i go to company i see that joey is part of ohm laboratories hey joey so let me know in the chat if that way of explaining linked records makes sense to you right i'm actually going to go through another five minutes where i explain this in a different way completely and i found that one of the two ways usually resonates you start with a single select and that's actually in practice how often this happens you create a single slack for information you want to track and you say oh we need additional information about this let's create a separate table um makes sense did anyone find that unclear i want to kind of do want to spend five minutes talking about the other way of doing this in the other direction okay so let me know in the chat now let's go to way number two okay it's gonna reset the timer i like this timer it like it forces me to uh not go on tangents um now let's imagine that we have deals um actually let's deals make sense um yeah i think so i think so so essentially we have deals right so we're going to create a new table of deals and let's delete the basic fields and let's go ahead and you know deal value that's going to be a currency field and yeah let's create that field let's say ten thousand twenty thousand thirty thousand let's just put company for now as a single line text so and just i'm just going to copy paste them as an example just doing an example this is like the spreadsheet way of doing it right where we have a deal at each one of these companies and i have a status so really quickly just setting that up so you know uh open negotiation i am not a salesperson i do not know what the statuses should be but you have full control here closed closed one closed lost okay now as i'm creating those statuses you might think hey this is a good opportunity to create a kanban view and you'd be absolutely right but we have three and a half minutes so no diddly dabbling here okay now as you're seeing there's there's there's an association here between company and deals that is extremely natural right so we have these companies and we have a deal we're trying to close a deal for these companies so ideally what i would like is in my company's table being able to see what deals do we have at each one of these companies and vice versa in my deals table i would like to see well what company is this associated to and what additional information do i have about that company do i have the information on the contacts i have that information in other places in my table so all in my base sorry is that i should be associating information across tables now to do that we're going to create a linked record field a linked record field lets you associate information across two tables to say this record is associated to that record in that table examples of when you would do that would be deals to companies project to tasks students to classes content to objectives furniture to rooms really when you start thinking in terms of relational databases there's they're just everywhere they're literally everywhere departments to employees there's no limit here so what we're going to go ahead and do is create an association between our companies and our deals table by creating a linked record field so i'm going to create a company field i'm going to link to another record and i'm a link to company link to another table apologies i'm going to create that field now you might say nothing has happened but here when i click the plus button now i see all of my existing companies so mylan pharmaceuticals home laboratory acorn inc right so we can actually go ahead and delete this field because we've created that association let me just call this uh you know big deal with mylan massive deal with ohm and a small deal with acorn now if i go over to company you'll notice that i see the inverse relationship i see that i have a deal with mylan and that first deal is called big deal with milan right and so on and so forth now again you might say what is the value of this well now i can very easily one minute left see the existing information that i have from my deals table right so what i just did there i went to milan i clicked on it from my deals table and i opens up my existing record now just linking information across tables is extremely useful because you can associate information and see that information now a few things that this opened up and i have 30 seconds here i might spend two minutes if you give me extra two minutes or about halfway through here i do want to spend an extra two minutes talking about what this opens up so in the course i actually spend a good deal amount talking about count lookup roll up and things like that so let's take a 10 seconds here um around uh um just want to make sure i'm answering any questions uh so this training is gonna be an hour daniel uh but the course i think is closer to three four where i really dive into everything i mention here okay that was the last five minutes i want to spend an extra two minutes that i'm not gonna time myself on talking about what can we do with um uh linked records once we've created them so now that you see i have this information so if i go to my deal i can click on the company and i have all of these fields you can imagine that i want to pull that information across tables to say well i would love to see the industry of the company in my deals table and if something changes i want to be able to update it in one place and see that change reflected everywhere so here i'm exploring i'm just going to use one as an example which is a computed field computed fields lets you pull information across tables and truly have one place where you update information and see those updates reflected everywhere so there are a few types there are count lookup roll up we haven't even talked about the formula field either which is a different type of computed field uh but let's just use the lookup so i want to pull in the department of the company that the deal is with so i'm going to call this department i'm going to use a lookup field it's going to ask me well what linked record what table should i go to and look up the information we only have one it's going to be the company and then it's going to ask us well what field should i pull in from that table i want to pull in industry so let's create that field and now you'll notice that we have the company's department in our deals table now you notice i can't change this information i can't click i can't do anything let me make this a little larger and the reason is is because this information comes from my company's table it comes from myland pharmaceuticals if i come here to company i go to myelin and let's say i made a mistake they're in fact an i.t and ohm is in pharmaceuticals i've updated this information if i go over to the deals you'll notice that these two have changed because now myland where it's pulling the information from has been updated and we have a single source of truth and that is the value of the lookup so if you use vlookups in excel uh they're quite finicky in error table you update information in one place and via lookups that gets reflected everywhere now a few more things i talk a little bit more of in the course are count and roll up which are different uh types of um computed fields let you do different important things in uh air table so okay that was the side how are you feeling too quick too slow just fast enough i have kind of uh uh i think two more sections i can want to get through um and then i'll feel comfortable that i've taught you enough to at least get started in air table so joey is an expert in air table so so obviously i'm going too slow for joey okay cool so next let's talk about automation um now awesome thanks dd fantastic okay let me put my timer back on okay timer back on okay so i got five minutes talk to you about automation which is you know not enough but uh we're gonna try to do our best so now you're imagine a world in which you're adding information in you're kind of creating a single source of truth um and there's probably things that you want to happen on top of this base right so you might say oh when i create a new deal can i create tasks to sign the contract to upload information or you could say hey when we close a deal could we notify the team maybe you want to say hey when we close a deal we're going to go out and tweet about the fact that we've closed the deal we hired a new employee and we want to send a slack message or tweet about it publicly that we've hired this amazing person so all of that have the same structure we're saying if this happens in my error table base or elsewhere i want that to happen if we close a deal go ahead and create tasks if we close a deal send a notification airtable has airtable automations which are trigger action trigger actions that allow you to create logic on top of your air table base again that was a lot of theory for something that is very simple in practice once we get going so let's go ahead and create an automation that says when i close a deal so when a deal goes into closed one we want to send a notification to the team and maybe if i'm quick enough create two tasks in a new task table to sign the contract to you know buy a bottle of champagne whatever sales people do when they close the deal so we're going to go into our automations tab here in the top left and we're going to create a new automation so i'm going to call this automation deal closed now every automation has the same structure first it has a trigger this is what needs to happen in air table or elsewhere for this automation to run now remember what i said i said when a record in the deals table goes to closed one i want to send a slack notification so that first part is my trigger you have many options here and i really go through each one in the course but in our case we want to use when record matches condition you can always use when a form is submitted when a record is created when record updated does take a little bit of practice to understand in which one to use when but frankly if you have one thing to remember from this hour when record record matches conditions is about eighty percent of use cases so in this case we're saying when a record in my deals table it's a little weird okay there we go i'll have to submit a bug for that one so when a record in my deals table changes status to close one go ahead and run this automation we're not saying what the automation does just yet we're just saying when a record matches conditions go ahead and run whatever is here let's choose a record let's use this small deal with acorn as an example and then what i want to do is i want to send a slack message so you'll notice that there are many actions i can create records update run script find and the actions are in three buckets you can send a notification you can do things in air table or you can send information to other applications so we're just to do the first example of sending a message in slack let's go to my slack channel and i have a channel called notif stream or just stream notif is probably better there we go okay i'm just configuring this action and i have full control over this message i can say we just closed the deal with and here i ideally want to put the name of the company we just closed they deal with that was pulled in step one so i can click plus and here i have all of the information from my previous steps so i have a company acorn inc there we go so we just closed the deal with comp worth plus button and i want the deal value worth 30 thousand dollars there we go there's some few steps here let's generate a preview so we just closed a deal with acorn inc worth 30 000 now let's actually put this in action does this work we've got 30 seconds how confident are we that this works um i'm i'm like 95 i'm 95 pretty confident here um so what do we need to do in order to trigger this automation we need to move a record into closed one so i'm just going to go ahead and deal do that so our expectation here that this runs an automation that sends a slack message a few ways we can check we can go to automation run history and we see that it's run successfully and we could see the slack message but the way that i prefer is let's just go to slack boom we just closed the deal with ohm laboratories worth 20 000 congratulations to us we just learned automation and we triggered this automation successfully and we've closed the deal worth 20 000 i think that's worth a little bit of confetti so congratulations to you all all right all right we're doing good we're doing good where are we on time okay we got about 15 minutes and then i do want to spend a little bit of time answering all of your questions so do again and drop them in the chat if you do have questions i'm happy to answer them at the end or through you know as i go along um okay where are we where are we we're doing good we're doing good a lot a lot a lot a lot okay so we've done basics of varia table airtable views automation let's talk about collaboration and then sync and maybe i'll do like a minute on the rest just to make sure you are kind of confident going forward okay let's talk about collaboration so so far i've been working by myself out of my air table base so there's a few things i want to let you know around how to collaborate in air table let me actually look at my lesson plan so that i am showing you okay how to share a base what are the view permissions sharing you view collaboration best practices okay let's do the five minute version of that so let's reset the timer there we go okay collaboration and air table in five minutes um okay so the first thing is how to invite people into your air table base so you might say hey i want to work with my collaborators my different sales people how do i go and invite them into my error table base you can go ahead and click share now you can invite someone so let me go ahead and invite myself to the base i do that quite often surprisingly i just invited myself and the first thing you need to know is when you invite someone to an airtable base they get access to your whole base every table every record every view they get access to the whole thing there is no way to invite someone to your airtable base and not give them access to the whole pace now i'll talk to you about how you can share subsets of information in about two and a half minutes but when you invite someone to your base you give them access to the whole base that does not mean that they can do anything in your airtable base there are four different permission levels creator that's what we've been working on so far which gives you full access you can run automations you can you know configure any table any view then you have editor i would say that 80 of the collaborators you're going to invite should be invited as editors if you don't expect someone to work on the base with you to create tables to manage automations invite them as an editor editors can create records can edit and create records and create views but they cannot configure tables or fields so that means they can't add new fields add new tables editor is 80 of the people you're going to invite commenter means that they can comment on records and create personal views i won't talk about those but those are just views that are only for yourself but they cannot edit information or add obviously tables or fields or things like that and read only cannot edit or comment they can only see the information in your error table base so the vast majority of the people you're going to invite are editors now in the course i do actually show you what that is like one by one so i go through the experience i won't do that here um so a natural question that you might have is well how do i share a subset of the information in my base maybe i just want to share this deal i just want to share the deals that we've won that's a good example right i want to give the executives an overview of the different deals that we've closed i want to share a subset of the information of my base i keep saying subset of the information in my base and what you know if you remember 35 minutes ago and i know that's been a lot of information i've sent you away you should be thinking about views so views are the ability to see the information either in a different way or filter down to the information you want to the records more specifically so let's go ahead and create a view that has the information we want to share so i'm going to call this closed1 create new view we're going to filter down where show me records where status is closed one there we go and let's say this is the information i want to share i don't want to share the department right just these two records or any records that have uh this criteria their enclosed one in my deals table i can go ahead and share the view this will create a shareable grid link this will create a link that anyone could access and pull information from they cannot edit that information right it's very important to remember that you can just see that information but they do not need access to your whole base i feel pretty confident i'm gonna go ahead and share that in the chat go ahead and open it on your site if you want i'm gonna open it here as well i've got a minute okay uh and i can share a subset of the information in my base using shared views any changes to let's say the deal value is 50 000 instead of 20 000 that will be reflected upon refresh not live in my shared view so anyone coming to this can see the information up to date um so that is how awesome i'm so glad it works uh how you share a subset of the information in your base using shared views now there's a lot more to it here right you have a lot of configuration options you can embed i haven't even talked about the form view which is a way of getting information into your base without giving access to the base to collaborators but that broadly is the kind of thinking you should have first if you want to give full access to your base to someone you can invite them as a collaborator that is perfect for folks who are going to update information add information to your workflow ideally invite them as an editor if they just need oversight or access to a subset of the information in your base go ahead and share a view okay now's a good time grab a glass of water let's see what we got left okay so collaboration there's a lot i didn't talk about i didn't talk about view permissioning i didn't talk about different collaboration best practices um but you know overview it does anthony thank you you're completely right that's really does boom [Music] fantastic okay so air table sync okay now is a good time to drop your questions um i'm probably gonna leave five to seven minutes at the end i wanna make sure that you guys get value from coming live i do appreciate that very very much um so do go ahead and drop your questions and i will kind of make sure i answer them um now there's a lot more to airtable right sync interfaces extensions that i don't have time to talk about but i think a big part in an underused part of error table is air table sync the air table sync lets you pull information um let me let me restart that let's start our timer uh that's a great question i know i'll answer that at the end actually okay let's start our timer five minutes talk about error tables so i just showed you a shared view right so a shared view lets you kind of see the information but not act on that information and it lives outside of your air table base now you may want to say okay well i want to pull that information into my own air table base that could be information that lives in another airtable base or information that lives in another application right maybe you have all of your assets in a dropbox file and you want to be able to say this piece of content use that asset so you can say i can't use that asset again or you may have your hr team has the directory of every employee with their salary their date of birth and they've created a shared view with everyone's with their name and their department hiding the salary and other information you can access that shared view but ideally you want that information in your air table base so you can associate that across tables now let me try what is the best way of doing this so i'm going to go ahead and create imagine a csm table so a csm table a customer success management takes these closed one deals and let's say creates tasks right onboarding tasks so i see that the second most popular use case is project management so i'm trying to bring some of that in right now let's go ahead and create a new table this is going to be customer onboarding and i have these tasks and then task one is you know onboard customer [Music] sign contract unblock octa just different examples right so onboard customer sign contract and onboard unblock octa so this is a separate base right so this is the csm base and um they don't have visibility on the deals that are closed right so maybe i'll add a status does this make sense so to do and then done okay just trying to set this example up nicely here done to do boom okay i got it set up now what i want is to take these closed one deals and have them as a table that is always up to date in my air table base to say this task is associated to this client another example that comes to mind right now is company objectives maybe you have a table of company objectives and each team has a project base that's a little different right they want to associate different objectives to their own projects so let me go ahead and first copy paste this url and if i go to add or import you notice that i can sync data from i'm going to select air table base and the way i like to do this is just to copy the shared view i just copied this right here i go next oh i don't allow data to be synced that's actually a great error to do let's go back let me go back to error table here and i forgot to set this up properly which is perfect for a teaching moment let's go into crm let's go into that shared view and you'll notice that there's this option to allow data in this view to be synced to other bases i've turned that on i've copy paste this url let me do that again next it should work now all right we're going to sync all the fields i'm not going to go into these settings and one minute okay air table sync in one minute let's go uh so now you'll notice that i have those two same records that i have here now you notice i can't edit these right because this is the destination all of the information in this view in this table sorry comes from here it is synced from this is the source so let's say we change the deal value to a hundred thousand i'm gonna go to customer onboarding i'm gonna refresh this now note that this syncs every five minutes automatically on your end i go in sync now i have a hundred thousand that information comes from that view we synced from from the original table but other than that information it acts like any other table i can associate information across tables i can say what company is this associated to i can link to my closed one like that create field now i have the ability to associate right let's do the first three tasks with massive deal and then the last three with acorn there we go acorn there we go so now i have this table that pulls information from another air table base that is always up to date that also means that if we close a new deal so let's move to let's go to our grid view let's move this to closed one that means that it enters this closed one view if i refresh here it's here as well and we're syncing from here so my expectation is if i go here and wait five minutes but i won't make you do that let's sync now there's my new record so think of the different use cases you might say hey that information lives somewhere else but i want to pull in a subset of that information into my workflow to truly create a single source of truth they can work on their stuff on their end right but that important information can be pulled into my workflow right so error tablesync is extremely extremely powerful to enable these cross-functional collaborations where someone's working on something and you want to be updated and pull that information into your air table base now last thing here just trying to be conscious of time is that other than the fact that these records are pulled from the source this acts like any other you know table i can create views i can run automations on this table anything we did up until now is possible on a synced table okay there's a lot more to dig into a you know airtable sync you can sync from external sources you can actually sync from multiple sources at once i dig into all of that in the course and kind of give a different example probably a little better than this one um but yeah that was air table sync okay cool cool so i've got i've got five minutes here i won't have time to dig into interfaces interfaces extensions uh build examples low code so do check out aatt.io or there's gonna be a link in the description to uh to join uh there is no affiliate link but if you do want to sell the course let me know dm me on twitter i'm more than happy to give you an affiliate link and figure that out i'm honestly just been heads down recording this i haven't thought about anything about releasing it um but yeah do you want to answer your questions so there's a question um do we need a paid plan no most of what i've shown so far is available on the free plan uh so every view type is available in the free plan you do have a limited amount of automations i do think you also have a sync one sync available on the free plan if i'm not mistaken so you can get really really far i always try to show the free stuff just so you can build something extremely powerful before you start paying for airtable um that's fantastic uh so penny asks can you please talk more about the course um yeah i'm happy to obviously so i released the essential guide to airtable about three years ago maybe a little bit more now um and this is just a refresh of that well just a refresh it is uh the most comp what i'm hoping to be the most comprehensive uh course on airtable but just general relational databases out there uh everything how to think about building your air table bases how to structure them appropriately how to organize them how to bring collaborators on successfully um and every single i think important feature of airtable and really setting you up for relational databases you know at large but specifically in error table um so i will be kind of dropping a a code which is first ten for the first ten i have about i would say seventy percent of it done where you can watch the first five sections give me feedback join the slack community where you can ask questions um and as those sell out i will keep adding new discount codes in the description uh um uh of this video so uh if first 10 is out i'm gonna release first 20 so on and so forth uh until i you know release it publicly which might take a couple of months uh just as i complete all of the recording um cool well i'm happy that that uh you know uh that could help your friend or an air table um any questions before i sign off i know that was a you know so much information it was a lot of information for me as well but i was hoping to show you the basics of error table but also the power that it has we just built you know what is a functional crm in about 45 minutes that can send notifications sync to other table other bases there is a lot you can do in a very short amount of time and i haven't even talked about interfaces i haven't talked about extensions i haven't talked about a lot of what error table can do to truly create smooth workflows so no questions okay well that was it for for for this week on automate all things um i'm actually gonna be traveling the next couple of weeks so i'm happy to announce that connor uh finlandson is gonna uh replace me a host automate all the things i'm hoping for the next two weeks uh if we can work through uh um you know some potential technical issues so uh i hope to have connor host next week uh with a guest that is to be determined once we work through said technical issues uh but i'm extremely excited to have connor host um you know connor and i have been working closely together and code meets no code i trust them dearly with code with with automate all things and i think you guys will have immense fun um and i'll try to try to jump in um and yeah make sure to like and subscribe do all that good youtube stuff really helps people discover the channel really appreciate it um and thank you uh penny that it was uh succinct and clear thanks anthony thanks daniel uh thanks dd hope that this was useful do hope to see you back next week uh and the week after that with connor and i'll be back near the end of september to uh host it again all right well thanks so much everyone have a great day thank you daniel dede anthony everyone who joined joey dania yeah bye everyone
Channel: Automate All the Things
Views: 14,306
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Id: DOv66Xen_WE
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Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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