How to Get Loot in Diablo 4 - Why You Are Not Getting Any Loot

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hi everyone my name is luxthos and I'm bringing you guys today another Diablo 4 guide this time around I want to talk about the important question why you are not getting loot so this is a question I get a lot of the time in the comment section on Twitter on Twitch I need this item I need this unique why am I not able to farm it how do I get it and here's one of the big problem uh there's been a lot of content created around this about Target farming and around how to get the your your best unique and how to get exactly what you're looking for and I think there's a major problem that needs to be fixed outside of Target farming and that's why I wanted to make this video and that's why I wanted to give you the information here so you've probably seen this website going around amazing tool really really cool really really cool uh little website really nice little tools that allows you to pretty much Target Farm any unique that you want so it tells you which unique you want let's say that I want charcoal right I can click on shotko uh or Harlequin crest for those of you uh and you can pretty much see which monster type in the game has a higher chance of dropping Helm for example which results in a slightly higher chance of getting Harlequin crest but here's the problem if you're currently trying to gear your character let's say you are sub level 100 right you are sub-level 100 you're doing nightmare dungeon and you're like I really really need this Helm I would love the grandfather sword I would love a shotgun I would love doombringer I I need this item you should not focus on where to get those items there is something way more important that is probably limiting the amount of loot that you're getting and that's where I want to get into it's going to be efficiency farming that is going to be the most important aspect and we're gonna Deep dive a little bit more into this so what's happening here is let's say that you're playing a druid uh whatever class that you have and you really really want the helm that you need for your class you want your Tempest Roar uh you want you want your your your med wolf uh and and you're going to start farming some specific dungeon that have a higher chance of doing this thing one of the big problem that is going to happen is you're going to waste a lot of precious time trying to find the right right key trying to make sure it's in the list here and you're going to be losing a crazy crazy high amount of time and that's one of the biggest mistake that I see people doing right now the name of the game in most Diablo game and actually pretty much every arpg is actually being time efficient it's actually to farm as much as you can and as fast as you can this is going to lead into higher loot quantity higher loot quantity well means that you're going to be able to get all of the loot that you want eventually one of the big problem obviously this doesn't apply if you're level 100 and there's only one loot in the game that you're missing obviously Target farming is going to be good for you if you're level 100 you have most of the pieces you're looking for and you're just trying to have fun and try to farm Shaco for example please do so please do so look at the list try to see where Shaco might have a slightly higher chance of dropping and you can start investing time into this but if you're like the majority of people right now and you're not yet level 100 you're in your 70s 60 80 90 and you're just trying to gear up your character and to get stronger the best thing you can do is improve your efficiency okay what do I mean by efficiency does that sound like anybody if I pretty much do a couple nightmare dungeon and then uh you know it takes me maybe 5 10 15 20 minute per nightmare dungeon and then I get out and then my inventory is looking like this and then you're here going like okay uh stats no that's not good okay and then you take like 10 minutes 20 minutes to clear out your inventory go to your chest run there uh take a snack take it this is one of the biggest problems you're limiting the amount of nightmare dungeon that you end up doing and you're lowering the amount of loot overall that you're getting so I'm gonna show you a couple tricks that you can do to farm as fast as possible and be efficient as much as possible one of the biggest wastes of time that you're going to experiment is going to be filtering out your loot and clearing out your inventory so first of all try to only loot things that are going to be useful to you um for me the easiest way to do this is I loot every legendary ever unique and that I only loot ancestral gear obviously if you're still in tier 3 that's going to be sacred but if you're in tier 4 that's going to be ancestral uh there's even some type of item that sometimes I'm not even gonna loot at all for example Scythe I could not loot them but my brain still has not figured out exactly what the name of the items are so this is another step that I simply try to I'll simply click every ancestral that's just going to make it a little bit easier for me um but if you're pretty good at it and you can figure out which name is which item type that's going to save you a lot of time but in general rule simply loot all of the item uh that could potentially be an upgrade for you the rare it's going to be ancestral and then you loot every legendary and every unique obviously and the biggest trip the biggest tip that I can give you right now is this sort button this is really really good so what this is going to do once you click it is it's going to order all of the items in your bag by type and item level which means that it would it will put all the helm next to each other then it will do chest then it will do Shield then it will do offend then two henders and then it's going to do uh one handers that are going to show up afterward and then it's going to do glove pants boots ring and necklace what this means is that you can save a lot of time with this little button right so you make sure to click it have all of the items sorted out and there's going to be a couple general rule that I will uh that I will do so there's a couple of items that I'm not really interested in unless they have a minimum item level currently for me at 93 I'm pretty much not looking at anything below 800 item level because yes I could find a slightest upgrade beneath that but in most cases I don't really care about it the odds of finding something good for me that is going to carry me through plus 93 95 and 100 the odds of finding one of those pieces of loot that is below 800 item level is pretty slim uh obviously that excludes some item which we're going to go over like gloves um and and like rings and necklace but for most cases all the important pieces that are on this side of your inventory they have to have high Armor high vitality and those things are great with item level so all of this right here I'm gonna try to get as high item level as possible on this side though the item level doesn't matter as much once you're past like 725 uh it doesn't matter that much so I'm gonna be a little bit more thorough for ring and necklace I'm going to spend a little bit more time but when it comes to helm as soon as I see that the first Helm right now for me for my trip my my my threshold my character the the first element is not 800 item level I can immediately cross mode Helm because I know that the second one is going to be lower item level right right now I got one chest not 800 I simply mark it a shield it is 800 item level I take a look at it briefly it doesn't have the stats I would be looking for if I was to use a shield and it is pretty low item level so I can easily Mark all the next Shield right I have a legendary in between I'm going to take a look at the Legendary Power uh no it's not good it's not perfect I'm not keeping it simple as that for offense I look at the item level so I just look at the first line 769 I know that it's too low I can Mark both of them same thing for two-hander as you can see here we got a pretty high item level two hinder so 813 is actually pretty nice but it has distant enemy I guess I could re-roll it I might keep this one it's actually pretty nice I'm gonna look at look at it later I'm going to move on to the second one below 800. boom I'm gonna Mark all of the two Ender here I don't need them uh and then we're gonna get into the one-handers I'm going to do the same thing 800 item level ultimate skills don't really care everything else is below 800 boom there you go look at how much time I'm saving because I don't care about these items they're too low item level I'm going to look at the gloves real quick not really good the pants to the light I'm level we're going to mark all the pants boots uh to low item level I'm gonna Mark the boots uh you can look at you know specifically depending obviously like this depends like I have 600 boots here so I could spend a little bit more time trying to upgrade my boots probably wouldn't be the the worst idea in the world I only have three core schedule here ideally I would try to love it um I only have two I would love to get a three at least so I'm marking them really really quickly and then the Rings and The Amulet we're gonna spend a little bit more time here so Vitality usually I don't want Vitality for softcore on on my rings and then damage over time I'm not playing any build that has damage over time cold damage not really interested and Shadow damage and then really bad rings for something I don't care so it took me a very quick you know it took me less time than it normally would by using this trick right by being able to mark all the items uh ahead of time by being able to know that they're going to be an item power level it just speeds up the whole process obviously this is done way faster when I'm not explaining it but this allows me to Simply go to the vendor and because they are all marked as junk you can just right click one and they'll all sell or you can go to the blacksmith here and do Salvage all junk and it will Salvage only the items that are marked including legendary so this is the cool thing because normally if you do all item it's going to skip legendaries but if you Market them as junk first and then you mark uh Salvage all John you'll be good to go because I need gold I'm gonna sell there we go and then I got my one item so now I can decide okay I'm gonna go to the chest I'm gonna go drop it in there this is a pretty valuable item it's pretty high item level so I'm going to want to make sure I store this one but you want to do this as few as possible so only make sure you keep items that you're going to want to look at later uh and possibly try to not investigate it too much while you're level you're doing like a nightmare dungeon session right same thing is going to apply with your sigil so now that you're saving a little bit more time collecting your items uh you need to save a little bit more time with your sigil so what I usually recommend is that you run efficient sigil which means that you only want especially if you're still leveling you're going to want to run sigil that have monster realistically three level higher than you to get the maximum bonus of uh to get the maximum bonus of of XP value that you can get out of them that's really easy to tell if you are in tier three you want to Simply do your level -50 that's going to run that's going to give you the sigil level that you're looking to run if you are in tier four you're gonna do minus 51. so that's going to give you a very very quick way of knowing exactly what sigil level you're targeting if your build is strong you're doing well feel free to run higher the higher the key you run the better the quality uh of the density of ancestral loot that you will get so if you run higher sigil if you run higher Keys you're going to see more of the loot being ancestral which means a higher pull of possible loot but that's going to also slow you down because you're going to be looting more you're going to be you know you're going to be loading more so it's all about efficiency right it's you have to find a middle ground between your clearing fast and you're able to loot quality stuff so I recommend keeping it between three to ten levels higher than you depending on how fast and efficient you are at it and if the keys that you're running are efficient in terms of your build pretty much the only thing you'll need to look at is going to be the first line of each key pretty much with the bill that I'm running right now I don't care this is not going to be the case for every bill but you need to identify this beforehand I don't really care at any of the affixes that I'm running below the first line my build isn't really stopped by removal of you know like reduction and Critical Strike or even if I get a sense burn I don't really care too much because I'm using a lot of my minions uh so depending on your bill this might take a little bit more process to identify what kind of keys you want to run but in general you want to find a quick and easy rule to scout through your keys and be as fast as possible right so for me what I do is every time I get a full inventory of keys I'm gonna go to the um to the to the Oculus and I'm going to disenchant all the keys that I don't like for me what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to look at the first line where it says death pulse right here and this is where you're gonna get the bad affixes in my opinion cold Enchanted I don't run that I hate it lightning storm hate it suppressor hate it everything else for my build I can handle pretty easily so I'll just look at the first line really really quickly and and and see if I have like any any outliers uh I have some storm raid here I don't really care too much right and as soon as I know that I have a bunch of keys that I can run that I don't need to worry about it if I have ones that I really really don't want I'll get rid of it I'll go this Enchanted Salvage it whatever and I'll just get rid of it and then pretty much all I can do now is Click any of those keys I'm not going to try to Target Focus specific dungeon I'm not gonna try to worry too much about this because it's gonna make me lose time right and it's all about efficiency if you start looking at Keys like ah shift but it has this thing that I don't like uh oh this one would have higher chance of dropping this uh if you start doing that you're wasting valuable time you're not in a nightmare dungeon killing demons that's the whole point so make sure you're efficient try to allocate yourself a window of time be like okay I'm gonna farm for one two three four five however I'm out of hours you want to farm in a bunch right and have your keys ready be ready Salvage your item or sell your item quickly filter through them quickly and make sure that you go through your key uh rapidly as well and don't try to cherry pick them don't try to Target Farm unique don't try any of that stuff it doesn't matter Farm quickly efficiently and you'll get the loot that you need by the time I was level 100 on my Necromancer I had every single unique that Necromancer can possibly have outside of the six rare unique that everybody's chasing I had at least two to three copy of every single of those unique that includes the rarest one like Black River or ring of Mendel I even add a razor plate I pretty much had every single one of them at least once two or three it I had multiple copies of these and I was swimming and unique just because I was efficient with my time I wasn't trying to Target farm this this is my second Necromancer by the way I have another one that's level 100 but I was I wasn't trying to Target Farm I wasn't trying to I was just blindly running Keys as much as I could as efficiently as I could and that allowed me to get a massive massive massive amount of gear right so especially for the unique obviously for legendaries uh there's a lot of way that you could you can Target Farm or spend some of your currency especially Opals uh you're gonna be able to actually use the tool that we just showed a minute ago this tool is going to allow you to know what you can gamble in order to get specific loot so this is really really good obviously this is going to be in the description down below you're going to be able to Target a specific Loop for your class so if you're a necromancer and you're looking at the skeletal Warrior uh unique here you're going to be able to see uh all the information as to what you're going to want um to to to to do so for example this one here for this piece uh you're going to want to do Boots the most optimal item to gimbal is boots on Necromancer there you go if you want to do intercom uh you want to do glove on Barbarian for example so you want to create another character and then gamble on that character it doesn't matter if the item is lower item level uh because you're you're going to get the odds and all that stuff there's a lot of information you can take your time and read all of this it is a really pretty good tools if you want to farm specific legendaries but again for Unique most of the time uh you're you're not going to want to spend too much time on this even for dungeons there's no dungeons that increase your odds of getting really like a specific type of legendary just gimbal your Opals try to get the proper piece for your ovals if you're looking at specific legendaries if you're doing hell Tides maybe Target specific chess that have a higher chance of getting the loot that you're looking for but when it comes to farming and getting gear the best way to go about it is to spam nightmare dungeon and be efficient you start the key you clear upgrade your glyph and if your inventory is not full you immediately click another key you immediately click another one you clear that one upgrade the glyph check your inventory if it's not click another one and then you repeat this process sorry until you need to clear your inventory when you do be efficient about it and then start again the process I know this is a lot of Min maxing and it's a lot about you know trying to speed through when it's technically just a video game you should you know chill and have fun and hang out yes that's true but if you want more loot if you want to get the piece of loot that you're looking for you need to be efficient about it so it's not necessarily about going fast it's about cutting the time loss that you have so that was a quite a quite straightforward video um and I just wanted to clear some things out because I see a lot of people are getting a little bit I don't want to say baited but they're getting into this target unique thing and they're wasting a lot of time filtering through keys and trying to optimize when in reality they're actually losing a lot of time and I just wanted to get the information out there if you like the video make sure to leave a comment if you have any questions about any of these topics make sure to ask in the comment section uh like the video subscribe to the channel and you can also come visit me on Twitch if you would like I pretty much stream every single day I've been playing a lot of Diablo and I would love to see you uh even if it's just to say hi I would appreciate it uh but until then my friend I hope to see you in sanctuary enjoy Diablo 4. bye-bye
Channel: Luxthos
Views: 87,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best place to get loot in diablo 4, how to get better loot in diablo 4, how to get good loot in diablo 4, how to get the best loot in diablo 4, unique diablo 4, unique diablo 4 items, unique diablo 4 farm, unique diablo 4 drop, unique diablo iv, unique diablo 4 gear, unique diablo 4 drop rate, how to get better loot diablo 4, diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 farm uniques, diablo 4 farm legendary, diablo 4 farming spot, diablo 4 farming guide, diablo 4 farm legendary items
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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