How to Look Through Your Items Way Faster in Diablo 4

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hi everyone it's Rax I'm working on my fifth and final character to 100 before I start playing hardcore and leveling up all these characters one by one I'm learning that one of the biggest factors and how fast you can level besides using you know the nightmare dungeon tier list and being efficient is how quickly can you look at your inventory full of items and quickly diagnose what you should keep and what you shouldn't and move on so I'm going to jump on my sorcerer which is Riker with horns apparently and I'm going to show you exactly how I do it and some of the tricks I'm going to do it slowly so hopefully this will teach you something and it will help you make you a lot faster when you're going to town okay so I have prepared a I just ran a few dungeons I have not looked at these items and I just have a hodgepodge of items that you've probably seen a million times um in your runs so the first thing that you're going to have to do before you get fast at this besides learning some general principles about Diablo 4 itself is you want to pull up your build gut so my sorcerer is playing the Irish charts endgame sorcerer guide and what you don't need to do is you don't need to memorize all of this you don't need to memorize it but you need to have a general idea of what you're looking for I'm playing ice shards so I need ranks to eye shards and eat ranks to frost Nova this and that and this and that and then another thing about the game that you should be very familiar with until blizzard changes it is the separate multipliers like Critical Strike chance Critical Strike damage vulnerable damage those three in particular are usually very valuable so before we even look at the items let's look at how a character is set up as Rikers wearing horns and a skirt here um and by the way when I made this character I just made a random character and started and I guess blizzard just made me Riker um but let's talk about each item individually and this Source was very poorly geared so don't judge me here on the helmet the thing that you're looking for almost always on every single class is cooldown reduction usually a perfect rule so in general if it's a helmet and it doesn't have cooldown reduction I don't give a french toast about it for most classes your chest piece is going to be your survivability along with the pants these two are your survivability pieces so you're looking for things like life armor damage reduction and then all the damage reduction situations that apply to your character so damage reduction while you have a barrier if that's even a roll whatever I haven't really played too much sorcerer that's why we're playing it now uh you know things like that if you're playing a druid damage reduction while fortified or Barb you're going to get all of your defense pretty much from your chest and your pants that's what we're looking for your gloves are pure offense it's crit it's plus three to your core skill because most builds are using your core skill then you can get things like attack speed or you could get your main Stat or you could get lucky hit if you need it gloves or offense Boots the main thing you want is movement speed and sometimes you can get plus ranks to a skill I need plus ranks to frost note on Ice shards because that lowers the cooldown of frost Snowman when everything's frozen that's when I do my damage but movement speed and plus to some supporting skills on boots is super important what's up in my tooth here or something bothering me um on the amulet amulet will let you buff a passive that you have this can be extremely important depending upon what build that you're playing so you might have a favorite passive that you really want to pump up that you're looking for you can get resource cost reduction by the way I think you can get resource cost reduction on your boots as well or whatever you can get resource cost uh generation and reduction is usually very powerful as well you can get it on amulet you can get movement speed again on amulet super important for a lot of builds and then it's kind of up to you can get some offense you can get some defense usually you want to go defense because the um upper tier stuff really hurts so the amulet I think is one of the hardest pieces to get real very right and you can get plus ranks to defensive skills some very interesting choices the aim that's probably the most complicated thing and then probably one of the Least Complicated things is Rings you usually want Critical Strike chance Critical Strike damage vulnerable damage and then something else resource generation or uh lucky hit or some kind of damage that works for your character or something it's usually crit crit vulnerable for most classes not always but usually then you just want two of those and then for your weapon you want your weapon tab as high as item power as possible because it's going to give you higher damage same thing with the offhand and whether you use a two-hander or a one-hander and an offhand usually depends on if you want the implicit on the offhand which is uh like for example here it's cooldown reduction which is huge because it brings back my Frost snow and I can do damage but it is essentially here is where item power really starts to matter the higher the better and then I always get asked well what's the trade-off between higher DPS and perfect stats well I mean you're trying to find both but if you have a terrible weapon if you have like a 700 item power weapon with great stats and you have a 820 weapon with bad stats I'm pretty sure you have to take the 820. it's just way more damage to get your base damage higher so let's say all that again in like 30 seconds helmet needs cooldown chest and pants defense loves are usually plus three to your main skill then you get like crit chance attack speed um lucky hit boots we gotta get move speed sometimes you can get plus ranks to your skills and I think you can get some kind of resource either resource generation or resource reduction you might be able to get that on helmet too amulet is a hodgepodge of things can buff your favorite passive remember that it can get movement speed here and you can't get resource roles here rings are usually crit crit vulnerable then either resource or lucky hit or something like that or some kind of damage then finally down here is where you're really looking for your item power level okay so now that we went over that and we have an idea of what we want from our build the first thing that you should do before you look at the vendor is sort your gear with this button boink now what this is going to do is it's going to put it in order uh group all the similar items together and this is going to help you a lot I'm going to explain to you why so we go over here we're going to vendor and by the way if you haven't noticed I wish blizzard would fix something like this wish there was an item filter or something like this or a faster way to do this but I don't know a faster way other than just looking at every item But Here Come the tricks so looks like maybe we have is this a helmet yes so these two are helmets essentially if they don't have cooldown they're getting trashed by the way if they're not ancestral they're getting trashed everything so here we go no cooldown gone no cool down gone yes you could look for one that's perfect stats and then you roll the cooldown but I think the time that you will save by just vendoring them all quickly and looking for the one that just has cooldown on it and then going from there is going to save you a ton of time yes if you want to sit there and memorize every single item and yeah okay but I'm telling you I think it'll save time by not doing that okay so we're going to the chest next and the first thing I'm thinking is defense so I'm already looking for something like um damage reduction armor and life something like that I don't have that it's garbage so here we go boom lightning res resistances suck resistance percent damage this thing sucks the only thing that I it gave me that I wanted was the armor and it's almost a mineral terrible gone here we go 656 instantly don't care it's not ancestral by the way when I'm running around I'm doing nightmare dungeons in World tier four I try my damnedest to never pick up sacred items I try to only pick up ancestral not in this example I just picked up everything but you only want to pick up ancestral items unless you're dying for gold and you have to vendor um the sacreds as well okay now unfortunately we only found one legendary here but here's my rule for legendaries same rules you're looking at the roles if they aren't what you want you're going to get rid of it and then unless it's a power that you immediately need to make your build work if the Legendary Power isn't perfect I get rid of it so then a lot of people ask on a Legendary Power how can you diagnose if it is a perfect Legendary Power well what I do is I look at the range at the bottom and and this is a bad example because this one's flipped but the worst range is on the left and the best range is on the right so on the left we have 40 and on the right we have 30 which is backwards usually we want it to go up but because this is increasing the cooldown the lower one is the better one bad example but you get the idea so anyway I'm looking for the blue number to match the right number so does 34 match 30. no garbage this is actually one of the powers that I need though for my build so this particular one I would save looking at the looking at the stats damage reduction is good and that's a pretty good role of damage reduction because it's 2 to 4.1 and it landed at three and a half when you have a value that's in a Range unless it crosses a threshold and I don't even know if it changes in the threshold but as long as it stays within the threshold if it's above 725 it will stay exactly where it is relative to the upper and lower bound so for example if this damage reduction had been 4.1 and then I upgrade it whatever the new damage reduction is it's like seven at the top end it will be 7. this is how it works so I'm looking for numbers relative to the upper and lower bounds you don't have to memorize all the numbers just look at it relatively and then you'll know if you got a good roll or not so this is better than the other one this is damage reduction this is barrier generation cold damage I guess I do cold damage but I'm not looking for damage on my chest int okay that's like my main stat but again I'm not looking for damage on my chest this chest is not serving the right purpose and it's not even a sacred or it's not even an ancestral item so I would never wear this chest but it does have a power that I need so I would say so doing it quickly if I were to do this again like fresh like out of the plant I'd be like those stats suck it's not ancestral I need the frost Note Power I'll keep that one okay now here comes where the Sorting is beautiful here is where you save by far the most time so when you sort the items and they group them it puts the highest item power level on the left so if you have 10 one-hander weapons the highest damage one is going to be on the left okay so what you need to do is you need to say okay at what point is this damage so low that I don't want to use it anymore let's say uh so a Godly weapon in the end game right now is like 8 20. so maybe you say okay if it's not at least 790 I'm not even going to consider it assuming that it's the weapon that you actually attack with if it was like one of your op-ed weapons like on a barb the DPS doesn't matter because it only considers the stats in that case you might have to look at all of them but this is not the case for my sorcerer so what you should do here is the same thing with the with the foci or the focuses and the weapons as I look at the first one and I instantly know boom all of them are garbage all of them because the one on the left is 745 that's going to be the highest number so they're all garbage none of them are 790 I don't even care what stats they have on Gone Gone didn't even have to look same trick here they group it with two handers and then they group it with one handers now I'm not trying to use a two-hander here um so and then by the way you can always Resort if you want I'm not trying to use a two-hander here I need to use a wand and an offhand because the offhand has CDR and that's what I need for my bill so I look here and it doesn't matter anyway I know all the two-handers are instantly garbage because the best one that I have is 777. look out Cascades down 763 744 718 678 677. okay now we go to the one-handers this is a new category again the highest one is on the left this is a sword okay I can't even use this for my class but maybe I could give it to another one and it's 802. so I would take a look at this one looking at um vulnerable and critic damage and then maybe core or close or something like that so we have crit damage but it's the minimum roll and it will stay the minimum roll forever even if I upgrade it like we talked about earlier and then Critical Strike with bone okay so I guess this is a necromancer sword so that might be good for necro and then damage to distant okay so this is the sword which is the Critical Strike damage implicit it's double crit and its distance so this might actually be a great sword for a Necro well maybe you could consider keeping it the next one instantly tells me that all of the other one-handers are garbage because it's 763. there's not going to be a single one above 790. so I just saved myself all this time nope I don't even have to look they're garbage look at them Cascade down 753 you see them going down okay so now we go to the gloves your gloves are a little bit harder but I would recommend that you do is you're looking for plus three to the skill that you that you're using if you don't have that it's very hard to get the right to roll that it's very expensive rolling is expensive so plus two to eye shards garbage even if you upgrade it it's gonna stay at the bottom level just to demonstrate it I'll even burn some matches to prove it to you if I upgrade this um I'm never gonna get it's the the range is going to change from three to four but it doesn't re-roll it's going to stay at the minimum there we go it's upgraded and it's the minimum you get the Higher One then you can upgrade it so this one was garbage doesn't have plus three dollar shards doesn't have plus three to eye shards as plus two I'll even do it again that's how much I like you but racks doing something twice doesn't prove it trust me I'm a professional idiot uh oh it was sacred okay so it doesn't even it didn't even change what a what a waste of mats damn well I wasted mats for I told you I was a professional idiot um two to ice shards again there's no range on it we're screwed right so don't try it on sacred it doesn't even work on sacred at least you get a range on it ancestral okay pants pants defense same thing as chest life armor you get it damage reduction okay does that look like life armor damage we got damage reduction life for Gen while not damaged recently damage after killing an elite your pants are your defense these are garbage and by the way they start at 750 which is not amazing 701 they're sacred again looking at the okay so we did have another legendary I couldn't even tell that this one was legendary again not a perfect power trash throw it away instantly and these are all remember it's in order so since this is a sacred one all the other pants are going to be sacred so we know that all of this by now is garbage we only have one pair of boots we're looking for movement speed no movement it does have movement speed okay blame Shield I use that slow duration reduction and willpower is not what I want that but the plus Max of eight is okay this isn't the worst pair of boots it's not the worst so maybe if you're starting out it's not it's okay maybe you could keep it but we're looking for something way better than that and by the way there's they're sacred and we're looking for rings without even looking at at the beginning we're looking for crit crit vulnerable yeah vulnerable lucky hit distance chilled it's garbage and it's not ancestral okay so in conclusion sort your gear and especially for the weapons and the offhands the highest item power is on the left once you cross the threshold where you're not accepting that anymore everyone after it in the list is an automatic vendor if you don't get a power for your build and it's not perfect vendor it get ready get rid of it or you can salvage it if you need the mats but you shouldn't need too many mats and then keep in mind the critical things that you're looking for on each piece cool down defense plus three to your skill movement speed you can get cool down here and movement speed by the way cool down on the amulet you need that too crit crit vulnerable on the Rings crit damage vulnerable core and then whatever you need slowed Frozen whatever on the weapons main stat is a good one intelligence whichever class you're playing um yeah so uh I hope this video helped you honestly what I hope even more is I hope blizzard makes it easier and if you have any tricks that I I don't know like I do know about the Marcus junk and stuff and I guess you can do that if you want some people like it some people don't um some people don't like that you can't save an item you can't mark it as good so those could be things that they could do but in general I don't know why Blues dropping the end game I don't know why sacred's dropping the end game I don't know why you can't filter out a certain item level I don't get it but let's see what blizzard does anyway uh that's all from me and Riker with horns and a skirt and I'll see in the next video thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 190,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: PRi895pNXIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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