Diablo 4 - The TRICK to Leveling FAST as a SOLO PLAYER! Updated Post-Patch!

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hey what's up this is chosen and in this video we're going to be talking about solo farming experience in Diablo 4. what is the most efficient and optimal way to go about leveling as a solo player because it's probably the most common question that I see floating around is people want to know what is the most efficient way to play if you're not relying on other people or you can't find anybody online at that time how can you progress efficiently as a solo player so I'm going to talk about the ways to go about this how a mob scaling works with nightmare dungeons how they feel after their buff and some things to consider when you're trying to level up as a solo player let's get into it alrighty so first of all we will get to that chart in a little bit about the mob scaling but there's some things that I want to talk about a little bit really quickly here so first of all this topic does evolve a lot right now blizzard is proving that they are willing to jump in and most notably as we all hate they Nerf stuff so as soon as we as content creators discover something fun to farm as soon as we do content or produce a video it seems like three hours later blizzard Nerfs it but I think everything in this video is going to be pretty relevant because blizzard did intentionally make Nightmare dungeons more feasible which is going to be the main Crux of what I'm gonna discuss in this video because I do think it is going to be the best option to progress as a solo player as long as you're doing it optimally at the right time and at the right level and all that based on your build and there's been a few different theories out there on how to farm XP as a solo player either going to the PVP zone or going into regular dungeons or going into the open world or different things like that but I think since the buff to nightmare dungeons you can get really good XP gains even as a solo player in the nightmare dungeons but one thing you do want to make sure you're doing is use those XP Potions you're gonna want every little thing you can get you get a small bonus for being in a group that you're missing out on if you're a solo player so make sure you are having elixirs to drink so you can get that five percent which by the way I wish there was like a I wish it would like start flashing red or something when your Elixir is in the last minute or something because it seems like it's really common that people forget to re-drink another Elixir after their current one expires and then also now that you can teleport directly to nightmare dungeons from town now I think it is going to be really really good and some of the XP per hour numbers that we're able to get as a solo player is going to be comparable to stuff that I've been getting in a group since the beginning of the game doing all sorts of crazy stuff like split farming and Champion semis including three lanes at once and all that now and optimized solo player doing nightmare dungeons can get pretty comparable XP to some of the numbers we were hitting in groups doing those split farming strategies and I'll get into like the XP per hour that you can expect here in a little bit but I do also want to make sure that you understand how the levels of work and the mob levels in relation to you and how to make sure you are running the right nightmare dungeon so what you'll see right here in this chart is that sigil rank 1 is going to mean mob level 55 so the sigils go from rank 1 to rank 100 being the final one that you get an achievement for clearing rank 100 and at rank 100 the mobs are going to be at level 154. so an easy way that you can kind of do this off the top of your head is just take whatever sigil Rank and add 54 to that and that is what level the mobs are going to be in that nightmare dungeon when you use the sigil to open it and the way that the XP scaling works from mobs you're killing is gonna max out when the mob is three levels above you so whether you kill a mob three levels above you or or 25 levels above you you're going to get the same XP it caps out at that point and you're not going to get any more bonus going above the three levels that's why you'll see a very common sentiment in the Diablo 4 Community to farm nightmare dungeons where the mobs are three levels above you so an easy way to understand this is right over there you can see that the character of the footage you're watching on screen is level 94. so what level nightmare dungeon should this doubled 94 character that you see on screen be farming well it would be whichever nightmare dungeon the mobs are level 97 so we go over here to the chart and we see that the mobs are going to be level 97 right here at a Sigil rank 43 so for this character right here at level 94 it would be optimal to try and farm sigils in like that 41 to 45 range and you can even use that as a good barometer to see if you are keeping up with your strength of your character like let's say you are level 85 and you're really struggling to clear a level 35 schedule like you can see down here if you're level 85 a optimal nightmare dungeon would be level 34 because you'd go from 85 to 88 so if you're level 85 and you're struggling to clear a level 34 you may want to go do some things like focus on your Renown get some extra Paragon points or go upgrade your gear or go try to re-roll some stuff or mess around with your build maybe level up some glyphs or focus on getting stronger in some way so you can get up into that tier that you're supposed to be farming and then on that chart if you can see a bunch of them are highlighted in green and that's going to be because I kind of think that's the optimal range to grind nightmare dungeons I don't think you should grind nightmare dungeons for hours on end until you can do at least rank 31 and the reason for that is because there is a loot cap at 85 and you're gonna hit like your maximum bonus on loot once you can do the mobs that are level 85 so you really don't want to go too crazy before then you're going to want to do a little bit obviously because you want to at least drop the glyphs and have something to put into your Paragon board so it's okay to do a few nightmare dungeons get a few quick levels on your glyphs but I wouldn't like go hard in the paint grinding nightmare dungeons all night for eight hours straight until you've farmed up XP and you've gotten enough gear and you've gotten strong enough to be able to farm level 31 at nightmare Dungeons and then on the top end of the range you can see the range of the green on the chart goes from 31 to 48 the reason I have it end at rank 48 nightmare sigils is because that is where the mobs are Level 102 and at that point it's going to be kind of that top end of the XP you're gonna get per mob because even if you're level 99 plus three ranks will get you up to 102 and for a level 99 character you're going to be getting the best XP at a level 48 nightmare Dungeon Because the mobs will be exactly three levels above you but it's also not only that you do want to stay in that sweet range where you're able to clear effective where you're able to go fast it's always the case in these games it was the same thing in Diablo 3 you want to be doing greater risks where you can blast through them in like 90 seconds or two minutes and here in Diablo 4 you want to be doing nightmare dungeons where you can blast through them in four or five minutes now some top end speed builds which I plan on covering here on the channel some speed options to grind out like nightmare rank 40s and just blast through them in like three minutes but even if you are doing them in four or five minutes you're still going to be getting good XP per hour and if you're curious about the average numbers you can expect to have I did this run here for the video just to kind of randomly test I wasn't trying to go super fast I wasn't trying to like min max make the build super cracked out I was trying to kind of do like what an average run would be and it ended up being just over like five minutes long and then when I calculated the XP per hour that I was getting from this run on the blind Burroughs dungeon I was getting about 16 or 17 million XP per hour which is will be good I remember doing some split farming back when we were kind of leveling up and having some groups where we were at like 15 to 20 million XP per hour now there have been some methods like the uh like the super massive brand packed dungeon with like 50 Elite packs in it we were doing that we were getting like 45 million XP per hour but that got nerfed that was like an unintended thing that wizard didn't think was gonna happen so within the framework of the game doing a nightmare dungeon 41 right here in over five minutes I was still getting about 16 or 17 million XP per hour which is really really good and I can pull up our experience in Diablo 4 article from the website to illustrate this even if we're level 99 so right here this is going to be the XP requirement per level so for level 99 and they come all the way up here you can see that it's gonna be about 24 million XP to go from level 99 to level 100 so if you were being efficient doing nightmare dungeons getting your cool 15 to 18 million XP per hour grinding a reasonable level in a reasonable build you could go from level 99 to level 100 in only about 90 minutes to 2 hours total based on your downtime and having to go to town and stuff like that you could easily go from level 99 to level 100 in two hours as a solo player just going through and grinding a reasonable level of nightmare dungeon so to wrap it up for you and summarize number one don't go too hard too early on nightmare dungeons because you want to kind of get to a point where you can get into that sweet spot of level 31 to level 48 and you want to pick a nightmare dungeon that's pretty straightforward and consistent something like blind Burrows is amazing because you just kill a few infected villagers and then you go forward the boss fighting Gigi you clear it and you move on to the next sigil and then third you want to be at a level where the mobs are about one to three levels above you and craft your sigils and run them accordingly so you're getting optimal XP gains based on your level the rank of the sigil and the rank the mobs in that sigil so I hope this helped you out a little bit as a solo player and how to be efficient getting those XP gains after blizzard has done some changes to the nightmare Dungeons and how it is going to affect you and what kind of numbers you can expect if this video did help you out it means a lot to earn your subscription down below and I will get to work on figuring out what are the best speed farming XP per hour nightmare dungeon builds for each class and trying to cover them for you here on the channel as well so I appreciate all of you and I will see you soon in the next video have a great rest of your day peace thank you
Channel: ChoseN | Diablo 4
Views: 35,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 xp, diablo 4 experience, diablo 4 solo
Id: ankGWJrEdLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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