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guess who got groomed today look at you two beautiful doggies terrible timing too it's been raining for almost two days straight and you want to go out you just want to go play in the mud don't you I want to get all dirty daddy I wanna be free welcome to the vlog guys just starting out kind of where I filmed a bit yesterday you guys watch yesterday's vlog got water on the camera destroyed the mic had to come on here finish the what it was really is confusing actually I'm not even gonna get into it but yesterday's walk was incredible insane if you missed it here is a kind of a recap head true diamond play buttons made out of plastic pretty much made you guys believe that I shot the real ones but here's the real one safe and sound guys nothing wrong with him and big shout out to everybody that was honest and actually commented you got me like you tricked me I figured everybody would have too much pride to just admit it but I did get a lot of people come on buddy anyways yes welcome check out yesterday's vlog if you missed it it really stirred things up it was great was fun I enjoyed every second of it yo thumbs up oh you look really energetic too Britney had this plan for a while but I think it's time to show you I mean we have to show you cuz it's gonna happen in any any second how do you want to show is that your present right there that's your you're ready for me too oh my gosh what have you done what are you talking about you never cut your hair off when you're pregnant last what are you talking about I think you're losing your mind that's what's actually happening I don't know if I like it to be honest I'm not you know I like just your black hair just like straight black hair and now you don't know crazy curl on it blonde in it I don't it's so pretty he did love it Kane did love it most of you may love it too I just I don't know I'm such a simple person I like just her black straight hair I could try the Endor 360 today haven't done that oh yeah no in a poncho give me a rain suit oh come on Ohio let's move I mean like seriously let's move where would we move I'm really like I love where I live I love Ohio but the weather dogs went to the groomers today they look extra beautiful look at that look at this look at that that's a German Shepherd oh my god you don't feel bad about it's just you buddy it's just you see you cane so my brother his kids and wife were here and we all clippity-clop eating you watching yesterday's long [Applause] smells like garbage in here Dale came up with this idea not my idea at all dang now it is my idea to do it inside because it's raining out we really want to get this thing out shut this thing yesterday's vlog it is a grappling hook guys this sucker shoots through the sky hooks onto things then you climb up we didn't have a castle wall to try it on so we brought our own wall looks like you can screw unscrew this and put a spike on it we don't have that but it looks like you can bar goal is to see if this will shoot through a wall is this pregnancy stuff yeah I know my vitamins be raw prenatal so we'll tie it to something so safe you can't go that far we gotta go get this wall though let's find your leg and see if it trips you all and be painful what are they doing this we found a wall oh yeah nice wall so you guys actually think this is a good idea I don't think it's a good idea either what if you break one of the chairs no blows the glass from the fish tank out can you imagine don't even joke I think we alright alright guys so we got our make-believe wall the idea is that you would wait there's you get blurry come on blur bag wow got really blurry so here's what we got we got our fake wall here which is actually a sheet of drywall which is basically what this is right here and the idea is that this goes through the wall opens up and then you could pull the wall down yes ooh nice nice so we are gonna storm a castle wall it's the best castle wall it's like a dream come true dude how about the windows where the archer sit you need them like you know the castle windows yeah oh he's raising a flag nothing to take down a small more castle now a drawbridge we got we've got a shoot the door down yes the castle door naama where do you get your inspiration you know a lot of you know castle art that I've been checking out and studying who inspires to you know create I like how you took multiple time periods and mixed it into like this just beautiful masterpiece it's a true work I like how you have you know the medieval time period but also the modern design - you get the modern architecture nice wide doorways you got you got - nowadays and wide doorways get the bigger our framing and cuz couches are bigger now beds are bigger you've got to have the big door that's smart really good design I mean we go castles built our goal is to storm the castle shoot the grappling into the door boom pull the door down nice if we made a slight cut into the door into the back of the door we may have a better chance of pulling the drawbridge down hmm don't forget about the alligators that surround the door you have to jump over it we have never shot it actually now if we fast-forward 20 minutes from now then I could say we have shot it the rope braces yeah what if it does rope break break okay 550 pounds years ago back in elementary school so this weighs about 6 ounces at a maximum velocity coming out of the gun of maybe 300 feet per second that turns into I don't know worst case scenario it blows the aquarium up the pinball machine it ricochets off kills your flat-screen TV and then goes through the door yeah makes you feel better we moved the pinball machine over about 4 feet dude Castle looks good I'm not gonna lie whoever did the castle why Wow I'm ready so if the gun don't do it we got a handle dispensing right here oh that's it pull the old castle so you did cover the fish tank that's pure protection you're worried you're worried oh yeah that does look like Kevlar yellow you're sure yeah Kevlar come alone Kevin ello so in case you guys don't know these are two to three blanks they were just blank rounds and I'll shoot a bullet they don't shoot anything really still dangerous though still dangerous nothing you want to eat nothing you want to play with you know me without hassle yeah all right so we have it hooked to the rope but we want to make sure it doesn't go through the drywall and then into the other wall so we're gonna run a rope around the island yes it's gonna be the stopping the ropes gonna grab the island and stop it right after so it can't go through - yes so go ahead and take this that way through the castle wall she this is the maximum distance no come on Brit you must done lost your mind girl can't go any further than that lock it down lock her down baby the big so even though we're only shooting slow-motion with a GoPro and my Sony requires a lot of light so even at 240 frames this is really darks we're gonna set up some extra lights so I'll be performing this castle is a dangerous mission I need you to take the kids upstairs put them in a private room cover their ears we're going in this castle got it no I think this is one of the dumbest ideas you've ever had ever yeah I'll take that let me we're ready let's just shoot this thing we've got lights we've got slo-mo cam we got GoPro we've got a castle all right guys do not try this at home I'm assuming now I've never shot this before but we have it pretty safe I can't hear anything you're saying look grandpa he goes in dude that's gonna come out hard hard that's like vacuum going down yeah oh my gosh I think such a bad idea around your ankle number on one weight one arm you go one arm already on one you record three you see that surprise don't not kidding I thought it went all the way through we wouldn't need good back in the day when you were me castles ninja stuff like that oh yeah you can see the shadow of it open my face says it all in the slo-mo cam I'm just like oh no I thought it went some reason I thought the rope snapped and it just went through debris flying check our oh honey it cracked just kidding I can't believe it stayed on that though I thought what do you mean I like pull it up Derby Day that was sweet you want to shoot a piece of the door dude I love to shoot it's very polite uh no problem at all easy and in a book open so you can pull you can pull it but my brain wasn't even working like literally it went doing my brains when it's through my bedroom it's too much I think I think we try car door next a car doors try to get through a car door no way ever never I have the limo I have the limo let's go shoot the limo right now okay store my life we got we got to get through this car juice uh uh inside baby good boy um bump bump bump bump bump bump it's like freaking alien like is it is so muddy listen how many times you get to shoot a grappling hook ar-15 through the windshield of a limousine Cadillac baby yeah and a Cadillac but what's the rope tied to your foot all right I feel like I should aim low ready ready oh where is it well you didn't go through the window at all I hit the little hood thing oh I think I heard just lightbulbs through here the windshields perfect where's the grappling uh there's a rope no there's no God it might be back in the woods there's the Rope there's the Rope there's the grappling right there where the light is ready you got it pull that door up here we go yes oh my god got your Marlin yeah there you go the whole windows gone but I was good that's perfect I can't believe it just nothing like effortlessly blows through things I gotta go I'll be right back Oh spider-man kiss you even I don't know oh I'm gonna go pick up my boy no uh all right just get serious for just a minute please every fans been saying about me hey guys going to pick up Noah which is amazing because it's only Thursdays its first and it is Thursday I'm going to get Noah and I got him all weekend Friday Saturday Sunday which is amazing super exciting for me and the family I do want to take a second and actually thank you guys for yesterday's vlog I played a big trick on everybody I mean it's not like I blew up my diamond play buttons first of all and it's not like I blow up the diamond play buttons and never told you guys like that would have been bad I told you in the video it's all part of the joke the amount of people that just jumped to the conclusion that I did it without ever watching the video cracked me out like people were like my viewers people that watch me every day was just slaying me like calling me the worst names and I'm a piece of crap and they didn't say crap and then they watch the video and they apologize it was just so funny to me how fast people were to just jump on me like those that did watch the whole video and just laugh cuz it was funny Thank You Man you're friggin rock and here's some more crazy vlogs and just fun stuff you know okay we're gonna tell the kids that you're not here right okay it can you hear the movie it's he couldn't come yeah I went but turns out there Kenton yeah stinks I wish she was here too buddy I really do what are you looking for when you think he's just gonna appear what are you doing Zeus Zeus rats everybody out dance come dance deep I told you nothing it's cold dude going in that is that's gonna do it for our blog today guys everyone's gone kind of warping into the night got the house all cleaned up and reset in a flash you look comfortable too we we had to pull all the couch cushions off there was drywall inside all the cracks is a master there's still a whole bunch against that wall did I wake you up did I wake you up anyway guys thank you so much for hanging out with us today what a goofy night that was had fun always have fun my brother man so lucky to have him in my life so close to me other than that guys that's the video I hope you enjoyed today we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful keep your head up be positive don't worry about anything guys worrying never changes the outcome I mean it absolutely changes nothing to worries fight to not worry I love you guys man keep your head up be positive I love you you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,747,201
Rating: 4.94555 out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, kid friendly, noah, house, girlfriend, merch, family friendly, family-friendly, roman soldiers, best pranks, shooting, everyday, atwood vlogs, crazy, vlogging, britt, Vlogs2017, kid-friendly, family fun, family vlogs, smile more, Atwood, roman vlogs, Roman, store, daily, home, kids, youtube pranks, Natural Born Pranksters, pranks, indoors, smith, day, kane, ohio, kane atwood, brittney, vlog, noah atwood, roman atwood vlogs, Roman Atwood, the best, family, Roman Atwoods
Id: HkMScbEuL-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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