Dog Attacks Quadcopter!

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well of course it's raining this morning take the livers what's up guys all right it's a beautiful rainy day in Ohio what's up Todd what's up what's up master pimp this is so dangerous cue cue dolly holy crikey okay slowly sat down the carpet sorry mr. heavy or some reason I felt like Todd had all the weight cuz we're all like this he's like good for your brother have fun at the beach did I'll try hard Chase is going to the beach lucky ducky gosh I'm building a beach in my living room and you're going to the beach I think we should fill this whole area with sand I put up sand pit right here though with a palm tree yeah the neighborhood cats would swim over here just to take a dump all right it's super pretty outside it's just right what we're going to RC shot one of my favorite places to go I'm still kid guys I love my RC cars bringing Dale my brother Domino Dale and in there inside and Noah we're all going do my hair guys what by the way why haven't you guys told me to get a haircut you know ridiculous I look look at this and I got a new friend right here on my head I'm a man I'm a mess I'm a mess we made it came are you hiding go cool that let's look around what color is that one blue what color is that one yeah red these are off please car won't paint them bikes me okay if you want the bike get the bike what do you get in tough call dude up to you the smallest the smallest quadcopter ever it's my hand just got home cane had to have this bike painting carried it around the whole store looks pretty hard actually Caine's got his color you're doing a great job buddy no I got a level one model which I'm really excited because I actually wanted to get you a model so this is gonna be fun he picked the Mustang they didn't have many options really this is full ramp almost yeah it was a Mustang but just plastic this also you can paint it different I'm gonna try to paint over this yeah I have the painting you should I can try to paint it I'm gonna cut your fingers off oh I missed just twist it oh my god everytime scary okay so where are you going spending the night at my grandma's that's not a birthday no oh I don't know all week I thought it was a birthday party he didn't he said it was oh oh I thought it was alright so you're just going to spend a night with a friend uh I got I got you dog I don't what he said I love you baby have a great time okay call me anytime of course I couldn't go to the ER mom of course I couldn't go to store without get me a toy just a little guy look at this quadcopter dude Zeus is gonna go no I bet I can get Zeus to eat this thing in flight he will try to eat this thing I didn't even think of that Zeus mmm-hmm you gonna eat this oh he already wants it he already wants it we got a houseful tonight a mommy hey Dad my mom brought over a beautiful meal you can tell that this is mother meal right here mother me on this is mother meal this is healthy vegetables meat potatoes we think of this confident well I don't got the sprinkles oh I can put on there get away from me check it out guys I just want to show you it's snowing again ah Zeus make it go away screw you Ohio so as you guys know today but this tiny little tiny look at my hand quadcopter Dale's actually expert at this stuff I don't I've never flown a quadcopter he's got like the goggles you fly a mile away into the atmosphere there we got a little white one Campos I've definitely got to put Zeus away at least for a while I'll let's just come out on my helicopter that's for ya yeah so we're always that's ridiculous did you argue you can do that with mine you know you make it look easy though let's see how soos reacts when I fly mine oh there's already waters hanging out no wait oh oh I think we can fix that let me see if both motors been in here I think you just need to bend their head hit it he was afraid to grab it the first two times bye guys you're super awesome see you down yeah careful out there that's no come here please mom I don't know if I showed you guys our new puppy we got a new puppy ready go get it oh hey puppy ready go get it playing fetch with our kid that's all time that's all time low go ahead hurry this is gonna get it you going to bed why are you going in there you wanna lay in here this is spoiled give me hug big hug squeeze me oh my goodness I love you I'll be back so today I was like where's my phone where's my phone I couldn't find my phone my dad was like hey it was on the floor he picks it up hands it to me smash all smash smile one won't show you guys I told you I keep you updated on the aquarium and things like that today they got a lot done they actually got it in the wall it is in place and it's massive I cannot wait to get this baby filled and the wall done they're actually gonna match the stone over here on this wall they're going to do the whole wall where the aquarium is so this the aquarium is gonna be sitting in the stone which I'm super excited about but it just takes so much time they'll be here all next week excuse me they'll be here all next week doing that and running the plumbing and finalizing they're actually putting rock in Monday filling it I believe and then it takes like a month to cycle before I can even put a fish or a coral in it so it's kind of a long process but it's totally worth I cannot wait to get this going hey sit you ready for your drops you won't put your drops in maybe you feel huh it just looks so sad he's like Oh we got to do it you're gonna feel better later later good boy good boy he's gotten so good at this man you should have seen like we've probably been putting these drops in for almost a year in that first month it was like impossible to get him and now he's just like oh good boy that's a good boy he's just world come on watch how good he is at doing the other side watch this Zeus do the other side Zeus let's do the other side all right guys that is the day that's it it's all I got please pass them out Cain's already asleep Britney's tired I'm tired we're trying to find you know what we've learned about Netflix over the last few weeks is that you spend more time looking for something to watch than actually watching me actually watch this thing called couponers Stream couponing oh my god what isn't that fleece doing to me all right guys we're gonna get this full pocket edited and up for you guys I think I'm gonna do the double vlog tomorrow I think that's the goal we'll see I gotta get that done I know you guys are waiting on it I love you thanks so much watching thanks so much for liking these vlogs I will see you tomorrow smama smama smama smama that mr. mustache
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,261,864
Rating: 4.927381 out of 5
Keywords: everyday, prankster, day, roman atwood, r/c, roman, family-friendly, vlogging, attack, remote control, RomanAtwood, prank, vlogger, desroys R/c, dog, german shephard, vlog, vlogs, rc, kid friendly, family vlogs, fun, funny, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, kid-friendly, pranks, atwood, quadcopter, family friendly
Id: -rB-obMPWO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 30 2014
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