Arrested Camera footage!

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alright guys before I start this vlog I want to tell you that this is the day that my cameras were taken and confiscated by the police all the footage you're about to see was from that day not current day so enjoy that and smash that like button for two vlogs in one day give it up I love you guys enjoy good morning everyone morning Talley morning feet good morning how's the eggs I feel so much better dear must be something about being in this household yeah well when you were asleep I took really good care you made sure you were all take care you making you got your paint jammies on at least they don't look too pink in the camera did you make that good job buddy trying to start the day with a new Instagram photo so I'm trying to get P in the smallest smile more shirt I can possibly get oh you got this easily you should have gone for the kids one yeah I know I think I think we could all saw her I think it's spray painted there's our photo we got our shirt to mix it up a little bit see you later i'ma great I have a great trip back guys I'm glad you're feeling better I am I totally yeah yeah as soon as he says smile more bag busts open all right guys we left the other smile more pad and we are officially filming a big pranks today we're going out to film that that right there is a start right there you gotta get up and do what you want to do that's the hardest part man comfort is the ultimate enemy you know that's true I'm gonna I'm gonna make my couches out of like nails so it makes me not want to sit down I don't want to sit down I want to keep moving I heard you decided to do it I'm turning it off the cable take just gonna pump air conditioning in in the wintertime yeah screw be uncomfortable man comfort is evil is that God he's driving that's Dennis driving his truck I don't know if I told you guys last week chase bought him and I one of these coffee drinks and he got probably four drinks in before he realized his was rotten like chunks down his throat and so he just bought some new ones thanks to you I was confused I thought at first that I bought cottage cheese and then real ah thanks to Starbucks this one's this one's good it's good till June not even here two minutes we get to meet an awesome fan I'm probably about two months oh well come on two months I thought hey now he's not a fan he's just the viewer he's a viewer let's go man I can't tell you what we're doing today but I will show you this is ours someone in a car we're gonna we're gonna fool some college kids today baby old school old school you ready get motivated get motivating old the government lunch dollars what just happened there the ATM exploded we're gonna make it right to take in I can actually say in the prank is killing today what do you think how's it going what are you listening to I was just listening to Vitaly [ __ ] about how awful this pranks going oh yeah he's miked up he's up there he doesn't know all we can hear all kinds as little secrets [Music] [Laughter] so the pranks doing great absolutely great this one is exciting that makes me nervous it's scary no I think it's really good we are having to move locations and we're headed towards Broad Street downtown Columbus but the big buildings basically to get an older audience because we were on campus and the younger people don't normally act the way we want them to act in this particular time it's just part of the prank game this prank game I sell I'm a soul for this prank game we're shooting a video guys somebody called in saying if we're breaking into an ATM sorry sorry yeah we're ATM we own a lot of a classroom okay we usually call in we usually call what do you guys do that you're putting our lives at risk and you're putting other people's lives at risk because we're running our lights and sirens trying to get here because we think somebody's trying to rob I understand you you get into like if the kid crosses where'd we get that no absolutely usually we call the local police and tell them where we're filming and what we're doing but we didn't think we'd be here very long sorry that was awful I think you know an amazing well understand that was not funny so sorry guys yeah it's on phone so do we gotta leave I'm just asking them I'm just asking if they call you again you just walk them out can we still bring students or no [Music] Wow got the helicopter for us the other film oh no chase we're gonna be able to write dude what'd you do cops show up cuz why does why a broken 18 you're a criminal dude I don't have no criminal you know what the cops said that I said do we have to leave you said it's a free country so do we got a lead I'm just asking but once again we are not finishing a video we have lots of police one two three they're being really good actually really nice to us but we're definitely getting a nice hefty fine probably a big ticket and that's what happens that's part of the prank game I have to at this point it's it got to legal so now I have to that's what hot lawyers my lawyers tell me to do it looks like they're not happy it looks like we might be going to jail so much for nice cops every we're either going all going to jail chase won't will will cuz we were in the act jail bail us out but at this point we have to film everything because legally we have to well there's one there's another your our metre expires while we're talking to the cops and they give us a ticket grab the camera if you handcuffs us you know what though I'm telling you right now they're gonna take all the cameras we can get message it back for you back to this bruising here about to handle out doing an ID of who was doing what so just go one at a time take them out my heater and let me start this process you have an ID yeah [Music] oh no they're telling that guy to press charges unless he just pretty much basically kind of spit out his mouth so he's the guys in the cop car identifying for the last whenever ma'am you got that camera we got to play the game yeah yeah country's corrupted it's too bad they're sherbert : set it in the movie yesterday now you birthday at five six six eight eight three six six but Sally you reckful you had this right yes sir what's that you haven't been upright you did her camera to them why I take you up there do it can I just phone us for my legal purposes my Lords net if you want to keep it I got a video yeah wait here to give me the ID no right here we're right here good she's identifying you all you're doing what would your flat or the personal a saving Roman ro ma in 18 WOD Atwood yeah okay your name okay chase your separate room called Hoss yeah back with bark go ahead and search it make sure you guys don't have anything on you all right all right how you gonna do that I'm not too worried about it man I just need no no no not that one I'm sorry I don't yeah sorry let's go yeah mr. wall yeah I was like whether I get a hundred bucks all right good have a seat there I'm gonna do it right 20 hot drinks here how'd you leave that out here my camera yeah so there you have it at that point I've shut the camera off and they confiscated not only the vlog camera but they took our main prank camera as well and as of now just update you guys my court date is April 28th at 9 a.m. downtown Columbus and I would obviously keep you guys updated that day could change so don't pay too much attention to that but as of now my court date is April 28th 9 a.m. and obviously I will keep you posted on exactly where where if you want to come and support us give you all those dates but that's all I got hope you enjoyed that vlog that's it so I love you guys thanks for all the support thanks for always watching I will see you tomorrow smile more you're flowing one of these I couldn't even fly it nice that's good the UH the quadcopter still lived Zeus
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,624,396
Rating: 4.935091 out of 5
Keywords: atm prank, kid-friendly, ohio, arrested, atwood, atm, family-friendly, roman, daily, prank, RomanAtwood, pranksters, day, columbus police, vlog, family friendly, family vlogs, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, vlogging, vlogger, kid friendly, Roman Atwood, everyday, vlogs
Id: 7yapCWq245Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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