Destroying America With Natural Disasters And Terrible Roads in Cities Skylines

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so does anybody remember this game you know it's called cities skylights where giant fires go in the middle of cities that are supposed to be all bright and shiny and stuff but no they get to burn up that's right today we're gonna open up another beautiful day in the United States of America and it took less than a minute to break the game go team looks like an off-ramp died good job okay but we also beat the game congratulations you now have a megalopolis with a population of zero I'm so good I'm like the best player there ever was at this game oh look at that to the cry of freedom in your morning breakfast cereal this looks nice you know if we look at a map we never really look at America upside down which is kind of weird like it looks a lot different when you're looking at it from the north instead of the south it's where the hurricane goes to it's like me I don't want to see it Florida and then it's like now Florida kind of smells bad this time of year and then it just curves up and like hey there's North Carolina then I'll just go back in the ocean because it didn't want to die it just wants to continue going in circles time after time after time after time anyway what a lot of people do when they play this game is they build nice square areas with nice roads in it make it all pretty and optimize the traffic flow that's no fun isn't it oh good bye trees nice to know you but nobody really likes living in the big square subdivisions do they if your neighborhood square its got like a Starbucks on every corner that's really boring it really is and in fact this map has really nothing nothing in the terms of elevation it's flat with some trees there's like nothing here except like big bodies of water so let's change that a little bit when we click on the landscaping and disasters tab especially the disasters part of it because we have to massage the world a little we got tornadoes we've got earthquakes there's this sinkhole then thunderstorms I don't think that thunderstorms terraform very much forest fire there's collapsing buildings fire thing a tsunami here and then there's real meteor strike so we gotta start it nice and easy let's start with 5.5 earthquake where should we do that no we're better than California boo boo how about maybe two of them just for good measure Oh it should be easy 5.5 intensity here it comes oh look it's opening it up hurry that looks nice look we started a little stood out me too so what about if we increase the intensity like severity you know there's there's a 96-well that oh there's a hundred how far does this go oh great five hundred okay let's do it for science purposes goodbye country oh oh the game's leggy okay good oh intensity of 13.6 what I did 500 oh my word what's going on is that what happens with a super intense earthquake it just causes a state sized hole to open up I guess the world is just like being sucked into that oh another one's happening now okay I have a feeling that this is just gonna do like a hundred of them all around here and it's gonna bring it all the way down to bedrock does anyone know if an earthquake is occurring at don't panic and just wait for help if anyone's in the affect oh oh wow another earthquake that was good let me guess there's an earthquake okay wait wait actually that was the last time it was said I was gonna be funny so uh she stopped telling me that earthquakes are occurring I think that means we're kind of done but it seems like the world's still shaking we've opened up this shrinker right in the middle of the country so it's been like 15 minutes now and we're still opening a portal into the nether world I don't know why the earth keeps collapsing but I do like others trees down here now look at the world still like just giant like landslides into nothing and these trees down to your don't even seem to care the good news is we'd have a new place to put all the waste water we can put all the sewage right down into whatever this new Lakes called Lake Omaha it's really unfortunate because I always like putting the sewage right on Detroit but we can still put the landfills here I guess so I might have decided to restart because I didn't want to sit here for the next two hours waiting for the earthquake to the underworld to finish so we're just gonna manually do it just a little bit you know just to massage the landscape a little see that's what I was hoping more I was hoping more for something like this little scars all over the place no we got a big circle in the middle of nowhere I also wanted to throw in you know a couple of these a couple asteroids just didn't just to make the game be like hey you know what that's nice you're adding some mountains features I like that one we should do like maybe maybe I don't know maybe like 40 more of them it one in each state yeah that's a good idea I think that put us at right at like 44 that's how many states there all right oh it started it has started this is probably a bad thing here they come this is perfect these are tiny little ones we should do bigger ones by Little Rock and Louisiana land in Jackson Montgomery Oh we have some flooding minor flooding into Venezuela here that's the water put the trees out no no the trees are still on fire that's pretty good like not gonna light that's pretty good but I need to increase this to like a hundred severity and then we'll hit this area again dare we dare we say this would be a good idea oh that was great oh wow oh that was cool thanks game I appreciate you telling me that kinda want to do another one cuz that was fun like maybe yell a little bigger maybe maybe a two hundred should I try it two hundred I don't even know where to put it Mexico we'll do a test in Mexico oh here we go here we go oh there they go wait no that's not where I put it I put it down there why does that'll go whoops well that's okay I guess that looks pretty good now we can start putting in housing yeah we'll just start you know just casually right there can I go over everything okay I can almost make it but all I can make a bridge we can make a bridge directly over the middle of the Sarlacc pit we did it you thought I was joking didn't you about the Sarlacc pit okay sorry back hit nail it that's the one where Darth Skywalker goes in and like kills off the Jedi's or something I forget it's been a long time since I watched that movie I'm also not sure why I put in like a main highway cuz we should probably have made that a little worse highway and roundabouts always make things better right so you should just add a few can I turn these how do you turn things in this game again I don't remember that's the how to turn the camera figure that out all by myself oh right click there it is nice and then we just connect all the dots right that's how this works something like that and you got this one that comes up here why is a road all dirty do the things wait wait hold on since when do things break like that I didn't realize that our roads could break that's not good because we have a lot going for us right now it's got to connect a few more things but how many roads like it may come together at one spot that looks decent huh sometimes you need some overpasses in here too just for you know just for the safety factor just make it make it a little higher a little bit higher and then we'll make it a little higher oh my can just go oh height is too high how high did m2 Kim I knew it of course that was too high why why are you telling me that now game I should have known thank you there we go and then we'll just connect down there that looks great well okay they made it into a bridge my favorite now let's make a nice quiet neighborhood over here there we go perfect nailed it so if this one comes this way then it comes at all this would be perfect but good mosque we're actually making the roads right we'll put that over here somewhere connected over there perfect and of course we have to make our way into Florida because you have to go into Florida it looks like a nice bump yeah we'll just come down here and Dave Cuba or whatever this state is wait a second what am i doing what's happening here is that a tunnel I just make a tunnel oh I did you can go underground well that's good news because we made a tunnel we have to go right through the earthquake damage perfect smells like a problem over here somehow I don't really know what happened maybe somewhere along the line something didn't get clicked right and then maybe this will work could you please work for me thank you maybe I just connect you this way no why are you not working now game is broken game is officially not working properly you know these people they're actually driving through our country they're making it if they bring in hot dogs the hot dog man hot dog he'll can I just watch oh yes I can oh it's beautiful it's beautiful look here's the Sarlacc pit oh there's the bridge we made I will name it I don't even know what I should name it what is the name for a new bridge that's a good idea you guys name it oh oh it's so pretty this is the city of bridges I like this place it's so Wow shoot man you gotta use the brake we're inside that other truck that's not good for the insurance yes get get off of his butt get stop riding so that's not just oh wow I can see why traffic might be a little bit backed up the main reason is probably that we don't have the proper amount of toll booths so if you guys get a toll booth there and we put one there we can reconnect it bingo bango Alakazam if they're a Spartan they knew how to drive through this then it would have been not bad is that name catastrophic failure said how you spell a catastrophic failure I don't know probably hmm good idea we need another toll booth here okay that that's party right on this one right here right on right here right kind of that's it's not right why do you want to put the toll booth on the side yep if you did it normal like normal people hey wait what did I put it in wrong way what's going on here that's not how these roads work see the arrows point that way Oh cuz it's a one-way whoops there that's better then we'll hit another one here and then we'll hit another one can I do another one somewhere close it should be good enough they get hit three times but I told booths on the way what they're cheating now so now we need some population over here looks like a good spot some nice residential area yes this would be perfect Wow let's do regular residential right here where's the pan button here it is got it Oh residential you're so beautiful [Music] the first darks have finally arrived welcome to blitz till Pia enjoy your stay hope it oh they need water I forgot about that part so where is the best place to get water should we try like draining an entire great lake that'd be good idea but I forgot I had the Anarchy bot on so I can literally put water things on top of other water things that might not be the best idea and then we'll just connect it like so bring the water over everyone will be able to drink nice fresh water that is yet to be polluted they also have nowhere to dump the sewage which we get thrown into the Sarlacc pit great place it's really Pleasant down there this time of year doesn't smell like raw sewage yet and I totally put those in backwards yes I would like to destroy this structure yes yes I would like to destroy the structure thank you very much I would like to destroy it oh god no and delete it okay for real which which direction do you want to go that way with a little little thingy shooting into the lake yeah that's a good idea baby why is this blob too steep on this but it wasn't on the water things I don't know like it doesn't make any sense to me why could we get good water but not bad water and now for some reason we need power so what kind of power nuclear power that sounds fun where oh where do we get to place the nukes North Dakota you win because there's nothing else in North Dakota besides nuclear power which I don't think there is actually went up there you think that's gonna be enough nuke plants I hope so do they make nuclear waste I hope so too they're complaining about crime already yeah that's good why Oh balls now we need to make like an anti-crime Department what's that called set a fire house no probably not probably this one this is the one we need police station can I make a gigantic one oh yeah they're totally complaining about the lack of Police Department why is why is my Road so bad is that just a one way that goes around in circles I hope so there nailed it everyone's happy now probably want some of that education too wait what why can't you poop your dumb phone Oh cuz these don't have power duh there we go we're starting to fill the Sarlacc pit sort of no that's the wrong way there there we go just kind of all that is way too strong whoops why is that why is that strength so high we need to make that brush size bigger there and Wow Wow at the amount of damage I already did to the environment this was natural like perfectly perfectly natural is that better is that gonna work or make a nice waterfall into septic land oh it's beautiful my favorite thing in the game raw sewage how's everyone liking the new place is it nice down here everything's happy everyone's good no it's not happy I think the cars they're trying to make it to lips that's not good everyone else has found their way around the magical way and people are coming home to the beautiful little city but now we need the blue land whatever that's called commercial yeah and we gotta go make him work somewhere else probably up in this area cuz it's nice up here so there that'll do the trick just that's the good amount yeah perfect well this is good news we needed landfills what better state to put it in in Michigan time for landfills Oh landfill site you'd like a few dozen of them I think it'll look great I think it'll be perfect it'll go great for the environment too because we have the fresh water right next to the pollution I didn't think about that party that's okay we'll just put a floating garbage collector or 40 of them somewhere in this great lake Oh better now no more pollution for our drinking solution is there anything else you guys would like to complain about other than that we're a hundred and thirty-one thousand dollars in debt weekly not just debt but that's our weekly income oh we have we're gaining 10 people nice like oh we have a gigantic Police Department it's like hey all 900 of us are employed right here at the old Police Factory you know so better give him a bouncy house because everyone loves bouncy houses and sorry Kent residence you will be deleted because we need a bouncy house Oh God everyone's happy including the Kent's never mind they're no longer happy Co we need more residential area that's good I wish I could live on that road unfortunately there's no land man so just connect all of that perfect and this guy's complaining about the lack of water he can just go to his neighbor's house and get a drink why does he need his own water what does this look the 2019 it should be like 1844 just go outside though it's back you got water right down here who cares it been salty I also like to know the main thoroughfare to work like where does everyone drive to is it right out here is that how they leave they come in this way and then come down that doesn't seem too bad yet how's our commercials doing um decent I guess I suppose eventually we're gonna need to do a little bit of industrial work huh Ives we'll put that down here in Texas or whatever states were in that looks like Arkansas or what used to be Arkansas I knew I liked Texans they're the best people ever Californians aren't too bad either since they're one of these wonders that makes it so you don't have any more medicine needed in your city sparkly unicorn rainbow Park we need that all they need they're brown over here - we'll give them a sparkly rainbow unicorn Park they'll let everyone's super happy now found the Avengers Tower - they're gonna be the only ones that can save our city from sure terror oh nice Tony Stark's gonna love living up here oh there's people dying and they need the fire department I guess we can put a like a player what is this what even is that eldercare what oh there goes that building maybe I'd help if I clicked on the right thing yeah that's better you think I'm like some sort of monster not giving my people proper care no I would never do anything that needs I just want to hope withhold education from them because we don't need any of that ain't nobody got time for education Oh actually let's see the day in the life of a garbage truck driver right through the middle of town taking a hard left and around the corner oh there's a dead end mine's a little turn around to look on our window this is actually kind of nauseating well we'll just stay here as the roads clip ending together lots of people out riding their bikes we'll just wait by another oh I wish we could go up that one can we go oh we're turning around again that's very nice congratulations you're the worst driver in history bad drivers someone please go up the creek kook bridge it'd be nice up here my dude the Elizabeth Blake yes let's go on a ride oh look how are we gonna go left or right oh yeah you're going the way I wanted to go oh wait hold up do you see that it's the top of the Avengers tower nice good work OOP wrong button again I'm not quite sure why you wanted to go up there but we'll go down the big roller coaster get stuck in traffic oh wow and you died or something I don't know now we're starting at lots of pollution in the industrial zone that's great I should have put the industrial down in the bottom of the Sarlacc pit tell us what's gonna fill up and then it'll go to another one won't it seriously this time why do people keep dying on me do I have to give them no we're getting that wonder we're gonna find it eventually one of them there it is the Medical Center I have found it where are we gonna put it at right above you right on the old train tracks that's a terrible spot do that again I don't even know that looks good oh it's spilling over a little bit yes good job Sarlacc pit you're doing wonders I just hope we can fill it all up coz that would be nice oh we're starting to get a little traffic jam here just what I like to see just what I like to see oh yeah it comes down here and then took a hard right in the middle of the road and then you picked it up where's that Hoss where's that thing going it already disappeared there goes right to the Medical Center I hope very good very good it's working oh it has a helipad on top - very nice oh this area I don't even know what to think about this anyway that'll do it for today's video hope you've enjoyed our destruction of America it looks terrible and I love it bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,169,791
Rating: 4.8736382 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, cities skylines, cities skylines change, cities skylines game, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines funny, cities skylines funny moments, cities skylines sewage, cities skylines america, cities skylines flood, cities skylines funny city, cities: skylines, cities skylines disaster, spet2019, traffic, terrible roads, america, cities skylines traffic
Id: Bx4JAlPdvDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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