Destroying America With Overpopulation And Nukes in Worldbox

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well it's time once again for the beautiful game of World Box you know the game where volcanoes randomly pop up in the world and then it burns down all the life-forms everywhere oops I didn't actually want to make another one but hey that's fine we better populate some of these islands with sheep before the world just destroys itself no the world's on fire what really got out there Oh No and before like the fire spreads everywhere we're just gonna call in a few like hundred UFOs Oh interesting it doesn't look like the UFOs actually care about the Sheep but this fire does look rotten little sheepy you'll be ok they're gonna have no food that's kind of sad so now if all you sheep do get abducted by aliens you might want to check out a game called rogue universe who is the sponsor of the today's video it's an Android game available at the link down below in the video description you can play it for totally for free and this is a science fiction strategy game that all revolves around our gigantic mothership we get to upgrade each of the different modules as we progressed through the game including our docking bay which allows us to craft up at different ships and upgrade them as the game goes on so take your fleet and your mother ship off to the galaxy map find some resources together and some pirates to attack the battle mode is where the game gets strategic each ship has a different attack range and armor value so you might want to put up your heavy armored vehicles in the front and then wait in the back with your long-range snipers now this is my favorite part of the game where you get to watch the battles play out this is just abbreviated battle because Overlord it on time we do get to see you a quick victory and then we get to go in what the spoils of war and recruit two more crew members in the exploration screen we get to deploy off into the world to find some more reports and then we can recruit those people to join up our squad so make sure you click on that link in the video description to download rogue universe yourself and we're back with world bucks we're doing a time-lapse of 48 times faster of me building in the United States it's actually kind of nice I should do those weird ASMR videos of building it no I'm not gonna do that and also here's an awkward transition ah yes so there it is the beautiful United States of America this is actually before Canada and Mexico were invented if you were wondering where they went also the two states of Hawaii and Alaska those invented yet either so we've just got the beautiful world with nothing in it so we'll populate it with wild animals like sheep are all grazing in the Great Plains they don't want to be over in the mountains nope they're just going right to like whatever state that is Wyoming and it doesn't seem to matter that I'm putting all of the sheep's somewhere far away from Texas or New Mexico they just all want to go over there why why are there so many sheep hanging out down here you guys are dumb you can't eat rocks like rocks are not good for sheep diet and they're literally just moving on the mountains these are mountain goats like seriously they're eating every single thing out west Oh nope they're moving back to the mountains because they ate literally the entire state of I don't even know what state that would be this one state itis that's what we'll call it today hey there's a thousand of them I bet yeah they're gonna starve to death pretty soon because they're too dumb to live in there so let's put in a few bears so you have to have bears in the mountain bears are gonna eat for days oh they're gonna love it out here it's gonna be the best thing ever for them and it wouldn't be they go to the Gulf of Mexico or what used to be Mexico without a few hundred thousand piranhas inside also the Gulf of Canada we have to have those Minnesotan piranhas over here and down into Lake Ontario Michigan Superior where it is gorgeous it's beautiful and now we're gonna start populating with humans look at the battle royale over here of bears they're just all like I'm gonna eat all of these animals and actually the animals have eaten other food so they're dying because they don't have anything to eat so human time so my idea is that I'm gonna spawn in a thousand of them just willy-nilly across the map and they should set up their own civilizations where they'll inevitably destroy each other and we'll have one standing civilization left so activate oh we're starting to get cities going we're getting City so look we got Fargo now it looks like all of the humans are going over to the Rocky Mountains - I really just want to go up to like the organ trail up here look at that Reba everyone just literally a left over there oh this is not looking good we're gonna have some sort of giant civil war happen okay this is kind of remarkable they're just destroying each other and like leaving the cities okay maybe eventually we'll get something that survives ah there's a thousand and it doesn't look like nearly a thousand of them those are too busy raiding each other we're just going into a civilisation destroying the building and then dying because they don't have any food to eat nice nice work you dorks and then one dudes like I'm gonna build the best city ever all by myself I'll have all my friends here cuz he doesn't have any friends really doesn't stop him he still builds his houses for days and then he just rates the enemies even though there's eight of them and then his city is destroyed and then there's a kid that's like a cool let's go to this house so we just give it some time we give it lots of time so there's not much wildlife anymore all of the sheep seem to have come over here to the great latex of California they're like hanging out in the Sierras and then they just kind of died because the city hates um oh we got a new city that popped up nice is this how real colonisation worked or you just send a bunch of people and hope it works out like hey jump off this big bolt from Portugal then everyone comes over and just has a big battle royale at a new country it's probably how it went wow these oh these two are the same this one looks like the biggest city up here so the rules is is once the civilization hits a hundred people we drop a nuke on the smallest city so like Corona over here is at 33 and we drop a new gun Chalky's no joke is that French joke boy hi this city is actually coming along there in the stone Age's now probably because they founded themselves right on a stone Oh a battle battles happening uh oh well so much for having a high population oh they still do are they gonna take over I'm pulling for I'm pulling for chicoy up here it looks like a great place to live they got iron they've got gold they've got rocks some trees and some berries I like it except they're really close to their margin emesis own awaaz Winsky oh we lost the city up here I'm not sure which one it was but it's open its back oh we got to back ice door oh and looks like this one's about to go down goodbye our Gabbo it seems it actually survived Wow Oh oh we have a proper civil war happening now the North versus South and I don't even know which one's gonna win oh wow her own is down to 20 they were at the high they're at like 4663 nice more up to 67 up in paga Oh No it's God they destroyed it I'm guessing another civilisations gonna pop up right here though Oh Roy over here is looking very nice we got 86 Sowell's calling in the first nuke I like this expansion idea you kind of make these smaller cities out front it's a good idea and then it'll move down in here they'll get a lot of the other stuff that was left behind so much for that expansion idea that wasn't a great plan whoopsies that's a major battles happening down here in Texas I deist you like Arkansas versus Texas they're fighting each other like crazy right now and we're at 96 so we're gonna have to figure out which capital city to nuke I'm guessing it's a boy here 97 99 100 it's nuke time okay we're gonna get the little nuke we're gonna just call in one of them right here and it looks like we're to take out AI boy here we go let's zoom in yes we nuke him that was good this was oh we got fire I forgot about nuke fire let's see if they'll assemble the troops to put the fire out on the borders of the civilization and they do oh no it's burning down a house down here in Juba they've seemed to have taken the fire pretty seriously and it's been poured out pretty much everywhere else wasn't quite awesome wild player that's going on here and all the products are like oh boy we hope somebody goes swimming we're so hungry we haven't eaten in years how beautiful the grass is starting to grow again oh wow seems like we've had a giant battle happen over here on the west coast there's only two people left here and we have a mob oh I should really be renamed these cities two things I can recognize oh I actually can rename them we have holy dude obscure which is the blue one great - you've adonia - Cthulhu hegemony and the Wow why can't I read word it looks like blue team's doing the best so I might have went ahead and renamed new civilizations because it was way too hard to keep up with the made-up words so now we have the kingdoms of the Seattle Seahawks up here the lobster topless is the land of lobsters Fargo is purple the retirement home is if you didn't realize that's down here in Florida and then it's hot here in Texas and lol Detroit which is you can understand that Detroit's probably in Michigan I'm really pulling I'm really really pulling for Fargo here Fargo's gonna win the great nation of Fargo see how the Seahawks almost have a city up to 100 we get to nuke Detroit oh I storks a hundred yeah it's time for another nuke worthy nuke time no time looks like Detroit gets it huh congratulations we that was fun best part is it doesn't look any different anymore they're still smoldering ruins everywhere oh that's not looking good for I Cydonia oh it's so sad a good idea of Fargo shion's plant yourself and the ruins of a destroyed civilization not gonna lie I'm a bit sad we're gonna have to nuke the Fargo uns pretty soon oh I don't know why anyone would want to do this but the Texans they moved up to Detroit so that's not a good idea hey Fargo Oh oh man really got a new capital which gets kid nuked because I see you Cod is a hundred people so boom just really want to drop another nuke on someone I just really want to badly the world's changed quite a bit the Fargo uns have a lot of people over here the great West has been all conquered by the Seahawks and the retirement home seems to be dying off at a cool old age of 67 they can't figure out how to expand more to the west or the north because the lobsters are doing really well up here I really should just drop in some more natural resources because I think they really need natural resources badly a holdup we got 93 peeps over here oh no because someone came in 94 this didn't take long it was at 65 just a few minutes ago up never mind it's crashing again so what happens when you get too many old people in one area they just keep moving in and then dying over and over again well this is a very interesting development Fargo just briefly hit a hundred people yeah a hundred okay so now Oh blue team gets a nuke yay okay ready we got to find the Capitol building and then we go right go come on yay new time I was really hoping I was gonna wipe out Texas oh hey oh there we go that 1-800 oh hey I just wanted a nuke both of them that was fun who is the seven people left oh no hopefully they get burned up you think they can survive the wildfire I hope so oh there's still a few sheep left I thought they'd have been extinct like the way of the dinosaurs I wonder if there's any bears anywhere probably not they probably went extinct like the dinosaurs I just loved watching the little stick fight battles happen they just battle it up build a new a house and then they come back in and destroy the house yeah it's pretty good 76 down here Wow I feel like it's time to shower the us with seeds and other natural resources so there's some of those we get some rocks oh I might have been too many rocks yeah they'll get some of that and then some of this yeah making maeĆ­n rhaid Wow I maybe gave them too many now that's what everything is in the whole world is just plants and rock this might be even more devastating than dropping a nuke on someone whoopsies oh maybe not Fargo ins are there they're doing really well no they're upgrading everyone upgrades are going on pretty good out here too Oh almost a hundred people nice didn't go so good for the Floridians though they're only down to 30 I feel like we need a geyser in like Old Faithful up here yay guys our time what's that actually do maybe I should have looked what that did so anyone in the US that has active volcanoes besides Hawaii oh yeah a lot of these buildings are getting upgraded Wow almost all of them are now the concrete ones for the rock ones not down here in Texas though it's too hot they don't know how to mine rocks properly looks promising is work in Michigan yeah we're both headed oh there we go we got a hundred time for another let's see who gets it Oh looks like Texas does yet again kablammo hey oh there's still three of them left man just try to just got eaten by a fish man I was hoping we can finally get rid of them oh here we go another hundred population and blammo yes no come on game yeah this is a good idea let the fire raise and then destroy every one of them that comes in to fight the fire that's the perfect way to conquer a civilization well they're actually doing it whoa and then they do win swimming in the Piranha pool nice job there's only 20 left Wow and that fire just cut straight through there country hot ding that was destructive Memphis here's gonna beat dystonia 200 so you get another nuke looks like we have to nuke Florida now oh come on come on one more one more one more people one more people one more yes 100 hundred and completo goodbye Florida what there's six people left up here for take them out take aw come on where's their they don't have any buildings anymore oh it's cuz it's all kids oh that's kind of sad here's their building there was their building Oh Florida man's gun I got a bless the rains down in Africa get rid of that I'm just gonna bless everything now let's see who gets to claim the ones retirement home oh really you guys are you did sort of fully expecting these guys to come down and plasticity which is exactly what they did sort of you're battling it out oh yeah so real quick what happens if you nuke volcano nothing except it breaks the volcano it's kind of sad hopefully they don't try to populate this now oh it does have planting stuff on it Oh oh wow they didn't even need a nuke this time it just rolled in with the squad clear this big battle raging look at it go they're just moving in and destroying everyone oh I didn't know not quite not quite that's okay cuz we're gonna nuke real soon or we're not gonna need it at all 98 98 98 97 98 come on couple 99 but one more yes 100 now we get to new Texas whoo and what's this the third time we're in a new kid okay we're gonna try to spread it out enough so we get the entire thing and oh oh did I get it yes I got all of Texas blasted in one nuke and like pretty much all of the ground around here too yeah Wow maybe I should have nuked Arroyo up here turned out of 40 I didn't even recognize that I was just so excited in Nuuk Texas ride blood that should do it oh no who's that who came across is that the blue people now we get to one of those points is it called an impasse I think that's what it is where we kind of get like a stalemate and none of the battles are gonna happen to any better than any other one Seattle overhears they're not gonna go across the mountains neither is Fargo gonna crow across Mountains cuz it's flat to over here and they like it like that and these guys are just happily eating their lobsters so it's time to call it some natural disasters like maybe a tornado there we go a tornado violently rotating column of air starting right in the heart of Oklahoma tornadoes boom that looks awesome oh no don't go in the water don't go in it big Canada the Gulf of Canada look there's people out there getting destroyed by piranhas up down again yay I love tornadoes actually I heard that you could Oh they destroyed a tornado it's not good I need another one maybe I should do like a lava club no let's do an acid cloud yeah that'll work straight across the country maybe just melting everything in its path yay oh no destroyed the city center and of course a dragon we gotta have a dragon from the Rocky Mountains the doors have dug too deep up that's really gonna burn a lot of stuff down yeah why don't you go attack this area yikes tornado that that dudes actually pretty nasty get him Wow the dragons like super overpowered okay Oh got attacked there's nowhere to sleep they're ghosts is he sleeping no wow he just killed Fargo maybe eventually he'll die I mean maybe you know what we need to do we need to hit him with the end and that antimatter bomb oh you died well I need an antimatter bomb anyway cuz it looks fun whoa that was cool I need a bigger one like this one ready get set damn bomb that was awesome it like literally ant it mattered everything meteor time Oh a one A two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve dollar signs it was awesome and now the world must reform itself maybe after a bowling ball hits it what a dumb one the bowling ball just literally took out part of the mountain oh I'm gonna destroy the Yellowstone's geysers that's no fun Hey look it's great to antimatter Lake yeah cuz it was supposed to be a Salt Lake but it got hit by animate that was a bad joke so if I paint the world pink with fireworks and then hit it with a fire rate what happens oh yay come on bird why didn't it why didn't it burn them all they're supposed to chain react cuz that would have been more fun hey hey there it goes yay we've destroyed America using fireworks this is like the wrong kind of 4th of July at least it's a pretty way to go out there's like one blade of grass left in the entire US figure gigantic napalm bombs they're a really good way to end up all of the rest of the unused fireworks I have no idea how civilization is still alive after that like the whole us is on fire how is anyone still living castle alright I'll turn the grass back on let's say that's a moderate destruction so again I wanted to thank rogue universe for sponsoring this video make sure you guys do click on that link in the video description to download the game and help support the channel so thanks for watching we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Blitz
Views: 540,934
Rating: 4.8605146 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, Simulation Games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, alternate world, alternate worlds, alternate history, world creation, history game, worldbox god simulator, super worldbox, worldbox pc, WBS01
Id: nWYqeQuiaPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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