I Summoned 500 Meteorites On A City And This Happened in City Destructor

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oh hey there I'm Blitzen I thought a new game called City destructor yeah it was $3.00 on Steam so I can't possibly be great I mean it was three bucks so we're gonna try it out Hey look at the cute little red house be a shame if something were happened to it can I just put a bomb in there and we'll just tick down and yeah we're just wait what's that what's that purple scope I don't know is it a bomb oh okay we're just destroying a house that was kind of cool don't do that in real life it's against the rules and oh I got money from blown up the car it was awesome dude give me a gold medal I love gold less this the first time in my life we've ever gotten a gold medal oh you had two houses this time can I blast this house through the other house that would be amazing oh I only have one bomb whatever bomb actually did something it got damaged that was cool the piece is falling look at that money it's pretty bad whoops but that's okay okay blow up them I want to blow up the hot-air balloon wait no it's too far out of the way okay well I've got a couple houses oh I messed up the camera there we go okay so this one we know this guy explodes we do have two bombs now so I'll put one there hopefully he'll destroy part of that building and then if I do the same over here yeah that'll work ready three two one blast off I did break some of it that was good nice and it didn't get a gold mill one of these times I'm gonna get like super medals okay we got we got all these cars out front too so I think if we like blast in here and in here we might damage the bus in the car bum or not are definitely not I feel like it would do better if we blast the sides so what would happen if I put one here my goal is to blow up these cars to Bob oh yes I flattened two of them that was good I blew up the cars but I didn't really get the buildings very much ha all right please I didn't even get put on bronze that time copper whatever this one is oh it's literally the same thing as before but there's a car here and boom time whoa oh nice it did launch it across that was cool did it work yeah I got some points anyway enough to get nope the car was worth 200 and by 200 I mean two dollars I just want unlimited I have unlimited bombs is that too much to ask for I'm gonna do this right there and then we'll do one right here and I think that'll work Bob yes break did break jeeps break nope two semis didn't blow up that's too bad oh I did get damage on them though all right is that how this works you just keep playing and it doesn't matter if you unlock things I'd literally have to redo okay boom oh yes once mi disappeared that was awesome come on I did I not get points for the one that fell off the map I think I figured it out I figured out this game's like poly bridge except for opposite of poly bridge where you want to blow things up well I mean you kind of do in poly bridge anyway but boom yes yes I destroyed the whole thing plus I damaged both semis and a little bit of the building this should easily be a silver medal well oh yeah we got the silver that was good $50 for the big one how many levels are there by the way I didn't even look at this that was on seven playground wait what can I just oh ho oh da da da da da da da da da da dive I put so many bombs in will make my computer blow up I wonder if there's anything else besides bombs like can we use nukes is a nuke considered a bomb this is really gonna hurt my PC hopefully it crashes the game we can put him on top of the building - I didn't know that look I kind of made my logo on the ceiling I wonder if it's going to be explosive oh yes that was awesome it's still going wait wait wait what there's more there's more why aren't they blowing up wow wow what's going on that was my that's my logo trying to blow up I think it's not done yet let's finish hey we destroyed everything what is this one do black hole bomb wait way to have a second lap time bombs are available in the playground mode oh I have a million how did I get a million I want the black hole yeah we definitely did get play I need to unlock some more levels and we'll play with the black hole and boom that was uneventful I still got silver I get three bombs this time feel like I was supposed to hit the cars but I don't want to boom time something satisfying about watching the buildings fall whoa there's a lot together here like this mmm these are these touching we have social distancing here mister building you're not supposed to be next to your friend either are you or are you please take a little bit of space wait what that's how you properly socially distance you blow everyone up around to you and then it doesn't take me I have to redo that huh maybe we'll just blast the middle one and then the falling parts will break the others that could work and bump time hey hey that actually worked better so a few self explode than everyone around you goes away so what happens if you eat too many burritos yeah that was much better okay you'd think that a bomb would still blow up the rest of the buildings even if it wasn't touching I have for now I like for it's one of my favorite numbers and this is gonna be a good one boom chime hey what hey that was cool shrapnel oh that's supposed to be an attack from the outside please give me lots of points I think I just might have figured out a hack in this game instead of trying to blow up the bottom and making a building fall you just put all of the pressure on the top and then it explodes literally everything else underneath it it check this out you ready boom time yes it destroys everything from the top down instead of the bottom up it makes major sense unlike my words look ambles guy gold score from putting it on top of the buildings that was awesome what do I get next hey watch I bet if I put three bombs on top of this thing I can get all the points in the entire world Bob see cuz it just rains down shrapnel see how much easier that is just find a way to beat the entire game Oh didn't work but I'll do it on three buildings and it'll probably do better pub time Oh actually that wasn't too bad really everything else got flattened and did yeah bronze just earned in the big bucks earning the stocks boom time oh that's awesome I do feel like some of these buildings are better if you just blast their bases own and boom time yeah it did blow up what about if I do the small ones instead oh it does knock pretty well into the big ones oh that would have worked hey there goes a semi I finally got it look at my ruin the city it's amazing no I get five bombs where do they go definitely one here definitely one here one there one there and then we have a free one there's a lot of cars well put it over here cuz we can crunch those cars come on boom yes that wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be I need that black hole we need to blow things up with a black hole right about now did I get enough points that again I got the points but since that's a large level there's 44 levels in this game by the way we definitely need to use the black hole bomb wait I'm gonna use it how do I use it you're just like launched a bunch of black holes in here so what happens whoa what okay look at the cars no way oh that's so cool No oh that was awesome it makes me want to unlock more levels so I can build or blow up bigger buildings I wonder if there's bridges I can blow up I need to I need to unlock more of these than Knight 1892 the King bomb there's a lot of expensive ones you're anti-gravity we're gonna have to use that for just a minute I'm gonna put an antigravity bomb right here because I can't put it in the center that was it all right time to put in a buttload of anti-gravity bumps all right anti-gravity pom do your worst oh yeah it's shredding things for sure wait at everything spider I'll like crazy I like all these bombs in this game I'm probably gonna give me put out a list somewhere there we go why I've leveled the city that was cool not as exciting as that the gravity ones and by gravity I mean the I just want to put one in and see what happens did you eat there we go here we go how much can it would look at I stuck everything in that was cool all right Freeport it was nice knowing you I just made up a town named ready okay here we go wait are these the black holes they put the wrong ones in I like the cascading failure but I think I have the wrong bomb selected I did it what's how did that not break would be nice if these bombs look differently huh weird preset black hole you guys are watching me do this use okay oh those look differently never mind they're actually phasing now must default to the default one once you go back to that all right here we go are you ready for a black hole to explode I mean multiple black holes like a hundred and thirty seven of them boom time Oh what it's still blowing up Oh what is going on that was awesome that was so cool this game even though it's derpy it's probably worth the $3.00 oh [Music] we had a gravity well that was complete and utter destruction I wish I could use the black hole in the campaign that would be fun I mean this is also fun sort of I still got a silver medal whoa a bridge my favorite oh we get to destroy the poly bridge yes oh I just I put it everyone on there get ready it's that date wait what it did broke broke up and didn't break the pillars up Oh No then it complete the level no of course not hey everybody having things fall down onto a bridge watching the speed bus go down that's awesome did I win this time please let me have wind I wind that means I can go into the playground into level 18 and unlock the imploder bomb a cluster bomb is that chaos that has that House bill chaos I don't really know how much I have 600,000 money well I'm just gonna lock everything it'll be like Christmas just kidding that's a king bomb those are worth too much money I can can't what's a William bump rain drop bomb spread we want maximum spread with extreme power is there a meteor Bob that's what we need I like meteors and if we can get one more we can get a big one or we can unlock Onix the William Bob and then the rain drop bomb then a broken okay are you ready for this are you ready we're gonna use the rain drop bomb just because it sounds cool oh oh whoa okay that's unique anyway I didn't know what to expect I'm not impressed but I didn't know what to expect I have a feeling the meteor bomb is gonna be exciting and fun so let's put a few hundred on here if I put a meteor bomb on the side of a building does it work Mike does the meteor come into the side this is science experiments we need to know in real life would you stop moving around you're really annoying when you do that game it's also fun when you can put lots and lots and lots of bombs on top of a bridge I mean I didn't say that did I meteors maybe use lots of meteors on top of a bridge yes that'll work and that should be 500 bumps oh wow [Laughter] yay oh and still as check these are meatballs these meteors look like meatballs I did Oh even more even oh that was the last of those little buildings you're at my vision that is that what 500 meters look like nice makes me hungry we need some SpaghettiOs oh there's more company there's definitely more at a certain point I kind of regret what I did I definitely definitely regret calling in meatballs except especially since this is really loud of my ears we're done now didn't work I like that I want to do it again that's like a gun a really bad grocery store with all of the money involved I like it we actually are penniless here or this is that supposed to be a comma I feel like it might be a comma like we missed out on a little bit of money do I get to use that money is that money in here now it might be feel like that's better oh it's even a bigger bridge at this time oh boy I get six of them and pull on right in the middle of the bridge yes this would be perfect uh-huh yeah and it's just kind of a cascading failure except this one didn't really get impacted much but that middle bridge got ripped apart please win please win please I feel like I'm just getting more aha getting more bigger bigger bridges which I like boom time I just want that one why didn't that wouldn't get blown up I did everything about Papa baby mate nope just right there about this really big building gone and boom time yes it collapsed this time I did my job come on and lock it almost gold give me another bridge oh that's not a bridge but I get big exclusives and boom time these things are so hard to blow up yes I got one woohoo there we go there we go that did the trick I should easily get silver medal when I took around two skyscrapers where's the bridges though I want more oh yeah easy silver this one looks really nice would be a shame if something happened to it ah really come on break it oh it's just like a little toothpick size little chicken nugget holding that up there's no way I passed that no I put the bombs in like right in this area it usually works boom time come on yeah okay we need to we need to go use more bumps more bigger bumps yes the stasis field I upgraded it it has no power but it has a big range what does that even mean oh oh I know what that means it means guessing that's the 1812 overture haha chrono pom boom it's kind of neat so my thinking is that if I opt nope nope see here's the problem if you were selected and then go back to the menu it doesn't work I'm gonna load up the bottom with stasis bombs and then I think we could probably call in something different on top of that like black hole bombs wait what that'd be weird I'm gonna do it I like that idea have a buttload of black holes on top of stasis field so the stasis field is gonna keep it from moving and the black hole is gonna be ripping all of the gravity in the entire world apart this should be an interesting experiment I like experimenting with gravity so let us do it and boom time yes turn the stasis field on and then once these get all online yes I like it I like it just a couple more over here then the black hole's go off Oh No welp the stasis field you no longer available Oh some of them are working oh it's so cool I love this game already like the tornado of death oh that's awesome I just want to play more but I'm not going to delays let's see in this video bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 195,336
Rating: 4.9388843 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, city, city destruction, city destructor, city skylines, city destructor game, city destructor gameplay, april2020
Id: kqckKHahE94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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