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the origin of the ghosts the final shape shed some more light on this subject and today we discuss its Mysteries the creation of ghosts the afterlife and a combination of light and [Music] darkness the quick answer is that ghosts don't even know much about the creation at first but as we piece together lore cards from the past and new information in the final shape we get a bigger picture stay tuned for that juicy info from the difference of opinion card from I believe forsaken two ghosts argue about the traveler and the nature of it they say things like this The Traveler is our primary our mother the primordial and the Pinnacle a dear friend the ghost of pujari once compared The Traveler to a song that has never been sung we know she wished for us to raise Guardians to be her avatars and Defenders they then speak in metaphors about the inside of the traveler imagine a cosmos inside a bottle trillions of stars orbiting each other in a complex weave but they aren't Stars perhaps a better word would be Souls Souls dancing in an infinite space enclosed within a Celestial egg some people say that each ghost is an aspect of the traveler that is to say that each ghost represents a part of the Divine whole so these quotes were ghost speculating about their origin in the Wii before uscard ghosts speak about the moment they were born I remember the moment we were born there was pain and loss and a feeling of falling was this the end the Shadows gathered colored bruised purple and gray in our fading existence our shell cracked and splintered parts of us were lost or carried away we felt those wounds Jagged and sharp we could feel them still attached by a gossamer thin strand of understanding we felt a garden with no blooms a valley shrouded in Gloom we felt ourselves dying we didn't want to go then there I was separated from the hole I I could feel it shrink slip back into itself dim and unseeing I knew it was waiting resting watching considering and I knew what I needed to do somewhere in this wide amazing Galaxy there was a person they were quiet and dead like we had been but I could bring them back I could share what was inside of me this glorious warmth and life and breath and being together that person and I would do what the Wii the Wii before me could not I wrapped the spark that was me in metal and glass a tiny bit of something that reminded me of the home we had shared then I set out to find my person the keeper of light there were so many people so many still fragile things decaying into dust lost to memory I touched each one looking for something a fragment of under the ash I didn't find it I know that there is one person only one that is mine I have been to many planets seen things I never knew were possible hid from Monsters followed dreams I have seen others of my kind the other pieces that were once us their search is over they are complete stronger braver because they found their counterpart I am alone I know you are are still out there that you're waiting for me but it has been so long and I am so very cold I will rest here and think about us for a moment cold where we you so a being this ghost recalls its birth marked by pain and fragmentation despite feeling parts of itself dying it survives and separates from the whole from the traveler knowing it must find a specific person in the galaxy to share its life and warmth with so it seems all of these Souls existed within the traveler it says our shell cracked and splintered parts of us were lost the Ghost says it can share this glorious warmth and life and breath and being it was sent out to find a guardian a keeper of light and together they can do what the wi the Wii before me whatever was inside the traveler or the traveler itself could not what's interesting is that the birth there was marked by pain and separation this is likely around the collapse or after it when the ghosts were created we now know that light and dark are forces of nature we also have the belief that at one point they may have been whole one primordial Force Veil and traveler together light and dark together the forces run in parallel and you can reach them by grasping to different parts of the spectrum Prismatic is everything combined listen to this Veil containment audio from last year and then listen to what Ghost says in the pale heart when we get Prismatic that at one time they may have been United part of a hall so wait does this mean the light and darkness were the same once one Force Dr Essie believed so choma Essie was researching the entanglement of light and dark without fully understanding either our ghosts are a link to the light of the traveler then how was the witness able to on numerous occasions communicate through them is this about the uh the magnets thing the the parallel energy Fields right very good in areas of Darkness the witness is able to create a link not unlike what it created with the veil and the traveler ah like the Vex are able to hack into the cloud Arc with their tag it's a parallel connection and I believe that connection may not be one-sided I believe that our ghosts may be able to leverage this connection against it I can feel it the way the light flows through you Freer harmonious with Darkness a full chromatic spect I've only experienced something of this magnitude once before when the traveler created ghosts to raise Guardians when I was born ghosts can feel the light flow through us in a full spectrum light harmonious with Darkness the only other time ghost said they felt this was when they were born through that pain and fragmentation so this further confirms that ghosts have part Darkness within them like a guardian like all things and how the witness was able to reach that spectrum and speak through ghosts in the past like Shadow keep like Beyond light so we don't know the exact specifics but we know the traveler cut pieces of itself off to create ghosts in its dying breath The Traveler created the ghosts to seek out those who can wield its light as a weapon Guardians to protect us and do what the traveler itself no longer can Kate is also a central piece to this new information he tells us that there is an afterlife of sorts inside the traveler or within the light he felt at peace with Sundance with the traveler ghost tells us that Cade is made of pure light like ghosts like the traveler as well so Cade I looked him over while you were talking scan says that's really him there's a few readings I can't explain he's made of light like me like the traveler ghosts are guides conduits for the light Cade might not be able to wield his as a weapon but if he's like me maybe he can share the Traveler's light like we do your body is a construct of light even if you aren't able to wield it as a weapon light so bright it burned me all the way up but I didn't feel any heat not a lick I didn't feel anything actually not with my body because I left that back there you an adut might call it being one with the traveler but I call it home no pain no fear no Vanguard paperwork that's him and Sundance she was shining there too I want to know a secret I miss it even more than I miss you what comes from the light returns to the light my got Sun Dan told me that she also said we're all connected Guardians ghosts The Traveler so this was foreshadowed great throughout the campaign Kade does in fact share that light in the end to bring back your ghost throughout the journey both Cade and ghost felt the Traveler's pain both sharing that light and part of the Divine whole in the message missions Kate speaks to what he believes is Sundance but this may have just been the traveler the whole time the whole purpose of the message 1 2 and 3 was to speak to to The Traveler learned what it had to say and in the end this is what Cade found devotion bravery sacrifice the guardian tenants hi SZ is that really you I'm what you wanted me to be [Music] I don't understand I know you've been here before you w't be here again you just don't remember you can't what comes from the light returns to the light what if what I want is to stay here with you if that's the Fate you make but you're always with me Kate Guardians ghosts The Traveler we're all connected we [Music] are we're not done yet though in the Traveler's Visions you can collect from around the pale heart Micah deciphers more of this the ghosts and their origin I am giving away pieces of myself slicing them off like fing fingers from a hand they ghosts with each one created I lose a part of myself a sacrifice of Faith and Hope against hopelessness they are like stars in the night sky constellations of my martyrdom traveling until they begin to go out one by one and and with each one's passing a part of me returns there's a theory among ghosts that if we die we return to the light of the traveler I don't know where that belief started maybe it's just something inside of us a reassurance that even if we fall there's something waiting for us a reunion with our creator and in that maybe we make it whole again now memory as well an eternity within the traveler with all Guardians who experienc their final deaths and after life Cade spoke of his experiences after death as peaceful and as if he wasn't alone perhaps there's truth to this that there can be something at the end so to conclude ghost are pieces of the traveler all beings of light return to it after death and make it whole again the traveler during the collapse to combat the witness or in effect of its battle against it shed parts of itself to create these tiny drones who clearly seem to have a soul of their own The Traveler basically took on a whole race of aliens that merged into one being by dispatching its own force of soul so to speak to revive its own Army we know the veil had a part to play in the witness combining itself and its species into one being so perhaps during the collapse something did happen and maybe the veil was a part of it but that's just speculation fragmenting those souls or parts of the Traveler's Consciousness into ghosts who knows in the end though ghosts don't have all the answers but they know their purpose and connection with their creator now and in pure Destiny fashion we don't have a concrete answer but this does give us more insight for sure as we progress into the future sometimes it's nice to get straight answers sometimes you don't need them it makes the journey and experience better not sure which one it is in this case but I'm just excited to present the lore is it possible there you are Guardian there you are anyway Guardians that's all we got for today's video If You' like to see some more Destiny lur and Mysteries just like it please be sure to subscribe to the channel I thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next video
Channel: Evaze
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Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 lore, destiny story, destiny 2, destiny episodes, destiny 2 episodes, destiny 2 the final shape, the final shape, final shape expansion, destiny 2 final shape campaign, destiny ghosts, destiny what is a ghost, destiny ghost lore, destiny ghost origin, destiny ghost backstory, destiny 2 story, destiny story explained, final shape ghosts lore, ghosts, destiny 2 secrets
Id: s16xtidGYmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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