Destiny 2: NEW UPDATE! Secret Alternate Ending, Future Locations, Destiny 3 & Hidden Character

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the final shape will go down as one of the best Destiny releases in history and in this video we've got a mountain of topics to talk about B bungi might have successfully finished the light and dark Saga it is also far from over in fact we've now just learned about the Puppet Master above the witness that controlled it they're also introducing the idea of leaving the solar system to find new worlds everyone's also wondering about future expansions Destiny 3 that third darkness subass and there are a ton of interesting details and secrets snuck into this expansion that give us Clues on all of this so we're going to break down absolutely everything in this video so now the witness is dead you might think that's job done the main big villain the pyramid ships we've seen for 10 plus years is no longer a threat and that's kind of true but Bungie then dropped one of the biggest Revelations of the final shape which that the witness was only a tool of a greater entity called the winow if you follow the law you'll know this name I've mentioned it before in videos but Bungie introduced it back in 2019 with shadowkeep essentially there are two Godlike creators of this universe The Gardener and the wiir that are both playing this game of survival and we're all a part of it the gardener is basically the light that wants to create life and the WIA is the darkness that wants to get rid of what isn't necessary a lot of people thought the witness was the WIA but in the raid the witness itself reveals that it is not it is only the first knife in its hand so it's a tool being used by something bigger there's a new ship called the first knife where Aur and Mara are talking about this and Mara says a knife is a tool wielded by another's hand and and then Aur says if the witness is the knife then what wields it this is Bungie making clear there is something above the witness there always has been now that makes you wonder is the winart the next villain are we going to be facing it one day and I don't think so the winart is similar to The Traveler it doesn't really speak or interact or tell people what to do it's more just like a power that can be used I don't think you can even kill the winow and it doesn't even seem like we would want to it's just kind of a part of this universe the witness also confirms this in the raid saying that Gods forged us both but they can't tell the knife what shape to carve so the witness acted for the winar but it did what it wants it acted on its own the final shape is its perspective on what the universe should be the win doesn't talk to the witness like how the traveler or Gardener doesn't speak to us the best example is how the traveler wouldn't even resurrect our ghost after everything we've done for it over 10 plus years of being the best Guardian surely it can bring back one ghost but it did nothing it stayed silent as always it took Cade to sacrifice himself to bring back the ghost which actually explains the entire point of this game Destiny Bungie constantly repeats the term Guardians make their own fate for a reason it's very specific it was first seen back in Vault of Glass the very first raid when you get the times Vengeance buff to take on Aon all the way up until when K decided to sacrifice himself for our ghost and said nobody makes my fate but me and Sundance his ghost also said if that's the Fate that you make so the point is that we basically decide this ties very cleverly into why the game is actually called Destiny in the first place it's all about the idea of fate and Free Will and making your own choices a very cool detail is that this is also why for the first time ever the destiny trior logo appears as the Super Attack that you kill the witness with because we're making our own fate against the enemy that wants to decide it for us it's one of the few times the destiny logo is seen in game and kind of breaks the fourth wall but bungi did it here for a very deliberate reason CU this is the attack making our own destiny so this ending was very cleverly done where this gets even more interesting is there's actually an alternate version of this ending where something completely different happens and this ending was scrapped during development Bungie posted a ton of official artwork and videos from their artists and one of them is this early version of an alternate ending instead of Cade sacrificing himself we simply revived the ghost ourselves using light and dark you can see one arm has darkness and the other has light we sort of meditate and just bring the ghost back to life I think this new version we got with Cade is significantly better I can see why they changed it for all the reasons I just talked about it's much better having Cade be this temporary character whose purpose or fate is to help us and US Reviving it kind of seems like cheating I mean I guess it shows how powerful we are that we can do stuff like that but it doesn't really make that much sense and I guess in this version Cade would still be alive and probably just exist in the pale heart still instead of being completely gone like he is now there's also a bunch of artwork showing alternate versions of the witness and early ideas as this kind of serpent creature and somewhere he's kind of like this dragon and this giant worm and even with legs creeping around which all look really cool much more creepy but the final one we got is still pretty amazing as well now there's still confusion over whether the gardener literally is the traveler lots of characters in game do specifically call it that but it also seems like it could be separate the veil is its opposite and its dark counterpart but it doesn't seem like the veil is the winner either so they do seem like tools that are connect did but at this point nobody really knows we have to wait to find out but both a Gardner and wiowa don't really seem like they're for or against us they're kind of neutral and they kind of just want us to do what we want again make our own destiny which why I don't think we need to really kill the WIA although there might be more threats that use its power and are against us light and dark aren't people with opinions they're just powers that can be used by individuals The Gardener doesn't care if we use the darkness and the Winward doesn't care if we use the light it's all part of this game of life that they're playing in this universe they both want us to win and the witness was the only one wanting us to lose cuz it had its own interpretation on the game the Vex are also actually much more important than you might think they technically want the same thing as the witness a perfect shape and in every other timeline apparently they always win so the witness was the first knife but there might be more with different interpretations of the game the same way that Ral was the witness's first disciple and then there were more like nzar and callus the witness was deliberately called the winner was first knife so there might be more to come and the Vets could be something similar they could be one of them or it could be something else entirely a really interesting detail is that Bungie actually created a real translatable language for the witness and its disciples called The Pyramid language I'm sure you've heard the tormentors and subjugators saying what sounds like Words Bungie said that players can decipher this so there's definitely some hidden secrets in these I noticed the witness say something in a cut scene I haven't seen anyone talk about but as the denters die the subtitles say the witness chance us where we destroyed ourselves sing the pyramid language that the new uh dread units speak is actually translatable so players if they're really interested in figuring out what the the pyramid units are saying could decipher these so this is the pyramid language and there are some very smart language experts working on deciphering this but it's a really cool attention to detail that Bungie made a whole language they have actually done this before the foran have their own language too that's been translated and even back in Halo reach the Covenant had multiple languages as well something else important that sheds more light on the traveler and hints of what will happen in the future is the ergo sum exotic I said how the traveler doesn't really speak to us or tell us what to do but this was one of the few times it kind of does help us this sword was given directly by The Traveler for us to beat the witness with the mission description says claim your destiny the objective when you load in says seek your destiny the pickup text says make your fate and the quest is also called destined Heroes so again they're playing into the whole theme of making your own fate and destiny and the traveler is like I'm not going to tell you what to do but here's a sword so do what you want with it and it is actually a different sword to the one the Des centers give us to break their statues with the L tab gets even more interesting and it has probably the biggest ever insight into what the traveler actually thinks it goes through the whole history of the traveler from its perspective of being found by the pr precursors creating Golden Ages and collapses as it runs from the witness it's saying how actually wants to help and speak to us but it can't it always has to stay silent and it's unable to interact with us even though it kind of wants to it always has to stay silent and not involve itself with us the name Ergo some in Latin translates to I am which is shorten from the famous quote by philosopher Renee dayar I think therefore I am you probably heard that but if you read its name and then its description it's the traveler saying I am silent silent silent of course this isn't the first time we've seen this sword it was actually in the corridors of time puzzle from 2020 and this room is set in the future and actually has the guardian's grave when we die St 14 is reading at our funeral saying that we died defending the city and he placed this sword on our tomb so it's very important to us and now in the final shape that we have this sword at some point in the future the guardian is going to die and it's very clever how we saw this 4 years ago and have been waiting to get it but now it's coming true so talking about our future Bungie of dropped a lot of hints about where this game is going and there's a big theme of us eventually leaving the solar system and finding new worlds this is why 2025 is code named Frontiers it seems to be the beginning of that theme and St 14 even says in this cinematic how one day we'll make our own Exodus into the stars and explore the universe you can see all new Colony ships setting off which is pretty huge story-wise and everything is colored gold implying this is a new golden age the fact that St 14 is voicing this is also significant as seems to be an important character going forward and again he was the one speaking at our funeral in the corridors of time so we know St 14 is going to be a main character in the future he also says how old companions will disappear and new friendships will form basically saying how some characters are going to get phased out and there's going to be a new cast so imagine a destiny 3 in the future set in a whole different part of the Galaxy with some familiar characters like Saints and Osiris but all new characters while people like the Vanguard might be left behind in the solar system another thing that's been right in front of us is of course the helm it's basically a mobile tower that can fly anywhere and probably to explore with in Echo we've even been loading failsafe onto the ship to serve as the new Ai and training her to be like the kind of replacement for Rasputin failsafe was the AI for The Exodus black Colony ship so it's kind of implying the helm is becoming a new Colony ship Hub to go explore the universe with and find new worlds so with the witness being gone we're now in basically a new golden age and time of Peace like sure there there are still some enemies like the echos what's going on with the Vex you got zeu you got the fanatic Aramis and savian but those are pretty minor they don't pose much of a threat and we'll be handled in episodes but this code name Frontiers has raised a lot of questions some people think it's going to be a big expansion the fact that this One Singular dot instead of the three dots we can see for year 10 I think regardless episodes will continue there's no way Bungie have made this neish system to only have three episodes it is basically the same thing as Seasons but like it or not it is a very successful and lucrative model so I don't think it's going anywhere I think honestly Bungie is still figuring out what they can and want to do and they don't want to promise anything too big and then have to delay or scrap it later if they knew they can deliver a big expansion and Frontiers is going to be something massive they would have just flat out said that lots of people do think Destiny is over and kind of finishing and they're going to slowly lose interest over time with episodes so it is in Bungie's best interest to announce the next big thing and reason to keep playing and keep being interested as soon as possible you can see these Sparks of light called Echoes coming out of the traveler after the witness is defeated and these are actually seen right as you kill the witness flying out from his body so this is what they are some people are wondering are these pieces of the witness is he still alive is he going to get resurrected but bu explained these are just memories of the witness that were manifested By The Light in that big final battle so these are more like objects of power and memories of the witness being used by the remaining enemies so one of them is causing all the changes with the Vex on nessus another one is in fial staff we can actually see it right here another one is on the dreadn you've also got zeu arra who's actually abandoned the witness right before the final shape and she's now doing her own thing we don't know what exactly and I'm sure we're going to see her and Saban interact in the future as well there also a ton of locations that are very significant that we could be visiting in the future like torob batle the Kabal home world that kle was talked about going back through to take over bantis is the star system where the Vex came from and Clovis Bray built a gate to make the EXO with there's also Reese where the falling came from it was destroyed but it still does exist and they're trying to find a new home and then there's the distributary which is this pocket Dimension inside a black hole which is somewhere in the solar system the entrance but it's hidden and this is where the awoken come from dead orbit are actually recently trying to find out how to get there so that's also a big plot point we could see in the future something a lot of players are still waiting for is of course the third dark subclass which is still missing and most likely would come inside an expansion it's still feels a bit incomplete and kind of asymmetrical that we don't have the three light three dark and of course seventh Prismatic which is a combination of all of them of course seven being Bungie's favorite number but eventually we will get that third final dark subass one possible hint inside final shape is that Micah 10 has these quests which are all foreshadowing future events they're all very interesting but one of them is set on the moon and is about how the nightmares are still around even with narak dead the important part is that it reveals that mic and Aris both think the nightmares are a yet yet untapped power of the darkness of course Aris is all about trying to use Darkness powers and trying to harness him so she would definitely be interested in trying to get us to harness that untapped power but it definitely sounds like a power that we could be getting in the future most people do expect the final dark subass to be red as we did see that footage that Bungie accidentally leaked showing a red subass you can see the icons the same way they also accidentally leaked the green strand one before that was announced some players think the Shader pack is teasing the new element cuz it does have one for St one for Strand and another for resonance this orange Gold Pyramid Power from the witness but there is also a fourth one which is based on the pale heart Mossy texture I do think the third subass is definitely coming and era saying the nightmares are untapped power sounds likely but at the same time it could be something entirely different like how we all expected poison to be the green one and Bungie was seemingly working on something like that for witch Queen but they then decided it wasn't unique enough and made strand instead which was completely new and unexpected but I think they're going to take their time with it and make something that isn't predictable and would definitely be something they would be saving for a big expansion not just an episode now the thing even further in the future that everyone wants to know about is of course Destiny 3 there's been a lot of interesting developments recently the first one is really strange but we'll get onto some more concrete stuff in a second but the day before final shape came out director Luke Smith from Bungie made a post which a lot of people think is alluding to Destiny 3 it is a bit of a reach but I can kind of see it he was saying how we're excited to launch the final shape the journey it's been and then says our hope with the capital H is always the same with our destiny games we genuinely hope with another Capital H you enjoy the time you spend or anything we'll make that's the Hope another Capital H so have to admit it's a bit strange to capitalize the H three times I mean he clearly knows how to use very good grammar he used the commas and the hyphens and perfect punctuation but the hes are all capitalized for no apparent reason so a ton of people do think this is a hint at Destiny 3 nuke Smith is known to be a bit of a troll very cryptic if you followed him for the last 10 years it does seem like the kind of thing he would do just to get people talking and kind of make some hype but much more Concrete in this funny tweet we did of course get a very reliable leak from someone who accurately predicted prism a month before it was even revealed so in that same post they said that Destiny 3 is in development under code name payback one of the big changes is that there are no classes so any character can spec into any ability no more Hunter Titan or warlock they clarified that they aren't speculating and they were told this by some ex bunge employees and also said that Destiny 3 is a whole new game not a revamp of Destiny 2 and it's been in development since witch Queen so this got a lot of people talking and interested I mean it being in development doesn't really surprise many people I think most believe it would happen one day even if it's in 3 four 5 years from now but the no classes thing is very surprising that doesn't sound believable but they did perfectly detail Prismatic a whole month before bunde revealed it which is impossible to discredit so they were spot on about that so if the same bungee employees also told them about Destiny 3 I don't really see how you can discredit what they said it seems very true the idea of a new subass mixing different elements also sounds very unbelievable but they were right about that it does sound like a big idea the whole no classes thing that bungee would just mix things up with even though Hunter Titan and warlock are just the core identity of Destiny so it would be very strange to not have them and you've just got these characters that can use any ability and are basically fully customizable but as I said earlier I think is setting up for a destiny 3 to be in another galaxy or part of the universe where there are different rules different powers different enemies a clean slate this person also said they don't know if things will carry from D2 into three and that's a big debate as well right now many people don't want to lose their stuff but many also want a complete fresh start but let me know what you guys think about that it seems very 50/50 from what I've seen final shape is the highest rated Destiny release of all time it broke steam records for the highest player count which did also cause some server issues on day one but it also has the highest scores ever on Metacritic which ranked it the number one best game of 2024 and open critic as well it scored 92 and 94 out of 100 which has never been seen before so the context Destiny 1 got 76 and 74 taken King got 80s bakan and witch Queen were both 80s but final shape is getting 90s so this is a record high I've been playing since the alpha and I've never seen everyone so unanimously love a release so much so it is amazing to see especially following life full and it goes to show what Bungie is capable of but let me know what you guys think of final shape I'll be reading all the comments I put a lot of time into this one but I'll have more videos and podcasts coming up shortly so stay tuned for those you can like this video If you enjoyed it I appreciate you for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Unknown Player
Views: 117,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny 2 final shape, Destiny 2 the final shape, destiny, destiny 3, destiny 2 final shape secrets, Destiny 2 lore, destiny 2 final shape lore, Destiny 2 exotics, Destiny 2 news, Destiny 2 news update bungie, Destiny 2 new update, Destiny 2 final shape raid, Destiny 2 final shape review, Destiny 2 the winnower, Destiny 2 winnower gardener, Destiny 3 leak, Destiny 2 the witness, Destiny 2 alternate ending, Destiny 2 3rd dark subclass, Destiny 2 unknown player
Id: Uc4tTfk8rUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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