Destiny 2 Lore - Tier Ranking Destiny's Final Raid Bosses according to their power in the lore!

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[Music] foreign so if you're watching this video it means that the  seasonal story has come to an end and I'm taking a   long break for the first time in a while so we're  making some less topical and more General law   content to hopefully tide all of you over while  I'm away to that end we're going to be ranking   Destiny's raid bosses according to how powerful  they are in the law first things first rules for   this tier list number one is that we're ranking  all of these villains at the height of their power   that helps to avoid arguments about timing and  circumstances and it helps us to really understand   the potential power of each of these villains  number two whilst these are my opinions I'm not   ranking them in a vacuum my rankings are based on  the actual law if there is no reason why a fallen   drag should rank higher than the witness then it  won't be ranked higher than the witness number   three I don't know all the law surprising to some  I understand but there may be bits and pieces that   I've missed so if there are some factors that I've  missed then please do let me know Down Below in   the comments section for next time number four how  easy the raid was for you is not going to factor   in fights can be differing levels of difficulty  for different people and more importantly your   individual raid experiences are far too vast to  account for so nobody's real experience is being   accounted for we're running it strictly based  on what the law says number five whilst other   enemies that support these raid bosses aren't  being evaluated there are some instances where   their power is also considered because of how  integral those factors are to them the best   example is going to be with something like say a  Vex raid boss where inevitably they act as part   of a greater Vex subtype and therefore the whole  role of the subtype sort of has to be considered   okay so that straightens things out quite  nicely I hope but let's begin also do note   that our rankings for these categories are pretty  typical you have s a b c d e and F nothing out of   the ordinary for a tier list video our raid boss  contenders include the following Atheon times   conflux crota the son of oryx oryx the taken King  axis the archon prime Emperor kallus Argos the   planetary core Val Kaur Riven of a thousand  voices Insurrection Prime galran the sorrow   Bearer The Sanctified mind tanex the Abomination  and finally rulk disciple of the witness do know   that we're doing main raid bosses so we're not  going to be looking at anything like golgoroth the   war priest axis Etc all of those if you want them  can get their own video but for the moment we're   just doing Final Bosses starting off with Atheon  I think we need to understand the biggest Factor   when ranking the power of these different entities  which is going to be whether or not they're power   causal to give newer players an idea of what that  means through a simple explanation power causal   beings can break the rules of the universe they  don't have to abide by the same rules as a typical   combatant does for us Guardians this is a part  of the reason why we can throw supers for those   of our enemies it can mean the ability to call  directly on the powers of the darkness or the   light this is one of if not the most important  of metrics for scaling and understanding one's   power in all of Destiny and whilst there are  those such as Dominus Gaul who proved that para   causality in his case the light is not everything  in Practical terms a power causal entity beats   out a causal one 99 999 times out of a hundred  thousand Affion is an example of an entity that   challenges this trend with a little success Atheon  is a Vex construct of the Hazen protective effects   sub-mined grouping that's found on Venus in the  Ishtar sink specifically within the Vault of Glass   athion is the Vex construct that lies at the  vault's heart in a way we therefore can't   evaluate Atheon without recognizing that the  Vex operate as a single system and therefore   there's a lot of power bound up in the rest of the  Hazen protective that Atheon can claim as its own   too atheon's power is the power over time and it  has the ability to send its opponents backwards   and forwards in the time stream in order to  get them lost in those dark corners of time   if that wasn't enough it's also able to make use  of the oracles Vex supercomputational units that   are able to determine if something's existence  challenges the future of the facts or not if   there seemed to be an offending party you can  literally be expunged from the timeline by Atheon   when they have marked you this isn't just to die  this means that you never existed all that power   and Atheon is still technically a causal being  considering the way that the Vault of Glass and   the Vex operate the Vex of the vault have proven  that they're able to take on some paracosal forces   they defeated most members of the first Vault  fire team and it's speculated but not confirmed   that the reason why this raid team was a fire  team of just three is because there were others   who originally came with them who were lost to  atheon's time warping abilities and they're just   no longer remembered because they were expunged  from the timeline however the Vex of the Vault of   Glass and Atheon generally not completely immune  from paracles or forces of significant power there   are two great examples of that the first is us and  the second is oryx take a look at what happened   when the taken invaded the Vault of Glass in the  taken King expansion The Hazing protective well   may not necessarily be Atheon at that point but  it proves the point that their power is within   the Vault were not enough to hold back the tide of  the taken King this represents the causal weakness   that haunts many of the Vex all these factors  combined have made me put Atheon in B tier yep   that's right this first raid boss controls time  and it's going in the B tier that's how much power   causality matters Atheon is absolutely on par with  some of the paracles or threats keep in mind but   when facing any real paracos or competition even  its asymmetric time warping ability not enough   to save it next up we have crota the son of oryx  now whilst crota was a meme in Destiny 1 for all   the ways you could net limit him and force him to  kneel so that you could just infinitely smack him   with a sword he was still a pretty remarkable  force in the law as an ascendant Hive with   a throne world he could only be killed within  said Throne world this gives him and any other   ascendant Hive on this list a remarkable degree  of resilience and power already and that's before   you consider his accomplishments in the law from  becoming a legendary demon Across the Universe   to defeating an army of a thousand Guardians  including the extremely powerful Titan Wei ning   crota is a powerful foe this is not taking into  account his powers when he's in his throne world   including his oversoul a mechanism that allows him  to instantly kill all those who fail to challenge   its wrathful and baleful ire in the form of  that death impulse he may have been a meme to   us and to be honest he's kind of a meme to his  father oryx but his defeat really did matter in   the end because it did start to unravel a dynasty  there's a reason why Guardians abandoned the moon   and there's a reason why the Vanguard listened  more closely to Eris after crota's death crota   was a menace quota matted and crota was in many  ways the herald of the end of humanity it really   told that a new age had begun and a new era of  Guardians was beginning to rise when crota died   and his father came to the system to challenge  them considering all of that an understanding that   crota is a para causal entity capable of greater  power than certain individuals within the Vex I   think it's fair to say that he would rank within  the a tier now let's keep in mind he did get his   ass whooped a bunch by the Vex so maybe this  racing is a little bit off he did have to call   in daddy oryx and order to clear all of that up  however this I think only ranks as one more reason   to call oryx Daddy and if you are really going  to rank the Vex against crota I do believe that   crota would eventually have won out it was merely  down to the rather inventive mind of Korea that   the hive had somewhat of a back footing in those  engagements so again I think a solid eight-tier   ranking is appropriate we just have to remember  that crota is still never going to be free from   calling oryx Daddy moving on and uh the house of  wolves didn't have a raid but for memes let's go   ahead and put the madman Prophet skolas here  all the way down in F tier as the worst Kell   of kales in history and uh probably the worst  kill the house of wolves has ever known anyway   on to some proper enemies next oryx the taken King  this is one of those moments where it's not hard   to understand immediately why we have to rank  oryx in estia he has put hundreds of thousands   if not millions of Worlds to the torch we don't  know the true number we do not we understand that   the war priest has completed a circuit 585 times  where he has managed to put worlds to the torch in   oryx's name we don't know the true body count of  the taken King and that is something that should   terrify us and what's more he destroyed one of the  worm gods in order to obtain the power of the deep   we would later understand in the witch queen that  this power was indeed the power to take but also   much more than that because it could be used  to abduct planets that power was one that oryx   learned in the right hands it was enough to pull  entire worlds into the witness's dark domain which   is what happened to Mars Mercury Iowan Titan  oryx however would use it to create his arm   the taken beings that had been taken and corrupted  by darkness and sent back as loyal combatants   having said that this is not where oryx's power  ends oryx is one of the few entities that has   spoken directly to the witness Destiny's ultimate  big bad of the darkness he was even attempting to   get to the point where he was in fact one with  death himself he wished to make himself an axiom   of death in other words to say that wherever oryx  was death was too and wherever death was oryx was   he in this sense would have been able to become  one with the sword logic and live forever he   wasn't successful of course but depending on your  opinions of the touch of malice he might actually   have still been able to cheat death in some  regard the height of his power he was easily the   most powerful thing that a hive could become with  maybe the exception of savathune when she took the   light that's not currently in our discussion for  this video all of this makes me rank oryx without   any hesitation clearly up there immediately  in estia without any contest or hesitation   next up we have axis the archon prime  of the House of devils and their splices   axis is important to the Fallen because they have  certain conceptions of godhood namely especially   around about this time they believed that machines  are Gods when we fight axis in the raid he has   ascended into mechanical apotheosis and has become  a machine to the splices and Fallen generally this   is essentially the same as him becoming a God  does that mean he has god-like powers well no   axis is powerful but by no means does he break the  causality of the universe there are other things   that quite rightly get called gods in Destiny  worm Gods the different Hive Gods all sorts of   different things all over the place sometimes  even Guardians axis is not one of those things   axis is a category well below that his control  of the Siva allows him to address threats such   as Guardians so it'd be wrong to state that  he's a complete pushover Siva is in fact the   same force that killed all but two of the iron  Lords in the plague lands and it would be wise   to remember that it's not impossible for axis to  use the Siva nanites at his disposal to a similar   effect on us all that being said at the end of the  day machines can't break and so too did I access   his power was a significant Rising threat worth  addressing but even with the power of the Siva   I wouldn't rank him any higher in power than that  of seat here now on to the raid bosses of Destiny   2 and it's here that we're going to start filling  out the tier list a little bit more and bringing a   bit of balance to some of these tiers Destiny 1  bosses have a perfectly even spread from s to C   but it's gonna go ahead and start changing  things whether it's because of asymmetric   powers or whether it's because of the lack thereof  there are interesting combatants in Destiny 2 sure   but some of them start to drop off however many of  them do also stay very interesting and luckily we   get to start there with Emperor kallus and it's  here that I want to go ahead and do something   interesting we're definitely at this point we're  making a judgment on what kallus's power is would   seem very premature he is likely to be a villain  that we face in lightfall and it's obvious enough   that in the Leviathan raid we didn't kill him it's  obvious enough to us that even in the season of   The Haunted we didn't kill him I'll still rank  the fight but we clearly need to put a pin in   this rating for later so how powerful is he well  as an individual robot spoiler he possesses some   remarkable Weaponry but he has nothing but is  beyond the typical range of one expects from   a causal threat the real asymmetric power has to  predominantly come from his Scion counselors these   counselors are a threat because of their ability  to send the emperor's enemies into a nightmarish   psionic Dimension that is literally known as the  nightmare realm this is a unique asymmetric power   which allows a certain degree of control for the  emperor and his forces Sonic power in Destiny is   still poorly understood and it's not even clear if  its power causal in nature or not this however is   a direct enough use of it to be a serious danger  in some ways to us so I figured it was very much   worth including and it can be a similar danger to  other things presented by other species that are   para causal judging kallus is a RAID boss based  on his Apex power is also hard again because it's   not clear if he's reached his Apex power yet as  a result I'm breaking the rules of the tier list   just a little bit here but ultimately for the  moment I'm going to rank him D tier based on   what he's like currently well what it used to be  like in the Leviathan raid way back when it wasn't   sunset zionic power is still poorly understood  and it's not technically even callous's power   to command but we also don't know the true form  and power of what the cabal emperor is so for the   moment again yeah uh we're just basing it on what  we see in the raid please go ahead and let me know   what you think because inevitably this is going to  be one of those ones that Sparks a ton of comments   next up we have Argos no no not that Argos this  Argos yep planetary core of nessus that was sucked   up by the Leviathan this is a Vex construct of  remarkable size it's actually the biggest Vex   construct we've ever faced in Destiny and the  pure scale of this thing is pretty magnificent   its weapons are not paracosal and its abilities  are not really much to write home about beyond   the typical size and bombardment that you would  expect out of a massive Vex frame has the ability   to fire highly charged energy weapons at it and to  overload the surrounding air with void energy that   then detonates sure that's a powerful ability but  we should forget that even by factoring this in   um yeah it's still not that powerful in comparison  Argos is the core of a planet but I don't think   it's really anything more than a lesser raid boss  when you look at it we were able to dispatch it   inside the core of the leviathan's hot burning  furnace and it's debatable indeed that the Vex   here could have some greater Powers so I believe  that it's right to keep it in deter and maybe   not too much lower but then again it really does  depend if it turns out that the powers granted to   calluses Scions in the nightmare realm are in fact  paracosal I might rank him higher and if it turns   out that the Vex constructs that make up planet  cores are actually a lot more sort of designed   for maintenance and building and aren't truly as  powerful as they could be then yeah I suppose I'd   actually look at this and I'd think okay this  might belong in eat here so yeah not great but   wait it gets worse what if I told you about the  rankings of the cabal and told you that one of our   raid bosses technically was lower ranked than one  of the enemies we face in the process of Destiny   1's story no no even better what if I told you  this was technically a lower ranked enemy than   good old valusta Ark from the copy pastor yep it's  time for Val Kaur vowel not Valas because he's not   earned to that rank yet he is a vowel whilst this  is arguably one of the toughest Destiny day one   raids to complete it's also most definitely one of  the least inspired encounters there is no adequate   explanation of the powers on display here and I do  believe therefore it's hard to gauge whether this   actually is power displayed by valkore or whether  it's based around the encounter or whether it's   based around the kallus robot that's involved all  this leads me to see valkore unfortunately as kind   of a very oversized heavily armored cabal incendio  now he did win a fist fight with one of the kallus   robots for a bit but we've already discussed how  that doesn't necessarily measure the real power   of kallus and that's also not to mention the fact  that the kallus robot also helps us in the process   of that fight and helps to break his shields in  the Spire of stars so yeah he did backhand him but   I mean aside from the significant auxiliaries  and the fleet that's floating above yeah there's   just really not that much that's significant  about valko war the red Legion Fleet behind   him is the more menacing part of the encounter  so sorry velcor you go down in the after you are   nothing special you and skolas can hang out  there and have a party and decide who is bad   Oh no you're both bad anyway next up we have one  of the most interesting entries on this list and   one that inevitably is going to spark a lot of  conversation and that's Riven of a thousand voices   I expect disagreements on this one purely because  of the fact that there are huge implications to   the law surrounding Riven and the scope of  her powers is truly hard to gauge and unique   Riven is the last ahamkara and has access to the  most powerful asymmetric power causal ability   that one can obtain namely wish magic wish magic  essentially grants the wish or desire of whatever   being comes into contact with Riven there's always  a Faustian bargain to the wish that's granted it   always comes with a monkey's paw it's always a  devil's contract and that means that Riven and   other ahamkaro who could make use of this power  are able to twist these wishes to their advantage   with a remarkable skill this is actually how  they hunt this is what they feed on desire   the best example of this is probably the  instance in which Riven was able to twist   the wish of oryx the taken king after oryx  had killed morrisov he invaded the dreaming   City with one of his Echoes and he used  it to ask Riven if she wanted to be taken   she then laid a trap verbally by replying only if  you wish it Riven was then taken by oryx but had   also transpired that she was able to maintain her  free will after his death considering what we know   about being taken this means that wish dragons  and wish magic have the capability of defying   the power even of the witness's influence if given  the correct circumstances however riven's power is   directly relative to the desires of the opposition  in question she is able to challenge oryx in this   matter but against the forces of the Vex who  have no obvious emotion and only a process that   they follow I think it would be hard for Riven to  exert any power with this consideration I figured   it was fair to assume that most beings in Destiny  even down to the witness have desires therefore   riven's power is really widely applicable even  with the former mentioned Vex example and it   can be used to manipulate even the strongest of  foes one also has to consider her significant   physical size and combat abilities such as  her ability to literally breathe fire pretty   you have an actual fire breathing dragon now I'm  sure some of you will disagree and it's a very   close one for me between the A and the S tier  the fact that she was able to outsmart oryx and   eventually even outlive him tells me that Riven  is indeed a raid boss that is worthy of the S   tier I think that it might be a slightly lower s  tier than some and I'd be happy to listen to your   own opinions on this one because again I think  there's a lot to unpack here but wish magic is   just so powerful so unique that it always wins out  it won't save an ahamkara unnecessarily but it's   an ability that will scar your enemies to their  core and ultimately leave the ahamkara even in   death as the one with the last laugh again let me  know what you think in the comments this is going   to be the most fascinating part of the entire  video next up we have The Lovable Fallen Mech   Warrior online walking copyright lawsuit that is  Insurrection Prime digest but really this thing   it is totally a Mech Warrior online inspired  concept and you know what I love that look at   this thing it's amazing our ranking aside it's  definitely one of the cooler boss ideas and I'm   actually glad that it became a generic enemy later  down the line because you know what it's such an   awesome design having it scrolled away just  to Insurrection Prime would have been a shame   anyway Insurrection Prime is more than just a  large Brig because it's been reinforced with   the advanced Weaponry of the black Armory this  Weaponry has proven powerful and has a unique   form of resonant power I do not believe that this  resonant power is the same as that displayed on   the pyramids so keep that in mind but I do believe  that its massive weapons do give it a certain   degree of power that is considerable however it  still a causal threat I don't think it's as big   a causal threat as something like say Argos which  is enormous powered by Advanced Vex technology and   perhaps more importantly we're still putting up a  fight when it was broken and bruised so all things   considered I think unfortunately for Insurrection  Prime it's gonna go down there in the e-tier   next up we have galran sorrow Bearer spare  a thought for what is undoubtedly the most   unfortunate of raid bosses in Destiny galran  was created by kallus and was born with the   purpose of burying the crown of Sorrows his entire  life is essentially suffering it's all he's ever   known it's mainly because kallus immediately put  the crown of Sorrows on his head and servothune   immediately used it to possess him and then used  him as a conduit to control the hive aboard the   Leviathan within callous's Menagerie galoran's  forces are Hive forces they're weird in that   regard because they're clearly being commanded by  savathune's influence but the power that the witch   Queen funnels into gal ran is therefore a metric  we sort of have to understand to gauge galoran's   power it's by no means a significant proportion  of her power but it's consistently able to be used   to invoke abilities based around deception that  would seem to be based easily in high of magic   it's really hard to judge but based on all this I  think it would be fair to say that gal run has a   limited degree of power causal power with that  in mind alongside the powers of deception that   help to Shield galdran's True Form I think it'd  be fair to rank galran in the high seat here he's   probably not as powerful as a being like Atheon  but he certainly got access to a greater degree   of power than most typical cabal the odd thing is  that if galran had lived longer if savathun had   exerted more control through him he might have  actually gotten an even higher rating on this   scale but the reality is that we just don't know  enough about the power that savathune could have   exerted through galran and the crown of Sorrow by  proxy so again it's very hard to judge all of this   but C rank is where I'm putting gal around for  the moment next up we have the Sanctified mind   boy this is a frustrating fight to play that's for  sure the Sanctified mind is a really tough fight   to examine because on the surface it's another  Vex axis mind which is not much more than a b or   c tier threat at most but then one remembers that  this is afex of the Soul divisive and that changes   everything this is a Vex that has directly exposed  itself to the powers of the witness and therefore   has bonded itself to dark Powers Soul divisive  made the decision to worship the darkness when   they encountered it so that they might survive  in doing so they obtained some of the darkness's   power and as a result they bound themselves  to its will this gives them a unique degree   of dark power that other Vex just don't have the  extent to which they use it is potentially limited   but the Vex of the black garden are nonetheless a  major threat given enough time these Vex including   the Sanctified mind would smother the system in  darkness as they spread that spread is something   that's hard to often anticipate or really gauge  However the fact that they're directly empowered   by the witness is some something that we should  not ignore I think the rating for the Sanctified   mind therefore has to be somewhere in the high  b or low a tier I'm going to go ahead and put   it as the highest possible B at the moment  just because of the fact that like gal ran   the power that can be displayed and allowed to  flow through this conduit is potentially limited   it's one of those moments where it's really  hard to judge and I wouldn't complain about   it being in the 80 or either so we'll see but  for the moment that's where I'm Gonna Leave It   and ultimately on our list we have the greatest  meme of all the Fallen none other than tanex the   Abomination who has no house kneels before no  banner and yada yada yada you know the rest he   has been killing Guardians a dozen at a time  canonically we've killed him three times once   in his normal form once in his Siva form and  here in the Deep Stone Crypt raid form where   he appears to have a few interesting Golden Age  upgrades including all the stuff that Mr exhibit   clearly gave him I mean look at that that right  has absolutely been pimped more importantly than   all of that and all that aside danx has been  killed more times than just by us Kate six   killed him at least once or twice and that was him  alone all those other things about tanax's prior   career as a hunter of Guardians and a famed  mercenary are things we should also remember   Annex is a mere causal threat but you'd be wrong  to underestimate him based purely on the fact   that he's been there taking out Guardians since he  was first hired I have little doubt that he's one   of the most tenacious enemies we've faced and  that he might not have even truly died in the   Deep Stone Crypt raid with all that said though  even with the power and Technology recovered from   Europa tanex is only really a threat because he's  Incorporated nukes into his chassis and Design   kind of cheating on the 25 kill streak there bud  anyway the real point is that I'd call tanks an   e-tier threat and that's being generous up there  it's powerful don't get me wrong botanics is not   he doesn't have any kind of claim to particles  or power in the same way let's say crota oryx   does he doesn't even have some of the asymmetric  and really powerful abilities such as Siva so   yeah I don't believe that tanex is really it  finally we have our last and latest raid boss   rolk the first disciple of the witness Rorke to  put it simply is the most powerful being we've   ever faced and killed in Destiny we don't have an  S Plus here but if we did it would be entirely his   own the common point of comparison is to that  of oryx and it's often stated that oryx is more   powerful than Rock and to this I say read your  law with oryx being the common point of comparison   I think it's worth remembering that he was the  first being that we knew of that had contacted the   witness or the deep as he would have put it here's  the thing though rulk as best we know was the   first of the disciples ever and more importantly  than that at the height of his power he was able   to accomplish Feats quietly and subtly that would  have driven oryx mad let me give you a little bit   of an example the shattered son's law book talks  about how he destroyed his entire people by   splitting the son of his world in half he used his  own technology and the witness's power in order to   do this that was just the start of his journey as  a lieutenant of the witness he is responsible for   the creation of the entire Hive species and was  entrusted by the witness to carry out the ultimate   plan for them to turn them into loyal mindless  slaves on an eternal blood tithe if we're to   make the most direct comparison with oryx oryx's  greatest Triumph was the slaying of akka and his   subsequent communion with the Deep roalk was able  to show that his might was great enough to defeat   the worm's mother sheita when he literally lifted  her out of the deep oceans of fundament with a   bone that he'd ripped out of the chest of the  Leviathan the other worm Gods again gods to the   hive called Rook the subjugator they didn't fight  him because they knew he was too powerful Rorke   channels some of the most devastating abilities  of the pyramids and the witness in combat and   has access to some of its greater mechanisms  having his own pyramid ship is one thing his   ability to make use of the super weapon known as  the upended is something that has allowed him to   bring ruin to whole worlds and it's implied that  he could even do this to savathune's throne world   yep I have thrown worlds are not safe ladies and  gents do you understand how powerful Rook really   is the witness's forces under Hulk were being  used as part of a turf war in savathune's own   Throne world this was a turf war that savathune  the most powerful of all Hive at the time the one   whose power might have even eclipsed to that  of oryx was losing were it not for the curse   of light that savathune put on rorke's Pyramid  she might have been immediately wiped out by   the first disciple it took the combined powers of  the light and the dark for Guardians to defeat him   he is without question the most powerful foe  that we have ever faced from his overt ability   to destroy entire worlds his more subtle combat  prowess to his pyramid technology that lets him   literally drown Us in darkness every way we fight  rulk we can see his power he displays it to us he   struts around and does not care he is a palatial  God and we are well below his station we are   lesser to him and he does not even truly respect  us as combatants therefore unquestionably rulk   easily makes the S tier thank you very much for  watching I hope you enjoyed the video let me know   what lists you want next I have a whole bunch of  different ideas but I want to know where you guys   want to take it and do let me know if you enjoyed  the video by leaving a like too also remember that   for more Destiny lore content you can hit  subscribe and the bell next to subscribe to   turn on those email notifications but as per usual  know that your viewership is quite enough for me   and that in the meantime my name has been my  name is bife adastra I'll see you starside [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: My name is Byf
Views: 642,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my name is Byf, Destiny, Destiny Lore, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Lore, Tier List, Raid Boss Tier List, Destiny Raid Boss Tier List, Destiny Raid Boss Lore, Destiny Raid Lore, Destiny Strongest Raid Boss, Destiny 2 Raid Lore, Destiny 2 Raid, Raid Lore, Raid Tier List, Destiny Atheon, Destiny Crota, Destiny Oryx, Destiny Aksis, Destiny Calus, Destiny Riven, Destiny Taniks, Destiny Rhulk, Destiny 2 Raid Boss Lore, Destiny 2 Raid Boss Tier List, Lore Tier List, Boss Tier List
Id: JET7Zc9jReE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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