Destiny 2 - CAYDES PLOT TWIST! Who Ace Really Is

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Kate sigs had a family a wife and a son named Ace parts of this have been a mystery for a while but today we have some new info in the final shape on the early days of Kade 6 and it may change everything let's take a [Music] look before becoming an EXO Cade was a human soldier with significant debt above his head leading him to accept a mysterious job offer from Clovis Bray this decision resulted in his transformation into an EXO on Europa sometime later when he would awake as a guardian he found a notebook with the name Ace on it and believed he had a wife and a son but after that conversion he no longer had contact with them Cade kept a journal for Ace hoping to reconnect with his family one day however as an EXO he experienced many memory resets making it to distinguish between real memories and constructed ones despite those challenges the memories of his son and wife remained a strong motivating factor throughout his life we see Ace and various cards have an impact on Kate as a character the Ace of Spades the I'm coming home Ace line in Forsaken and even the brand new suite of Cade themed weapons in the final shape I'm coming home [Music] Ace in one of his journal entries Cade writes to his family as a human before becoming an EXO so there you have it Ace that's why I did what I did I had no choice really it was that or the great beyond just know your dad did what he had to do if I ever wanted to see you and your mother again you probably won't recognize me since I'll be well a robot and all but I'll find you I promise so that line appears to be before Cade became an EXO even after he did he continued to write although memories would be clouded over time he was a bodyguard for Maya sues of the ishar academy on Venus and even began to develop feelings for her but nothing happened this isar gig is pretty wild even for a luge head like me get it Ace lug head come on I'm trying I'll get some better jokes I promise I knew I was here to secure some top secret thing in the jungle but I saw it today they dug up the remains of a technological civilization that actually predates Humanity don't tell anyone I told you or you know could be wipes phille again in some entries he begins to question some of his memories due to EXO resets this has been fun I guess but it'll all be gone tomorrow I have been what they call compromised which is funny because I feel fine could use a few upgrades but what XO couldn't but compromised means they are going inside my brain to wipe it from my memory met an interesting fellow EXO who leaves letters like this in caches so whatever she gets saddled with next she might come across one and take a trip down lost Memory Lane Ace know that when I find you I will never let them find me things are even weirder now Ace this is my fourth assignment and I'm kind of losing touch with what came before this whole EXO thing and what's a leftover fragment from another tour I knew this would have its Kinks I guess this is one of them you know me I didn't bother reading the fine print or anything at least I know you're real right in other lore from forsaken Kate himself doesn't remember them the collapse happens Kate becomes a guardian and when he awakes he finds Ace's name in a journal here's the truth Ace I don't remember you found your name in a journ I had on me when my ghost resed me I guess I used to write to you and I kept doing it even though you're long dead if you ever really existed just like having someone to write to I guess so there you have it now you'll never guess what happened today Ace so we have some text that says Cade as a human had a family as an EXO and then Guardian he begins to question if they were even real but he continues to write to Ace even if they weren't real because it helped Kade helped him believe in a purpose in a past just as anybody else would write in a journal to write down their thoughts and work things out things get interesting in the final shape in the expansion we meet a new character Micah 10 well in game at least Micah is a vendor that became a guardian and was a part of these six coyotes she helped rally and Foster ghosts as they searched for their Guardian but before that it was much different long ago during the Golden Age on the snowy Tundras of Europa Clovis Bray built even tide in his EXO facilities many scientists would flock here for the opportunity at Innovation and Discovery among them were Two Men And scientists Hector and Wesley Abram they had a child named Micah Abram during the time on Europa Micah wrote letter letters to The Traveler collected penguin plushies and had reoccurring dreams about being an EXO these dreams carried cryptic messages and repeated over months now that's a story for a whole another video but along the way Micah ran away and broke into the EXO facilities where Cade 1 was on patrol although horrified at first Micah developed a friendship with cade1 soon after which helped her process her emotions and transgender identity Micah later became an EXO in Micah's quest in the final shape she speaks about Europa and her friend Cade Kade doesn't remember what sto Carin if this log is correct Maya sues did Maya why does that name sound so familiar why don't you and I talk about that offline Kate but the guardian and GES track down Bean yeah yeah that that that sounds good you're Roa I ain't even there and I can feel all that cold in my bones do you remember your Opa K bits and pieces yeah I ain't a big fan of numbers lower than six but there's still pieces of them in here rattling chains haunted Kate do you remember anything from your first EXO Incarnation some Ain exactly happy to talk about what I do either was there a child I think I don't know I remember bits and pieces Shadows of faces it's all it's all jumo Mel why it's nothing they can wait for a more private moment I never told anyone this but I knew Kate before he was a guardian before I was a guardian we were both on Europa before the collapse I found out about it after the brch facilities on Europa were Unearthed I know Guardians aren't supposed to go digging into their past but I did I found my exom mind archive I found myself Micah Abram I grew up on Europa and even then I was struggling to understand my identity in so many ways as a child I was having dreams Visions sent to me by The Traveler I didn't understand them then but I do now it was preparing me for this for loss for losing people like Anmar like Kate Kade was the personal bodyguard of an Ishtar Collective researcher named Maya sarish he was an EXO before I entered the program he helped me when my fathers were away on work Cade would talk to me play cards teach me how to cope with isolation K doesn't remember and that's okay I can hug him one last time and remind him that he was missed that he saved me so the interesting thing is was Micah Ace now Kate apparently had letters written to Ace before when he was human but after that he did bond with Micah Abram on Europa as Cade one he went through many resets after so it's possible that Micah could have been Ace or took the position of Ace through his many resets Cade later became a guardian and found the journal so right now we have human Kade that may have remembered his wife and son exoc on Europa meets Micah and bonds continues to write in his journal at some point works as a bodyguard on Venus for Ishtar researcher Maya SU rush and begins to form feelings for her exoc gets reset many times and forgets things exoc dies during the collapse and then later wakes as a guardian finds his journal which mentions Ace so beyond that Maya may have been the Queen of Hearts he remembers his lover or wife Micah and Maya sundash both appear on Cade's new weapons Micah as the Queen of Spades and laakshi Maya as the Queen of Hearts from forsakens the man they call cadore book the last entry bad beat been trying hard to give you a sense of what matters to me but also to find a way to talk about things that uh that scare me thing really singular and that is loss losing I'm a poor loser I admit it I run from it full speed others don't others accept it but everything I said about my queen is true she is my shield she is also a lie I don't know when I made her up or better I don't know when I decided to believe in a life I don't know and can never truly own was it during this life was it my rebirth as a guardian or the void of everything I was before what drove me to invent Comfort possible even likely but I'm not sure I I do have flashes of memory of the life I had before I was a guardian but that's all they are flashes quick flickers of people in places in my dreams or in that space between a bullet and getting rested I see a woman there and she's all I've ever known of a life since long gone I feel love for her is that love a memory or am I simply loving the memory I've convinced myself of the former I've concocted a truth to make myself whole the kid the woman I do not know them they are not real but I wish I did and I wish they were they're just the two best cards I could find to keep up my sleeve when the odds were stacked against me I made them real in my mind and in my heart I fell in love with the idea of them and I crafted a truth that allowed me to feel without Ace and without my queen to listen to me to hear me to see me there's no telling who I would have become but I know and I know there's a chance it wouldn't have been very nice so that is interesting one line that pokes out in particular is the one where he talks about the flashes of the life he had before quick flickers of people and places in his dreams or in that space between a bullet and getting rested so that afterlife so to speak that's kind of the same one he talks about in the final shape all things all these memories return to the traveler in this space this afterlife and Sundance was there with him a Jack of Spades yeah I had a whole system to keep track of things the oyal cards stood for weapons Spades me hake clubs for Crux lar diamonds for amalon and hearts well Hearts were for this girl I knew what was her name uh don't you have a stealth drive to find so right now things seem to be up in the air with some cont add addicting lore did Cade actually have a family a wife and a son before he became an EXO or through these memory resets and then becoming a guardian did things get clouded and foggy him just remembering the bond he had with a child named Micah on Europa anyway Guardians that's all we got for today's video if you'd like to see some more lore and Mysteries just like it please be sure to subscribe to the channel I thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: Evaze
Views: 77,412
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Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 lore, destiny story, destiny 2, destiny episodes, destiny 2 episodes, destiny 2 the final shape cayde 6, cayde lore, destiny cayde and ace, destiny ace of spades, destiny lore, destiny story explained, caydes family, micah-10, micah abram, final shape micah-10, who is micah-10, destiny secrets
Id: A1iOe4e9YlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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