Destiny 2 - SAINT-14 IS MISSING! The Conductor Corrupting His Mind

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echo's week three we collect samples but St 14 goes missing as we travel through nesses to uncover these Mysteries we find a new enemy one conductor commanding the Vex and infecting St 14's mind let's take a look welcome Guardians let's take a look at echo's week three we get a conclusion to act one of this first episode at the end of last week iora began to study the Vex and their strange Behavior we pick up this week with fail safe who has us fine more radiol larious samples on the surface of nessus greetings Captain iora has requested that I accelerate my studies of the nessus Vex so I am overclocking my internals to Captain I'm going to disengage my socialization filter if that's okay maintaining this Uplink takes a lot of power yeah this is better I'm running those scans I cor wanted and I've got some ideas about new sample sites down on nessis so even if I don't sound excited know that I am I am way into it anyway ready when you are no filter's not re-engaging let's just get going traveling to the pools of luminance the sistern and the well we find some new samples but at the last moment Osiris calls in because saint has went missing excellent this sample will do nicely I can use this radiolaria to see how far the unpredictable behavior of the Vex is spreading okay more radio Lara oh this is strange there's definitely something influencing the wait am I getting a call I'm getting a call hello Guardian this is Osiris it's it's Saint meet me at the helm immediately ooh that sounds important we better go Saint 14 has left went to nessus and is not responding here's the important dialogue from the helm and Mission then we'll break down everything at this time stamp on screen saint come in damn it all Guardian I've been unable to get through to Saint the Vex must be jamming the frequency Saint unit please respond uh there's no interference his Cals are open he's just not answering that is not like him at all something's wrong one moment I have triangulated the last last known coordinates of the saint Unit E touchdown not far from the nessus object impact site the impact site Guardian you know that area go back to nessus and follow his path please s can stand against any Vex but I fear there may be something more Sinister at work here sharing coordinates ready when you are Captain thank you for looking into this Guardian it's unlike Saint to go awall I left Osiris in the helm against his objections nessus is undergoing a rapid metamorphosis and until we understand the nature of its Evolution I'm not risking any lightless Personnel Guardian I'm concerned Saint is one of the vex's oldest enemies they hold him in esteem if that makes sense if they capture him it won't be to kill him it'll go deeper than that let's hope it's nothing I'll be your eye in the sky for this op and fail safe will be Tech on the ground good luck these are the Saint unit's last known coordinates he was headed directly into the well of flame the radi Laria has been drained from this Basin there's no evidence of a fight did the Vex just let him pass the saint unit may have entered peacefully but it appears the captain will meet violent resistance oh I love this part Guardian the Vex are peeling back retreating under suppressing fire those are infantry tactics we normally see from the cabal or fallen or Guardians something in their strategic Doctrine must have changed we need to get the safe right away I have the saint units coms but if I am not the real Saint then who am I Saint come in where are you just an error compounding into the future the saint unit cannot hear us he appears to be engaged with a local signal a local signal this is bringing back bad memories of lme too in the endless night I pray to the traveler I'm wrong diverging from the true path corrupting our timeline the sa unit's transmission is originating from behind that barrier get us in there fail safe whatever it takes finally time to reclaim what was lost time to return us to our rightful future unified in a Symphony Of Consciousness by a benevolent conductor division no imperfections a new age is coming I was never meant to be here this reality belongs to the real Saint the real Saint is dead I am only his [Music] imitation Saint can you hear me I I am not a person just a copy of a copy of a happy who's he talking to a new golden age is coming free from falsities like me come on big guy snap out of it Osiris is waiting Osiris oir I I ior Guardian I've got you Saint don't worry thank you Guardian a long time ago Saint fought the Vex for a century in the infinite Forest eventually they managed to drain his light and even made him a grave back in season of dawn the guardian with Osiris's help would use the the Sund dial head into the infinite forest and BR back to our current time it worked and he's worked alongside us ever since here on ness's Saint is having some issues the Vex just straight up let him pass travel deep into the well to converse with a conductor a new leader of the Vex who reminds aora of Lakshmi most definitely Maya sundash but more on that in a minute this conductor corrupt Saint tells him that he doesn't belong here that the real Saint is dead and he's fake everything he's ever known the conductor seems to believe in one rightful future one where timelines were not changed or diverted one conductor and Consciousness binded together now we've had hints but this most definitely is Maya Sunder rash if you think back to Veil containment last year in the audio logs on Neptune those spoke about Maya and a chorus and a conductor Maya died in what they called the conductor's chair Underneath the Veil and at the time Osiris was afraid that Maya was experimenting with the same path of Darkness that the witness followed one conductor that controls these Minds binds them together they're all dead chorus conductor everyone it was too much swept their minds away like like grains of sand on the beach They're All Dead Maya Maya called it valuable data points Well Springs and rivers or something what have I done D they this killed their entire research team but it sounds like it's like like their lives held no Valu to Dr sish there's a troubling symmetry with data we've recovered from Titan data on the origin of the witness it too was once multiple people that became conjoined by the way of some sort of ritual with a veil perhaps a conductor and a chorus it is troubling that Dr sandish seem to be moving down that same path I don't like this Osiris I don't like this so now the fruits of that may have succeeded and somehow she has big plans for the effects and future of the universe back at the helm the cast speaks about the conductor and Saint's thoughts what did they do to you I don't know a voice spoke to me on nessus I could not deny its commands it was not like any Vex I have seen it connected to my mind and called itself the conductor EXO and Vex do share radiolaria as a base material maybe they were interfacing for Intel on our operation they kep not of our plans they measured my Humanity my legitimacy what do you mean they said we are a lie Osiris the real Saint 14 was not meant to live you love of forgery Saints my existence is in error you chose me because your Saint is dead Preposterous almost like a simulation no you're the man I knew before to the serial number in the corridors of time I only peered into timelines that mirrored our own I didn't want to pull you away from a happy life or change you I wanted to rescue you see you're as close as mathematically possible yes Saint this doesn't change anything it's a tactic you feel real to me we know you and you know us you're right where you belong but this feeling this displacement it rings in my head that voice I hear it still I would like to be alone I alone please for now yes I know it's useless to tell you not to worry but try I'll look into this hey Captain is St unit okay it sounded like that voice he called it the conductor that some stuff that really got to him I never thought I'd see him shaken up like that he's always so strong I figured if something bothered him he just laugh it off but I'm sure he'll be fine he's surrounded by people who care about him you Osiris iora and the whole Vanguard no one can stay sad when they're surrounded by that much support I assume I'll continue processing all the samples you've extracted from nessus now that the conductor has harmed Saint unit I have disabled my compassion prot calls we will locate it and we will make it pay in the terminal iora and Osiris speak the Vex are changing they have a new leader not a collective like we've seen many times in the past different Vex collectives but one leader the impact anomaly Echo is changing them and Maya or this conductor is at the center I read your theories about nasus I share your concerns it is changing rapidly more so than when the Vex first assimilated it if red war records can be trusted it's not limited to nessus either the data and the radiolaria we've collected is mutating not a past iteration sweeping over the present facts as if they'd always been that way they are now adapting in real time it has to be the impact anomaly japedo managed to map the radiolaria flows while Saint was down there they're swirling around the impact site for miles below the surface it's causing disturbances in the planet's em field Osiris the Vex are doing something big a test one that will cause them greatly is he do you need anything I appreciate your support but let us focus on this saint spoke of a singular voice directing him a conductor not a collective sub auge and manipulation are not how the Vex operate they are cunning but blunt in their confidence you think this test belies a deeper truth they call less around the impact site around one point something has changed more than the Vex themselves what if they found the new leader that was my fear as well I doubt their motives are benign yes and we will meet them in kind in the lur entry for this week called heart truth mithrax checks in on Saint in the hangar mithrax moved carefully through the hanger the thrum of idling grab drives and hissing pneumatic lifts made his aching head throb he squinted toward the interface setup at the far end of the Docking Bay and stopped short even amidst the cacophony Saint's absence was jarring mithrax cast his gaze down as a Dusty gray pigeon bobbed indignantly across the path then ducked out of sight behind a rack of engine blocks mythra stooped his head and followed he pushed aside a drape of loose wiring and found Saint sitting on the edge of one of the docking stations looking out over the city japedo Saint's ghost hovered glumly over her guardian's shoulder she nodded wordlessly at Mithra as he approached then glided back into the center of the hanger leaving the two friends alone but for the flock of pigeons that milled aimlessly behind them you have not come to visit for a while mithrax said Saint's crested hm lay on the ground beside the Titan and mithrax carefully moved it before sitting next to him Saint did not break his stare you come to check up on me he asked flatly mithrax considered the question yes he said how are you Saint shook his head I do not know he said words thick with exhaustion you do not need to know mithrax said how do you feel I feel like Saint put a hand on his breastplate then jabbed his fingers into the metal then again harder mythrax swallowed his urge to ask him to stop like I am not who I thought I was mythra's hands reflexively went to his own chest when they found you aorus said you moved and spoke as though you were dreaming I think maybe I have been dreaming for a long time Saint looked down at his bald fists then loosened his grip and laced his fingers together in his lap the conductor woke me he whispered mithrax heard the darkness in his friend's voice what did it say to you he asked asked keeping his own voice warm the truth Saint said Gravely Mithra sat patiently in silence it told me I am a lie Saint said finally a copy it said I am something left over from another reality a twisted Reflection from inside the Vex Network Osiris and the guardian pulled me into this world but I do not belong here where are we mythrax asked Saint groaned and waved the question away do not say something smart to me now Osiris does this and I've had enough of it again mithrax sat patiently we are in the tower Saint muttered mithrax nodded we are he said stressing the first word Saint looked over at the elix then closed his eyes in acknowledgement yes yes smart like Osiris I say I do not belong and I see where this is going mithrax Drew himself to his feet a pile of brightly colored canvas bags in a nearby pallet caught his attention and he walked slowly to them what am I going to say he called over his shoulder Saint sighed and leaned back on his hands you would say that you misx proud elix of house light are here in the last City stronghold of your enemies and that if anyone does does not belong it is you mithrax smiled to himself and tore the corner of one of the canvas backs golden seed spilled from within and yet Saint continued you walk freely you have many friendships you talk with the great monster St 14 you feed his Birds mithrax smiled the pigeons gathered behind Saint's back as he scattered a loose handful of seed suddenly his vision narrowed and darkened his headache shrieked filling his mind with blinding pain he doubled over as a terrifying urge rule Kell roared through his chest the pigeons burst away in herried flight leaving the seed untouched on the ground Saint was still watching the pigeons wheel through the sky and down into the city mithrax wrapped his arms around himself until the shaking subsided and took a deep draw of ether you are a good friend Saint said quietly his gaze fixed on the city mithrax walked over slowly and sat down next to him again I try he said softly so that was a nice card we've had moments like this before where Saint and mithrax had conversations Saint is clearly struggling with what's going on and mithrax is there to comfort him even though he's got his own issues that curse of Nezar lingering in the background but Guardians that's all we got for week three of echo the quest said this is the end of act one and in the season pass it says Act 2 begins in I think 20 days so I'm not sure if we'll have anything over the next couple of weeks in game but this is the story we have for now if You' like to see some more Destiny luren Mysteries just like this video please be sure to subscribe to the channel I thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next video [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Evaze
Views: 39,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 lore, destiny story, destiny 2, destiny episodes, destiny 2 episodes, destiny 2 the final shape, the final shape, final shape expansion, destiny 2 saint-14, destiny 2 conductor, destiny 2 maya sundaresh, destiny story explained, destiny lore, destiny echo, destiny witness
Id: fetjGyI7eNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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