Destiny 2 Lore - The Traveller's Blade Reveals it's thoughts & was found on our grave.

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greetings Guardians my name is B here so even in  the moments where I think I know something pretty   definitively I'll always need to sit there and  reassess back when I summarized the 10-year finale   I made as much of a point I make mistakes and I  think that I might have made a mistake with some   of my assertions there although maybe it's just  that I need to clarify some things and add context   and I say that because of the law that we learn  today the law of the ergo sum there are really two   sides to the law of this weapon there is the fact  that we've interacted with it before and seen it   as a portant of Doom and the fact that it was also  a momentary sign of great hope something gifted to   us from the traveler and which also gives us  some of its own perspective that perspective   is what makes me possibly reassess some of what  I believe and more importantly it gives us some   insight into the idea of the traveler generally  and also perhaps why it is so silent but before we   get to any of that we need to get everybody on the  same page so for just a moment I'm going to cast   everyone's eyes back to the moment where we first  saw the ergo sum before we even knew its name or   wielded it in our hands and that was a moment that  some of us who played the season of dawn we'll   remember this weapon was a portant of Doom because  it confirms a terrible truth it was laid Upon Our   grave and we have not truly met our end yet that  moment must be ahead of us so this icon of Hope is   not just that it is also the reminder that one day  we will die for those of you that don't know this   context here it is the season of dawn involved  us rescuing Saint 14 from the corridors of time   an area where you could literally step back and  forth in time thanks to Osiris who used a device   called the Sund dial to access these corridors  this allowed us to literally change timelines   prior to our intervention St 14 had simply died  and with our intervention we were able to find him   in the infinite Forest just in time to save him  from the Vex who had created a singular mind with   the sole task of draining his light and his light  alone We rescued him from this so-called martyr   Mind by venturing through through the corridors  of time but upon our own further investigations   when we looked more deeply into the corridors we  discovered something else a Tim lost Vault when   we finally explored more and managed to breach the  vault at its core we discovered that at its Center   there was a tomb this blade was laid on the top  of that tomb and as we heard St 14 giving a eulogy   for one who was interred Within it was suddenly  clear that this was ours the fact that Ergo Su   rests upon our grave and the fact that we did not  meet our ends at the hands of the witness and its   minions implies that there is a dark and terrible  future ahead of us and that this will one day Be   Our Fate what could possibly cause our death is  currently unknown but the fact that we do die at   some point in the future does imply that there is  perhaps a more terrible threat than the witness   lurking on the horizon a threat whose power  exceeds anything we've seen before who knows what   that might end up being but what of the origins  of this blade well we get our first iteration   of it from The Traveler itself in the process  of preparing ourselves to confront the witness   in salvation's Edge we go on a quest to start the  process of Healing The Traveler at the end of this   Quest we return to the site where we first faced  the witness where its memory recreated the chamber   where it unmade its many selves into something  new and here sitting within an overflowing well   of light we saw this blade a great weapon for a  moment of need a weapon to help us destroy the   witness and its dissenters this weapon isn't just  remarkable for the moment in which it was sent to   us but also because it is unquestionably a  creation of the traveler itself a weapon of   the purest light capable of many forms based on  our memories and of our greatest Implements of   War be they the yah horn the Polaris Lance the  riskrunner or any number of exotic weapons this   blade can take its form and its power reflecting  some of those weapons to be gifted with such a   weapon is a remarkable thing but what's more  remarkable than this perhaps is the L tab that   is attached to the weapon itself the reason for it  being remarkable is simple it appears to be from   the perspective of the traveler and often times  it appears to be looking at Major moments within   its own history and its own timeline its name is  also of some importance if you are to understand   a little bit more about it Ergo some is Latin  I think some of you had picked that up already   but it's commonly seen as part of a larger phrase  namely Cognito ergosum which translated from Latin   roughly means I think therefore I am this is the  original philosophical idea of r day car and it's   basically a commentary on the idea that even if  the whole of the world around you isn't real the   one thing you absolutely can be sure of is that  you right at this second are thinking and that   means that you know you exist because nothing  can stop you from thinking unless you are dead   therefore you think and you are in the case of  this sword though it is just the words Ergo Su   which is just the I am bit or the therefore I am  bit of the phrase if you were to mold it into the   better known phrase of dayar and if you take just  the I am bit and combine it with the immediate   flavor text of the blade ero suum you get I am  silent silent silent I think that matters given   that well this is the Traveler's perspective  we're about to read anyway let's actually go   ahead and do that instead of wittering on because  this goes through a bunch of different points and   I actually want to stop after each paragraph  and do some analysis because I think that's   the most coherent way to do this so with that in  mind this is the law of the ergo sum it reads as follows silent silent silent you are a child waking from a  long and dreamless sleep is it still   today or have you slept into tomorrow  and tomorrow and tomorrow until the   days buried you as much as the sand  gentle hands brush away the grains   but your voice is so soft they cannot  hear you over the sound of their own heartbeats our first paragraph appears to speak  of the Awakening of the traveler the primary hint   as to why I think this is the case is because of  the sand that's referenced and how the speaker   is supposedly buried within the speaker of  this particular L tab is is undoubtedly The   Traveler itself as we'll see over and over  again we also know from cinematics that the   precursors first discovered the traveler in a  buried State on their desert world this again   might imply that the precursors were truly  the first to see the Traveler's Bounty ever   if that earlier assertion is true at least and  it does bring about that idea that the traveler   was created at some point out of the creation  myth of the gardener and the win and that the   first knife that the win would make in response  was the witness thus implying again that the   precursors were the first people who ever  encountered The Traveler hence why it was found   buried on their world and not simply floating out  in space like every other civilization saw it the   next paragraph reads you are a moon you feel  heavy so heavy but to the Stargazer you hang   weightless in the sky when the star call out  you do not answer they would give themselves   up for you abandon their own dreams to chase  you you love them too much to condemn them so in this paragraph we see a note about  civilizations Chasing The Traveler and   unfortunately that doesn't give us any clear  indications of who this civilization might be   both the elix and the hive have done so after  all and technically even the precursors did   given their creation of the witness which did  exactly that it pursued The Traveler Across   the Universe however I don't think this is the  precursors the idea of them abandoning their   own dreams seems to rule them out the term dream  here implies that the civilization had a purpose   of some kind and that the precursors therefore  can't be it because well they had all the Bounty   of the traveler but they didn't have that strong  societal purpose that United or defined them the   term stargazers might be in reference to the  protoy aka the Krill the old osmium king would   invite his eldest Heir into his aary in other  words a place where you observe the stars and   they would observe the 52 moons of fundament in  their place the being who would one day be known   as the taken King orx was amongst those two back  then they would have been known as the child or   Rush then again the stargazers supposedly called  out to the traveler just as one Alix quite notably   did in their history chelchis the of the house of  stone who did so as Reese was being destroyed he   called out saying where is the Great machine the  great machine being the elix equivalent of the   traveler and in that moment the great machine was  gone but the phrasing of this moment just doesn't   seem to fit either of those particular points  in history be it Hive or elix and it's purely   because in both instances these civilizations  thought that they were in a moment where they   were experiencing Apocalypse in the case of  the elix it was very real in the case of the   Proto hiive it wasn't this passage is therefore  mysterious to me because I just can't place who   this would be and what Society it would be even as  the stargazers call out there is no obvious answer   as to who this was this passage is something  maybe you'll know a little bit more about let   me know in the comments maybe you know better the  next passage reads you are a Lighthouse Keeper you   are watching over a sleepy Coastal Village as  the storm clouds roll in and you are flashing   the signal Lantern faster and faster and brighter  and brighter they do nothing you are trapped on   an island in a tower signaling desperately that  it is coming and still they do not run they are   going to die and if you do not run you will die  too something important to note about this passage   is that the i in it as in signaling desperately  that it is coming is capitalized which means that   it is not some minor word there it is actually  a thing it is representative of something it is   also commonly something that's been used to  refer to the great darkness that encroached   upon Soul which we now almost certainly know  was the witness and therefore it probably is   the case that the it in in this particular  sentence is referencing the witness Chasing   The Traveler it's perhaps then possible that this  is a reference to any number of civilizations that   have seen the Doom of the witness as it arrives  be they the elix or the ammonite or anyone else   the idea of the Lighthouse Keeper and the signal  Lantern are vivid images and they do remind me of   a civilization destroyed by or in the books  of Sorrow civilization that were blessed by   The Traveler known as the harmony they had a  construct known as the gift M created within   their system it was a great Spear of light that  skewered a black hole where their son should   be it prevented the civilization from being  consumed by the black hole and allowed them   to live in harmony but even in that case the it  in question namely the witness wasn't the primary   destroyer of the harmony worlds orx and his swarm  was regardless this expresses The Traveler knowing   that it must flee in the face of the witness  and that as it tries to warn civilizations in   the path of this oncoming Doom they can't hear  it and so they will inevitably perish I don't   know if this is to do with the harmony or not  that's just a guess but whatever the case this   civilization that is being referenced undoubtedly  did fall the next passage however seemingly puts   a stop to the idea that anyone will fall and it  brings us to what I think is a familiar place you are leaning out over the ocean sometimes  the fish brush against your fingers and believe   that they have felt the Divine sometimes  the tide recedes and the fish do not know   you except by your absence and today you  strive with all your might to reach the   water because it is here the Great Dark  Shadow of the shark paring the water like   a knife and you cannot warn them but you must  you must try you cannot bear to lose even one more I think based on the last sentence of this  we can tell that this is a note about the collapse   Earth and Humanity you cannot bear to lose even  one more is the key phrase here it seemingly also   confirms that the traveler did indeed sacrifice  itself to save us in the collapse I think there's   also an important Point made in this paragraph  and it's in reference to the fish these fish that   brush against your fingers and think they felt the  Divine might be a representation of humans more   specifically a special group of humans known best  to us as speakers although in the Golden Age they   would have been known as dreamers they would  involuntarily hear the voice of the traveler   and would understand some of its messages in  waking dreams beyond their control I think the   idea of fish brushing against the fingers of the  supposedly Divine being fits that analogy quite   well I think the witness is mentioned here again  with the presence of the capitalized it returning   it's also described as a shark parting the water  like a knife which in itself is imagery portraying   the idea of the first knife quite well the next  passage reads you are carrying a tower of books   if you recited one title each second you would  not finish before the heat death of the universe   and every year every day every minute its hands  add more to the pile a man reaches for one of   the books for you and you want so very badly to  reach back to take his hand and tell him that   you must bear it just like he must forever the  memory engraved in quartz but your hands are full this passage is a curious one but I think it does  refer to the burden of death that the traveler is   carrying once again the capitalized it appears in  the sentence its hands add more books to the pile   this is perhaps a note about all the beings that  the witness has killed or finalized and all the   beings that the traveler is mourning then again  if the light lives in all things and all places   then perhaps this is an analogy for the soul  WS of those who have died and have fallen in   the path of the witness being passed back into the  traveler the weight of their suffering and their   memories and their lives being passed onward the  man reaching out to take one of the books from you   in this reference could be any number of things  but the way in which the permanence of his burden   is described and how the gardener is powerless to  stop him makes me question a lot about what this   could be my initial thought was that this was the  guardian and the ghost or maybe any guardian and   any ghost reaching out to bring back one of  the worthy dead knowing that they would also   shoulder the burden of the light and immortality  until their true final death but the idea of the   traveler being helpless to stop them from taking  those books from the metaphorical pile is an odd   one in that case because well the traveler made  the ghosts so why then is it portrayed as being   powerless to stop someone from taking the books  why does it need the books why are the books of   why is it something that's going on continually  this one is a mystery to me as well maybe I   am missing something if you have your own  interpretation please let me know the next   passage however is incredibly explicit in its  meaning and I think it's very easy to explain   it reads you are a prisoner the cage is so small  that you can barely breathe he screams at you to   share your gift you do not give it to anyone who  thought of of it so it is a burden a terrible   weight that you've already asked too many to Bear  to be crushed by you could say all this and more   you do not I think there's only one moment in the  timeline that adequately fits this moment I think   the one screaming at the traveler to share  its gifts is Dominus Gall and that the cage   so small that the traveler could barely breathe  is in fact the cage used by the cabal to cut the   Guardians off from the light The Traveler famously  wouldn't share the light with Gul which led to his   cabal attempting to extract the light from it  manually this is probably the clearest point in   the timeline from this entire excerpt next we read  you are reaching over a Chasm into which countless   paths feed like arteries you are trying to reach  the people on the other side but you cannot bridge   the gap alone you watch them turn one after  another to walk down down down into the abyss   until it consumes them entirely you are surprised  as anyone else when one of those Wanderers comes   back up The Path still wreaking of Decay and  reaches back to you I don't exactly know what   going on with this one but the idea of a Wanderer  returning wreaking of Decay and reaching back   to the traveler almost seems to indicate the  idea that this is a moment showing Guardians   turning to Darkness the idea of one turning  back and reaching back might be indicative   of us equally this might be Crow who in the time  of Beyond light when Guardians were universally   embracing stasis was instead finding his purpose  in the light being Guided by hawk moon but then   again he never claimed the powers of Darkness  so it might not refer to him at all I think   the corruption Point here is very clear simply  because yet again until it consumes them entirely   is referenced yet again the capitalized i in  it implies that it's the witness being spoken   of here this passage is somewhat unclear but  I feel like I might be missing further meaning   somewhere here as well is it possible this is  a wider reference than just Guardians is this   looking at the idea of species generally being  consumed by the witness and its darkness is this   an indication of individuals falling to its side  and the disciples maybe this is a commentary on   the fate of savathun the witch queen in fact maybe  this is the best analogy for her after all she was   a Wanderer upon the world of fundament she came  back up the path of the light having freed herself   of her worm and she sat before the traveler  in her moments of death which would satisfy   the idea of wreaking of Decay and the idea of  many individuals walking down down down into   the abyss until it consumes them entirely might  be representative of the idea that the hive are   indeed embracing Darkness generally I don't know  but maybe savathun's story does also fit in here   regardless this is showing an extreme moment where  some who had embraced Darkness were able to reach   back to the light the last two paragraphs show  us what I think is a very clear moment the moment   at which a sword is crafted at last they read as  follows you are drowning the water Royals dragging   you down and you are tired so tired the deep  dark ocean has gotten into your lungs droplets   of ink dispersing in silver blood this time you  think this time it has won when you look up you   see a figure diving toward you fighting their  way down through the suffocating waves reaching   out just like you've reached to them so many  times before you have so little strength left   but you do have it that last gasp of air in your  chest you reach back and in your hand and is a sword this last paragraph is a display of the  events that have occurred since the portal was   made at the end of lightfall the darkness of  the witness's corruption has spread into the   traveler we know from Micah that this is changing  the traveler but that it's only the presence of   the witness that is truly wounding it regardless  this description shows that change in a negative   light perhaps and it shows us maybe that the  traveler seemingly believed that the witness   had succeeded this time that is until a guardian  stepped into the picture and I believe of course   that this is the moment at which it's referencing  us fighting through the suffocating waves seems to   reference us fighting through darkness and the  minions of the witness to reach and free The   Traveler it also indicates that this individual  the guardian reaching back us is one who has   been reached out to countless times before by The  Traveler which fits the bill for us given that we   have received multiple Visions from it we were  guided to The Shard of the traveler in the edz   at the onset of the red War we were guided back  to iio at the start of forsaken to receive our   new powers and we even saw the visions of crow  alongside him as we guided him on his path to   become a guardian The Traveler reaching back to us  and giving us a sword is the confirmation we need   to say definitively that this Blade the ergosum  is an acknowledgement that it hears us and that   this blade was given to us by The Traveler itself  there is also a philosophical line that we need   to draw on here in my previous video I came to a  conclusion about the reason why the traveler is   silent and that it's because whilst it has its own  will it wants us to be able to make our own Fates   and Futures to a great extent I still believe that  but a lot of what I've read here casts a new light   on my own Thoughts The Traveler in these passages  is actively reaching out trying to be heard and it   has never been heard because its voice is too  quiet it actively is seeking to reach out but   it also doesn't want to burden those of us that  have been uplifted with the light it says as much   in this passage according to those passages it  doesn't want us to be burdened and therefore have   to abandon our dreams I still hold my previous  opinions but I think that the Traveler's actions   are now better characterized in some instances it  is so compromised that it has been forced to act   and to Aid us and perhaps to compromise its own  original purpose and to guide us even as there's   that passage describing the fish brushing the  fingers of the traveler it's showing that the   actions of us hearing its voice are more of an  involuntary thing not intended by either party   I think the entire theory is mostly sound but  Nuance needs to be added and I do think that   it's worth pointing out that maybe the traveler  has directly intervened in a few moments most   importantly of all Crow he was given a purpose  directly By the Light shown To Us by hawk Moon   a gift that whilst shown to him through metaphor  did allow him to land on his singular purpose as   a Vanguard member and a guardian something which  he has now fulfilled more importantly perhaps this   was one of those moments that shows the traveler  was compromised if it had to compromise its own   principles just once it was with Crow because of  the fact that he had to pass through the portal   he was the only one who had a connection to  Mara meaning he was the only one that would   be able to allow us to travel through unharmed  and unhindered regardless the one thing we can't   seemingly dispute is that these passages describe  the story from the Traveler's perspective and that   is a rare thing indeed something we shouldn't  take for granted and something we should observe   from here on out so hold on to that sword for  now I know you'll most certainly do so if only   because of the fact that one day you will take  it with you to your grave when the next threat   raises its head above the Horizon it may be  the thing that sends you there for good who   knows but that's all from me for now let me know  your own thoughts about your interpretation of   ergo sum Down Below in the comments section in  particular I'm fascinated by those moments where   I wasn't clear on things perspective is important  here and more often than not when I can't connect   the dots someone out in the audience can so I'm  fascinated to hear what all of you have to say   also know that if you enjoyed the video you can  hit subscribe and the bell next to subscribe to   turn on those email notifications and again thank  you so much for the incredible support over the   last month or so we have seen an enormous amount  of new people jumping into the Channel's content   and jumping into Destiny generally and if you  are new to you I say welcome it's wonderful to   have you here but in the meantime know that your  viewership as always has been quite enough for   me and that in the meantime my name has been my  name is wife rasia arastra I'll see you starside
Channel: My name is Byf
Views: 180,926
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Keywords: my name is Byf, Destiny, Destiny Lore, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Lore, Ergo Sum, Ergo Sum Exotic, Ergo Sum Exotic Lore, Ergo Sum Exotic Weapon, Ergo Sum Exotic Weapon Sword, Traveler, Traveler Lore, Destiny Traveler, Destiny 2 Traveler, Destiny 2 Traveler Lore, Traveler Lore Destiny, Destiny Traveler Truth, Traveler & Veil Lore, Destiny Guardian Grave, Guardian Grave, Destiny Our Grave, Destiny 2 We die, Destiny 2 Player's grave, Destiny 2 our grave, Corridors of Time, Gardener
Id: cvI4waY0eQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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