Contest Salvation's Edge was so tough that I considered raid race retirement.

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hi everyone sort of elitist dat here to talk about salvation's Edge on both normal and contest mode after rude of nightmares last year I truly thought that the idea of the hardcore having a day or now two days to themselves was pretty much over while the environment and the space and the scale of Route were phenomenal the encounters not so much as we've power crept forward and things have gotten easier so too I thought the raids would be as well with this new era of raiding while cota's end was a rather big step up it was a reprised raid and thus isn't exactly held to the same standards Bungie heard that feedback from the community or maybe at the very least me cracked their Knuckles dropped this raid and then flipped us off and said okay how about this and promptly annihilated everyone we went from record high clears in route to numbers we haven't seen since last wish numbers that I never thought we would see again so what happened well besides Varity what happened I'll tell you it's the demand for Perfection this was the most punishing raid experience I think I've ever been a part of and that is because of the final shape debuff timer on basically every encounter you had to be perfect every time you had to get the maximum of everything every time you could not afford to be less than perfect you could not afford to lose res tokens you could not afford to miss 15 seconds on the clock you had to be perfect or damn near close to it and you had to do it quickly new sponsor alert this video is sponsored by delete me delete me no not what you want to do when you find out exotic class items only come from a two-player Mission delete me helps you keep your personal data just that personal by going to hundreds of data broker websites to get that information removed as much as possible it feels like every other week we hear about data breaches and passwords leaked and information hacked not to mention every company Under the Sun trying to sell your data delete me's goal is to remove your information from search results as much as they can the first time my wife Dan used the service she had hundreds of pieces of information removed from over 70 different creepy sounding websites and her first name is travel okayy try removing the word travel from the internet I have 45 of my own removals in progress as we speak you simply tell delete me what to delete and they're going to go around the internet removing whatever they can for you so if you want to Shield yourself from the living horror that is the internet you can save 20% off of a delete me us plan by going to join delete me /d and using Code dat at checkout that's join delet using Code datto thank you very much to delete me for deleting me from the rest of this video that was stupid don't include that okay dat we've had encounters with timers in the past most encounters fail you after a certain amount of time what's the difference now the difference is combat I would say from deepstone Crypt up until rud of nightmares maybe even cro to's end enemies were simply not a threat you would just walk all over the enemies I remember spawn killing enemies coming out of doors in King's fall they simply were not enough of a threat which meant that doing mechanics never really felt that bad because the two experiences were split combat never felt like it interrupted mechanics combat never felt relevant it was just something you did because it happened to be there and yet with salvation's Edge we went from a Tormentor in rud of nightmares being little to no threat at all to the stasis version of a Scion being one of the scariest enemies I've ever seen combat and mechanics have emulsified combat is something you had to take seriously or it would get in the way of doing mechanics or Worse cause your death I cannot remember the last time even in a contest mode raid that running out of res tokens was going to be one of the big problems that my team would encounter up until recently the moment you had mechanics unlock you were pretty much going to clear that encounter within the next couple of attempts encounter one teaches you about the plate mechanic which does eventually get abandoned by the time you reach the witness you send charges back and forth between the plates but you only have a small window to do it failure here results in a subjugator but not on the very first Miss only if you have a chain going on contest mode a subjugator wasn't impossible to deal with but it was still a pretty significant problem the whole run is going so much slower in the first place because enemies are just naturally harder to kill and dealing with an extra subjugator is just really not ideal however it wasn't like you were literally down to the second on this encounter I mean my team on our first clear we're finishing Cycles with over a minute still on the clock but that's because we had to keep up the intensity the whole time you had to go Full Throttle the whole time the failure points here were simply having to occasionally be on your own and having to deal with a room full of enemies spawning in this was probably the shortest or second shortest encounter for many teams though as opening encounters tend to be on normal mode it's obviously not as stressful but I still actually enjoy this encounter quite a lot because there's still a lot of movement there's still a lot of slaying there's not a lot of waiting around or downtime so it always feels like something is happening even if what's happening is you running in a circle on both versions it still comes down to knowing the plate mechanic though and because the timings are so unforgiving if you don't have a lock on what you're doing you're never going to succeed if you spawn too many subjugators and you waste too much time you're not going to succeed you still need to know what to do you still need to make calls outs even on normal mode the second encounter is the herald of finality and this ended up being a much greater problem not because it was a damage check at least for my team it wasn't but because you had to value your own life so much and one small thing could kill your run no joke we had a wipe probably one plate rotation away from a kill that happened because my grenade launcher wasn't reloaded that was the that was it that was the whole thing I didn't reload my grenade launcher those attendants spawned in I wasn't ready for them and I died those enemies are so so lethal even playing on the right side of the Arena definitely the easiest of the three I still had issues Staying Alive because if you got spawned on and you weren't immediately ready to kill those enemies it was just over and they spawned in randomly so you never knew which configuration they were going to come in and this was on the easiest side the other two sides have it way way worse and dealing with the enemies was so brutal and if someone didn't have a res token forget it you had to wait until the other people were done before you were going to get up and you had to match the intensity of the first encounter as well I've never had to play my life this much in a raid probably since last wish it's been that long that I've actually had to consider the enemy a threat so much of one that most of my energy was spent on immediately finding where enemies were and just nuking them ASAP it was brutal this encounter was like a I am completely washed I'm ass at this why am I even on this team moment for me really like I was ready to hang up the uniform because of this fight on day one I've never had a fight make me feel like that in 10 years even on normal mode this place has its holdups the ads can cook you on normal mode when was the last time that was a reality normal mode I'm worried about dying to stasis sciance it's crazy still an enjoyable encounter though definitely not a gimme that's another thing I'll get to or I mean I'll just say it right now instead no fight in this raid is a gimme except unironically maybe the witness unless you cannot grasp the concept of Left Right and jump which is a crazy statement and then maybe encounter three every fight has something that is quite reasonable to mess up or fail or have miscommunication at least this early in the raids life where you're still maybe running with different groups and there's different call outs and strategies and experience levels maybe when we get a little more time under our belt I'll think a little bit differently about it third encounter even in the contest mode it was it was kind of a gimme this took way less time than encounter one mainly because the concepts were the same you were just in different rooms as you did it I don't have a lot to contribute here it's just like take the rooms from encounter one and then bend them into a straight line and that's like 90% of it sure some of the crisscross stuff can create some confusion but there are multiple ways of handling the call outs for it and I think this will get straightened up in a couple more weeks really n straightened up during pride month all right moving on encounter for the vault 2.0 mainly known as Varity because that's what it's called I always had a feeling that Bungie was going to do something with bringing Guardians back to life or having to rescue them or doing something with ghosts and I'm very glad that they did it was cool to see The Return of a puzzle encounter again the last time we really saw something like this was Last Wish and I think that experienced helped with this one because we knew that whatever we were thinking of it had to be kept somewhat in reality like no Wikipedia don't go off the deep end and our Scout had heard of teams just doing that like just really going off the deep end with their ideas remember this has to be somewhat reasonable for the nonh hardcore crowd to complete people were stuck here for hours and hours and hours trying to figure out what to do to the point where I think there was actually some amount of collaboration going on between some of the Scouts of different teams like it was that much of a puzzle for people eventually we ended up getting through after I want to say over 5 hours here I think this encounter design is a bit more enjoyable than the vault which has two call outs you need to make and then you just kind of go on autopilot for 2 to 3 minutes here you got three people in their own rooms trying to coordinate but then I guess in the main room you just have one person doing the whole thing and then maybe making call outs to others to help otherwise the other two people are just slaying out for a puzzle fight I guess that's okay for other encounters not as much this fight is also going to be a massive hold up for a lot of teams as they start to learn the mechanics here the shadow realm players actually have very simple steps get your shapes and then pass them out to other people and then pick up the shapes that the other people just pass to you like it's really straightforward when phrased in that way like I just saved you 19 minutes of watching my guide but I can understand how it's easier for the normal realm player who is doing the mechanic to get things a little twisted if you're still building familiarity I mean hell I still get things a little twisted without a cheat sheet but there ain't no rule against a cheat sheet I also really like that part of the mechanic here is literally having to figure out what people look like never did I think uh okay who has snake ghost or who has the beanie on would be legitimate call outs in a ra and then we move to the witness when you boot up the witness encounter for the first time you are given zero Direction at all usually when you start a fight you have some vague idea of what needs to happen to continue with this fight almost nothing which I actually think is quite fitting for such a character and such an encounter it's just chaos on the screen and you have no idea where to begin other than the plate in the middle is probably where we're going to do something so you piece things together one by one oh this thing is immune oh this thing can be shot and slowly you piece things together having to shoot a shape based on the hand you shot is literal Insanity of a mechanic on top of then having to jump out of the way of an attack when's the last time we saw something like that the execution of multiple DPS Cycles in a row with people being alive was the big issue although it was also the pure exhaustion of everyone on my team we had someone playing with a migraine for like almost 2 hours after 28 hours or something in the raid and normally when people are like mentally tired I'm just kind of you know come on man regain let's get it come on come on but as soon as it enters the Physical Realm that's when I'm like oh we might actually need to stop here like I also get migraines and if you don't it's like feeling your eyeball wants to pop and it's very debilitating and painful and the only way I can get rid of one is to take some meds go to bed and hope that it's not there when I'm up and also just chug water so my team came back after an 8h hour break and almost one shotted it it's crazy how much easier it ended up being even on contest with people the slightest bit refreshed the still hunt drama was quite intense during these couple of days during the contest Mode still hunt being the new golden gun sniper I don't think anyone is really mad that teams used it or that it was used in general I think the frustration stemmed from Bungie not putting it on the ban list it became very apparent very quickly how good this was going to be I know a lot of teams wanted to see it banned but alas it was not and if it's not banned it's free game this is one encounter where I do have somewhat of an issue though on contest mode ad clear is very important and through the use of still hunt DPS that left your power weapon open to being a machine gun which was great to handle ads as soon as my team switched to a non still hunt DPS method I think we tried sleeper for a couple of attempts our ad clear capabilities plummeted since we were limited to just legendary non-machine gun weapons yeah rocket sidearm did okay but you can't use it forever without healthy ammo coming in anyway so yeah add clear contest mode very important actually important actually a lot tougher to do so it becomes a role in the encounter and I know that you can just have everyone running around as a glyph breaker trying to get their own buff but it gets a little chaotic and a lot of teams are going to prefer stability and control over going fast especially when you get a healthy amount of time on normal mode though this becomes basically the only fight in the raid where three people get to claim ad clear roles and honestly as someone who is normally a glyph breaker I can also do ad clear at like 85 to 90% efficiency now I am thinking of the fight in normal mode right now so perhaps this wasn't even feasible to include in contest but if I can just spitball here for a sec I think it would have been cool to have the plates as a part of this this encounter too with people rotating in and out of the pool in the middle to clear stacks of residents the the goal should be to get everybody involved everyone has a job that they can or should be doing again I get that balancing experience for contest versus normal mode is at least probably part of the design but still I think this is one of my only gripes about the experience on normal mode is like you have three people doing a job and then three people just kind of goofing around if people had ways of dealing enough damage the witness could have been soloed by now I think that's the only issue that people have is that you don't have enough damage speaking of damage kind of the witness was a slight damage check you only get so much time in Final Stand so you need to come in with some ammo if you want to succeed here which I think is good usually Final Stand is kind of a gimme with a lot of bosses but this is one where it can be quite unforgiving I do wonder what the results of the raid would have been if still hunt had not existed or was banned since the first several teams cleared with Hunter stacking the witness was the first time ever in a raid race that I entered the raid during contest on something that was not a Titan and very few teams cleared with titans in their group starting some questions on what the Titans role is in a raid on top of their Prismatic kit which will talk about in a future video I think my only other gripe would be that I wish we had another actual boss encounter we had three non-boss two boss either flip that or make it like a three and three situation I haven't even spoken about the physical design of this place the space that you're actually in and it's phenomenal yet again the space is probably much bigger than some Patrol spaces it wouldn't surprise me if it was like multiple Patrol spaces combined big it's fantastic fantastically done all the traversal sections really give a sense of how big this place is and how small you are I love that feeling in this game I've said it a million times and Bungie dialed that up big time it's great where does this raid and raid race go on a tier list in terms of the raid itself I'd probably put it at least in the yeah I'll run a couple tier it's probably pushing into The Red Knight tier once I get a little more experience with it I'm going to have a tier list of every raid encounter in the game sometime in the next month now that we're done with this era of the story I'm going to be doing a ton of tier list after I wrap up a lot of my final shape and episode one content so either get excited or I'm sorry in terms of day ones though it it's up there my top three or Last Wish Vault from D1 and cro Isen from D1 and a lot of those next two are cuz of nostalgia part of me wants to make this a 1 a 1B situation with Last Wish because they're both so similar and were so grueling they were everything that I thought a day one raid should be unforgiving brutally tough demanding Perfection I don't know if I would want that to be the experience every single time but considering I never thought we would get another Last Wish type experience ever again I'm happy to have it one more time the future of raiding is very unclear right now the status of the next reprised raid is completely unknown the status of the next new raid is even more unknown it might be a while before we get any new or reprised Raid content my team was one glyph away from a potential top 10 finish our break that we took our 8 hour break bre caused us to slip to 105th Place but knowing that we were that close to bouncing back to a top 10 finish was very encouraging I don't know the future of my team though I don't know if some people are going to retire from raiding from the game if people want to find a new team that's something we'll discuss ourselves but we knew that we wanted to stick together until this one and I'm very glad we did the boys toughed it out for 28 hours with the longest break that we took being a bathroom break I'm super proud of their willingness to stay around and stay committed and if it weren't for actual physical body issues I'm confident we would have gotten a clear much earlier I considered retiring from the contest rating scene after this one and I'm still kind of thinking about it but I think in my heart of hearts that I know I'll always want to be on The Cutting Edge I'll always want to be on a team that can compete for a top placement for a belt I never ended up getting a belt after 10 years of this and competition has never been fiercer but man I got nothing to be ashamed about I got two Silvers I got three bronze medals to my name a lot of my teammates have a lot of medals we got tons of top 10 finishes most people don't have a metal at all most people don't have a top 10 finish at all so over this entire career of mine contest rating I still feel very accomplished I want to thank all the people who came out to support the stream on this most recent raid race all the people who subbed for the emblem at my stream I was told that I'm in the top 10 most subbed channels on Twitch as a result of the raid race and obviously I'm going to go back to like 9 millionth place or whatever in about a month but to even be in that world is absolutely crazy and I cannot thank you enough for it I'll be uploading the full race at some point on my archive Channel but with all of the parts where you couldn't see gameplay chopped out because it's just like there's there's no point I think that's all I got on salvation's edge Bungie kicked everyone's ass I love it I love that they still know how to do that again not expecting this to be the situation every time but at least I know they can still do it they can still make something like this happen so that's nice thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Datto
Views: 341,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: datto, destiny gameplay, destiny 2, destiny 2 gameplay, datto does destiny, destiny, destiny new gameplay, guide, salvation's edge, raid race, raid, day 1, contest, mode, thoughts, reaction
Id: cDm-QjD1X4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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