Ranking The Most POWERFUL Guardians To Ever Exist In Destiny

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who is the strongest Guardian to ever exist both in terms of pure power and also the knowledge gained over the years there's over a million guardians but from The prominent characters we know about from the lore who comes out on top today we're going to dive through the incredible Feats of Destiny's Guardians and discuss who may earn the gold medal of power once all is said and done [Music] [Music] [Music] before before we jump in let's throw up some disclaimers I guess we are only going to be discussing the known Guardians and the lore at this moment I guess there could be some random Guardian camping out in a desert with more power than the Sun but hey until we know or someone goes out and finds them this is what we have also this is for fun and up for interpretation some of these characters have incredible Feats of Strength in their own battles but we wouldn't truly know who comes out on top unless they fought each other and put them to the test it's super hard to rank them specifically even with the lore but let's begin with the warlocks aor Ray still holds the record for most consecutive victories in The Crucible no one else has come close that was from Lord Shacks in The Crucible you can earn the we ran out of medals medal in a single life defeat 20 opposing Guardians this was created because ior Ray was the first to complete that aora fought shacks and defeated him nearly killing in him and destroying parts of their Battlefield the witch Queen collector's edition States how powerful iora is i- 006 ranks in the upper fraction of the 99th percentile of assessed warlocks and most available metrics of precision restraint and raw power she is in simplistic terms a fifth Sigma Guardian one in 3.5 million given that millions of Guardians have been activated over the centuries since the collapse and assuming that performance of Guardians on these metrics is normally distributed we would expect about 10 guardians of similar power to have existed probability favors ior's existence but also her Rarity she is neither an average Guardian nor evidence for some special intervention by The Traveler the fundamental challenge to defeating Iko 006 is that it's very difficult to create a contact she cannot Master her talents are honed towards acquiring and processing information it would be difficult for even a golden age human to understand the time span she has lived or to grasp the depth and range of the intuitive mechanisms both cognitive and paracausal which aora has cultivated and internalized she has achieved a limited Clairvoyance an arsenal of honed preconscious heris STS which deliver her with no more effort than water flowing downhill to her easiest path to Victory her goal acts as an attractor in the chaotic landscape of possible future she is capable of correctly resolving quandaries like a halting problem which a turning machine could not compute given the entire age of the universe in the great tradition of contact manipulators versus brute force aora is another victory for the power of context [Applause] manipulation hold your fire Guardian I've got this go on I'll draw fire here all that matters right now is the traveler whatever you hear whatever you see don't let it distract you from stopping the ritual next up Osiris is very powerful he taught aikora most of what she knows the master and the Jedi Osiris has some different capabilities he can clone himself into reflections of Light which he used at the Battle of six fronts and was seen in curse of Osiris when at full strength and in his prime Osiris could fight in multiple locations at once and beams of pure Radiance Osiris has tons of Knowledge from his years as the Warlock Vanguard scavenger of the infinite forest and takeover by savathun although he's lost his strength at one point Osiris was the strongest Guardian to ever exist our character even recognizes this she's not dead her name is sagira I've known her a very long time and her guardian Osiris the Osiris the most powerful Guardian ever the hero of six fronts the Zavala before Zavala Zavala wouldn't like to hear you call him that most Guardians won't even speak Osiris's name he was the only Vanguard Commander ever exiled from the city and the man who taught me what it means to be a warlock in the imalent part two he is seen chaining multiple supas together at the same time solar Wings combust from Osiris's back in each hand he wields a blade of dawn the Calamity of his Inferno sends hives scattering in every direction vashir and her two daughters yra and ARX turned to confront the Phoenix they are Ashen before their first incantations complete he Paints the scene apocalyptic 15 Noble brood are reduced to Cinders before a defense is mounted Osiris sails through the air as daggers of dark power whistle past him golden Echo split from his body to cut down fleeing Hive and soak reprisals kinox the last daughter of croa scurries through the cracks between the Rocks as her son Al urin and his cohort of luster Knights raise their Shields to defend her Osiris extinguishes a blade into his palm to form a singularity of void and hurls a Nova bomb that consumes them with his other blade he Dives he dives into the ground erupting a well of Radiance surrounded by a fallinks of gilded Echoes so yeah you wouldn't want to mess with those Cyrus as especially when he had all those full Powers he used those Reflections at the Battle of six fronts and Shaq says he's the only reason they won that battle he was one of the first Vanguard leaders and realized there was bigger threats on the horizon some didn't see it that way so they would Exile him but he would then explore the infinite forest and find new threats threats we would end in expansions like curse of Osiris oh sh go to your left 2:00 medium range you're [Music] welcome Lord cha is one of the strongest Titans Saladin is right up there too but shaks like iora was a force in The Crucible his journey all started in those early warlord days when Lord fter among others would try to take over his settlement what did Shacks do he gave him a backand that took his head clean off Shacks has only ever lost one duel in The Crucible and that was to ior Ray he carried Guardians to the Twilight Gap battle alongside those allies and although he sits in the sideline for now when time comes for battle Shacks won't be afraid to jump up and step into the action you want The Crucible I Am The Crucible there are many Titans with insane abilities seen in the lore like Saladin who was launched as a javelin Thunder crash by ephr at a fallen Walker when it comes down to it if we had to pick one the game literally States St 14 as the greatest Titan who's ever lived my name is Saint 14 they call me the greatest Titan who ever lived St 14 fought the Vex for over a century in the infinite Forest hordes of them wave after wave and he would come out on top until he didn't end we would go in and help him out a bit but that's dedication Saint killed enough Vex to end a war it was said after an extensive period of fighting the Vex built a mind to drain his light and he still killed it when Saint died the Vex even built a memorial for him out of respect for his fighting we saw this back in curse of Osiris what happened vex thousands of [Music] them sa 14's light it's gone rest in peace my friend Osiris I'm so sorry I I think we should leave him here it looks like the infinite Forest laid him to rest built him a Memorial did the Vex learn to respect him I don't think I ever told you this but St 14 was one of the first Guardians I ever met even before I found you I always hoped you'd turn out like him I wasn't disappointed you were a good friend Saint goodbye during the Battle of six fronts other Guardians died and were resed all the time but not saint he survived the entire thing and fought like a madman the entire Way St 14 was able to hold a Titan bubble up for an extended period of time as seen in the curse of Osiris Mission and during sper we got a look into his Crusade against the Fallen slaughtering many elix in defense of the city even headbutting a cow which dented his helmet so you have characters like aor who can hurl multiple nova bombs after each other but then you have pure power and strength of Saint 14 going up against his enemies he just got to punch him in the face and use his own head do what Titans love to do there's of course other Titans like way ning who moved an entire mountain with a punch it was said but they also died to croa in terms of power though that's still pretty cool moving on to the hunters Anna Bray has been around a while she's worked alongside Bray Corp in her early days and then became a guardian fighting at some of those early city battles she displayed incredible amounts of strength during those battles we all touched the light in ways we never thought we could or should Anna though when she fired the gun where her golden gun blast hid home she left behind pools of light like splashes of sunlight that burned and burned I believe that was from Lord shacks and those pools of light are said to still be around to this day solar might engulfs 18 Calvin Anna hammers off two rounds of celes steal Annihilation they melt straight through the EXO puncture the station plating and scream through space for light years maybe all Guardian golden guns work this way lorewise but Anna seems to have some raw power for sure golden gunshots that last forever and pools that still exist from battles probably hundreds of years [Music] ago [Music] Shin malur took down the shadows of yor as a bounty hunter and is known as the hunter Shin is known as The Man with the Golden Gun because well he created it and although we never see him he has some encounters that should be turned into a movie anab may be more powerful with her golden gun shots at time but shin knows his way around his light based creation all Hunters use the Golden Gun Model he created he is the master of its capabilities Shin hunted down those Shadows of yore killing countless evil Guardians with ease that's an advantage he has over some of the others I C played in Crucible defeated some opponents but Shin malur took him out for good Shin also has that value of experience being around for a while and honing his skills don't hunt him cuz you've been wronged hunam cuz what they did was wrong there's a world of a difference there kid one makes you selfish the other makes you a hero and I see a hero in you if I'm reading this right your friend Callum was killed by another Guardian nothing kills you quicker I'm pulling final audio from his ghost hang on I gave you a chance gave all of you a chance I told you not to follow him you and I are the same sometimes we do the wrong thing for the right reasons spoken like a true disciple if you have any last words now is the time you'll never kill us all I don't have to you're killing yourselves I think you have some explaining to do now we come to our Guardian we've accomplished so much in a short period of time N9 years in game compared to hundreds or maybe thousands of characters like Lord Shack saladan and so on although we have incredible amounts of power of both light and dark we don't have much knowledge compared to others who've been alive for hundreds of years like ior shin Osiris the young wolf the Slayer of vorex the Guardian they've completed some incredible tasks over the years from destroying the black C to hunting down the hive siblings ending the sea threat and helping the awoken of the reef every big moment that happened in the last 9 years the guardian has been a part of I refuse to bury any more friends you won't have to Aldren s is [Music] mine our Guardian may very well be one of the strongest to have ever lived in that top percentile like iora Ray [Music] [Music] remember how it all started at first we thought sepic a floating mechanical ball was an issue now we take on tormentors disciples and gods themselves other Guardians are important but like the agent mentions were special it seems like the game's title it was our destiny to be the one to save this universe hopefully during the red War every Guardian lost their light and we were the only one who was granted a vision by The Traveler to go to The Shard in the European Dead Zone and get our light back the traveler allowed this to happen thus we went out got the band back together and stopped GA returning the light to every other Guardian including our city leaders you may be like like okay they could have just went to The Shard themselves and got their light back but not really in lore iora actually went to The Shard but nothing happened it seems our Guardian was chosen specifically I believe later on Bungie stated that some Guardians did visit The Shard and potentially get their light back but I'm not sure if that was referencing our character from the red war or other Guardians in general regardless Only The Travelers chosen seem to be rewarded doesn't matter how strong you are die have haven't been as close to the Traveler's light since do you feel it hold on to your [Music] helmet do you feel it the light is back we're back eyes out Guardian there is no such thing as a low power Guardian there may be armor you can't actuate or weapons mechanisms you can't understand there may be techniques you have yet to master and missions you dare not attempt but the possibility of your light is unlimited I mean this very seriously a novice go player has the exact same power to play Stones as a nan Master the only difference between them lies in their knowledge and ability to choose this is my firmly held and personal truth the only difference in power between you and me lies in what we have learned and practiced by coray while we've taken down Hive Gods most of us haven't done it alone unless your God here out there soloing Nezar or oric most of us have done this in a fiveman fire team to get the job done when Petra talked about the last wish he says five guardians went in to complete this and of course the guardian was one among them them so sometimes it would seem that full fire team aspect of it is Cannon most of what we have accomplished has also been done with the help of other Guardians including leaders like iora Osiris Saint and even our allies like mythrax have given us Intel over the years to go in and complete those missions we were just the brute force in that power used to get the job done there's also the argument that of course Osiris can pop multiple supers back to back he's not constrained to game mechanics like we are and our character if Bungie wrote a lore entry about the young wolf maybe they could do the same maybe any Guardian could if they train enough like ior says being the greatest or most powerful Guardian is not all about your abilities it's about being a mentor as well something other Guardians look up to and appreciate the knowledge you've gained over the years there are many strong Titans but Saint never gave up after endless years of fighting Vex to make his way back and make something meaningful happen Osiris fought through multiple battles and even after losing his light can still be seen as a Beacon of Hope so let's get to the verdict this is based on opinion so leave yours in the comments below from the characters we've listed or others if you believe they belong here in terms of the greatest or strongest Guardian with power experience and strength in the equation when they would fight each other here's what we got logically you might say the guardian is number one we have an insane list of accomplish ments in a short amount of time compared to the others we lack some knowledge but if it continues on this path we would no doubt be the greatest Guardian with more years to train learn and annihilate Gods we would easily be on top we also have something The Others May not given the traveler has chosen us for tasks multiple times in this season's lore card when savathun gets revived iora threatens her she's like savathun tell us how to enter the portal or I'll kill you savathun isn't afraid in the slightest of viora but when our Guardian steps up and says I'll end you again she shuts up real quick Bungie seems to not rank characters on purpose which makes sense but the Guardians got to be on top next we have the Phoenix Osiris in his prime he would have been a force to reckon with with those projections and pure Radiance of light that would have been a sight to see aor Ray was a menace the ible and being a warlock is all about the books what she can learn to further improve herself and her allies ghost called Osiris the greatest Guardian to ever live the greatest Titan to ever live is up next in Saint 14 Saints leadership and raw strength cements him at number three it was a close one between he and iora but iora has more Guardian to Guardian experience if this was surviving a battle against any other enemy like the Vex or Fallen Saint would EAS easily win but for strongest as greatest Guardian amongst others let's put Saint here on the list Lord sha is up next because well he's Shacks aren't you the guardian who beat Shacks 32 in The Crucible last year yeah and finally we come to The Man with the Golden Gun in Shin malur Shin is what it means to be a hunter out in the wild in the shadows with nothing but a golden gun and a plant eliminating evil Guardians and aveng those from his early days you don't want to mess with a man with a golden gun but I'm sure characters like Osiris would put him to shame this list can go on and on but you kind of get the idea from the Guardians we've discussed this is my current list leave your own list in the comments below who do you think should be on top and is there anyone else you think should be included characters like Zavala are also pretty powerful but I feel the ones we've mentioned may have the upper hand anyway Guardians that's all we got for today's video if you'd like to see some more Destiny Lord and Mysteries just like it please be sure to subscribe to the channel I thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you are in the next [Music] video
Channel: Evaze
Views: 155,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, Destiny 2 story, destiny 2 strongest guardian, destiny most powerful guardian, destiny guardians ranked, lore accurate guardians, destiny 2 lore, destiny lore, destiny story explained, strongest guardians, guardians, most powerful.gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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