Desires: A Treasure is Waiting | Dr. Jesse Duplantis | UMFE 2020 | LWCC

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have you ever noticed really how faith works faith is the womb where expectation takes his first breath and encouragement is the oxygen of the soul breathe see but this is so amazing that faith demands to be used and i'm gonna explain that in just a minute a lady said the other day brother jesse i heard you say this and i got to thinking i've been knowing you for over 30 years you have never you don't ask god for needs at all do you i said no i never will it's a waste of spiritual energy why would i do that when he said he'd supply how many need how many need how many oh let me get black with it how many lord i woke you up this morning why why why why would i do that so i don't when i go to god about something i go with wants and desires because he supply all my need according to his riches and glory not according to the wealth of minneapolis or minnesota or the united states or whatever wherever you live according to his riches in glory talked a little bit about that last night one thing i love is desires and i want to deal with that this morning and the title of his message this morning is called desires a treasure in waiting god has great treasure for his people so if you've got your bibles i want to read this portion of scripture psalms 37 i want to start reading with verse 4. i'm reading out the old king james version i really like the old king james because it's so poetical the bible says in psalms 37 verse 4 delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give thee the desires of your heart didn't say his heart he said your heart commit thy ways unto the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass so trust is one of the greatest gifts god has ever given mankind and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noon day now the reason why i accept that today because we're the seed of abraham even though it's in the old testament i want to go back to verse 4 delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give thee the desires of your heart now let me tell you this most people think that's spiritual and it is but it's also physical and it's also financial see faith will make a demand on you to be used let me give you a prime example now you you might be walking downtown or in a mall somewhere or something you want and i'm gonna just use this as an example you walk by a jewelry store and you see a beautiful ring on a necklace or pearls i don't know whatever you like you know i'm saying and you it just grabs you you may not be able to afford it but all of a sudden you just show like the habit now the church world would say that's greed no that's faith demanding to be used write that down that'll help you that's faith said hey use me and i'll get that for you use me and i'll make it happen because you see it becomes a desire it's not greed what it is your face saying you hadn't used me in a while so come on do something sometimes you might be in a service and pastor max preaching good you just oh god you just almost want to come to the altar just kneel you know that's the face say well go up there and do it it's demanding to be used in every area of your life spiritually physically and financially you see and when you understand that that's amazing that the desires of your heart will come to pass in every which way shape or form now people get mad at me because i'm a man of substance i don't mean that pridefully i'm a man of blessing why i i desired it and my faith demanded me to get it now don't get mad at me if i have a plane today my fault i got to get back to new orleans this afternoon i got a whole ministry waiting on me boy get the get get the boss back you know oh you know it's amazing how i mean they just but when you hear about hurricane who is he here for some reason like as if i can go you know but they know in whom i have believed i'm not bragging on that it's just i make a demand and faith makes a demand on me so write this down if you're taking notes the treasures of god are waiting for the hand of faith to draw them forth i want to say that because there's been so many people hurting financially the treasures of god are waiting waiting waiting waiting on what for uh for the hand of faith to draw them forth so what do you want is the lord your shepherd is the lord your shepherd is the lord your shepherd then you shall not want why do you want if the lord's your shepherd oh you they don't have this side let's go over here is the lord your shepherd is the lord your shepherd then you shall not want let it sink for a second here because you're dealing with something more powerful than what you can see your faith is making a demand out of your spirit man and you should never want never because he does everything if you willing to commit to him what you want let me say it again the treasures of god are waiting for the hand of faith to draw them forth now the reason why some people will reject this message is because of ignorance and prejudice there is a mountain of ignorance and prejudice to remove before desires can come there is a mountain of ignorance and prejudice to be removed before desires can come because they all call it greed it's know something about the church they don't want you to be poor but the church they don't want the church to be poor wait a minute the church is you not this physical building you make this building this thing has no life in it till you get in it do you see my point now i'm a church i'm gonna say something about jesus he was the church god my god he would preach all day then he'd send a multitude away he'd go up in the mountain to pray and the next day is that synagogue how come you ain't here excuse me if jesus could war out all day go up in the mountain and pray take care of his disciples and he's at the synagogue that morning jesus was a churchgoer he was with the nazis brought up as his custom was went to the synagogue on the sabbath day he stood at the read that was delivered in him the book of the prophet isaiah open up the book and found a place where it's written spirit of the lord god is upon me before he gets anointed me to preach the gospel of the poor heal a broken heart to preach the liver to the cap and recover of sight to the blind to set it at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable ye of the lord they closed the book and gave it to a minister notice he gave a closed book to a minister he said don't preach your opinion preach this and he sat down all the eyes of them in the synagogue were fastened upon him he began to say this day is the scripture fulfilling your ears and they all bear him witness and wondered at the graces of him and said is not this joseph's son they blew it at the end i can quote that whole chapter i love luke 4. i'm not bragging about that secret if it's not in you it can't come out of you you see what i'm saying so faith demands me to know this bible demands me to know my past my present and my future when i pray i always thank god for what he's done what he's doing and what he's going to do you see so the treasures of god are waiting in the for the hand of faith to draw them forth but you get you got to get rid of the ignorance and the prejudice to remove before desires can come because people are always saying you can't have that i've had people say you can't have that i don't think i asked you i don't mean that in a rude sense excuse me excuse me i mean you know what i'm saying because people always want you to live like they live they may not be living to the fullest they should live so they want to drag you down so they don't look as bad but really they don't even need to worry about that because we're all different individuals you see see desires must be wanted do you want that diamond ring enough to faith it in i'm going to use that as an example desires must be wanted and you get them because you're willing to pay for the price of success or you're willing to pay for the price of success do you know if you believe in 100 fold you've got persecution coming not only from the center but also from the church but i ain't worried about persecution because percy ain't cute so they don't make no difference they can say what they want i don't mean that to be rude i just i will pay the price for success success spiritually success physically success financially because these desires are treasures in waiting that's right hallelujah then waiting but he's waiting for faith to come on believe me so i can get this thing that's why you walk past something might be a car i don't know whatever i'm using that the physical thing so you'll understand it and you might not be able to afford it but you know you can because he didn't ask you to pay for it he asked you to believe for it see most people trying to pay for something they ought to be believing for if they believe in something they're going to mow them pay for something cathy told me this before i live i'm saying this now because he's at church so she's not going to hear me she told me this other day she said let's go to oakland hearts one of the finest jewelry stores in the new orleans area i said actually in metairie suburban what and i said why she said well something may want to talk to me and she said he's a half an ear let him hear what i'm saying something might want to talk to me and guess what when we walked in everything was talking to her now i didn't fight it because if i would have it had been ignorance and prejudice he said what i'm saying because they have faith and it wasn't because she wanted something her faith was demanding use me and i'll get this for you it could be spiritual could be physical it could be finite but see the person who receives success gets it because he knows it's there already see i know in whom i have believed the reason why you get successful and i want to say that because some people really been struggling over this thing is because you're going to get it because you know it's there i just know it's there i know if kathy goes to the mall she gonna buy something that's gonna do it especially if my granddaughter's with her especially if my daughter would it's gonna happen it ain't no other choice and that's okay i don't have a problem with that whatsoever at all why because the person who receives success gets it because he knows it's there already so desires must be wanted you get them because you're willing to pay the price of success and i'm willing to pay that not so i can look better than you you know because none of us are better you know the bible says that we therefore have opportunity opportunities are maps of direction and if you're waiting for one to come you're going to miss the one that's nearest to you thank you for that holy ghost god listen to what i'm saying here i'm throwing the light at you because this is the shorter service so when you understand i just make up my mind spiritually physically financially he the lord said live like him be there for imitators of god your children watch this in my ministry without sounding arrogant i noticed that paul the apostle had a financial trouble john i said it last night john had a financial trouble peter had financing all of them did because they did wrong thing paul said i did you a disservice by not receiving an offer do you know pastor max does not receive tithe and offer he's doing you a disservice not to the church where you're thinking oh no they just want some money no no you you miss the whole whole process of what god is doing or what he wants to do for you he deals with seed and harvest so as long as the earth remains sea time harvest time he deals that way the only way you got here is because your mom and dad had seed time they did you may not think they did but they did and you are the product of that seedtime i think they did pretty good do you see my point you understand what i'm saying so that's just the way it works that's that's god's plan so the person who receives success gets it because he knows it's there already see i know it's gonna happen i know and if i know i don't have to try to convince myself by believing by confessing nah i'm believing i'm believing and believing to believe it that gets confusing sometimes i i don't know what to believe anymore you see what i'm saying but if you believe with this i only do things in two things like jesus i only said but he said i want to say what my father says i only do what my father says to do now god told me don't get mad at me about this because it's not about money even though it's a part of it he said be you therefore imitators of god is their children so watch this i didn't want deficits i didn't want him when i was a sinner much less a christian now i've been preaching 44 years i've been in full-time ministry 42 years i've never had a financial deficit that doesn't mean the devil didn't try to shut me down that didn't mean that the devil didn't make me run out of gas and somebody come drive alone give me 400 bucks give me 700 don't even know who they are to get me home i always had more than enough by the time i got home now that's what i was believing for that's why i make no demands on uh churches when i go and preach yeah i just don't make demands at all i just said whatever you all want me to do i mean a living word is such a blessing to god you know and that i believe if i said something they'll just go do it they'll try to get it i said no i'm doing fine i'm i'm great you know i i can sleep on the floor i can sleep in a suite i'm the same one man told me this about the cover well brother joseph are you ready for the new norm hey man there ain't no new norm jesus is the same yesterday today and forever there's no new norm ain't no new norm see you trying to get me to compromise you took your promises and put a c-o-m on them and made a compromise three letters changed your whole way of thinking to receive desires you must believe in the law of belief and to receive jesus never turned out an offering a kid gave him a two-piece fish dinner now can you imagine that when people would say the guy man the preacher eating the kids lunch the miracle of the loaves and fishes did not happen in jesus hands he received it prayed over it and gave him back the same amount of fish and loaves that the disciples gave him it happened when they began to break the bread and the fish why we are his uh people that do those things so when i saw that i have studied jesus's life greatly i said i'm going to live like him because ephesians says be therefore imitators of god as dear children so if you ever needed prosperity you need it today a guy said you're not you ain't too crazy with the political people now you mean to tell me you we got a 26 trillion dollar debt and you and i'm going to listen to you on how to make money get out of here you don't lost your ever-loving mind now i see y'all respond to this kind of stuff this side just find that kind of stuff look at other people who you mean i am going to listen to your advice and you can't even balance 26 trillion do you know how much 26 trillion dollars is no you don't and neither does any of the other people you know all that stimulus mess you got that's borrowed money that don't exist that's imaginary this exists that's not imaginary you see what i'm saying so you know when you get a dollar bill or if you got something one side of it it's got 26 trillion dollar worth of debt it says federal reserve note the other side has no debt it says in god we trust i'm sticking to the other side you see what i'm saying you will never receive if you're doubting your ability to do so write that down if you're taking notes you will never receive if you're doubting your ability to do so and sometimes we do that well i did the best i could lord didn't ask you to do that why'd you do that that was a waste of time he said do the best he could well i'm trying trying don't get nothing done you came here this morning because you wanted to there's some people wanted to but they tried and couldn't make it see the difference when all you got let me tell you something about sunday you sleep better on sunday than any other day am i correct your kids sleep better on sunday saturday up at 4 30 in the morning with cereal screaming and holly sunday you got to drag him out to bed to go to church why it's a day of rest you sleep better on sunday satan wants you to miss this thing i even go to church on my vacation i will not cut god out of my life i go i find me some place i don't care it don't have to be word of faith it can be methodists well they believe in jesus i'm a methodist i just become all things to all people i just i don't make no difference to me i like the catholic church because you get to kneel a lot slap the thing down there boy if you feel like praying just slap her down start i'm freaking you all out i can see that i get that whoa no no see because i create my environment i create my world whether i'm in a place like a catholic church i still create my world i mean i've been i've been like and i had a guy say you must be charismatic i said yes i am can you tell oh yeah i said you're not he said you can tell can't you i said yeah you will never receive if you're doubting your ability to do so you see not only do i know i can jesus said i could he said you can do all things through christ that's a big statement which strengtheneth you which means strength will be sucking sucked out of you as you do these things but he will strengthen you and the joy of the lord is your strength in every area of your life see when you delight in the lord your desires will be filled with sunshine not only do you get what you want but my god it just makes a bright day go with me to proverbs chapter i think it's proverbs chapter 10. i think it is let me check in my head real i believe it's 10 22 or 22 10 i can't remember now yeah proverbs chapter 10 verse 22. he says the blessing of the lord didn't maketh rich and he added no sorrow do you know how many rich people got sorrow do you know i was rich when i was 21 years old i was a rock entertaining boy i made i have made some big money in my life but i had sorrow in it i remember being so disappointed if i was raised very poor and i wasn't ashamed that mom and dad did the best they could but i thought if i just give me enough money i can just do it i'll be able to do anything i want i got there mac i got there at 21 and 22 years old nothing to make a million bucks that's when gas is 59 cents a gallon a lot of money in a rock world a lot of money in the arts i remember being so disappointed why am i not happy i had riches but i had sorrow with it robin william rich man commit suicide sorry but when you see that's why prosperity is preached so much against because when you get the prosperity of god when you get the blessing of the lord he to make you rich if you willing to accept it you're going to have to get some persecution against but with no sorrow in it do you see my point the blessing of the lord so when you understand that you will never receive if you're doubting your ability to do something so when i hear my mind say you can't do that shut up i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i had a man tell me that one time you know support these hurricanes come and just blow over everything away i said i'll rebuild it and i don't want to i don't like to pay for the same real estate twice i don't like to put extra energy in something i've already done i really want going to the next step the next level see those kinds of things so i made up my mind god's word is true now you may be shocked i listened to some of my teachers and i didn't want to i didn't want to be around them because they were so low in their thinking as a kid i could see that i mean my mother told me that i remember at five years old in an eight foot wide 32 foot trailer watching gone with the wind i don't know where mama got that that television and i saw scarlet o'hare when they went to 12 oaks and that door's open that beautiful white staircase you know and i turned to my mom i'm five years old a kid five-year-old don't think like i said mom i'm gonna build a house like the movie she said shut up boy you're a cage and you're sleeping on the floor she didn't know no better that's how she was raised right there i knew not that i was better than them no but i could do better just because you do better don't mean you are better see there's some as we therefore have opportunity let us good to all let's do good to all watch this especially to those of the household of faith i said this at the believer's convention i want you to listen to this i love the word of faith you know why we special we special man no we're not better we're not better but we are special especially to those who are of the household of faith special why because that's believing god's word one of the greatest baseball players i still think of probably the great was babe ruth george herman ruth had the worst life you ever seen in your life as a kid raised up in bars they said he was incorrigible and he had a very terrible life do you know he struck out more than anybody ever but he hit more home runs and other people had to have more games to do it but to get to his thing but you can't deny he wasn't special there was something about him oh mickey mantle he said if i if i don't know not to live this long i'd have taken better care of myself he was an alcoholic messed up oh but you can't deny he was special michael phelps that great olympic uh how many gold med my god he could probably uh you know put gold uh what are they calling medals in is in his foyer in the tile you know he got so many of them but he almost committed suicide you can't deny he wasn't special mark spitz do you remember that in the 70s can't deny there was special wasn't better well let me tell you something you're special you come in the living word that makes you special because you believe in the word of faith you're making your faith is demanding that you believe the unbelievable you receive the impossible because it's doable see desires of the heart will give you great opportunities for faith to work that's why he said the light that's happened therefore what god is saying is it's going to give it's going to give you faith opportunity to do something don't let your faith lie dormant now faith is but the church don't hebrews 11 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not saint now faith is now faith church don't preach that they preach is faith now no now faith is you see so desires of the heart will give you great opportunities for faith to work go with me to psalms 35 verse y'all know the scripture verse 27 psalms 35 27 i love this people say but jesse seems like everything you touch prospers you know why you want to know why not because i'm better than you i look for the favor favor will work for you even when you're a sinner favor is an amazing thing that god created now it can be abused you know some people use it in other words i drank a fifth of whiskey a day and i i loved women lord man and caught a bunch of them oh that's all i'm going to say about that but i knew it was going to work because i saw the favor do you see my point watch this my people say and they shouldn't have that psalms 35 27 says let them shout for joy and be glad watch it that favor my righteous cause favor is a righteous thing it's a right which means it's in right standing with god that's why i'm saying desires of the heart will give you great opportunities for faith to work because your faith will go to where the favor is then if you keep reading that he says yay i love this yeah let them say continually let the lord be magnified magnified which means hey let's talk about him which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant so god gets pleasure when you find favor because it's a righteous thing people get mad at me because i don't talk about color much there is no color there's not zero none let me help everybody here they call some people colored they think i'm white look at me this is white is that my color no i refuse i look at people for who they are i refuse i refuse [Applause] i'll give you a prime example when i was about i guess 16 years i was working at a company called paige building supply why is this and this man you know we would me and they scott we would deliver lumber you know to sites where they were building housing man that was hard work and and let me tell you something about new orleans it's africa hot it's 95 degrees 100 percent of millions i mean you sweat like a missouri mule i don't know why missouri meals sweat more but they just do for some reason i don't know i don't know so watch this now there was a black guy i'm using that guy i don't never say that i don't want i don't i don't say that because i don't see a black guy i don't see a white guy i don't see a brown guy i don't see a red guy don't say a yellow guy i see a guy or a woman it don't make a difference to me you do what you want with that i ain't got time that's foolishness because this is 1 16th of an inch of pigmentation to skin if i cut you we both bleed red let me tell you something if you think you white you think if you had to have a blood transfusion and you got a pint of a black man's blood you could sing better i don't think so because it's just blood your name was r g or b excuse me we were sweating loading them and then we would take it out to the uh to the site well in those days they didn't have a gatorade they don't care if you died out there you just did your job that's like what so mr pate had a a ice not a ice chest a like a the ice thing where you put water and ice in it uh press the button but we didn't have a button so he had a dipper you don't know what a dipper is okay why is it so he would hang on so man we were man man our bee was just thirsty so he walks over there and he puts that dip into all that water and he drinks some i said aubrey give me some of that i'll sweat so watch it he handed it to me now he just drank out of it i didn't care because i believe that when when i was a center i didn't care if he black didn't make any i care because i was tested so i took that dipper man i finished drinking that and took me some more well there was a couple of white guys saw they said can you believe that that white kid over there drank right after this is now this is in the 60s you know a lot different than a drink i thought black guy well it must have got back to mr fate who owned the place so he come walking out there he said boy it's hot today i'm boys i said yes sir mr fate rbc yes sir he said where where where that water thing at that's over they said where's that dip at yeah i i said i said it's hanging on there like that mr takes the same dipper i had just drank out of it rb just drank out of it he puts that negative and he said who y'all want some more and then they look at those other white guys well next week they wasn't there i didn't know that but mr pace said he didn't care you did your job see i don't believe in skin color what i believe is is equality now that i believe in everybody has a right to whatever skin color don't mean nothing that's all it is i mean my lord they got some black white people figure that one out that somebody got cream in the coffee so i when i played music oh god man i used to like to play with black bands because it was all sold by motown you know i'm saying oh lord whoo man if we could just play with that city and rock and and music there ain't no black i mean you had a chance to play with jimi hendrix you're going to play with jimi hendrix man purple hey now well anyway man oh lord yeah i mean you could see music is a universal language and love is the key you just get together you just play man and guys complain still miss that why and i thought i don't know why everybody's mad i had a friend of mine he married a black girl and he was a jew he said now that's confusion his mom and dad like had a fit my god you're mad right you jewish yeah mama because he was a musician he didn't care had nothing to do with that just do you understand what i'm saying so once you erase all that you don't have that problem no more somebody comes for a job you're not looking at the skin color you know look at any of that you look can you do this job let's see what you can do and that's the end of that most of the high positions of my ministry are held by women i don't pay women less because they're a woman that's ridiculous i just want the job done and they can do the job good because there's neither jew nor greek nor bond nor free why is this no male or female now that's equality that's total equality so desires of the heart will give you great opportunities for faith to work see the truth of your desires is already in the mind and heart of god see what you're warning is already in the mind and heart of god that's why god said commit delight thyself also in the lord he shall give thee the desires of your heart not his commit your way to me trust me and i'll bring it to pass you don't have to try to work it it will come to you because it's already in god's heart god wanted to save me what was stopping god from receiving was my free will do you know god had to wait you know god has to wait he said when the fullness of time had come he couldn't get ahead of the time because of free will waiting for you to make that decision now he can make you make the decision but he won't do that satan won't do that he'll stick your head in the ground kill you you know people misquote the scripture satan comes to kill steal and destroy that's totally wrong you you reverse something you miss no it says this satan comes to steal then the kill and destroy why because he can't kill you until he steals from you he's got to steal that power he's got to steal that from before he can get to you do you see what i'm saying and my god great as he was in you than he was in the world and i loved jesus he said you killed me i'll be back in three days like i told the people last night they freaked them out jesus got a little gangster in him he really did yeah a little gang said you think about that man man you get your face we're gonna kill you what what what you talking to me tell you something ain't nobody take my life you understand i'm gonna make an offer you can't refuse it so give it your best shot because it ain't happening i laid down my life now that's not not gangsta i don't know what it is not in a bad way they didn't play games with that stuff so the truth of your desires oh let me just i'm going to stay with physical things that's what people queue into how many want a new car look at that god's already got that new car in his heart and your faith is demanding you to believe for it now you know you can pay it two ways you can pay it cash or you can pay it by the month oh no no no no see that i lost some of you right there because you got to understand oh no man anything but to love you i'm not saying it's a center for money i'm just saying oh no man anything but to love him you got to get this in here and then your faith has demands i will pay cash how long does it take uh what are you worried about that for you're an eternal being see you're already putting it in the future your faith will create a future but it was made for the now i'll tell you a story i did one time the lord said i went to buy a car and the lord said i'm going with you you know what i said you don't think i was ignorant lord i know how to block her he said really he said no i'm gonna go with you i i went with and i wanted that i was looking for a toyota that i really was looking i really like that's when they first said you made it many years ago so i go on the lot man and i'm looking like that and i see this burgundy beautiful toyota africa i don't know if it was a corona it was the higher toyota whatever they call it and the lord said you don't want that one that ain't right he said keep walking and i walked and i saw this silver the lord said that's your call and this is what you'll pay for it here comes the salesman what kind of money how you doing are you looking for a car i said well i'm not just walking around here and people say some stupid things you know i said yes i said i know exactly what i want oh well good i said i want that silver one there i said the lord sent me here he said who sent you here i said the lord sent me here he said the lord sent you here yes i said and the lord said this we're gonna pay for it he'd go oh man the lord make a good deal don't it i said he's jewish now i said now can you say yes he said no i got to talk to my boss go get him well the owner come out he said can i help you i said yeah the lord sent me here he said who said yeah i said the lord sent me here and he told me to buy that silver one right there so you can get it right now get the key and tell them to wash the thing up and i'll be back in i don't know 10 15 minutes like you know they're gonna clean he says uh i said the lord said he gonna pay this he goes oh oh whoa that's strong i said now sir are you gonna sell the car for what the lord said or you're gonna go to hell which one you're gonna do [Applause] he looks at me like he goes well i don't want to go to hell i said especially over a toyota he said yeah yeah i confused him you know he said well give it to him guess what the lord said what are you going to do and i bought the call for what the lord said that might be fun that's a true state that's a true story and a statement the lord said i thought you knew how to buy a car see people who don't believe you can receive your desires they're like seasonal plants they don't last long those who do believe are the righteous which have deep roots in christ if you say to that mountain be thou removed be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt in your heart believe those things but you say not what god said what you say not what god said you shall have whatsoever save watch this whatsoever you desire not what he desires what you desire when you pray believe that you receive not when you get it not when you say it but when you pray and god says you shall have it why because you see you saying righteous things and favor is being brought to you by the barrel form and your faith is exercised to make a demand so you can receive those things spiritual physical or financial in every area of your life or you hear what i'm saying see desires they're wonderful but they come out of commitment commit thy ways delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give you the desires of you see when you die you when you are trust him that's commitment me and kathy let me show you this i waited for 2020 for a long time because june the 6th 2020 i was married to kathy 50 years can't believe it 50 years good god that's a half a century and i thought well it only seems like about 15 years and boy i had set up thing i'll just i said i said okay where you want to go you're going to go anywhere in the world she said well what are you like i said i like to go to paris she said i like ferris i said get me a fine room at the ritz hotel i don't care what it caught get it we're going to the ritz putting on the ritz come on i said 50 years my long happened once in your life now what i had in my mind i didn't tell her that i wanted to go to normandy i wanted to go you know every time i travel i find graveyards but men have g and women that made supreme sacrifice and i honor them if you go to honolulu they call a punch bowl it'll blow you away by all the people that most of the people that died in the pacific theater were buried there i just do that i think i think i should because i wouldn't be here without that great generation see what i'm saying i'm not actually on the floor but i just do that but i want to go to normal i want to go to omaha beach i want to go you know see that well guess what happened covet shut it down can't get out of the united states can't cross i said well you know we waited 50 years we waited a little longer really it's not really the day it's as we do it then july the 9th of this year i've made 71. i was going to do something shut it down kathy's birthday is august the 30th and we got two hurricanes coming at us shut it down but that don't stop us from doing it you see it doesn't make any difference we're going to do this thing you know and it was such a blessing so i said well and on the day that we made 50 years kathy started arguing with me i said don't argue with me kathy because we may not make 51. you understand she laughed she said shut up i said okay you know it's just that's just the way it works you know and the more we're together the more she knows everything about me i don't know everything about her i don't because a woman let me tell you there's secrets in their heart they're never going to let out they're just not going to man he's stupid you need to tell everybody you know but not that woman she's going to keep some things y'all heard me say it before when that menopause kicked in that freaked me out i'd heard about that but i had never experienced that you know what menopause mean men pause i mean just out the blue just out of the blue i say hey kathy shut up whoa whoa okay yeah i said you got sweat shut up she got a hot flash blew me away i i never experienced i had one of the great that i got to tell you i said i may have said it i got to see it again i got in at two o'clock in the morning man i'm telling you i open up the door and there's kathy with no clothes on she said i'm hot i went hallelujah i said hey mama put my lean up what's up baby how you doing hey we'll talk to you baby come here she said she said no no no i mean jesus is sweating like a mute you know i actually thought you kind of faking it that's how stupid a man is but one day i had my hand on her back just like that and man it changed at least 10 degrees maybe more i went good i said you having a hot flash she said i'm burning up i said i understand okay i got it i got it so when she don't she's past that now thank god but when she'd go through it i said i'ma go outside look for a weed to pull up out the yard until she gets over this how many men have experienced that don't lift your hand up for god's sake man look at this guy you're nuts [Applause] you don't do that so i want to i want to end like this what desire is causing your faith to make a demand to get it it can be spiritual it can be physical it can be financial it can be all three god doesn't care he's waiting for you to say something and if it's a car that's not greed that's faith said get the car or if it's a ring if that's what you like you see this watch i told us to mac this was give to me the other day it's called a rolex gm2 something uh it's rose gold with a they call it the root beer desert it's a pretty expensive watch it was given to me by a friend because he walked by and saw it and his faith demanded that he buy it and give it to me now why didn't his faith demand that pay him to get it for himself because faith does what it wants to do so he walked up and he said you like that why i said oh yeah it's beautiful man i wouldn't was i wanting a white no was i needing to watch no but when i saw i said that's not he said i just couldn't help myself i had to buy it for you i said your faith demanded it and now i said i should have desired something like this but i didn't really have time sometimes we because of time factors we miss things that god wants us to have now some people get mad about that let me just tell you this you can buy a watch that costs this cost twenty one thousand dollars that's what he told me that's pretty good huh but you can buy a watch for five dollars that say the same thing because it's just the time right but you can't sell it for five dollars you can say listen but what you paid for or better if you just let it sit there for a while you see what i'm saying so when you understand what god is saying if you if you don't mind the persecution of the 36 to the 100 folk god will give it to you i asked the lord this and i close with it why am i so strong on that he said your faith demands it see i see that the world needs touching it needs to go out there people ask my time are you going to retire i said do i look tired now listen i'm getting older things are loose look they lose i mean they just slap around and all that kind of stuff i never had any work none whatsoever you know man i don't care i don't think i have a will because it hurts this thing is getting lower so i just shove it in my collar [Applause] let me get it all in there of course you got to walk like this for the rest of your life you know i don't really care doesn't make any difference i earned these cracks and that's just the way i think of it nothing wrong with i told the lady she said is it okay for me to get a facelift i said ma'am it's okay but let me give you a word of wisdom do your neck too because they do this beautiful face and there's this neck no through the neck grab it behind your neck pull it up and say this is how i want to look i said do the neck got to do the neck look at you i can't believe you said that oh i've done some things you just would never think desires a treasure in waiting i love the first point the treasures of god are waiting for the hand of faith to draw them forth did you enjoy it this morning give jesus a handcraft for that oh what a blessing hallelujah i have the honor once again to receive the offering for the living word yeah give the lord a handclap for that that's a blessing of the lord you know the key to all success is in the seed that you sow wherever there's great love there's great giving saint john 3 16 for god so loved he just didn't love he so loved the world that he gave you know i got to say this i have one granddaughter i i just worship the ground she's 12 and a half she looks 16 hormones are kicked in we don't like it at all i totally listen there's only one good boy me leave them boys alone and uh i have one daughter i don't think i i'm gonna be honest i'm not there i could not let someone crucify my daughter i'm not gonna lie oh my god i can't i'm not there but god the father in his love for jesse and his love for you did that now what made it even worse his own son on the cross is said father why has thou forsaken me good how do you handle that it's well i don't know i can't comment on it because it's just so i mean i'd i'd have taken him off that cross and kill everybody around there and boy when he died i mean the rocks are cracking but he got mad son whoo he hot but to do that and he did it all out of love what you're giving today is an act of love the three wise men that called worship you know he said i had a man say that the other day he said we went to a great worship service i said how much you give he go huh i said the three wise men said we came to worship him how did they worship him gold frankincense and myrrh see it's an act of god see because where your heart is is where your treasure is or where your treasure is where you heart it you see and we live in an economic world and please don't never be afraid of money it's an economic tool that you use in an economic world you don't fall in love with it because it doesn't love you it's just a tool that's all it is it's just the tool to help you in this life and if jesus didn't have a deficit you don't have to have one you may have to develop yourself and begin to listen to your faith as it works and you know greed when you see it i mean you don't have to be saved to see greed you already know that so i'm going to ask all of you that are watching today since you're part of this service and you're eating in my pee patch since i'm behind uh this poop but we're going to ask you to give the living word and if you live in the minnesota area or the minneapolis area or whatever it is we'd love you to be a part of this church now he didn't tell me to say that i'm just saying the holy ghost quickened me why because it's special it's a word of faith it's special not better special boy i'm gonna tell you god notice special things so we're gonna ask you to give and for those that are here in person to give there's an envelope on the seat in front of you for your personal convenience if you're joining us online you can see all the various ways to give i like to say them you know you can get texts to give you can paypal you can send a check in or you can go to a living words uh website hit a donate button i'm pretty sure they got something there and and watch this would you please please please believe for the hundred fold some 30 some 60 some 100. well since you got a choice that's not greed he said i gave you a choice death and life choose life that you and your children may live then say survive do you know without sounding prideful erica that all the money i'm making now gary it it's not to better me whatsoever at all that's been about 15 years ago everything i do is not for my granddaughter my daughter my granddaughter i said that's god is my witness you know i'm i'm really i'm very uh i do you have a rolls royce no but if i want it when i get one that's not the issue nothing wrong with it i don't have a problem with that but my point is i am leaving an inheritance for my children's children why because he said i could so giving today actually it's the most important thing that living word does in every service because it reminds god of his love for us and the first thing he did he gave his most prized possession which is his only begotten son think about that for a minute so we're going to ask you to do your best in every area let me say it again you can text to give or you can write a check or if you hear there's an offering envelope or you can go to the website all the different things thank you for your generosity that's a blessing but what i want to see from you is your harvest do you know i quit sowing seed now i sow harvesters i remember i paid off someone's house i said that here one time and the lord i went back home the lord said you know what you did i said yeah i sold a seat paid that ladies and men's house he said no you sowed a harvest you had sowed a seed a year before was believing god for that amount of money i said that's right that's the harder he said do you know what you get when you sow a harvest see that's development i said what he said an orchard i said an archer and it wasn't a week later i was in california right around the bakersfield california area whatever and uh make a long story short i passed by this i saw these trees they seemed like thousands of them they went for like three miles i said what is that young man bring me to the airport he said that that's a um that's almond trees you know they grow so much stuff there and i'm like he said that that's an orchard i said stop this call and i got out there and i saw a man a little squirrel and they eat many almonds all over the ground and i was hanging on i mean i thought he said that's what you got coming now you know what i'm i didn't say no no no you see what i'm saying i even asked the lord one time and then we're gonna receive i said this he said i want you to give this i said he go what could i do a little more i felt that in my chest he said you would do that for me i said i'll do anything for you at least i think it would he said yesterday that's very nice of you he said if you'd like i said thank you he said but you will never out give me i said you want to go to war with us laughed just like you did i said god you taught me this this is your heart so it's more than an offering are you ready to give so uh get your offering ready hold it up i want to pray ushers if you'll come forth with those buckets you know when i see you coming with those buckets i think about my great friend he's in heaven today and that's schambach rw and he told me he said i don't know why churches use buckets he said you should use garbage cans and i preached it in that he had garbage cans and filled them up that guy could preach but he was such a blessing hold your offering up to the lord you that are watching let me get over here i got that camera you that are watching here uh i want you to hold your offering up too or if you text him to give whatever i want you to believe with me the anointing of increase is on me it is and it'll come on you i promise you i lied it will come on you why because i'm gonna release it and i want your faith that the man to get it father in jesus name i pray over this offering today for the harvest of the of the no i'm not i could say 30 60 but since we're going for 100 we're going to go for that because this church is special and the people that are giving us special i ask you to bless them beyond their wildest dreams oh god do it and do it quickly especially in this covert time when everybody says we don't know what to do lord because we're your children i thank you for it i believe you for it and in jesus name we pray amen for it let's just go ahead and receive this morning's offering we have one more service uh i'm gonna do a totally different sermon in the next service too i got most people and they're not wrong i believe in preaching the same term i just i don't get a chance to come but once a year so i said i'm gonna load you up with some stuff here if i can you know what i'm saying did you enjoy this today it's it's like one man told me the other day he said my god man you're funny but you said deep things i don't know wait a minute what did he just say i said well thank you i'm not trying to say deep there i just want things to work for you [Music] my granddaughter told her farmer something that day mama said boy look at that whoo that's a lot of money and mayor says call grandfather he can handle it that girl something man she said grandfather you said everything you have belongs to me and the mama is that right i said yes meredith everything she said how much money you got and where is it i want to see it i said you're not old enough yet but one day grandfather gonna sit you down show you everything i said well i'm gonna give you a great word of wisdom right now what's that i said just listen you can work for money which is great or you can work money which is better think about that i'll explain that as you get older because when you're working money it's working for you when you're sleeping when you're working for money you up around and then when you finish you go home nothing wrong with that that's a great profession not the issue you can actually have both she said that's good huh i said it's very good
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 19,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesse duplantis, jdm, cathy duplantis, christianity, umfe 2020, umfe 2019, umfe, jesse duplantis sermons, jesse duplantis 2022, jesse duplantis ministries, jesse duplantis desires, a treasure is waiting, desires a treasure is waiting, christian sermons, dr. jesse duplantis, lwcc, living word, lw, lwcc umfe, living word umfe, upper midwest faith explosion, living word christian center
Id: bcNGki2BfdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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