Learn To Live The Life God Has Called You To With Nick Vujicic at Saddleback Church

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praise God good morning morning hallelujah Jesus is the king amen King of Kings hallelujah you may be seated thank you so much for your warm welcome it is my privilege and honor to be a friend and brother in Jesus with Rick go on Oprah with him it was absolutely awesome Jesus was mentioned by Rick many times but they cut it out the Jay bomb but the way that God had me do what I did up the stairs they couldn't cut it out and so we I just want you to know it's just being a pleasure to stand on the front line of gods I mean with Rick on that one instance and boldly confessed Jesus is Lord and it was just so much fun I'm so glad to be back here inside back thank you for your welcome I would just like to actually open up this morning with a quick video if you may look to the screens thanks so much [Music] I was born in Melbourne Australia 1982 and my parents had no idea that I was going to be born without arms or legs I was the only one that I ever saw without limbs my faith in Jesus Christ was sealed after seven years of wondering why god I was born this way he answered me very clearly through John chapter 9 and I gave my life to Jesus at 15 after reading about how he came across a man who was born blind and I'm like hey halt in a second this looks interesting don't wonder why he was born that well like perfect so I ran on and in verse three of the ninth chapter Jesus said it was done so that the works of God would be revealed through him and I'm like wow God if you had a plan for the blind man you do have a plan for me and that was the beginning of my personal relationship with Jesus youth groups were starting to call me churches were starting to call me opportunities were opening up everywhere for me to share my testimony I was speaking in front of 300 sophomore public high school students three minutes into it half the girls were crying one girl in the middle of the room started weeping she put up a hand and she said I'm so sorry to interrupt but can I come up there and give you a hug in front of everyone she came in she hugged me she acquired on my shoulder and we spit in my ear no one's ever told me that they love me no one's ever told me that I'm beautiful the way that I am I couldn't believe it it changed my life that was when I knew I was called to be a worldwide evangelist [Music] [Applause] [Music] you give blood you [Music] by the grace of God we have seen face-to-face a half a million souls say yes to Jesus and be plugged into a local church as crazy as it sounds our goal at life without limbs ministry is to preach to every single soul on the planet seven billion people we believe that this goal is possible as the Holy Spirit is gathering an army and building up supporters to send us and accomplish this mission praise God my life sometimes feels like a sprint man the title of of this weekend's messages staying strong and then run everyone say run you know I love the beginning of the race he hear a bang and they're like yeah and they're riding I can't show you how well I run like I just my 15 month old runs faster than me already he's so beautiful Kiyoshi and my wife Connie they send their love in regards and we have just been so blessed to see God open up doors for the Ministry of life without limbs in so many different ways we just started our own smartphone app as well you'll hear from me a daily 2 minute radio program that's in 600 radio stations so check that out and god just opened up doors last year for me to preach in 26 countries meet seven presidents speak at five congresses and the longest meeting I have with the president was about an hour behind closed doors with their family that happened twice and the shortest meeting that I had with the president it was two minutes long but God had a plan for those two minutes the president was later asked to make a decision nine days later publicly what he's gonna do if he's gonna open up different scenarios for women to abort their children if they have a disability and he said actually that Ecuador could do with a couple more people like Nick voyage around so no more legalization will happen is that awesome so we are we are so blessed and so thankful and 12 of the 26 countries put us on live TV on a mainstream channel for free with no ads so 400 million people heard the clear gospel of Jesus Jesus as Lord is that awesome 400 million people we're so excited and I know some of you are supporting us and praying for us just thank you so much for your prayers and your support we really need you we thank you for it and today I just hope that this message is gonna encourage you I'm sure a couple of you have heard me preach before but can I ask who has never heard me preach before face-to-face put your hand down okay quite a number of you I'm from Australia down under the way you speak a strain is you just paralyzed your tongue and I'm losing my accent but one thing that I just gained in my life is just the need for more of Jesus in my life you never come to a place in your walk with Jesus where you feel like you have enough that's a dangerous feeling to have and sometimes we forget that even as believers we sort of forget that we're running the good race the real race and we're gonna talk about standing strong and then running and the reason why I've called it stands strong first is because we're celebrating our release of my latest book especially for teenagers about standing strong against bullying bullying is a worldwide epidemic and we need to come back to the true values of us as human beings knowing that we are children of God to stand strong against the lies and to walk and run with Jesus amen so we're so excited we have resources out that at the back but that's all my commercials there first Corinthians chapter 9 is where we're going to read from verse 24 to 27 so excited about Saddleback la wow that's so cool I think this is their third weekend or fourth weekend and I know that Jeremy's down there and it's just beautiful to connect with you guys again god bless you god bless your church and I love Rick and all the teams so I'm just so excited that he asked me to come back and he he he and I we know it's just the beginning I'm I'm his half-brothers he this brother as you get to know me like I love like you know playing with people sometimes since like 80% if you haven't seen me before I have to tell you just one story I mean the car one day and the person next to us couldn't see anything but my head so I just did this and she was she thought my head did a 360 spin anyway look let me open up with this God doesn't need to give me arms and legs does he no does he promise that he's gonna give me arms legs in heaven yes does the devil care whether or not I have arms and legs no all he wants is my joy to be taken away and my focus to be distracted there are so many things in this life that gets us distracted and we're doing all these things and spinning all these plates at the same time that we don't even hear sort of the next steps in that race that God has for us and sometimes we miss things sometimes we we question things sometimes we're not looking for God's perfect will in every season of our life the people who don't know Jesus Christ and they live their life I feel sorry for them because either they just believe that they're existing for the pure sake of exist and 90 years to me is not enough to live I want to live for billions and billions and billions of years the way that God created us within our soul and our spirit we know that there is something more than just 90 years we know there must be a purpose out there but for us to actually live according to that purpose we need to first look for it to actually look for it you need to start believing in something you can't see yet that is faith if a ith full assurance in the heart and sometimes fear will disable you fear you don't need arms and legs necessarily in your life but you need peace you need purpose and some people are just disabled by fear they never start running and God says go go and sin no more go and tell the world that Jesus lives go go to all that I have for you go to the places I'm gonna send you go go4 the geo in front of the word disabled and it spells God is able it's not about me it's not about my ability it's not anything about that it's all about Jesus it's not about what you have or what you don't have what you wish you had or what you wish you didn't have it's all about Jesus that no matter where you are in your life right now if you ask God to forgive you of your sin and you repent of your sin God will come into your life forgive you of your sin you'll receive his life his blessings his life eternal and his life life's planned for your life not my plan I don't want my plan sometimes we just need to get over ourselves and actually realize that sometimes God actually has a better plan I suggest a plane to God and he doesn't say anything sometimes but we're gonna understand that God's ways are higher than ours and thoughts are higher than Alice and I showed that video for for the summary of my testimony and I want you to know in your life I don't know what you're going through but God does and for those of you who don't believe in Jesus yet maybe you're believing that then all parsley to heaven the Bible says that's not true the Bible says there's only one cure for death and it's resurrection no one else resurrected from the dead not only did he raise himself from the dead Jesus as Lord God in flesh but he raised other people from the dead that's awesome and if I believe that I'm following and living in the power of the person who said he was God who was perfect who did die for my sin and rose himself in the grave and did say if you believe in me I will resurrect you - hey arms and legs are not for 90 years compared to eternity I will run the race that God has for me with or without arms and legs with or without cancer with or without whatever you want to say at the end of that if I have Jesus I have everything I need now does that mean I I don't have a pair of shoes in my closet just in case he says yes to me no I do have a pair okay just in case okay I want to be ready but what we need healing first is in the inside and to hear the voice of God here in the voice of God when you hear a phone ring you pick it up okay when you're sometimes dialing into heaven and it feels like his not picking up don't hang up on God he's listening I hung up on God because I didn't understand his plan God said through my parents Nick God's got a plan for your life Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 I have a whole plan in the future I'm like no way there's no race like that there's no heaven there's no God look at all the pain in the world if God loved the world then why is he letting so much pain happen later on you realize in the Bible God doesn't give us pain but whatever the enemy tried to use for bad God turned into good I can't do anything with my broken pieces but there's nothing that Gong cannot do I've seen pain I've seen miracles yes I've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing in fact the first miracle I had seen was when I was 19 in South Africa starting to be an evangelist 12 years ago the woman came up she gave her life to Jesus and then we went out the back and prayed for her back because her back was like this for like six years her legs were uneven she had a motorbike accident the doctors wouldn't touch her and she's like could you pray for me I'm like yeah sure so a couple of us we started praying my brother was there my cousin was there we prayed for 10 seconds very simple pray in Jesus name be healed and we repeated that a couple times seriously 10 seconds well like say wow did you see that yes I saw that like [Laughter] [Applause] anytime a ready it was read man I still had no arms or legs by the end of the night God will use the foolish things to confound the wise God can use the man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet to prove that it's not about knit sewing about his ability it's not about him and his strength and how how he speaks all around the world and uses his hands greatly as gestures and body language while he gets excited preaching it's not about me it's about Jesus I didn't write my story Jesus wrote my story he knew me before the earth began and I don't know about you but yeah it's good to have a job it's good to have relationship and get married and have kids it's good to have that stuff but until you find Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior there will be always something missing you can't rely on you because you will fail you every single time just about I needed him not just because of this but for my heart for my mind I was listening to the encouragement my parents were saying but then listening to the lies at the same time the lies saying you're not good enough Nick just give up no I am wonderfully and fearfully made according to Psalm 139 Oh Nick you should just give up no I can't do all things through Christ who strengthens me at age 10 I didn't believe the truth because I wasn't running the race I wasn't in the right race the race where it's not just getting things in your life and doing things and having things what happens after you get married you think you're the happiest person alive you need to talk to some married people first amen all right so then after you get met and I love my wife trust me but if you're not happy single in Jesus then you're not gonna be happy married amen go through marriage have kids then what well then you get a job you promote yourself get there work harder and then what get your kids through school and then what send them off to college and then what now you start getting the Mustang and you know you you do your own little thing and you take vacations here and there yeah right you know I want you to know something then what then your kids get married off I want you to know this I want you to hear then what well then they have kids also and then what there is a race to run and sometimes we're nearly taken out altogether God allows things that we don't understand but I want you to know if you hold on to him he'll hold on to you if you trust in the Lord with all your heart even when you cannot walk he'll carry you by the grace of God he kept me here on earth even though I tried to commit suicide at age 10 the bullying at my school convinced me that I was a mistake but I'll never eventuate to anything man what a lie when you realize it's just the devil I say just the devil because the devil is nothing compared to Jesus and when Jesus starts living in you you realize oh it's just the devil devil talk to the foot and get deep beneath me you are my foot what stool man that's why God gave me a foot I got two toes peas and you turn your back on the lies and you come to the truth and the truth will set you free you can be poor in your pocket poor in your bank account poor in different ways physically but rich on the inside the race is not about being perfectly happy and satisfied here because that's not what we're here to do which race have you seen everyone get ready for the race right like the light there like this I don't do it well but just imagine and they're doing this and you're a bang and the gun goes off and they're like so how you doing yeah good good yeah nice weather today yeah yeah they don't do that the gun goes off and you know you just go and you do anything you can to run the race to get first let's read this first Corinthians chapter 9 25 says do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives a prize that's how fast you ought to run do you sometimes trip up and get hurt and bleed and sprained an ankle yeah but it's not about being first thank God for that it's not about being first in the race of righteousness thank God for that it's not about being first in a race of generosity thank God for that at the end of the race God's gonna say well done my good and faithful servant when you look at my can we get a wider shot of the table here if this if this width of the table represents my life span from here beautiful here to the Bible now imagine if we if we actually sleep eight hours of the day eight hours into 24 hours is a third in our life we actually sleep around a third of our life then we got this and then and then at work right we work around seven or eight hours a weekday right so let's take another approximately a third and then you know you get yourself ready you go shopping you do some entertainment you know you just you know what then look how little I've got left but that's a long long long history already and I've just been living from here to there but the choices you make and it will determine what race you're running don't run for money money drugs sex alcohol pornography fame fortune whatever this world can give you don't look at Earth II things because they will all fade away listen to this and everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things now they do it to obtain a perishable crown but we for an imperishable crown I don't need what the world can give me I want what Jesus wants to give me eight years ago I met a boy no arms no legs in California just like me I was 24 he was held above the crowd and I looked at him little Daniel and I got the father to bring him up on stage he had a little foot just like me same side truly a mini-me all right and he sit up here and he's looking up at me I'm looking down at him and I can't give him a high-five so I gave him a low two and everyone cried because it was a miracle and I told his mom that when he goes to school I'll come and speak at his school well it was amazing to see my mom hug his mom and my dad hug his dad and they cried if I was born without arms and legs gave my life to Jesus Christ ran the race that God had for me but only at the end only at the end to go to heaven I mean are you serious only at the end just to go to heaven you don't even know what heaven is then if it's just only going to heaven I go to heaven I live forever no sickness no disease I see Jesus I see his pious hands and his feet and he died for me and we're gonna be there forever and ever and the devil's gonna be done with and all the principalities and powers of darkness there we will live happily ever after and plus one day I will be in heaven and imagine that little boy who's now in heaven right at that time he's still alive but running to me in heaven with his new legs me standing on my new legs him and I hugging each other with our new arms I can only imagine that we're gonna be crying together and he's gonna look me right in the eye and say Nick thank you for being my brother to help me to believe that this called Heaven was real when you don't get a miracle you can still be a miracle what do you think I rather want one more person to live forever I have a little bit more money my tea what do you take with you nothing nothing not your garden not your car not your nothing just you your soul and the encouragement you've planted all around you hopefully souls to come with you I can only imagine now they don't don't handcuff me because of my doctrine but I just like this illustration imagine God sees me and he says well done my good and faithful servant welcome home and then he sort of looks over my shoulder and says who'd you bring amen I want to run that race the race that matters the race that counts and I'd rather be paralyzed in the arms of Jesus in that race then be the first prize winner and runner in any other race hallelujah verse 26 therefore I run thus not with on certainty so good he's saying I'm running the race and I run with certainty how uncertain have I been in the last 24 hours coming to this huge campus of Saddleback not knowing where the church was and I've still got the map and I've been here before it's a hard building to find on campus I got the map and I'm still going and we're still uncertain I love being in the place uncomfortable uncertain in what God has ahead for me but I'm certain that he is with me I'm certain that he'll guide me carry me be with me and I know why I'm doing what I'm doing that's the race of certainty certain that I will be resurrected from the grave certain that God's power is in me and will encourage P around me whether I see it or not thus I fight not as one who beats the air it feels like you're fighting for stuff and trying to get more and do more and just feel like you're in the rat race not gods race or your race or the proud race or the rich race the selfish race gods raised and then Apostle Paul closes we're saying but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection lest when I have preached to others i myself should become disqualified when I tell you that Jesus is the Lord of my life and Jesus is my friend he's not just an acquaintance when I tell you that I want to run that race the first thing I need to do is come into subjection to God's will and his plan for my life and the greatest way to know the map I love how Rick says this who better to tell you your purpose and the one who made you amen 95% in the mornings my wife and I we wake up with the coffee the coffee doesn't magically appear we make the coffee we don't need discipline to make a coffee because we need the coffee very badly anyone else that way so you don't need to be that discipline to really do something you really need to do okay but even beyond getting some caffeine into your blood system you need to cover yourself with the blood of Jesus that day to bring your focus that whatever steps you take during your run of your life that day the next 24 hours is under the wing of the almighty 95% of my mornings with my wife after we get the coffee we get the children's Bible out why a children's Bible I know I'm an evangelist and I preached from the Bible but I do read myself a children's Bible as well it's really interesting it's amazing my wife and I we're reading the children's Bible and we got it because you know we're gonna be parents so we thought well we just get it ahead we're reading this thing and we're like did you know that no I didn't know that did they just make that up I don't know let me check and we open up the Bible babe it's true amazing I didn't know that we're actually just about to finish the entire Bible in that children's version and it was 400 pages it wasn't like three it was 400 okay and it was amazing to go through that but put on the armor of God it's almost like every day you got to hear that bang run for today Lord help me today Lord help me to make those decisions right your decisions lord help me to be patient help me to be kind help me Lord refine me one day at a time teach me Lord to pray and how to pray for others help me to be a light to others help me Lord to be a better husband help me Lord to be a better wife because if you'd never ask God to help you to be a brighter light you never will be it's not by mine it's not by power but by the Spirit of God amen there is a purpose there is a race that we gotta run getting the right raise how to do you can we have some music in the background I play piano but I'm not warmed up yet let me uh let me share with you why people don't come to Jesus the first reason is because if he's such a good God and loving God why is there pain in the world we talked about that God can't give me arms and legs he doesn't have to give me arms and legs more than arms and legs I need my soul restored I need eternal life whether you believe it or not doesn't change the fact that it's true God has a plan for you that is the truth for you to live in it you have to find it find it you need to start looking for it it starts with hearing about it today and asking God for faith to believe that your spirit that's hearing these things response is calling your phone just pick up the phone he loves you [Music] the other thing that stops people from coming to Jesus is because they don't believe that Jesus really loves them that much and I know that's like my biggest question why do you love me so much I don't get it I don't even love me sometimes sometimes I hate me and you still love me despite my sin Jesus still loves me our Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally when my wife was actually pregnant with Kiyoshi I put my foot on her belly to feel him kick and I felt up now I was so moved in emotions I looked up at my wife straight into her eyes and I had tears in mine and I said babe I love him I've never seen him never saw his smile never heard his laugh he didn't earn my love at all before he was born I knew him and he was mine God loves you that way no no no Nick God doesn't love me I need to be a better person before God you know feels that I'm worthy you want to hear miracle I'll tell you miracle 2008 India Mumbai went out to the red-light district brothel houses on one city block six stories high of a hundred and fifty brothel houses where ten year olds were kidnapped forced into prostitution for $700 and a fraction of that a good ten percent was because their parents sold them we went there to talk about Jesus went into the fourth house saw an old woman sitting on the floor she looked about 144 she must have been 90 she was so weak she couldn't keep her mouth shut she's looking at me like this and through a translator I'm speaking to her about Jesus on the wall was a whole wall filled with the gods they worshiped told her about Jesus first two minutes three minutes and another woman walks in really angry she says who are you what are you doing what are you talking about like this and I said I'm Nick and I'm just talking about Jesus she said stop talking about your god I don't want to hear about this show me that your God is real stop talking show me make my sister walk I said what do you mean she said that woman is my sister she hasn't stepped out of this house for four years look at her legs skin and bone they were she said she's paralyzed we have to carry her to the restroom everyday look at her in the last two weeks she's really lost all of his strength she's about to die look at her show me that your God is real and I said God she's not putting me on the spot here she's really putting you on the spot here I just want to make that clear okay we prayed for a couple minutes my friends lifted her up one on each side trying to lift her she couldn't put her legs on the ground she tried to stretch him out she's in excruciating pain you could see it from her facial expressions she trying to put a right foot down like this she couldn't walk set her down in a chair looked at her angry sister she was still angry and I said God we're gonna pray more so he pray stop massaging her legs we had a group of us praying for her and her face went like this from this to this I'm ready I said what she says I'm ready I'm diggin no no no no we need to pray a little bit more that shows you the tiny seed of faith that I had you don't need a lot of faith in the Living God hallelujah you can have oceans of faith but if you're praying to a dead God he's dead but if you pray to Jesus he's alive and the seed of like a mustard seed can move mountains [Music] my little faith we prayed a little bit more and I said okay get up and walk she didn't need any assistance she grabbed us out you without touching the thing the army she looked like this she's walking around she's looking down this is like whoa I'm like whoa all my friends like whoa and she is like whoa baby and she's walking she's jumping up and down I'm like don't break the legs that gorgeous heal up sister the sister went to the gods and said thank you thank you thank you and I said well I said haven't you been praying to your gods for four years that she walked she said yes I said that wasn't your gone and said that was Jesus your gods are dead and here's the miracle the woman who got healed wasn't just any old woman later found out that this woman was the one who started the city block of brothel houses 45 years prior she was the one who started it all she recruited the pimps and Madam's and the kidnappers she made money of the abuse of women and human trafficking and God still healed her nothing can separate us from the amazing love of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you walked off track have you have you ran in the right direction but maybe fallen into a pit of depression don't worry God will out stretch his hand as he's doing right now he will be with you and he won't let you stay there for a moment longer than he will allow he knows how much your heart can bear he's with you and maybe one won't get all the answers until heaven but the answer is to all our questions Jesus is Lord in his faithful Jesus blood will never fail you hallelujah today if you admit that you have not made your life right with Jesus Christ today's the day where you pick up the call and you get ready to run to first stain strong in knowing that you're beautiful you're God's child he loves you he'll be with you His grace is sufficient that all things come together for the good for those who love Him who've been called according to his purpose you are called in you today I hope will answer and to the call not because that you think you can take the call or endure the race on your own that's why we give God all the glory his grace to hear the call and His grace and mercy to run the race today when I ask you will you ask him into your life let's all pray I just feel in my heart let's do the the riff of Amazing Grace or just some chords of Amazing Grace that'd be great hallelujah Lord we thank you for your amazing grace we thank you Lord that you are God and you know the things that we carry we're burdened with we pray in Jesus name you would comfort us and heal us complete us lord we pray for physical miracles all across this place but Lord more than a physical miracle we pray Lord God that our salt would be restored in your hands and that we'd be carried until eternity God we just give you praise for your word and your faithfulness right now God may you touch the believers the ones who already have a relationship with you and if there'd be any one who feels tired and weary comfort them carry them refresh them give them the sight of what you see for the day the calls you want them to make the hugs you want them to give the people you want us to forgive help us to be the light in your love Lord for anyone who doesn't know you yet we ask God that today would be the day of salvation today would be the day that everything changes we pray lo God that if there be anyone who wants God to change who wants you to change their life that they'd call out to you today with every head bowed and every eye closed if today you know in your heart you are not walking with Jesus and you want to walk with him today you want to repent of your sin you know you don't want to sin anymore you want to start running the race that God has for you his plan not your plan put your hand on right now if you can say Nick I want Jesus in my heart just raise it nice and high you're not walking with Jesus today you want to do and that's it come on raise your hand nice and highs about 40 of you raise your hand nice and high every head bowed and every eye closed thank you for your hands put your hands down would you repeat this proud to me Sadie Lord Jesus come into my heart forgive me on my sin I'm so sorry for them thank you Jesus for dying on the cross and raising yourself from the grave thank you God that you promise that as I believe in you I will also be raised Lord heal my heart change me fill me with your Holy Spirit your peace your comfort and your joy I want to know you more each and every day in Jesus name I pray amen [Music]
Channel: Saddleback Church
Views: 5,959,037
Rating: 4.8380075 out of 5
Keywords: Nick Vujicic (Author), Saddleback Church (Structure), Life, Purpose, Live Your Purpose, Purpose of Life, God, Saddleback, Life Withought Limbs, Change Your Life
Id: e0oRBKbRYnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Tue May 06 2014
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