FOUND GOLD in the GARBAGE BAGS! Hoarder passed away and I bought his locker at the storage auction.

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this right here yeah yeah oh this is a garbage bag with garbage in it oh there's a wig yeah it smells like it actually smells like urine it really does it smells like urine all right there's the diapers and it's for the men you mad bro check this out i saw this watch and then look at that got some quarters you hear that that's in here in this bag that looks like junk oh yeah it could be some silver here let's see oh oh oh what we got here all right come on yes oh yes i think this is gold guys i think this is 14k [Music] what's up lockernuts right we are going to go through a storage locker big surprise right that's what we do in almost every video this is part two of the unit that i paid 910 plus fees at an online auction okay the stories that the previous owner passed away some years ago and the family decided to stop paying on the unit i don't think they took anything out i don't really know for sure but that's the story i was given let's dig in well actually it's not this one is it because i've already been digging and this is part two of this right here yeah yeah a little messy a little messy so i'm dealing with that's what we got in this locker right here uh left to go through on the truck is basically a bunch of garbage i've pulled out i've been separating stuff to bring home good stuff stuff to donate and a couple boxes give back to the owners all right if the family wants it they can come get it so uh let's keep digging and see what else we got you guys ready let's get started all right let's get into this box right here okay let's see what we got jump beanie cap oh whoa man that that wow could have been so beautiful could have been so right a million dollars i wish i had won that tonight oh my goodness what the heck about two million dollars come on what else we got in here okay got a record here johnny mathis looks all right michael jackson a little dangerous some cds all right we're getting a little deeper in here look at that that's kind of interesting magnavox big old vhs uh player recorder it's a little bit dusty but otherwise looks like it's in pretty good condition i'm gonna put that aside put that aside it's neat i've seen a lot of junky junk down here not great stuff let's see what we got here definitely got to look at the bottom here nothing in this one man you know what i just thought that'd be fantastic if that's a trailer tire and it looks like it could be that could be a trailer tire now if that fits my trailer i've been needing a spare tire just in case of emergencies that would be fantastic for that fitted 1987 sweatshirt some work shirts and we don't like that as much we like t-shirts we got to dig through it got to dig through it and see if we can find them here's one we got here bugle boy that's old beautiful boy right on put that my vintage clothes bin over there need to look need to look i need to look there's some uh plastic cups and that ta-da paper plates good good good oh man you know what oh man this almost looks like this is a garbage bag with garbage in it ew there's a wig this is just garbage man did they clean the side of the freeway and put the garbage bags in here nah they wouldn't do that that's crazy okay empty we got here this is more trash really oh my goodness empty water bottles it's terrible okay well this one's not empty let's see what it's got all right what's this this is quite nice actually it's made in china rayon it does feel like silk but it's rayon youth all right i don't know if those are worth anything but i'll go to the vintage markets and win and if the vintage market ever opens again found one vintage shirt and that whole thing oh that's faded away isn't it happy shirts inc hawaii hang loose and that looks old that's at least five bucks right there man this looks like another junk fox what's that kind of fancy foam or something it's another junk box really there's a mirror to someone's car dang it there's a puffy jacket right here brian brothers oh that's got a smell to it though yeah you know what this is this looks kind of decent but it's all really yeah it smells like it actually smells like urine it really does it smells like urine i don't even want to touch it here what's in here empty oh man this is looking much less good okay that could be a trailer tire though i'm feeling like it is and i'm liking that that could save me a couple hundred bucks right there so i need a tire all right there's the diapers and it's for the men men's size all right that could explain the urine smell okay this is in there at least there's that more more garbage i think 50 bucks all right so far these garbage bags they literally are garbage oh this one's heavy tools that's a nice hammer yep all right this is some good stuff hmm that's good right there huh it's good for opening safes which i just did the other day okay there's a whole bunch of screwdrivers in there that's a good box i'm gonna take that straight to the flea market boy this one's been sitting around somewhere dirty for a very long time okay there's some brand new noise protectors ear protectors oh there we go there's some masks for any max let's see yeah those are good they'd be good i think this is a first aid kit let's see [Music] yep nice some rain slicks right here okay this one's gotten crushed crushed down okay there's a laptop case but no laptop oh this one's heavy though let's look in there this one nope mitsubishi what is this this might not be a laptop this might be something else oh that's a printer i think i think this is a printer model f15 i think it's a printer i might be wrong i'll definitely have to look this up that might have a little bit of value maybe maybe maybe i might be wishful thinking tool supplies and stuff ah there's some bolt cutters look at how they're angled that's kind of interesting i don't see them angled usually but those are good those are really good actually look at that wrench that's a 20 wrench right there at the flea market another smaller ranch machete columbia made in columbia gavilan chainsaw power match plus oregon all right that's kind of a good find look at this marlboro unlimited i found two of these canteens i think these were giveaways it came with the cigarette uh you know proof of purchase things redeem them or something i don't know i found these before i pulled the mail out it had names on it to check this out i saw this watch and then look at that got some quarters this is a timex right here that's a good find check these quarters out looks like older rolls let's see what ears nope they're newer yeah i think it's 1990 something 1974 on those so those are a little bit older but um not silver but still 10 bucks each plus a watch gotta check everything huh yeah look at that las vegas seven dollars necklace oh that looks a little better in there it doesn't look like garbage at least not on top let's not get our hopes too high they're all starting to spill now okay we got here okay we got a nice camo hat not bad not bad christmas ornaments [Applause] boy oh boy this is a mess in here i gotta go through it though cause who knows what's in here like this cool you hear that that's in here in this bag that looks like junk okay come on come on oh now it could be some silver here let's see kind of all twisted up a little bit hey look at my hands that's a sign of how dirty this locker has been this is actually really pretty right here see that stone right there um this could be silver oh and there's a marking on there right there there's something on there i cannot make it out with my eyes though i'm gonna need the loop i'll have to look at it in the loop all right that's and that looks like silver these do not okay these do not all right that's a good find keep going that charged me up oh oh oh what do we got here all right all right yes some coins presidential dollar coins there's at least three bucks right there but i think that's going to be a little bit better than that right a little better than that all right man oh man now that's kind of bad i was hoping for in here not garbage snoopy little peanuts plush oh hand sanitizer don't mind if i do i'm gonna actually use some of that right this very second thank you yeah you know it's still going to be dirty but at least it's not going to be like jeremy i'm going to keep that over here we're going to need that some more i think we're not through the forest yet we got some got some jewelry in here [Applause] that's plastic that's just costume what's this oh what's this wouldn't that be nice oh my goodness if that was real gold that would be so awesome that would be awesome i don't think so i don't i don't think so i don't i don't see any markings well it does say something right there i think unless it's just a little defect in the mold but we'll put it aside a little funky junk in here donate come on coins let's find some more coins in here and gay the whole thing smells like bengay actually this whole this whole bag which is not terrible it's better than a lot of things it could smell like i think someone just like cleaned out his junk drawer or something oh that's nice united states washington that's a nice key chain guess i kept this little tray so i could dump bags like that out i don't really like reaching the bag okay all right check this out right away dollar coin right here okay that's good it's got souvenir coins souvenir coin it's a little patch i keep things like this for uh you know enough patches enough coins put them in the lots in our live auction and guys you don't know what i'm talking about when i say live auctions because i know i say it a lot well we do a live auction on our youtube channel what is this that is really impressive what's that for guys what is that for is that like to drink like maybe alcohol or something i've never seen that before like to keep in your pocket oh zippo nice yeah it's a good little lot right here and that's a nice keychain right there harold's club all right come on there's a little pocket knife 18t souvenir oh what do we have here in the film canister of all places uh i don't think that's gold it sure looks like it though i don't see any markings i don't think that's gold that's a little tiny baby baby ring the fact he kept it in here makes me optimistic about what that could be that could be something good i'll put that aside we're gonna take that home and look it up oh smokes that was in a bag another souvenir car wash coin dollar what do we have here this feels like coins come on yes oh yes oh that was nice wasn't it look at that two dollar two dolla that makes for a dollar yeah yeah bahamas singapore oh man that's too bad that one's all messed up but still worth a dollar i think even though it's macked up like that there's a candy 92 no silver these are half dollars not bad half dollars worth of believe it or not those are worth 50 cents each sorry a little coin humor that's my pneumostatic humor is that how you pronounce it casino coin this one's an older one 53 you could just tell it's got silver in it that's 90 silver right there 53 anything 1964 and older oh nice there's a mercury dime right there 1943 that that's world war ii um that is also 90 silver and then here we've got some wheat pennies wheat pennies we love those another mercury dime right here 1916 much older on that one what do we have here 1950 something 1960 something 62 i think 51 52 right not super duper old going to add it to our little nice box right here this is our good box got the good stuff out there come on now i gotta go i got to go through this one slow don't i yeah that's not as exciting another little pin arc 500 series i don't know what that is but we'll add it to our pin pin lot another token there's a souvenir spoon for hawaii all right here's some pins obviously i'm gonna pull them out because i'm just worried there might be a little bit of coins at the bottom nope not this time okay you gotta open this yeah that one's film a couple more tokens what's this oh what's this this is 14k italy right there for i'm pretty sure if i can see that clearly clear enough that says 14k italy and i'm not going to get too excited because i found chains like this before that were marked gold and they were not gold they were fake oh oh this is 14k right here too boy you guys there's a rubber band stuck on it it's kind of bugging me get that off my gold get that off my gold oh dang it that's nice look at that it looks like an anchor but it's a crucifix i'm not sure what this is right here yeah it's got the ship's wheel on the back that's dope that's dope that's i think this is gold guys i think this is 14k that's at least 10 grams i'd say at least 10 grams it's got me a little excited i'm so excited that's 35 a gram so if that's 10 grams if that's 10 grams that's 350 i'm keeping it right there safe keeping it looks all good that may actually be more than 10 grams i just think it's 10 grams i could be grossly wrong more more tokens kuji oh man i can't believe that 14k was just floating around in here remember my name you'll be screaming it later oh more jewelry what do we got actually let me put it aside and finish going through it i'm just supposed to get into it so let's just finish going through it okay this looks silver hmm it looks silver i'm not sure though yeah i think that's silver just by the way it's turning color in the field i think that's a silver piece right here it's good okay sterling silver it says it doesn't look it but maybe it is this one says sterling silver too yeah maybe it is nice hmm this looks like it might be silver too there's some little turquoise right here i don't know i don't know i'll check it out a little more when i get home it looks like it could be sheesh it's the best drawer we've had which is costing me in a garbage bag it's so funny well i really hope i find more garbage bags like that though all right next box boxer briefs those are brand new guys brand spanking new this looks a little bit a little bit better than a garbage bag but um let's hope they just like the last bag and we get some uh coins [Applause] i saved some uh sports cards basketball cards just kind of tossed around in here that's neat swat tactical rescue it's a hot wheels all right that's good yeah baby got some more of that that's good good good good good another glass case okay tommy bahama come on something a little better maybe ah it's just a case nice case oh all right what's this alan iverson there's a car oh what do you think that's a kobe bryant right there i don't really want to pull it out with my hands like this there's a kobe bryant on the back there okay maybe from the back you guys know what that is that anything special i don't want to pull out and show the front that could be something good that could be something really good actually it's quite a mix of stuff here getting some baseball too marcus allen another nice nice sleeved card there and there's just some mess on here [Applause] this could take me forever guys all right well at least i'm enjoying it i hope you're enjoying it comment below if you're enjoying this uh you know if you like what uh this locker this particular adventure we're on right now let me know if you like this one okay i'm just curious i'm kind of digging it it's not like super great but i like the ones that have low expectations oh there's a clone i like the low expectations you know big surprise that's i don't know that's just it's thrilling it's thrilling to me there's a cologne we'll add that to a fragrance slot that we will do that we will do brand new sweatshirt fruit of the balloon donate steel huh i think these are something to do with the chainsaws parts for chainsaw i don't know it's a lot of garbage a lot of garbage mixed in with good stuff oh there's the first uh potential needle that i've seen though i think the guy was a diabetic because i did see some prescription medicine that i think was diabetic [Applause] i just look in here because i want to make sure that they didn't put like coins in there coins and medicines sound very very similar and what we got here charles barkley okay oh what's this yes i know what that is that's a raiders poncho oh man if i wasn't wearing this camera i totally put it on i gotta take the camera off and do all that i'll put it there that's cool [Applause] what is this look at this [Applause] 2009 oath of office lighter not a zippo hmm i love finding lighters though oh man look at that that's just that should go right in the garbage now we're gonna donate it and this right here i feel like putting that on my back right now oh a present oh my god you shouldn't have a calculator did they give it away really is that really did they really do that oh they did that's a nice one it's got the big fat buttons yeah and it works too huh yeah nice i like big buttons and i cannot lie too much guys without too far is that too dumb all right dr seuss boxer shorts nice you mad bro oh whoa that was right there [Music] pulled all those clothes out and then there's so we got a little jewelry box maybe let's see you guys ready let's clear the stage okay you ready let's go oh okay oh karina this is a watch yeah all right um with all the different bands and stuff you can do faces okay all right is that cool i don't really know i prefer coins and zipper lighters these are some stamps right here look at that forever stamps pixar looks like 12 stamps about six bucks right there six bucks holy bible see if there's any hundred dollar bills uh no unfortunately no but you know what is in here the good news brand new socks donate stetson cologne thermal crew donate tools donate picture frame donate and here's an unopened package right here what do we got variety support okay that's a little personal oh my goodness you guys i had no clue it was dark no clue it was dark oh my goodness whoa it's it's really dark like it ain't even like dust yes it's dark all right you see this huge huge thing of uh garbage and uh yeah that's a dump load right there that's going to the dump tomorrow morning and a couple more garbage bags that's going in the car that's the good stuff but i'm not done digging let's go back in for more holiday fair 1970 from japan it's busted up though see that i mean it's too bad that would have been i think that may be a value i don't know they're pretty nice i mean valuable or not it's pretty nice here's a four bin toaster toastmaster i do see some broken plates in there what's this this is an old pyrex that's a nice one isn't it that's a nice one i'm almost like disappointed that's nice because i'm like ah now i gotta keep it rather just donate it move on what's this one oh this for omelets nice yeah flip it over all right next bag let's see what we got some shorts shawn john huh really sean john it seems like this is an older locker this is some newer stuff come on cool vintage t-shirt come out oh this mma elite excel extra large that's not bad mma shirts do sell at least last time i found something they sold but that has been a while not much else to get in there all right let's see what we got here we got some purses beads are missing and it's empty two things that did not want to see in that purse las vegas let's see if we're lucky nay what's with the cheap little purses come on that's something better manhattan it's all messed up right there empty foiled again all right what's this now this is leather something a little better main china not that much better with the neat spot look at that it's a nice scarf it's very soft too like really really soft there's another one there's a bunch of crusty old used this shoes guys not what we're looking for cheap all right next bag that was scary for a second there all right next bag and we've been finding good stuff in bags like this so who knows what we'll find i would prefer to find some more gold please not stinky socks nothing all right i'm finding a lot of mail in here so i'm going to turn this off and hold up [Applause] that's empty okay okay maybe we'll go find some stuff in here let me turn off and get through the mail at least okay i do see more mail in here probably but i'm gonna get some other stuff now too oh that's a moldy moldy wallet but i'll do it anyways because okay i'm not gonna go that far though oh wow that's sorry dude sorry oh though [Music] dang it empty right yeah come on i feel like we're getting warmer though there's something in here it's a money clip what the heck is there any money in here i've heard about people putting money in shoes is that a sign that i need to be checking all the shoes this garbage bag is filled with garbage bags all right guys i'm getting a little tired um i've been working here for a while now it's about seven pm right now i think it's about fell over okay that's not a good sign i did go through two of these bags uh it was all junk mail so i'm just kind of like transferring from one bag to another and uh there's more junk mail but i did peek in this bag i saw something a little bit more interesting oh this right here see that that is a lot more interesting okay we'll go through all that for a second what is this in here [Music] hmm okay what do we have here this is some costume jewelry gp it's so funny they put all their jewelry in little baggies cool connections 3.99 all right it's nothing impressive there that's neat this little bracelet made out of shells another little bracelet too just some costume stuff here nothing too exciting geez a lot of empty bags oh but you see that do you see what i see yeah all right this is nothing special either but this this this this oh this is this is something all right first off this piece of abalone or something there mother pearl i don't see any markings in there and actually it looks like it was probably gold plated or something is worn off you see like copper below it okay so that's not too impressive but this right here oh that oh that what are you guys this is something good right here this is something good right here what does that say it says something right there this is gold and if that's gold that might be a diamond and if that's a diamond that's a fatty that is a fatty right there holy smokes please be real please please please be real oh it fits me so lovely so lovely okay this is probably a gold chain but it's broken a little end on it's broke dang that's good that is really good i love it when you find little pillow boxes like that because that's usually where they stash the good stuff guys this is the big money right here this could pay for this locker multiple times over if that's a real diamond i think it might be i mean i think it's gold all right we're taking that home okay treasure box inside of a garbage bag insane right insane okay i just thought to say let's wrap it there but you know what i'm not gonna leave this box half done and look in here do you see in there oh my goodness let's see what we got here okay costume that would be great if this was like chanel or something but it's not it's not bad it's just it's nothing super special and it's a little cute these feel a little bit better right here nope fake these are cool but they're not precious or anything but that's that is neat look at the little tiny shells put into a necklace that's nice what's this it's a hosory nothing in it fine jewelry collection okay that's a good sign that's this costume there nice little earring that could be a little bit of gold right there so it looks like i'll flash on the screen if it is i'll check it later and i'll tell you if it is that looks good to me [Applause] all right charles klein we've got a nice little pendant earring one earring so hopefully we'll find the other earring a little costume custom custom costume we'll make a nice big lot of costume stuff for our live auction if you guys don't know what i'm talking about when i say live auction we do a live auction on our youtube channel and it's every monday night at 5 p.m pacific more costume [Applause] sagrada sacred arts okay it's nice couple earrings what's this nothing 95 whatever it was but it is no mole i don't know what that's about it might be silver it could be silver in this right here two of them costume costume nothing another cigarata okay that's cool all right hoping for better but it's a lot more costume jewelry we'll put that all together in our like we'll do a big one gallon ziploc bag and once it's full we auction it off it'll have tons of that stuff and uh you know stuff from other lockers too done [Music] um on second thought i just picked that up do you see that [Music] on second thought hold up
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 408,160
Rating: 4.8080301 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, hoarder, hoarders, owner died, owner passed away, deceased, left behind, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry
Id: 6OIbpxoKWOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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