Highway2Hell Randomizer | FINALE

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okay um [Music] let's try doing some of this stuff now check super's uh an old mother friend that needed um that needed wave flooring entrance is uh no this is the i mean we could check what this is just a little bit scary as all i did just saved right i mean this could be what we need honestly we don't need that but i have screw attack what am i doing i'm not grabbing those [Music] dude that's going to be a tough challenge to get the hotter ruby missiles [Music] i think i just need to start going this way i have i have the items i can check all this [ __ ] you know i can start checking everything um so okay chat decide for me right or left when i get back right is norfair left is uh red tower and stuff i gotta go poop it's all very bad left one you sure you promise 10 pounds lighter dude i didn't give birth i [ __ ] took a [ __ ] dude crystal thank you so much did you wipe of course i didn't like what do you think i am wasteful um let me see what's up here didn't wash my hands either no of course not [Music] well well well what's all this then nice nice baby pyramid scandal absolutely pathetic dude [Music] bigger than yours pal okay i have nothing to prove dude i wash my hands before i take a piss normally or like if i'm out and about especially because yeah that [ __ ] could be gross yes before you think i want to touch my dick with like dirty disgusting coping hands no absolutely not i don't want my dick get sick [Music] [Music] uh yeah it was pretty tough worth oh it's did you kill dragon or not i can't tell bro oh you did good good okay i thought for some dumb reason i could make it but explain what you did there that was an x-ray uh as a microwave how's he getting out with pure skill my dude you got a microwaver just like my wife microwaved them taters i sure do love them taters them deaders that better not be a good item both have new fiber internet house is faster booze is faster i have um uh 850 it's about on average um 850 and uh 943 was pretty consistent around there 945-ish so like 850 down 900 945 ish up [Music] we can go check well i love my pvm dude never want to play anything else i wanted that [Music] we're fine save oats before you try to go back save all right i can't remember what's over here i i've gone in here like six seven times every time i've gone in here y'all do i can't remember what's over here oh it's why do you hate hockey i don't mind hockey what kind of tv did he have because this is a pvm not a crt pvm this tv i mean a lot of you guys already know how much it's worth but um so i'm not even gonna say guess how much this tv is on ebay but you can if you want i'll give you a few seconds um 20 bucks oh it's 20 it's uh 20 l5 wave beam so this tv on um [Music] on um [Music] ebay right now is probably about 2 000 to 2500 [Music] come on [Music] i didn't buy it for that much my roommate had it and um he doesn't really game anymore you guys know domlix used to be a streamer and stuff and um [Music] he gave me the 14 inch and the 20 inch for uh two grand it was a hell of a deal i saw him to do that yeah it gave me 14 inches because you can't really find them anymore [Music] they were some of the best tvs at the time they were using hospitals i didn't like playing on the uh 14 inch this 20 inch is my favorite for sure and i know i'm a size queen you just lied old slide it's 14 bucks [Music] dude you're looking at the hello kitty um three inch tv the my little pony three inch happy don't talk [ __ ] oh it's the hello kitty crts 400 lines i've heard actually the tv is really good [Music] funny enough like it's actually a really solid tv to play on oh boy more missiles [Music] i'm good [Music] oh yeah we killed dragon [ __ ] dude um no you kill it because i'm like shooting through it or whatever [Music] guys i didn't realize that if you mentioned the word my little pony you're in a fan [Music] i mean maybe an oats and goats fan but i don't judge what you guys do in my business [Music] go [Music] [ __ ] hell man come on all right now we're soft locked well maybe it really depends man um i don't know if i can get out of this [Music] [Music] woof i had it i i just needed to hold forward and i had it oh actually i would have died anyways because my health is pretty bad daniel what is your [ __ ] deal with mlp dude i said one thing about it and you're like going off relax dude you scared of horses yeah dude a [ __ ] horse got forcing banned for a month horse enforcing dude stop horsing around man am i right fellas [Music] 2038 record by the way wait who has the 2038 record what i think i learned a lot about daniel just now i think i learned more than i want to know like the way he just reacted he like outed himself actually saw the clydesdale the budweiser brewery once they're actually kind of scary huge yeah they are pretty big animals oats it was just a prank yo daniel all i'm gonna say is it's all right man you can like what you want you can like what you want to like not a big deal you do you dude all right that's all i'm gonna say [Music] there's nothing wrong with the daniel i mean society thinks there's something wrong with it rightfully so but that doesn't mean that it's you know [Music] and before you guys start saying oh it's stop kink shaming i really don't give a [ __ ] what you do all right just take [Music] are you [ __ ] me dude [Music] hmm [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hmm come on man [Music] [Music] right thank god man i've been fairly upset [Music] the only problem with saving is you know if something bad happens here finally some supers why don't oh it's just executed is he okay guys i could get world record in every category simultaneously with each one of my appendages and you guys would say oh it's and you just execute bro guess the number one two twenty because i'm thinking running out of professionalization you might say this little fantastic time okay i can one round fantune but i won't just so we can see two nope nothing sorry bros frozen gals and bronies and and daniel right now i said bronies um uh number was eight yes [Music] shoot a super missile why all right everyone take it easy take it easy okay [Music] you think zenny will make one round standard someday what it means is any emmett's been doing one round in runs for like longer than anyone has now [Music] okay i'm doing this wrong hold on it's not savage i'm saying emmett deserves some credit he's been he's he's been the one like pioneering it and [ __ ] [Music] ah [ __ ] oh okay [Music] what was the number i already said the number the number was eight yeah i know you said that oh it's but what was the number dude not how many hours you're streaming today come on [Music] i did that all wrong i'm so sick [Music] thank you for the 1000 bits dust mage it is very tedious i thought you were good at this game oh no no who told you that don't you know that if you say something on twitch and you don't put like a kappa or anything to like indicate that you're joking that um you're the one to blame [Music] dude didn't you know that if you're not the one that understands when there's no like identifying like uh emotion that if you take it wrong and then you get called out [Music] dude that's on you man you should have known it's a true intention [Music] true oats oats is right [Music] okay so how do i do this without um [Music] are you [ __ ] me dude turn off screw i'm not even going to attempt to get out of the sand yeah i got to stop destroying the uh the metroid's first and foremost [Music] uh [Music] uh i can't do this can i i don't think i can actually [Music] ah trying to think if there's any way well i mean i could no actually i can't [Music] that's actually not half bad idea if possible actually no it's terrible idea oh god you dumbass dude [Music] all right [Music] oh yes where's your gamer license and your license for shitty british accents [Music] right here [Music] i'm playing a dangerous game right now it's all i'm saying hey you be nice [Music] adam didn't authorize that jump i don't give a [ __ ] what adam authorized i'm free now [Music] oats you might want to take that back bud okay i'm gonna go save and then i'm gonna check these uh sandpits because you know what i want a suit [Music] yes i want some soup [Music] i look kind of silly i'm not gonna lie i don't need that and i don't need that is there a suit that is also not a suit maybe a birthday suit yeah it's called google search engine dude look it up [Music] yeah i think i kind of figured it out [Music] did you get the camera stuff sorted oh yeah i already read that yes i figured it out sorry i was trying to read did we go back to mother brain missiles yeah like an hour and a half ago nion thanks for two months get me out of here [Music] i really don't need this many power bombs i don't but at the same time it doesn't really matter i don't need it i just absolutely do not need it i'm not gonna waste my time with it [Music] yeah you only need 11 to crystal flash technically 10 to crystal flash [Music] okay you're in you're in horny jail all right you're in horny jail donald plump cut it out dude think doc [Music] three sure there's like pixel perfect this [ __ ] it's really hard um i don't even need to do that actually all right you know where we haven't been yet over here forgotten highway this might be the next area this might be the next boss like it might actually be crate or something or or we're still looking for wreck ship i know where the entrance to um laura norfair is yeah so i i bet you over here is wrecked ship there's not many more entrances i can find so [Music] [Music] [Music] dude are you [ __ ] serious fine i'll go this way i have some different items now so [Music] yep heck runs i can't check wave you notice the door is a wave door i need wave to check wave area i can't check wave goodness gracious bottom wave is blue why would the bottom door be a different color than the top door when they're both the same room that wouldn't make any sense if it is that's silly randoms don't make sense randoms are actually pretty calculated because it is in vanilla yeah but that doesn't matter like it could be very well could be a different door i guess i'll grow you need high jump you won't need high jump i'll check it stop complaining you [ __ ] wow yes sir sorry sir uh wow it is blue amazing calculated that makes sense top door is locked bottom door is open like whoops forgot about that door he told me yeah he told me real good yeah [Music] how lucky can a guy be psy i mean supers are nice and all but i don't need this many supers i mean possibly for ridley yeah um okay where are we looking at going here um let's make our way downtown uh let's go kind of fast [Music] update the tracker because everyone knows if i don't update the track or that means i didn't actually get the item oh it's oh my god samus looks like she's not wearing bottoms when you crouch bro that's you guys this entire [ __ ] randomizer that's you guys so creepy that's been the chat the entire time okay please don't encourage them i am actively making fun of them okay which i know is it doesn't work okay it indirectly encourages them curry stop asking those [ __ ] questions dude about [ __ ] and cake that's enough yes um let's save after all that farming after all that farming and all that crap you just found barrios yes the reason i don't like talking about it is because i was fed [ __ ] cake okay and then they told me yo dude this is a social experiment oh yeah god forbid dudes fantasize over chicks even in video games what is this world coming to dude who said it was that big of a [ __ ] deal anyways i'm just saying relax about it okay most people are in here just [ __ ] drooling saying some nasty ass [ __ ] and then when i call it out you guys go oh what's wrong with fantasizing notes dude stop kink shaming me like this isn't your platform to do that [Music] no more angry okay you guys are [ __ ] pissing me off already listen okay listen stop using that against me all right when you say something and i call you out it doesn't mean that it's inherently toxic or that it's an angry outburst this is a quarter or a half angry outburst okay all right thanks anyways uh wait what was how stop using me having angry outbursts or saying things when you guys say something gross when i'm trying to moderate my channel stop playing it off as something as an angry outburst okay it's not just that just allows you to get you can just get away with whatever you want i was having a hissy fit anyways guys uh here's what i did tonight dude this is what i looked at anyways you guys jerking off too yo oats why'd you ban me dog what the [ __ ] man why'd you ban me anyways yeah dude this is what i did yeah man it was awesome yo why'd i get timed out you timed me out [Music] just take it easy it's not a safe space for you guys to be [ __ ] filthy and be horny in okay go be horny somewhere else it's only funny for so long then it starts to make me [ __ ] nauseous dude we're all just kidding oh it's [ __ ] well how am i supposed to know dude when you don't ever put a kappa and it's all serious [ __ ] like super super detailed as well you know what i'm saying is never vague as a joke it's like it's always very specific [ __ ] so i was like no i don't think it is a joke it's only a joke when you get called out for convenience [Music] okay so we can't go this way we really need spacer all right that was that was my that was only one talk today okay that's all okay this is um we got space jump this is lauren or fair i need to go save with space jump and then i need to do uh [Music] we're going to kill ridley or whatever's at ridley we gotta do a hell run [Music] mood killed oh it's oats you called out my conversation with my little pony seminal jars dude and my mushroom growths i can't even talk anywhere anymore my mood is so killed don't touch me i don't really want to save because i run the risk if i save yeah i need to put that on a foot pedal this is actually very bad um well yeah i'm gonna need a crystal flash right now so here's the thing too just like real talk like all jokes aside because i mean part of that too is i am [ __ ] with you guys a little bit but there are people here that are also like a little bit younger too and sometimes the conversation just gets a little out of hand we need that and then when i say anything you guys use the uh either the toxic rebuts or the uh you know angry outbursts thing to uh discredit what i'm trying to say to keep a relatively clean chatroom okay that's me and relatively clean being still can be dirty because i play into it as well but like i said sometimes it's just a little too much and i i do have to say something all right that's all i'm saying okay yeah i know space reserve i'm going back it's a little bit shitty i mean i luckily have a uh enough ammo to where i can crystal flash again just fine okay the game's already beaten now where are the other guys [Music] i technically do not have spazer since it's not marked i think i can do without dipping into my reserves well hold on it doesn't matter so i have space jump i have um spazer i have nine e tanks that and 45 supers i am way too far behind on that you guys are all too afraid to call me out now oats is gonna beat us dude [Music] i updated the tracker okay [Music] it is updated [Music] yeah it really depends on the settings do chuck you've said that like six times already and everyone's just chilling now all right relax dude you're the only talking about vibe killing your last like five messages has been something like that [Music] [ __ ] oh no i want to reload the rooms not good [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] me [Music] is that the new thing now oh god all right [Music] don't do it stand up don't do it don't [Music] cedric thanks for the host are you hosting me during like that rant [Music] i was getting prepared to crystal flash and [ __ ] i forgot dude it's draining all of my hp for no reason whatsoever you son of a [ __ ] i wanted to one have varya because i wanted to say is this even randomized two because [ __ ] this yes he's dead oh nice oats i saw him just die in front of my very eyes hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] that's right i don't need to save savings for [ __ ] [Music] right [Music] right [Music] i don't really need that anymore the grippler beam we already killed um dragon unfortunately oh i told you saving was for [ __ ] how embarrassing would it have been if i saved and then we grabbed that e tank dude i would have been the laughingstock of the entire community all right popping out in your crate which we can go do now because we have spazer okay not crade i'm an idiot this way [Music] that's meridia which we don't need to do that anymore what was up what was up here again something important wasn't this crate wait no we do there's an item there that we can get now the game thinks he have grapple but he don't have grapple according to tracker oh he just got it nice oh it's nice grab dude [Music] all right so we can uh we're going up now right because this is um yeah this is meridia because we've already been here million times now we did check x-ray did not check x-ray serious question you checked spazzer i sure did sure did partner i checked her right how many power bombs do i need holy [ __ ] oh it's i don't want to bring this up again because you're a little on edge but dude that powerbomb pickup was pretty lucky oh it's can you solve a rubik's cube uh yeah my pb is 30 what's my pb i did it on stream it's like 37 36 i don't know i didn't do it for too long i kind of gave up on studying all the um algs and stuff it's kind of annoying but it was fun said for a little bit um okay so to the right is taurian spacer door is also [Music] um spazzer is mama turtle which wait can we get the mama turtle from there no we cannot it wraps us around they made it so we just keep going in circles there um okay so that's tauren because i'm cycling through sprites no no we know why you got it i can keep a secret all right you wanna see a little trick of the trade that's a trick of the trade fellas [Music] [ __ ] never mind okay i didn't mean to kill you i'm sorry [Music] please [Music] [Music] all right [Music] i'm gonna get you [Music] nice rng on that gate glitch oats that was nice that's not what i meant dude that's not what i meant at all [Music] are your best fans irish chad are you irish [Music] i think i need to go up and around [Music] simply enable wave in the track routes and you should get it [Music] you want to see another little trick of the trade check this out that wasn't that wasn't the trick i was showing you [Music] dude why man what the [ __ ] [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] uh okay how do i do this again chat oh god i'm gonna die i just gotta like um stay on it oh it's just stay on it that's it now come here way hey and the gold medal goes to adam malkovich dude why man all gold medals have to go through adam and then he has to authorize them i cannot believe those were just two missiles [Music] okay what was top left again what was up here top left joe it wasn't joe [Music] it wasn't ligma either stop [Music] it wasn't kabama oh this was um this was more wasn't it where have we not been we've been to billy mays green brinstar east i don't have wave beam we haven't been the shack tool oh no dude it probably is jack tool isn't it that [ __ ] how do we get back there i did check it just not on the escape i checked it before that okay what was over here dude i'm having such a brain fart [Music] norfair this is okay yeah so that's no affair there's too much to do after a bit it gets complicated you know and i know it's easy for you guys because it's all hindsight you're watching you're not playing [Music] above your ship we have not gone above the ship but i mean obviously it's just missiles it's missiles or power bombs guaranteed because that's all blues uh blue save thanks for 16 months oh yeah we can check those too i think we already did gauntlet already got those items we haven't done this yet [Music] gravity let's go easy easy randomizer [Music] okay what do we need for this we've already been all the way through meridia essentially uh back to back the green brinstar now how the hell do i get back there oh yo bro do you mind updating the tracker i don't know what you got or not dude red brand pb room we've already been here a million [ __ ] times that's laura norfair oh it's for us ocd people can you please get a randomizer that makes every item looks like missiles regardless of what it is so you have to execute and collect it no okay so over there was um norfair um was there any more wave doors no so basically he's playing hondo yes this is just like 100 i knew it i'm out of here bud wasn't vanilla wave a wave door yeah but we went underneath yeah oh it's but did you check the wave door though it wouldn't hurt just open in that one i don't know just a thought i love giving you guys [ __ ] oh it's why do you hate us i don't hate you i really really really respect each and every one of you gravity what did i say fellas varya told you no i do i i i really do love my community okay why well not you but okay was there what was wave door now you have anger issues i do not have anger issues in the slightest you [ __ ] never stood out again i'm sorry uh where were the wave doors [Music] i wonder if we way was wave guys i already went to the right of wave okay i don't need to check it again the top route please [Music] um fine i'll check shaq tool wait why am i checking shag tool i don't need to no i'm not checking shaq tool for the memezol yeah but where where the hell was brynstar again i forgot no the last reserve was um in norfolk gravity is in shack tool okay if gravity is in shack tool i'll do something for you guys all right oh stop milking the content i'm not milking nothing dude i can't even remember where the hell i can't remember where brinstar was all right it's all muddied up parade normal door yeah i know i was i was just going there i was just testing you guys you passed the test [Music] um i'm not sure when the next subathon is but um we'll be doing one i got a lot of a lot of content to do this month i'm hoping by the end of the month i can do the uh clown cosplay and the reason it's gonna take a little longer is because i'm trying to make it a little more fun than just a clown cosplay wait oh it's you aren't already doing the clown cosplay gotham no i'm not currently in a clown cosplay guys thanks um um you know this doesn't matter i don't even need anything anymore it's just go mode i'm just wasting my time really all right see you serious looks like the dock hat yeah this hat kind of does look like the uh stupid [ __ ] mistakes man we are in go mode but i'm just still trying to find varya i can prove to you guys it's not a shack tool but in doing so i'm more than likely just going to prove to you guys that it isn't shag tool because the last item i haven't gotten is probably going to be shack tool yes i'm really just trying to find no that wasn't a powerbomb door dude i have a bad feeling it's gonna be a jack tool this is the last item i'm checking this is it because the next item or the next area is um ridley and then we're done because uh i know taurean is that redbrinster [Music] betoya would have had this beat an hour ago with no suit yeah well dude you're talking about pete oil the fifth or sixth out of seventh place holder in all vileplumes percent so like dude like that's not fair um jab thanks for the 13 15. either wrecked ship or okay yeah i mean wreck [ __ ] we'll just go this way wait a minute i'm kind of confused actually because the bottom of this should be the actual entrance to wreck ship it should be this is the ocean right here i'm pretty sure i'm not checking it i guarantee that gravity okay fine i'll check it gravity is that shock tool i'm starting to believe [Music] yeah dude this sucks man i still have wrecked ship items to grab [Music] but update tracker [Music] there you're losing your touch homie how's that i'm not losing my thought job what i am losing is my voice no clue oats but you're losing it [Applause] [Music] dude regen i don't know anything about cantaloupes dude i prefer honeydew melons tracker oats there you go man okay for real though i have never had a perfectly ripe honeydew melon or cantaloupe it pisses me off man they're always hard as a goddamn rock you didn't check gravity no because i'm not going to waste my time at gravity i already have all the items i need gotta dip it in vinegar dude no what yo guys when do you normally start planting a garden i gotta i gotta get one of them rototillers dark plan last month yeah last month when the ground was still hard as a rock from ice yeah dude [Music] yeah um yeah honestly i have no idea when to uh when to start uh [Music] i mean should i start planting now should i should i get the uh tiller out there and start making my garden now or what okay because i really want a garden i want fresh watermelon because i i love watermelon dude it's probably one of my favorite fruits um okay this way yeah it's not frozen i can grow weed here um this way now we're going our way i hearing a gardener for advice isn't too expensive that's what i did this year yeah but i also just like bought a house and renovated it and i have no money maybe i could i mean you can grow wheat in massachusetts so i mean [ __ ] sure [Music] uh um i can't do a gardening stream [Music] growing weed is pretty tricky i don't know man i know some people here that grew some weed those those plants were so tall it was insane they were like they were just trees dude is what they were as trees [Music] uh yo oats i'm in mass 2 bro what's your address it's okay you don't have to put it in chat you can just whisper it to me i don't know you're done it's good to see oh it's doing long streams again uh five to one oh it's dude don't listen to him he's probably a predator just give me the last four year social and um you know i'll take your zip code you know come on man [Music] yeah this is the noise that my stomach makes whenever i go eat dinner at albert's house [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now there was some pretty good oh [Music] there's some pretty good cooking when i went hungover oh [Music] feels good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] only three minutes the [ __ ] is this i don't know what accent that was but no blue bomber i'm gonna do the blue bomber please [ __ ] wait is this like a standard escape wait is it always a standard escape no [Music] did i check the animals yeah i'll check them real quick maybe i can get lucky with them maybe they're just here did that [ __ ] just hurt me are you [ __ ] what's going on here dude [Music] what the [ __ ] is this okay are you [Music] serious why what what is going on here [Music] okay honestly i thought i was stuck i was zoning out why why can't you save them dude [Music] fyi never save the animals i have saved the animals in rando and i will continue to thank you very much thank you you think gravity was in this seat i'm not entirely sure yeah let's see where gravity was you think gravity was that gravity the the odds of gravity being a spring ball are pretty slim it was probably in direct ship it's probably like wrecked ship reserve or um wreck ship robots or some [ __ ] gravity was with joe did i feel like playing along anymore all right let's see where it was [Music] who was your character sprite it was joe [Music] oh okay let's see where it was [Music] thereby get to this up to miss pandavan [Music] okay okay okay dude gravity wasn't in this one i bet yeah gravity was not in this seed thanks for playing you're welcome he's lying he was at springball oats i can't believe you'd lie like that
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 16,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, randomizer, rando, h2h, highway, hell, highway2hell, highway 2 hell, highway to hell, highway2hell randomizer, pvm, item, door, area, finale, kraid, varia, mother brain, ridley, phantoon
Id: Iufi3ugLTH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 52sec (6112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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