[PB] Metroid Fusion Any% in 1:18:47

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all right what's my summer best on 1651 baby let's get the 117 right now [ __ ] i hate when that happens can you start the run from that screen with the little metroid does it matter you can okay i'll keep that in mind i don't know if it like changed difficulty or something hey thanks for the 300. oh okay i see which never love hexis [Music] no it's uh 111 46. i'm pretty new so my pbs look awesome and all but it's a pretty damn good run by mr c scotty w in here it's also very good at super metroid now we're going right for the 1 17 skipping 118. [Music] yeah honestly i just attribute that to knowing super metroid like i said i think that definitely helps the whole booty platforming thing and the wall jumping being kind of the same all right see you friday yeah dude anytime anytime you need no you'll get it friday don't be discouraged you just got me you got me more into it you know that's all [Music] my eye is twitching stop my right eye [Music] hey yo i'm with my guy friends you're about to crack open a butt and i told them i can get you to react just watch oats you suck yeah cool marth anyways let's run zero mission in the future maybe i'd be more inclined to run metroid or metroid 2 just because i want to get a better time for the marathon [Music] deep always see i told you that's how he reacts i told you nice one oats that's a knee slapper brother [Music] [Music] so [Music] one all the doubters are fools um it'd probably be distance yeah i had a fig newton i had one earlier but [Music] um you can just leave it open i'm not sure how it works frustrating i can't imagine you'd lose your points biggie new news is that what you call them i'm telling you it works a little bit of sugar some natural figs works every time i got some uh brownies that are made with dates like a healthier thing it's just the same people that make these figs yes some weed brownies yeah exactly fig newton that's two words dates that's just simply one word you guys be the judge what's better one oh oh remember i only have five missiles okay seven nice thank you [Music] okay i'll take that [Music] come on believers you know what to do what do you do i don't know you just believe do a full jump yeah why is the stream not boosted yet oh my god you guys will stop caring about me whatever [Music] yep boost for five more viewers let's go [Music] baby i have no clue it might be in like when you when you hit your channel points [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] i'm in the zone for the believers non-believers the daughters picked the wrong day put that against them yes you see that we have a um non-believers or doubters non-doubters emotes like the patty patty ones when they're when you're patting them whatever those are called i can't remember oh if you guys want you know yeah there you go that's it that's like 111.46 yeah petting padding whatever is why is that yikes because i didn't i haven't gotten world record in my first like 10 speed runs like officially of this game my pb's not that good like i'm new at this game like god he's got a very good time running the game for a while very good at the game it's gonna take more than just you know 10 official speed runs with five hours of practice you know it's it's intense like his movement's insane and very good and it's very clean um so yeah just takes time man he's got keep grinding and get better at movements and keep trying to get better rng the more consistent you are the rng matters less and less right because sooner or later you're gonna get good rng and if you're consistent you're gonna you know wreck it that was actually nice let's go if i could have gotten those doubles that would have been gold for sure nice it's tempting just to like you know keep it going but that's a little scary i'm not gonna do it it's not worth it you know i'm too new at the game i don't need to save six seconds when i'm 32 seconds ahead let's take the mall jump i'm just lunch grabbing [Music] [Music] you'll give a sub yeah dude it's worth it's it's worth the sub to destroy 32 seconds ahead at high jump with yet two minutes to save worth yeah it saves about six seconds seven truly a man of morals what about two subs well let me think about it what's up jrp i was on everyone you'd be in the chat [Music] oh nice i'm rewarded thank you nate for the gifts of the cherry bomber oh i see clark has gifted us uh three steps thank you wait man hold on oh look at that now one sub and then numero has gifted two subs thank you very much clark for the gift itself and then newmu thanks for the sub i kinda gotta focus a little bit here i can save some good time on the split thank you and thank you clark appreciate [Music] it spence thanks for the gift what's up you stormlock should probably jump through that door probably be faster here [Music] yeah that's really the only pattern i know very well i need to watch actual speed runs to see what other patterns i can get actual contact with [Music] oh so that's like a bad pattern because you're gonna jump up waste time i definitely have to watch speed runs of this to understand the patterns better or like how i should go about the fight and stuff foreign woof yeah whenever i try to hit the like the big arching ones i always uh just miss the flare i'm gonna have to do like three rounds [Music] [Music] maybe you want a refill but you don't want to safe doesn't need his own room well i don't know [Music] right from the center yeah like those yeah the arching ones i suck at i don't know where to stand okay let's go [Music] you scanning this game very carefully just like i did oh oh uh not quite a gold but okay yeah i'm gonna have to play it right away clark before i get to the mcat [Music] like the day it comes out before nintendo gets a whiff [ __ ] oh i want to be a big baby because i i always choke when i really shouldn't choke i could take one hit but what's gonna happen is i'm gonna take two hits somehow and then i'm gonna be really upset i'm going for the clean 117 the 118 skip man i need to start taking allergy [ __ ] like dust and i go to the house and there's just drywall [ __ ] everywhere and dust particles everywhere killing my nostrils dude the mask doesn't help i've wore a mask and other [ __ ] under the mask and you still go home blowing drywall boogers out your nose all right doesn't work [Music] i can't find any masks like respirators yeah i actually got more distilled water i have a neti pot probably gonna do it again tonight definitely helps a lot [Music] oh i have not [Music] come on take a step before shooting then i just like hide under there until it jumps to the left okay [Music] i know i said i sneeze in my elbow normally but it's kind of hard to when you're speed running [Music] that was the backhand sneeze [Music] [Music] goddammit i'll take it [Music] they truly are in shambles i just can't choke i gotta stay focused [Music] uh oh doesn't look like me what are you talking about let me focus on the text matching here [Music] at least this joke will be done tomorrow [Music] since you know they changed the pog champ every day [Music] i gotta save that second you know on that 117 pace this is a really good gold split so that's probably another reason to focus here don't show up with the time away my previous one was a 501 i think oh cool i didn't know why i don't know why i jumped there [Music] oh not terrible just a couple seconds [Music] all right [Music] foreign this is a gba game yes in sector 3 emergency in sector 3.3 emergency [Music] all right yeah my favorite is a super metroid prime one maybe this this is probably my third that's what i've always said before this is about my third zero mission probably my fourth prime two after that [Music] my right eye is twitching very annoying [Music] um it's really tough to say like zero mission the movement's really nice and this is a little bit uh i don't know a little bit heavier but it's still fun though and i i like the lore behind this better i don't like the text how linear it is but i do like the lore [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah i'm not too tired [Music] and get the double darn [Music] okay let's go [Music] or other m for a month probably other m just for the memes yeah oh and sm's in there too oh yeah definitely a seminar well other no if you can skip the text or the cutscenes not that bad which you can still have flaws for sure but doesn't every game have its floss come on i do have a ponytail i guess sounds terrible scotty prime one i love prime one controls but maybe that's just because i'm a speed runner and you know i can speed around prime one [Music] you can like bunny hop around and [ __ ] you can scan dash [Music] all right my kind of night haha just kidding scotty lay out the crack pipe my dude [Music] oh i like the gamecube controller yeah whenever i speed run uh metroid prime i do no out of bounds which is what you're talking about all right give me some good rng animals wait around there's a little one come on get your ass moving it's kind of slow grandmas don't exist really i thought they did exist those fell faster than the other ones okay power bombs we got 13 seconds of time save [Music] okay n64 controller is so bad like you need a third hand oh it's dude you don't need to use the d-pad dude [Music] that's i also supposed to hit the z button you know [Music] i have not how does he use it sometimes i will i will keyboard with my left hand and like use the joystick with my thumb and then hit the l with my uh like ring finger that's one way to do um doom 64. unfortunately if you if you need the z button then you need to kind of figure that out [Music] wait no actually i think you do that with your right hand yeah with your right hand you like keyboard it so you can hit the the buttons on the right use your left hand with a joystick and see and then you can um hit l and r with your one hand your right hand um did i maybe we're playing through it the other day aka like a year ago we're playing through doom again so maybe damn how am i losing this time this is crazy hard to save this time [Music] oh animal orangy i bet probably a huge difference between like super good super bad almost i just messed up my splits about 10 seconds different yeah i wonder what it is then i just messed it up now yeah it could be fake i'll get rid of it my hands my hands are bigger than andre the giants please my fursona your mom how's it going either i have toddler hands yes just little baby toddler hands well this is gonna be a hard split to beat one round uh yakuza pretty good second phase i didn't hit any doubles i don't think but we just need to have really good movements to mitigate some of the loss that's inevitable yes i mean it's all on stream i can try to see if i had this gold before i was using um gb gba or [Music] no visual boy so i'll look at my first runs with these splits and see what the uh the gold was and then if it was the same i was using visual boy so that probably explained some of it [Music] but even then i never did that shine spark so visual boy would have to save quite a bit of time oh wait a minute i know what it is um i would split when the last animal left the screen that's what it is so i do need to get rid of that with these splits yeah okay wasn't it down there no wrong spot [Music] move come on i mean it really doesn't take a lot of time to get that heat tank wow okay [Applause] damn it come on and a [ __ ] [Applause] i'll take that get my doubles and we're good okay that's not a double [Music] okay that was sloppy that certainly is a pretty good goal for me my last run so my end game splits are all right on this for me so i need to focus a little bit like that plasma is pretty good 118 flat for these splits i need a big gold [Music] but i'll take the 118. two are you doing there [Music] oh okay i see i don't think i've ever seen the sax right there i'm not speed around that game though please [Applause] [Music] [Music] these are pretty decent splits get down [ __ ] thank you so i do know i can save some time at the fusion after the fusion i'm pretty sure i got a gold i just saved a little bit of time it wasn't gold [Music] the nightmare oh yeah i kind of botched that so i can gold that for sure this one here so when you um when you're doing nightmare you just like hang out in the the right side of the screen and then when it kind of loops back around you run to the left and then jump on the [Music] ladder bell gets close for the last time right because it'll get close and then hit you and then go back to the left off screen get close again and then you go to the left probably after you take a hit or you're about to take a hit i'll figure it out [Music] see okay i guess it'll just take um experience [Music] dude fall down [Music] [Music] come on i didn't kill him i was just trying to morph i didn't want that all right we can maybe break even with this [Applause] i was better than last time [Applause] wow [Applause] yeah we're losing some time on this one [Music] still in there for a low 118. pretty sick pb if we can clutch it out let's go big time saves a couple big time saves anyways i can't remember what my ridley split was like i don't think i saved anything did i figure remember a shy sparked up here gotta do a full jump to this door [Music] i didn't mean to do that but oh i never doubted you for a second i was really hoping you'd have the uh number two badge i believe in your oats all my money on he's gonna choke to run [Music] the episode of spongebob i have the utmost confidence in you lad put it all on neptune uh binks thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you thank you that is bowsers thank you banks whatever i'm just gonna take thank you i appreciate it very much i really wanted the red one yes i'm gonna refill i don't know what i should have for energy how much do the um the blue dailies give you what's like a good amount for me being bad and all i can farm those guys but i don't know if it's enough [Music] 60 that's pretty damn good there's a lot of them three refoli tanks all right 30 heal 40. yeah due to the 30. another 40. ah 60's go 60. yeah 60 damage i like how most of these things have been wrong [Music] it's 69 damage isn't it unless scotty was just trolling me but i'm pretty sure it's 69 damage [Music] he's cruising he's ain't happy we're gonna have to get our boost tomorrow chat let's find out what one of them is what was that 30. [Applause] the heal 30 the damage for 69 damage is 60. well tell that to scotty because he's been saying 69 no entry without authorization hey i'm just trusting the world record holder scotty all right ow that's ain't good damn [Music] i gotta practice this fight we're still in there we haven't choked yet my end game was okay locked down [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably just ignore the first that's what i would do anyways yeah there's no point in putting both of them right the whole point is to showcase my improvement [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i think i can save a little bit of time on this i remember it not being that clean i think i got a couple i i think i got some doubles though the only good part about it oh i didn't get any i don't think it's so close to my bowl then or like some fork does it really make that much of a difference [Music] maybe i guess [Music] [Music] off with your turning [ __ ] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] you guys should just not worry about [Music] someone that's so obnoxious dude [Music] i mean there's no way i'm not pb and the doubters are the ones in shambles but i'm just kind of annoyed by that they're going to pb nah doubt nah now we're good [Music] got a [ __ ] [Music] no we're getting 118. i'll make sure that [Music] [Music] good [Music] yes [Music] yes thank you [Music] no you can't read japanese [Music] so i'm sick of mashing all right good enough just press down now [Music] well i would be removed i wouldn't remove that [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh i don't choke this fight we're good so [Music] [Music] [Applause] propulsion sequence when activating your destination [Music] 388 [Music] jeezy [Music] [Music] so [Applause] all right [Applause] uh to destination [Applause] uh thank you thank you thank you [Music] yo 23rd place nice i'll take it it came from user space with the 18. oh back to super metroid not till i move into the new house couple weeks i've been practicing offline every day 100 [Music] thank you it came from user space for the 18 subs holy moly i don't deserve that i still need a better time feel pretty bad but we'll get the 117. thank you thank you very very much and that one was for my believers oh yeah it came from user space thanks for the 18. once again el gingero thanks for the gift it's up to gary maximus thanks for the five months before he gets it he can get it i don't care if i was trying to get it before he was getting it i'd be doing runs right now but i'm gonna be patient and wait [Music] so more power to him if he gets it uh thanks for the 45 bits yep this is my this is my fastest time now with the um my old pb was a 118 57 with the uh with no bios which apparently saved me like a minute and 10 seconds somewhere in that range um so now this is an actual pv [Music] of 1847. eavster thanks for the 61. [Music] no envy no no no no no that's not what we're getting at oh yeah bios that would suck clothes out of it hey thanks for the 100 appreciate it yeah brother yeehaw [Music] let's get in a fight on a saturday night [Music] okay what's my uh [Music] what's my game time baby onyx has gifted us up to doubters have a seat wow the disrespect 50 all right all right i'll take it you get that 49 look at the 49 okay bios [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 8,461
Rating: 4.981132 out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, fusion, metroid fusion, pb, personal best, frydi, samus, zero suit samus, ridley, any%, metroid fusion any%, any% pb
Id: VAirjMbbRuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 0sec (5040 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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