WHERE AM I? Randomizer | Super Metroid

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so this is already fantastic i'm already in norfair because i'm so goddamn fast and i'm playing as a blueberry as you can see so this is called where am i [Music] it starts me off at a random location and i am uh i think it's a area randomizer as well gotta go back this way anyways wait no can i shoot this sometimes you can music is random what's up five eyes how you doing squirt [Music] better than you jackass that's good that's good buddy that's so good easy see that's where i wanted to go [Music] anyways i'm doing great i want to be a father i'm going to be a father soon oh it's how do you have morph balls not on tracker i'm getting uh we're getting a dog we're getting a pomsky [Music] no hell no um let me see what's over here just so i can keep a mental note okay mental notes mental notes red tower red tower green gate is is criteria criteria going down to brinstar elevator okay it's the kego room pop of red tower okay red tower is okay top of red tower brings me to green bryn star green hills greenhouse okay let's see what the items are over here [Music] oh it says he's mental [ __ ] now i need supers to return [ __ ] oh did you get uh um a reserve yes i did hold on [Music] and power bombs hold on [Music] um uh no i'd rather have a vasectomy before i [ __ ] have an actual kid aka i don't want kids my mother heard me say that it would be like the walter white gif [Music] what the hell is this mario paint [Music] yeah if i if my mom heard me say that she would definitely it would be though she would she would be the walter white gift for sure when he hits when he hits the dirt but it's true wow power robs damn i'm already stacking them up baby stacking them up dude uh what was this again we'll grab it we're already in taurian confirmed confirmed we need some confirmed t-shirts executing confirmed [Music] uh yeah we can leave now we're making some really fast progress here holy cow oh how do you have 13 dbs if your tracker says 15. [Music] hmm i gotta do this anyways you play super mario ascension after i know can do um [Music] um [Music] yeah albert i know i know dude okay 35 of those 15 of these 20 of those i like you with zelda too even though to be fair i have like you know 50 times the hours i just gotta see what this is i don't want to take the risk you don't want to play the game you hate the game but you do anyways [ __ ] serious oh bb's kill him oh that's right that's right power bombs worth only i had those power bombs to kill these things [Music] jesus [Music] oats you need 11 to kill them yeah okay your mom one-shot those i don't know i just put open because i don't have the proper trackers um and tracking tools and emo trackers down so i can't get any more packages um but i just put open because this um the settings are called um where am i so it puts you in a random location and it's an area randomizer which i've really been liking lately are the area randomizers the boats love your face oh um but yeah area randomizer and it yeah it starts me off in a separate location oh you do do you whatever you're just saying that thanks man speed i still can't escape even with speed how embarrassing god i suck my cousin gets that escape every time it's i'm not a huge fan of randomizers but now that i've been kind of chilling more and not speed running as much they're kind of nice and kind of enjoyable and kind of kind of me me with the chat um let's go ahead and see what's over here [Music] uh no um i was trying to install our packages right here butts [Music] come on baby come on that's all you need yep good thing i have 30 goddamn power bombs [Music] i don't know what i'd do with my life yeah i'm gonna need a crystal flash [Music] you have to choose a tracker that supports it well you said i can use emo tracker so i was just trying to like update other packages which you can do um an email tracker assuming that there would be one for auto tracking but i couldn't um yeah the servers are down i started in norfair on this run um i can't remember if there's a cap or not dude i don't need anymore all right i'm good on the powerbombs thank you oh it's you sure you sure rack here because in emo tracker there are packages that you download [Music] all with the server being down that's that's just because it's like a super old version of emo tracker okay i'll do that after this okay this is gonna bring me back out this is gonna bring me back out to uh red tower red tower green gate okay so i can do this now yeah i noped out of there hijab boots foreign let me update my missiles because i certainly need this many this is ridiculous dude you may need that many if you don't find charge [Music] yeah i mean maybe okay so at the top was grub green hills [Music] then i can go down from green hills so let's check out what that was because there's an item there i can also do water right now and spore spawn i kind of want to just finish that area and have it done with so i don't have to come back up and worry about that [ __ ] um let's go this way just in case i find i think the bottom of this i feel like the bottom has always been some sort of boss this [Music] yeah i mean i'm just less stressed because you know done with a lot of [ __ ] okay anything important missiles he thanks good so lucky oh it's dude oh it's i have over um two hours of watching randomizers under my belt and let me tell you that was one of the luckiest items i've ever seen after this we have this all cleaned up other than animals [Music] that's kind of annoying um animals what would it be for then no because i'm gonna go back down there foreign scotty what's up man thanks so much you know what let's just grab every single powerbomb that we find thanks for the seven months oh my god there's an ice cream truck yeah that's me bro okay so as of now i have essentially every item other than ah these um there's one which i didn't get this one i should have just saved coming down here um i don't know i've got some ice cream from the trucks before around here and then um they uh they don't take um didn't take card yeah seeds a little uh you know whatever so far but what's a guy supposed to do [Music] well and they're definitely uh you know not reporting all that money on their taxes so yeah exactly exactly that's the only reason you get an ice cream truck is for money laundering let's be real anyways guys i'm starting a new ice cream truck business um [Music] yeah so we're done with this area that makes no sense perfect perfect yeah you're right yeah that would never work dude what's up yeah light [Music] oriented at the bottom did i get any other items 30 45 60 and one more e-tank hey canned moose thank you so much for the tier one that i love canned moose it is so much better in the can isn't it aren't you supposed to pretend it works really well so you can launder more money no because i don't know if he works for like the irs or anything [Music] he's playing stupid that wouldn't work oh it's dude it would work great this is how you do it and he's like taking notes yeah boss we got him cortegas cortageus thanks for the four months in order to mod in order to money launder with an ice cream truck we noticed you have a lot of adult customers that we also have on the database of being convicted felons yeah they just love ice cream yeah but it says here that they were seen paying you with hundred dollar bills no those were ones okay well those were one dollar bills 1.0 dollars i thought it said i don't know i'm new to this wait what am i doing i knew it is this even randomized they just randomized the you get a p what's that spell p music is randomized yes uh vagil plague thank you very much um it's a little bit rough because i okay i only see missiles or supers which would be pretty damn nice but we don't need them so that is okay so the top of meridia tube [Music] is why not save i don't need to save bro i'm not going here um but i guess i could do that yeah the top of myrtia tube is moat i'm not i'm not doing that first of all i can't even do that i've heard buffalo controllers are really good but what you can do is get a usb um snes adapter that you can plug right in and use an original controller um i hate i absolutely hate and frequently tell you guys how much i hate those nest controllers um the usb ones wait a minute why would i do this i've already been here haven't it no i haven't been to the bottom of this yet oh nice better grab some more huh yep we're adapting a yap and chihuahua technical term now get napomski damn it i messed up my first shot dude beagles are cool and all but you don't want a beagle that's all i'm gonna tell you i grew up with beagles and basset hounds and [ __ ] [Music] they are rough they will just sit there and howl um the usb controllers are often [ __ ] i used to try to play with them back when i had a like a 51 or 52 and i played for maybe like two seconds and i said this is the worst piece of [ __ ] i've ever purchased and i never used it again [Music] it's um the the up and the down like when you hit right on those controllers like you can just press right like you're like oh my fingers on right we're good right you blow on your thumb you're gonna start rocking up and down you they suck so i took them apart i took one of my usb controllers apart that i got i got like two of them i think they are made with the cheapest worst plastic i've ever seen and like the the pads are garbage i got to do a transfer cross but the um the the contacts in those controllers are absolute garbage like i don't know how anyone could play on that it's impossible on my controller i press directions at all time okay we're gonna re-save you get alternatives to an official snazz well what's your budget because like how much is your alternative gonna cost you can get one of these for 10 bucks and just uh you can buy a famicom controller from ebay for 10 bucks used and it'll probably look dirty and gross but you just take it apart and clean it buy like two of them for 20 bucks that's what i do with all my controllers um actually i can't even go over there [ __ ] dude um i gotta go this way um no i just have purchased and collected so many controllers over the years for like eight years and i probably have enough parts to make like 20 controllers with the exception of like a few uh missing things here and there [Music] i just use all that [ __ ] change your membranes to the whole controller the just the membranes because the shell the shell is good like i want to try to keep the shell which is which is fine [Music] um i need to take off let me see what's over here first you sing me a lullaby hush little jam zap don't say work or ot's gonna um be he very mad and when ot gets mad [Music] you're gonna be real glad [Music] i don't know why you'd be glad but now you're gonna be real sad [Music] let me turn the speed back on [Music] yep i'm on the bus real bad yeehaw drink miller light partners daddy you always get so angry when you're drinking your medicine yeah boy well get the [ __ ] out of my way then [ __ ] [Music] i get mad at you cause i love you and the old lady makes me pay child support for your dumbass you're welcome well okay we have enough super missiles to feed a whole army guys that actually kind of worked okay ow forgot you exist easy fellas easy you gonna die i know god damn silly sally's oh it's so lucky that's not lucky that's pure skill champ learn the difference squirt [Music] yeah i can do a lot of crystal flashes uh can i even get up here like what the [ __ ] dude no i can't i don't have spring ball um this is ridiculous his skill getting smacked around like that it was skill escaping sometimes it's just impossible to try to not get smacked around you're only as good as your backup strats when it comes to speed running and pure skill all right fellas remember that [Music] that's why i suck so bad at this game um pure piss ah what [Music] yeah i could definitely word that different um you know what i mean though hmm dude okay well i guess i'll grab them just in case i have to fight mother brain for some dumbass reason or fight motherboard without charge for some dumbass reason some so much i mean yeah it's essentially go mode at this point [Music] and i i just crystal flash for days man [Music] um i just put open because i don't have the proper tracker but um um [Music] um i just put that because it's like an area rando and it puts me it spawns me at a random location when i start the game the presets with the barrier randomizer is uh uh where am i i believe damn samus is looking like an avocado now like one of those gross avocados that you think is ripe but it's like half ripe so it gets all blotchy and [ __ ] uh 65 65 of these holy [ __ ] those aria [Music] the booger suit yum nice dude excellent excellent [Music] okay i gotta check my item locations here grapple that's actually kind of nice but i have no way of getting there [Music] like i need high jumper actual bombs which i do not have [Music] well i mean maybe um i don't think i could short charge that [Music] and i don't think i could hold a charge from that one room to the next maybe thank you zad how'd you enjoy [Music] thank god we got more pbs is it worth it fellas some experts say yes [Music] okay i have enough supers i don't need anymore and i guess we probably have enough power bombs now too it's safe to say [Music] only 70 super zotes yo bro are you even trying at this point come on man i'm gonna go watch someone else um let me see what's up here real quick and then it might be faster to reset if i get like stuck up here [Music] i'm doing great wait why would xqc need followers because twitch deleted a bunch of follow bots hey man i lost 5 000 followers from that let's see what's over here wait haven't we already been through here oh no we started here this is where we started yeah that's how it works this is a um steel case gesture got it on amazon it's a lot cheaper than the website which is something i recommend but i mean um i got this because i sit all day on my lazy ass so if you're not gonna if you don't like sit for a living um it's probably not good for you i guess we'll get some some more supers [Music] hey calm down there ow good wine and eating in italy i don't believe you're from italy you might be easy hey baby you single no you you son of a b word get out of here i'm happily in a relationship ah text me later get out of here now i'm about to be a father you know thanks for the 59 months are you a follow bot why yes i am girl text you later not what i meant junior ow ow that's not good holy [ __ ] don't kill me okay i gotta see what's up here hopefully more power bombs i'm running dry um [ __ ] i did this wrong okay well make this work uh grandiose thank you so much for the raid man what's up i would never okay i need a farm thank you so much um okay so i just gotta rely on supers i guess this is steel case gesture [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] pogo [Music] oh is that the person you told me about raquel this mystic cheese oh yeah i'll be nice to him hey what's up buddy oh nice oh does this even randomize bro that was vanilla i mean i got him somewhere [Music] oh let's update the boss from the tracker too why okay hold on i know why i'm just you guys just piss me off sometimes [Music] okay craig and ridley are dead [Music] yeah because sometimes i'll forget to update a missile yo oh it's i can't tell if you just got a missile or if you got just hot air bro like what'd you get emmett dude you need to like you need to play the game you need to play anything other than any percent watching you play randa was was man that was bad [Music] dude it looked like you were playing the game for the first time no joke like it didn't even look like i wouldn't have never guessed that you had the time that you have in any percent watching you play rando it's like you don't even know how to move samus when it's not any percent you know what i'm saying it's really weird ryan you have a rogue mod i have a mod doing exactly what they're intended to do take the trash out [Music] um so i can't do anything else over here i'm pretty much stuck so i'm gonna leave and then i'm gonna try to find the back [Music] door [Music] i need to be a little careful i'm here to learn from you oates you're getting good at the piano so that's fine okay so this was this was the beginning did i could i do anything here i can't remember so this brought me back to the red tower pop a red tower to the right brings back to criteria the top brings me to what the hell did it bring me oh green hills which i've already completed all of the top of green hills brings me back to [Music] hmm i need to see what this is i suppose i don't know if i can though um well technically i can beat the game i would know technically i can't well no i should be able to uh where's norfair again that was at the very beginning how did i get to norfair but from there red tower i went [Music] oh norfair is just the very beginning [Music] which was yeah right here okay my lips are peeling thank god this angle with the tv is dope yeah before you know it emmett's gonna put have an angle like this yo guys what's up um yeah he's gonna be self-aware yeah i stole this for modes as long as he admits it dude you know how many um you know how many uh i ideas i've taken from other streams zero so you shouldn't either and if you do no i'm just playing at least two or three yeah i need grapple now hey that's not faking it till you make it okay taking until you make it is like going to school for um [ __ ] business administration when you hate it and you'd rather be like a vet um oh so you weren't the first person to play sm you're just copying other people's content true that's the way that's the way people think on youtube yo yo you're doing something that's um i saw someone else do years ago bro get your own content man this is so stolen that's youtube in a nutshell any legit art put on the wall would you assuming it's giant dicks or something or assuming it wasn't giant dicks oh okay um uh no assara's gifted six months of sub to angelachan wow thank you thank you thank you you try to be like zost um i'm trying to think of when i started streaming versus when uh zoe was heard started streaming okay so one yeah no zost and i have completely different vibes [Music] let's be real zost is a hunk okay zost is a good looking man andy is the best person he is the best player in the world so i've just given up my hopes and dreams ever be the best this is what you guys this is what you guys get now i'm sorry [Music] i'm so sorry i'll see what this is wow worth it crotch cam is any i just want you to know jace i had a crotch cam heart rate monitor um all that good [ __ ] before any streamer that you see right now stream this game any top any top 100 player that you see right now i've done it before them okay crotch cam is um just a controller cam but people like to uh be weird about it get that for free please sweetheart you still have to pay no i'm just kidding i'm sorry please please forgive me i'm sorry [Music] i don't want to sleep on the couch tonight um i think we're going up [Music] yeah dude tonsil cam yo it's your tonsils aren't looking so good man okay i'm gonna vomit dude [ __ ] [Music] okay what's up here so i'm a little bit lost now and i still need to find dragon and um fancying dip cam oats let's see the inside of that mouth them chompers go ahead and put a dip in brother uh what was this again green hills dude i don't need to be to green hills all right bye goodbye um i don't know where i'm at [Music] what the hell was at the top of this oh man [Music] hold on is the map randomized too [Music] yes the map is randomized [Music] i thought they took out x-ray climbing in the um cheaters only.coon yes i'm stalling for content because this is such great content i mean it is really me being lost is great content man you guys are really easy to uh you know appease hot tub stream tomorrow why do you hate america who says i had america i like the passage uh for meridia escape yes um it's just meridian i don't have high jump can't get there you choose the sprites of samus i do yes [Music] map in a resident evil residence every tuesday every tuesday i've never done a hot tub stream [Music] that's the one thing i have not done i've done some irl streams oh yeah i did an irl stream with uh with with you guys it's really hard to do irl streams though like i did an irl stream with wreck here some peeps and i ate this i ate a chocolate bag the calories had to have been at least like 4 000 calories it was a it was a bag made out of chocolate and inside of it is like fruit ice cream whipped cream it was great i'll probably have the clips of it somewhere if i wanted to find it you check alan entrance from lava dive area that doesn't do anything for me though cause i've already been through that entire area yeah caleb was there yeah unfortunately um taurian was just dude pouring was lava dive to the left of that was red tower green green gate yo where the hell do i progress because i don't have the items to progress yet okay i have gravel what can i do with gravel um i've already done i've already done all that oats is stroking oatman what the hell does that mean okay what was the cross here again this was this was just meridia upright from the ship already been there oh i can't do meridia yet um that's nothing meridia entrance is no top of red tower top of red tower the elevator going up wait a minute what was to the right again meridia maybe i need to go there top of red tower was green hills top of green hills was a loop back to red tower possibly that this the meridian escape is meridia crab escape with the map room but i can't get up there yet um yeah i i don't have ice in spring go to taurean door that was a hell run the taurean door is just the lava dive the lava dive just brings me back to everything i've already done um text master door no it so the way it works is every new area is randomized i've already been through do i have the most records for this game hell no i i have held quite a few records but i don't have any records right now in the game what are you laughing at tiggleton what do you hold bro but anyways um yes i have held quite a few records but i have not uh gone for records anytime soon or uh you know um what was the escape here there's gotta be something they've already been up here though i've already done all of this like this entire area has been wiped to clean forgotten highway i can't get to forgotten highway i don't know where um it is currently it's probably i probably just overlooked one of these areas that's wait what was this wasn't this a boss i thought this was a boss i still can't do anything here man so this is the this is the issue i don't have any items i mean i could do it out of logic and get a spark suit can't or won't i can but i need spark suit just get the items oh thanks man can you go down from here there's nothing down from here so the way that i uh the way the aria rando works is um every new i every new area like a elevator or like taurean or any any transition between two rooms where the music is cut stuff like that um is a new area we've already been down there the escape is taurian [Music] um the lauren warfare escape is meridia which i cannot the top of this is the entrance this is where i started the game is this room right here left of morph already been there that brings me to um yeah where the hell what was this again let me just check i'm just overlooking something okay [Music] i don't think i have enough health to do this reverse man [Music] so when i was here last time reverse lawrence air isn't in question it's not even a question you know how much you know much health that the the acid picks away it's ridiculous i'll try we've already we've already done all this tech now we've literally cleaned everything up there's nothing else to do um let me you crystal flash in the acid yes it would just be incredibly difficult i should have taken varya off [Music] oh all right well i don't know if i can do this we'll find out yes albert can i help you [Music] wow okay i was just trying to jump to see where it was but that works too [ __ ] dude [Music] um i could refilm but let me just see how much this does because this is ridiculous [Music] i don't think i can do this too much find out okay wow oh wait does the acid tick slower in this does the acid tick slower in um no even with various suited ticks pretty fast but um maybe it does i do have varya but still vary reduces a lot less than randos okay cool sweet okay so i don't know if that's even in logic i would have i'm gonna have to check the seed after this i don't know if that's in logic it is how do you know it's in logic i literally have i told you my settings well that's it no because the warrior randomizer has different settings you can literally turn off and turn on anything that you want um i can't remember if i turned on like the most difficult settings toxic wow oats is explaining something to people that don't understand well very toxic because my brain mush yes don't you don't explain you complain yo friday are you dumb are you just being dumb right now who knows okay let's refill your promised corn tutorial soon all right let me update all this stuff i think i'm maxed out that that that then why is he going to golden teresa the hard way instead of simply going left because i don't want to go left if i don't have to it's just faster to do this i don't have screw attack either so i'm just gonna hit all the flames along the way it's just annoying thank god yeah i just need to check because you can do like the hardest settings or whatever which would then change the logic i believe okay no i'm just calling you out unless you turn the difficulty down like a [ __ ] it's in uh it's in logic by default okay so unless i'm playing like easy mode or something that's in logic interesting i've never had to do that before [Music] appreciate it [Music] and now we're making some progress [Music] i knew this was easy mode this side [Music] i know i know nice mock ball thread the needle okay so i can't do anything over there um actually yeah i mean this this pretty much opens up the game [Music] we can definitely get sub one okay maybe not sub 130 but oh it's check spring ball if i check spring ball and there's nothing who are we banning i already have all the items what am i going to get at spring ball you know we need a volunteers i'm turning around albert you can't volunteer somebody okay all right who's who's dying uh albert volunteers he told me there's more power bombs in spring ball we could always use some more power bombs i might be interested albert please we gotta save you for the actual money all right yo oh so if i give you a hundred subs we ban albert i mean yeah we love having him around but i guess you know if you guys don't know i have um i have uh i have taken i've taken subs in order to uh get rid of albert the first time it was funny dude oh my god we need those hold on i'm coming baby nice everyone's safe yeah it was one month for a hundred subs and then he came back i'm pretty sure he thought it was like maybe okay at first he was probably up you're probably upset the first time even and then the second time someone's like he just got back and he's like do i'll give it a 100 for i'll give another hundred for uh elbow to be gone another month i'll be like oh and then i said all right sure yeah yeah albert you're in on this right dude [Music] and then um yeah he wasn't in on it he didn't like that [Music] right when albert right when albert gets back yo oats i'm back to my favorite stream hey another 100 subs to get rid of them yeah sure yeah that works thanks man oh yeah then he gave me a hundred subs i banned him but then we had some complications you know rightfully so albert had every right to be upset and um then we uh we we struck a deal all right um [Music] give a hundred gifted subs and i'll call oates little [ __ ] on stream oh no please no [Music] god it's really hard to get that without um high jump boots under gifted tier two subs and i'm gone for a month deal if someone gives a hundred gifted tier two subs you'll be gone for a month i mean you you make you make the you make the bet i don't wanna [Music] albert we like having you around you want to cut no it doesn't count no you don't get it cut [Music] fine i'll give you a cut okay how much are you working right now for this we'll just round it up to an hour uh what's the min wage in the u.s like three dollars all right albert i'll give you four for a tip [Music] yes yeah i mean i understand it so restaurant business is is kind of shitty i have argued and said before that i think restaurant workers could get paid more but then people the argument was well i'd rather tip someone more of a wage than they get than have um worse service or some [ __ ] you don't tip in europe wait what dodge oh oh dragon oh okay yeah pretty i'm pretty oblivious here [Music] not true i live in europe and tips are okay it's um it's not europe it's um in europe it's rude to treat the server like you would treat your servers in the united states so like for example how you say hey uh wait waitress waiter you know like call him over like a dog it's also rude to um well no no no what it is is the waitresses and waiters they're way different they function way differently than they do in um the united states like they don't pound you as much hi is everything good here like every five minutes can i get you a new water they like leave you alone your pretty much entire meal and you have to call out to them and say hey um excuse me i'd like something you know that's what it is that's because they don't tip no they do tip in europe um it's in japan they don't it's considered an insult oh we don't tip in the uk broof [Music] yeah i mean it's tough though because the profit margins in a restaurant are anywhere from like one to five percent five percent being on a very high end you know so it is really hard man like restaurants don't succeed half the time as it is so okay so dragon's dead um but that's the thing is too you know well i don't want to pay goddamn fifty dollars for my meal out at the goddamn sizzlers i'd rather tip my waitress five dollars that she makes four dollars an hour um okay so we came from there i need to i think wait a minute this just connects me back to this is fine [Music] honestly it's kind of tough because yeah i've had people argue both sides both ends of the argument [Music] it's like well if we pay more for food just as a base wage oh nice um then there's no incentive to tip and then no incentive for better service or something but then on the flip side it's like well you have a constant weight and then if you don't tip um if you if you don't increase the the money you pay your employees and then increase obviously the um the price for food um tipping might be bad you know it might be a bad month and then little little susie trying to pay for her you know four kids and go to college at the same time can't because work was bad she didn't get services she didn't get a lot of tables and she was um only making three dollars an hour in [Music] georgia yeah that's one slow um it doesn't matter what the federal minimum wage is um restaurants don't have to abide by those the number is three the number or the uh restaurants don't have to abide by those rules like they can you can pay your employees like 250 or three dollars in like in georgia or some [ __ ] if you're a server all right [Music] if it's like a tip industry or whatever yeah exactly there's no way it's a better system yeah that's what you think though but the profit margins like i said of restaurants is is garbage it's like it's like one to three percent yeah so it's really it's a really complicated structure really tough i've argued with people about this wait a minute okay where was taurean i remember seeing taurian right laura green hills okay which was green hills was top of red tower okay [Music] the problem is every job is on the verge of automation bro that's like the [ __ ] they ain't like that it opens up more jobs yes there still is a problem but like it's like the goddamn horse and buggy argument [Music] um [Music] and they're gonna keep saying it until it happens or doesn't happen um how the hell do i get back here then so where did i come from like i came from toilet no i yes meridia exit [Music] yeah yeah yeah we're playing a randomizer randomizer equals random conversations but yeah that's fine we can talk about something else pass is going to ruin the speed running industry dude my robot hands are going to ruin the speed running industry so what's up with the chat controllable hue lights is that a thing yet um rack here said he was writing up a program but i'm not gonna keep i'm not gonna ask him because he's doing it out of his free time you know and then [Music] yeah yeah light just i'll see in five minutes dude little caesars can be run with like one person with how their store works uh kellerman sucks thanks for five months wait a minute oh [ __ ] wait a minute am i supposed to backtrack all the way is this literally the only way i could get back i can't remember dude is this the this might be the only way wait a minute yeah like just broke his probation you're right we didn't check the back of wrecked ship uh well yeah we didn't check the back of wreck ship forgotten highway but i mean we're already here so forgotten how we probably brought us out what's the other exit that we haven't hit yet you know what i'm willing to bet is forgotten highway actually brings us to the back of rex ship wait no yeah there is one yeah i know from wreck ship i do want to make some execute merge at some point but i mean i'm gonna be saying that for years oh yeah at some point oh yeah i can't wait dude i have a lot of drive to do all this [ __ ] but then like i start to do it and then it just doesn't work sometimes you know what i'm saying fellas i think i'm just too hard on myself because i i never like to settle on like designs or um you know anything like that i want like actually nice wearable perch [Music] um where did the spring sound okay perfect we are on our way to beating this fairly quickly they should do an area randomizer tournament gotta be hard they did that just sucked the ocean goats body pillow i don't want to encourage that type of behavior okay ben with 16 months then i get a bunch of people coming in like yo man why are you so happy today oh you know just had a good night oats would you like anything some coffee going to starbucks like oh i know what's going on oh god no you guys will come into the stream whistling hey honey i mean oats winky face thinking i'm like actually like my spirit is embodied in the pillow itself hey hey baby just kidding or am i winky winky [Music] we get it man you [ __ ] the pillow that's the whole joke i'm trying to get out here okay [Applause] just 85 supers yeah it's not bad [Music] x3 what's this pulls up magnifying glass bro don't be so hard on yourself man okay i'm confident in the size of your penis so when's the erotic roleplay channel opening on the discord uh yeah and when's the what as soon as i um become the best player in the world at this game come on oh it's we wanted sooner than ever come on man [Music] um hey we can't really do the uh baby skip here with this you can but it's really dumb without high jump boots yeah i feel like okay can we get rid of that [ __ ] quote because that is i don't think that's a very good quote because first of all obviously that's out of context it's in a video game actually and i don't think in today's current climate like i think that's a very good quote yeah yeah i feel like uh shooting some people as oats is playing pub g yeah let's just make that a quote okay that quote is in context um oh stop being so pc that's not pc it's just not even funny there's no comedic value to it now the grandma one that's good the other one is like it doesn't even make any sense what's the comedy with that one you know what's the comedy with quote 216. oh because uh because oh it's um [Music] supposed to angle oh god dude as it's edgy yeah but edgy is not always funny a little bit of edgy sometimes is okay jesus [Music] anyone who complains about pc culture just wants to be definitely racist no i mean i disagree with that like i certainly don't want to be openly racist or racist at all that's definitely not a desire of mine it really depends on the extent because i mean just go look at twitter this shit's a cesspool of terrible ideas [Music] [Music] guys i'm not gonna start taking doge for payment okay just if you haven't already sold your doge make god have mercy on your souls hey thanks for five just bought some today oh it's what you mean [Music] all right you know i'm not gonna even complain i'm not gonna say anything you guys do you okay who am i to judge i expect me to launder my money ice cream trucks laundry my money oh sorry not lauder laundry elon's kind of a dumb ass he's just gonna get a lot of people to lose their money wait why are you green all of a sudden turn back to whatever color you were [Music] like why isn't he like why doesn't he tweet about things that actually have utility i don't know oh starting beef with elon i know there's like a lot of elon stands or whatever i mean i don't i don't take it to the extreme that a lot of people do with elon but you know anyways all right this randomizer runs pretty good [Music] he's not even smart just rich i like when people say that to you like how the [ __ ] do you know dude could be extremely intelligent didn't he like graduate it hasn't aren't as like actual like what would i can't remember the tests but like he has proven himself to be extremely competent uh no he hasn't okay all right so we have the elon stands and we have the elon anti-stands no he literally has i i love it dude there's like two sides of the coin um no oats trust me i know and he is very stupid he's stupid um his iq below stupid bro i know iq when i see it and that's low iq stupid um i don't necessarily like him by the way i'm trying to remember where i go here um this way yeah yeah red towers over here [Music] [Music] not everything is black and white i've talked about this before i hate when people just it's either like a black or white it's either like 100 or it's zero like dude chill out just find it fine find a mix [Music] um green no no not green hills no it's over here [Music] [Music] oh do you hate when people treat 420 as a serious holiday um wait who treats 420 is a serious holiday well i mean other than every stoner alive [Music] animals not today juniors not today truth voters don't even remember 4 20. oh it's did you beat the game i can't tell it doesn't say complete on track or that wasn't all right randomizer um i was kind of getting bored towards the end if you couldn't tell because uh yeah that wasn't a very good seat i don't think it's just um i just put open because um i didn't know what else to put quite frankly um okay let me reinstall emo tracker um does it matter like i can't really uninstall you just have to reinstall it [Music] yeah i know i already tried that but it wasn't showing up um i was trying something else let me see maybe i just is it is there a different name for this that it's under [Music] this emo tracker oh there it is that wasn't showing up when i would type it in it's weird are you sure you want to completely remove yes we hate to see you go would you like one month free on the house no are you sure we'll give you this for free as an add-on yes skip you sure will be back whenever you're here and you get lonely that's hulu whenever you try to when you try to get rid of your subscription that's [ __ ] hulu are you sure you want to go yes please you can't even find the yes button yes continue it's like tiny font it's like one font on the bottom of the entire webpage and then the um continue button is like huge right below it you sure you want to leave yeah are you sure you don't really um yes yes yes yes want to leave oh dude i mean i guess you know what just take my money for life i'm done with this 62 oh my god i'm so embarrassed no
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 25,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, randomizer, super metroid randomizer, rando, playthrough, search, item tracker, sprite, area, door, enemy, boss, where am i, where am i randomizer, where am i rando, area randomizer, blueberry
Id: 5CQcsnFrd_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 47sec (6407 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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