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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games at another dad's watches all right let's clear up this conspiracy a sec before we move into today's video these behind me are rats there are two of them and they are in pairs i know that having only one rat is a bad thing i grew up having rats there are two of them and they all have a palace to live in so all the people that only see one rat in one second of my video and assume oh this is a rat abuser shut up shut up i have two they're rats and for all the other people that think that every every single type of animal butter honestly my comment section oh daz has got rabbits tiny rabbits oh that's got a gerbil that has got a guinea pig daddy's got a cat i had a comment saying dad's got a cat it's a cage why would i have a cat in the cage they're rats that's that's all you need to know and yes one of them is called linda before you ask i did that speaking of pets it uh kind of reflects on today's video growing up we all wanted a pet whether it be a pet goldfish pet rats cats dogs we love pets but some people even some children have an acquired taste for what we would call pets today we're going to be watching a video i [ __ ] you not called a girl who collects cockroaches keyword their kid which means the parent has control of what pets she has so they're letting her have cockroaches i need to see this i need to see it let's watch a video [Music] [Applause] hi my name is shelby cameron i am nine years old and i collect cockroaches hi my name is daz black and i do believe that beating your child will stop things like this did she kiss the cockroach did she kiss it [ __ ] that ain't gonna turn into a prince all right that's just gonna turn into an even larger cockroach i mean if you're gonna have a bed full of cockroaches don't make out with them don't make out i think that i think that's just common sense isn't it jesus christ when i started collecting roaches i only had five only i'd say that was enough i'd say that's too many i'd say five counts as an infestation in in the in the eyes of an exterminator and now i have thousands [ __ ] and mum's giving her the egg boxes to do it ah god they're all over me i swear they're all over me [Music] teach the world to not be afraid of cockroaches it's not that we're afraid of them all right it's just they they they're a sign that all things aren't hunky-dory or healthy in your living environment when we see a cockroach when we go to a hotel we don't go oh they must have just washed the sheets we go oh [ __ ] someone must have taken a [ __ ] somewhere and not cleaned it up that's that's what we associate with cockroaches because they live off that [ __ ] [Music] i like roaches well go buy a skipping rope because this is not there's no i can't get on with this ah yeah as soon as they call my arms they tickle me and why hold on they can be all happy um i could do without him much [Music] don't don't test don't do it bite your tongue i'm not saying anything unless anything i'm not saying anything not saying anything she really likes them so i absolutely don't love that cockroach can't even walk is that roach okay it looks like me coming back from the club look i absolutely don't love the cockroaches no one does even so the parents don't like them yet allow them something tells me they're actually you know fans of the roaches but i can deal with them i do have freak out moments every once in a while oh my god get those um um [Music] are they little woodlows or baby roaches oh god this would this would not do this will not do i i've known people before right to just not mention at all that they're a spider collector side rant i once stayed around a friend's house when i was about 15 okay and i i'm not afraid of spiders all right i've held like little tarantulas and stuff don't really care if they're in the house and i see them slap that [ __ ] don't care but some spiders right they're too big they're too big to not be classed as an arachnid all right some of these spiders are so damn big they could they could qualify for a mortgage all right they're not animals they're dinosaurs that weren't in that area where the asteroid hit and survived that's what i'm talking about here those type of [ __ ] and it's like yeah dude come stay around come stay around we'll you know have pizza we want some horror films like yeah [ __ ] let's do it stay around his house stay there all night had a wonderful evening wonderful i go to sleep i sleep there i have nice dreams i wake up i come down for breakfast i pass the room in the hall in the hallway i poke my head back round and it is a room full of spiders and i'm not talking little you know i'm talking this [ __ ] will catch a bird read it a bedtime story and then his head that's the size of spider we're talking i said i said john john john where were you gonna tell me i was sleeping above an australian zoo i think it's etiquette to just tell people that oh by the way i have a room of death back there um and if they get out a foot will be lost if you're bitten at least tell me and let me make an educated decision whether i want to sleep around your house if you choose to keep monsters you know if i had a shark in my bathtub i might say be careful when using the bath got a shark in it it's a shark but overall you know i've come to accept shelby's passions my favorite thing about roaches is that they are unique and special yeah that's what the kids at school will call you imagine her friend's coming over imagine inviting friends over and there's just roaches everywhere my favorite thing about cockroaches is that someday in the near future that they will all go away i don't think they will i don't think that statement is uh correct don't cockroaches survive like nuclear explosions or something is that a thing i swear um when we're all dead roaches will you know only grow in numbers because we're not gonna be killing them or keeping them in tanks i want to teach people about my roaches because they're not monsters and that can be really cute and funny funny cockroaches are funny they tell jokes she is pregnant and right here you can see her ak scene in the back of her adam tell susie to poke her abdomen back in because we don't want to see that [ __ ] dangling out i can't i can't these are my madagascar hissing cockroaches they hiss when in evolution did that happen wait that way a cockroach can hiss at you imagine imagine being in a hotel room right and i can't quote on the walls like i would [ __ ] leave the planet i'd go [Music] i never knew they could hiss did thanos like snap his finger and this is a result like i don't why do they hiss why are they allowed to hiss i have one nick in my room and i convinced why is that one so big look at it i didn't know they were that big that's a volkswagen that that's not that's not a beetle and i convinced my brother put a tank in his room and then we have three in our laundry room and then the last two tanks in the garage you don't need that many though do you like just be honest you don't need that many i mean a cockroach is a cockroach you know having one or ten thousand doesn't matter oh my god and the thing is the parents don't even like it put them in egg cartons because they like the dark better than the light and egg cartons are light proof are they this is a boy dubia roach you can see it has wings on it oh [ __ ] so that one can fly ah wonderful why don't we just get a little grappling hook and rope gun in there so they can just escape this is a girl and she does not have the wings and the boys the wings like to help their landing if they fall off something high oh so the females are all [ __ ] that's a bit sexist isn't it god huh why would you give why would you get i'm triggered now i'm going to tweet about this why would you give male cockroaches wings and females just fall wow hashtag cancel cockroaches a ledge or a cage child's hand this is a boy madagascar and this is the girl and you can tell the way they're hissing at her oh my god this is horrifying the exoskeleton is their bones on the outside of their body they have what i'm sorry i'm learning so much here they have what is their bones on the outside of their body the bones are on the outside of their body we need david attenborough to narrate this girl's bedroom hannah i'll do it for him hold on these girls parents are out of their [ __ ] mind they allow this girl to keep a box of exoskeletons for her own amusement if she was my daughter i'd drop kick her out of the [ __ ] window there's snow white for just a couple of hours and then they get their normal color back the roaches they do not buy they're not harmful at all except they may be a little stinky once in a while hence the [ __ ] they swim in is a taxi german beetle i use them to clean out the dead bugs in my cage so it doesn't smell so bad how how did you keep a tally on this [ __ ] how do you know where each beetle is i doubt they got a tracker on them all like a little ankle bracelet on one of their many legs how do you know where each thing is that like they might one must escape at least one a day must get out into the house god damn it they're called tax learning beetles because they eat the flesh off bones didn't need to know that didn't need to know that information should have just called it there should have stopped right so now we've learned that there's a beetle out there uh that is training taxidermy um and can eat the flesh off your bones great um i will be reducing the amount i go outdoors this is my gravestone for my favorite roach sorry let's not it's not funny is it because a pet died moving on name was blackie and i named her lucky because she was completely black actually biting my tongue she died about a year ago and on the bottom i wrote she was nice [Music] i saw she was well she's now about to invite her friends over um so let's see how this experience goes today we are making costumes for my roaches and i invited some friends over to help me she's getting them dressed she's dressing them up well in my opinion it's perfectly fine to have cockroaches andrea you're wrong andrea i never liked you andrea all right this is why everyone throws stuff at you in class i think having a cockroach for a pet is pretty weird emily you're my bestie i like you emily you're always the smart one you know your grades are going up you've got a future you've got a future emily and i'd vote for you if you ran for president welcome to the cockroach fashion show our first [ __ ] my face will be a mummy made by emily [Music] [Applause] no no no ah oh god no no do you want to know why i know this isn't a real fashion show one the beetle ain't skinny enough and two cockroaches don't wear clothes i'm not poor cockroach right you dress it up as a bee that's almost an insult right now a real pretty but i noticed they added in the clapping because no one's clapping and if i was her friend who probably i there must be a reason they're there like maybe she has a ps5 i think i'd be thinking about all right get through this dress up her pet beatles and then i can play fifa i think the fashion show went brilliant she has a ps5 oh she has something in that room that that kid's going along with this for that i see any any anything i can think of i wanted all my friends to know that cockroaches can be funny and they're not scary you could dress a lion up as um a dolphin but it will still eat you doesn't make it funny when it's charging towards you it will still rip you up the same that with basket five jesus christ these cockroaches have a better life than me they've got a ferris wheel that that's when you know you need to go out more like when you see a cockroach having a better time than you that's when you know [ __ ] i do want a roach circus what we put together is is that a burning hoop for them to jump through now i'm not a scientist or you know biologist or an expert in animals but how is that cockroach gonna get through that hoop please tell me she's not throwing them through if we have a ferris wheel a cannon cannon you should be firing him out of your window i would support the cannon if that was the case we're gonna have a little air-powered rocket launcher to launch our projectile which today happens to be one of her beloved roaches she can't love it that much if she's gonna fire it out of a cannon this isn't gonna happen is it all right we are gonna make the cannon shoot through this hoop of fire and hit the net five four two three two [Music] i shot one cockroach out of a cannon is that cruel i don't think that's good for the for the cockroach is it it's not is it imagine being that cockroach all right we're going in a tube uh this is nice this is cozy oh cool this might be my new cage i'm going to tell dennis when i get back i i don't know i don't know anymore welcome to shelby's amazing cockroach show that kid is me that's me and her up here that's also me i don't know if she's a ghost or she's actually there that's not me but that kid's face there is me like what is what is going on well i would not eat at that school's cafeteria that's for sure um interesting interesting insight into what is allowed in um america if you collect cockroaches and are offended by this video [ __ ] off hope you enjoyed today's video sorry there's been a lack of videos recently i've been going to events and uh filming we've just started filming two girls at our wedding part three yesterday it's a very good shoot like love caress my channel do not buy me a cockroach and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,489,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FMpGYya7Fx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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