Daz Watches Martinez Twins

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i just want everyone to know off the bat that this video isn't trying to establish whether or not the martinez twins were or were not bullied mistreated picked on treated differently this is not the point of this video the point of this video is that there are claims that the martinez twins were being bullied by jake paul and team 10 and this is their video response we're focusing on the fact that they are saying they've been bullied whether they have or not is not the point of this video how's it going tesla's welcome back to daz games and another daz watches and as you've probably uh already guessed we are watching a video by the martinez twins i have been asked to watch the martinez twins so many times i just i haven't done it because i don't feel that there's much to react to however we are going to react to this video because i feel that the subject of bullying is being used to gain views now i know the fan girls are gonna come quick and heavy alright i know they've got nice hair okay i know that they're very pretty boys okay try to separate your fandom for just a minute all right through this video let's try and pull away from the oh my god that's just they're my husband let's put that behavior in a big [ __ ] bag called [ __ ] and they're never going to be your husband's grow the [ __ ] up and let's talk about a serious subject bullying and how it's being used to manipulate you and tug on your heartstrings and i'm going to show you how they're doing this because i'm sick of this [ __ ] on youtube sick of this fake beef sick of these diss tracks sick of all this drama that's created and and using serious topics to get your [ __ ] views because you're a fan and that's your weakness let's watch the video and see for example how they choose to start off this serious topic which is bullying okay jake so [ __ ] you okay so from the so from the very beginning of the video they chosen to open with a shot that's clearly gonna be at the end of the video to get your interest him smacking the camera saying [ __ ] you jake cutting to the intro that is basically saying look guys what happens later in the video oh my god you have to stay and watch and they've chosen the the most obvious moment the most dramatic moment that's gonna have enough impact to make people go ooh he said [ __ ] you jake paul let's just you know let's put that at the beginning that'll get them interested it is the what i like to call physical click bait all youtubers do it i do it in my vlogs i pick out the most interesting parts of a vlog um like me on a roller coaster or some [ __ ] i play it at the beginning just to give you a little taste of what's coming up this is video where all these editing techniques doesn't need to happen you're talking about bullying you don't want to bring drama and [ __ ] into it so let's see how the rest of the video pans out and what they have to say back so i know we haven't been posting a lot of videos we're here to tell you experience so we're in l.a a lot of things are going on and we didn't feel good to make a video now we're happy we're gonna make a lot of a lot of videos but like we should just yeah let's explain them okay so guys we're no longer with team 10 no anymore okay so from the from if you guys can't hear that in the background that's emotional piano music they have opted okay for a video talking about bullying just like with the intro they're gonna over dramatize it as much as possible by enhancing it with emotional music there's no need to put piano music sad but they may as well have a member of team behind them playing the [ __ ] violin they've blatantly said like you know what bro what bro we should put like some sad music in the background you know make it more sad it's clearly an editing decision they've made someone put that sad music in the background there i just think that you know that the subject of bullying you don't need dramatic effect you don't need physical clickbait you don't need sad piano music to to make people feel for you here's an example i i will say to camera a real story of me being bullied okay and then i'm gonna do it their way so one day i was sitting in english and this boy called richard who would pick on me all the time he came up to me uh whilst i was looking around to see where he was because i wanted to know where he was in the room because he terrified me he came up and he punched me so hard in the back of the head that my head went forward and hit the front desk and busted my nose up i left the classroom and i was um i was just crying and it was it was awful and even with a busted nose i don't think i was taking that seriously so that was that's a little snippet of a bullying experience i spoke to camera no music no editing of me saying [ __ ] you richard bang intro okay it did what it's supposed to do i'm getting out there my story about what happened and eventually leading on to what you can do about it let's try it their way i was in english oh wait no oh no they got their merch on haven't they i should probably get my merch on for this i was in english and this boy richard who always bullied me came up from behind me whilst i was looking around for him to see where he was because he terrified me he punched me in the back of the head and you know my head hit the desk and i got a nosebleed so i went outside uh you you can see you can see what i'm saying right so if this so far if these two things haven't convinced you yet that this is to over dramatize the situation for views let's continue with the video i want to tell you guys why we made this big decision but first we should talk about ourselves yeah just to you guys to know and our stuff we're from spain from spain yeah we're savages from spain and we're 18 right now but like we were seven between seven and thirteen yeah thirteen we were really really really rich always find we had everything that we want but at the age of like okay so i'm not gonna play like the whole video but in this section of the video they talk about their past where they come from they grew up in spain they weren't uh very rich and then it gets to the part where jake paul um meets them right now so one day yeah jake paul the enemy saying yo guys you got yeah just it was cool yeah it was cool i was so so so in the video it is kind of hard not because they don't particularly have bad english uh coming from spain but they don't let each other finish what they're saying maybe it's a twin thing i don't know but if you didn't get that jake paul dm'd these guys and asked them to come to the u.s and eventually they would join team 10. and that's where the problems for the boys seem to start um let's hear more of what what happened excited and happy i was happy because i was like usa la la i was like yo that's my dream like let me go with you like let me let me stay with you and maybe kill him and we can make content together and we can have fun together we thought they could be our family anymore so a bunch of random people called team 10 out in la who are also um video makers you thought they could be your family jake yeah he was so cool like a house big like everything was cool they were so so so nice to us we thought jake will be our like best friend yeah our best friend like we thought i have the same tattoo that he has he taught to me we thought everything was fine everything was perfect but then we thought that they could care about us the same as we care about them they didn't even love us i understand being young and naive and having false expectations but i understand you know being young and naive and having false expectations and being lured in by hollywood big houses fast cars seeing all this [ __ ] and thinking that could be me i understand that completely but expecting someone to just love you and want you to be their family and i i got a feeling of these boys may of like over over expected so imagine you little kid from spain or from another part of this world did you go to l.a you don't even talk english don't move to another country if you're not fluent in their language it's [ __ ] stupid it's like me moving to japan or somewhere you know where they're not gonna have very many english-speaking people and me trying to forge a life out there i should probably learn japanese if i'm gonna do that just imagine i want you to guys imagine that you go to somewhere that no one talks spanish or your language and you see people in the house laughing and you don't even know what they're talking about yeah then that was your decision you you went you moved from spain to america in l.a and you decided to live with a bunch of random people you don't know or have no idea who the [ __ ] they are or what they're even saying and you're expecting us to feel sorry for you that's a decision you made you you saw the glam the house the the the bling you attracted to all this [ __ ] and you moved there and you couldn't speak english that's no one's fault but your own if i got an invite to join team 10 no doubt beyond any doubt would my [ __ ] channel take off just me being in the background with those lot vlogging with those lot saying i'm team 10 my channel would probably be on three four million [ __ ] subscribers right now because people follow people just because they're famous they don't necessarily follow them because they consider them a role model or because they're talented or funny they just [ __ ] follow them because of a fandom does so i have no doubt my career would go up if i was to join team 10 but would i actually join team 10 [ __ ] no hell no i don't want to be woken up each morning with a [ __ ] cannon i don't want 10 of my earnings going towards jake paul for some unknown reason i don't want this [ __ ] drama and you know dabbing on haters i don't want that [ __ ] that i'm just happy at where i am i don't want to [ __ ] move to la in a house with a bunch of [ __ ] that's my decision i make that decision these boys decided to do this so them not speaking english and not understanding people did they not think that through before they moved in with team 10. found out they were talking [ __ ] about you they're laughing at you every single day so that's what this is where we start to get to the problems they apparently they were making they were being made fun of they were being laughed at apparently there's video footage out there of jake paul bullying them again this is not a video determining whether or not they're bullied which is going to take their uh word for it that they were being bullied and this is what they are doing with the response this is where they take this possibly real situation of them being bullied by someone big and famous and they turn it into a video for views um we were really upset we were really upset yeah we used to love you jake and we used to love team 10 but not anymore like i went there i went to sleep school like how how eight months in one house just going to sleep skirt because i didn't know how i i was about to pick up to wake up so yeah that's that's even so they're not really they're saying in a video that they hate jake paul they used to love him i don't know why they used to love him they're pretty much like as soon as they met him they're pretty much saying how cool he was and he loves it they don't know him eight months is not knowing someone okay even if you [ __ ] live with them you know you can get to know someone quite well in eight months but you don't really know someone in eight months they made the decision to up and leave their country and go live with a bunch of other random people okay it's a stupid [ __ ] idea but they're still not really give a saying of being mistreated saying they're being bullied and they're not actually giving any insight to what happened to them we don't know what type of bullying this was all we know is that they've been made fun of and laughed of and because they can't speak english can we even say that they were laughing at them that they're saying they can't understand what they're saying so we don't even know if the laughing was indeed at them that they must have researched him they must have watched his stuff um and saw that's what he was like they must have known what they were getting into uh to join team 10 house in the first place if i know what i've what i've only got to watch a couple of these videos to know [ __ ] no i don't want to join team 10. don't come in and wake me up with a [ __ ] merch cannon i will murder you like don't do that to me so i i i would not join no that's it boom shot down team one that's me i'm a team of one i don't even care what are you gonna say jake i don't even care what you the team thing guys they're gonna say you should say something to jake yeah they take we're not [ __ ] yeah like not a [ __ ] you just call us [ __ ] you just wait for that bro you wake us up you just wake us up we're awake now we know everything we we know we're true we're usually he's awake i'm awake too yeah and we're peace we're really pissed i don't know what they're talking about they're awake they know we're coming for you jay you were just saying you were being bullied by someone this was um an explanation as to why you left team 10 because you were being bullied and mistreated that's the message you're putting out there what what are you talking about now what do you know about jake why are you not [ __ ] you're awake you woke us up i i don't know what all that's about so i can't really comment on it let's continue yeah bro okay because you're a bully you're a bully because you're a bully this is why we're doing this okay let's out the bully i'm on board with you martinez twins no one should get away with bullying especially if they have influence especially if they're inviting two young nice lads into the house no one should take advantage of these people make fun of them and be a bully let's do this i'm with you martinez twins how do we move from here okay because you're a bully if this video gets just one like oh one like take i i used to love you for real i just i will i will do the like i will put it like no you don't have to play if you get just one like one like i would tell them just one like i will tell them everything about you really this is where i decided to make this video they are accusing someone of being a bully they are making a long drawn out video to their fans who look up to them by using sad music dramatic intros a back story trying to make you feel sorry for them when they clearly they just made bad decisions it's their fault they decided to do all this themselves and then we get to the point where we're finally going to find out oh [ __ ] they're being bullied they're being bullied it's serious you know they're being bullied we'll tell you in the next video if this video gets one like then we'll tell you what's up if it's not obvious already to you okay if you're a fan of these boys it's fine okay i want you to understand something before you come at me and go ah [ __ ] daz you're you're you know what you're just fat and you're older you you know you [ __ ] you they're my husbands before you get defensive uh okay i was bullied badly very very badly it's not a subject i like to see used for youtube gain one like and we'll we'll tell you more about why we were bullied and let's let's get something quite straight okay because a lot of people are defending these boys because they only asked for one it's reverse psychology they're not asking for one like i the worst youtube channel in the [ __ ] world could upload a video and get one like these boys only got four million like they they know they're gonna get more than one like okay it's reverse psychology it's to get you to like the video they they are asking for loads of likes because of this situation they are using this situation which i'm not denying this could be real they i have no doubt that they probably were bullied and mistreated can't prove it i don't think anyone can but regardless don't [ __ ] use being bullied a real life situation for views you have people that follow you who have been bullied and want advice from their idols who have been bullied they're expecting you to keep them strong and give them advice instead you're starting this beef now you're doing what you have been taught very well to do from the best in the business start some beef [ __ ] you jake paul sad music you're a bully if this video gets more likes i'm gonna leak some [ __ ] on you i'm gonna tell you more that is just the [ __ ] i can't stand anymore on youtube everything that not about you i don't care about about you and your and your things just what you did to us i'm sorry just what you did to us this video gets some likes we're gonna tell you but because they know they're smart okay they're not playing they're not dumb and pretty boys that you think they are they know that this video this subject why we left team 10 we're being bullied by jake they know it's gonna get views that's why they're [ __ ] making the video if it's not obvious enough but to extend that reach more to get more views out of this situation if this video gets more likes we'll make another one so then they got two videos on the same subject but only if they get enough likes how many likes did this video get by the way 227 000 likes 20k dislikes the people who can see through the [ __ ] twenty two thousand two hundred and twenty seven uh that's like the average views i get for a video this video won't [ __ ] do that well but these videos do they do it because they know they can tug your little heart strings and get you to [ __ ] do whatever they like guys come on i'm pissed i i don't like this because i love the martinators and and and we're not like that like we're not we're not like that like you are like that you've made a video saying you're being bullied and that you'll you'll leak more info when you get more likes you're no different from any of them because people like alyssa violet for instance let's look at that situation as what i'm trying to explain here alyssa violet was supposedly like assaulted and abused and mistreated by jake so what does she do first of all she makes a [ __ ] vlog about it she sits down and makes a long drawn out video explaining what happened you don't do that you go to the [ __ ] police okay and what does she do then she then goes into a video with his brother logan paul and starts kissing him in a diss track this is real life this is [ __ ] real life if you've been assaulted you don't go to the man's brother and make out with him in a music video to get back at him then make a [ __ ] vlog you go to the police if you've been assaulted you you you take this [ __ ] seriously and then she continues to hang out with people like ricegum and other various poisonous people and and that's how she stays relevant because that she realizes that on her own just being pretty and beautiful isn't enough [ __ ] you jake paul smacking the camera and then in editing deciding to end the video there so it's like a cliffhanger you are doing what jake paul logan paul and every other [ __ ] on this website does you're exactly like them and you're not owning up to your own mistakes you are saying jake paul team 10 they're [ __ ] because they didn't fall in love with us and care for us when we when we moved out there that's your mistake okay you and and people understand that they understand that you were young naive poor and then you get this big famous person say come live with me you like idiots went out there you were naive you moved in with people you didn't know and didn't even speak your [ __ ] language that's on you the fact that jake paul and the rest of team 10 didn't love you or call you their brother or their family it's not their fault it's not normal to do that so all that [ __ ] i'm sorry i don't you know how you expect people to feel sorry for you you were old enough to make the decision to move out there and instead of using your huge youtube channel which is like almost twice as more as mine to talk about how you were bullied so other people don't go into that house and suffer the same fate you decide to start beef you use the fact that you were bullied a possibly a real life situation instead of helping to warn people you use it for dramatic effect and we're not going to find out more unless you get more likes which leads to more views i'm sorry this [ __ ] on youtube has to end clickbait has already killed this platform people are surprised when they click on my video left in a theme park all to myself they're [ __ ] shocked when they actually watch the video oh [ __ ] daz is actually in a theme park by himself i thought it was clickbait when i released a video saying i got a gift from dan and phil people are in disbelief when they watch the video and i actually got a gift from dan and phil and it's because of all these [ __ ] people click baiting to get more views that's where i stand on this video guys i i'm not saying they're bad guys i'm sorry if you're a fan of them it's just this [ __ ] is done for views it's so obvious i i know that they haven't um monetized the video etc and they're not earning money for this they're still repping their merch but other than that like uh i just feel they could have done this in a better way and asking for more likes um to explain the situation more it's just cheap all right people get bullied all the time and they're looking for advice you know and these guys are just looking for more views let me know what you think all right guys let me know what you think in the comments below like love crest my channel and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,903,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, Daz Watches Martinez Twins, martinez twins, team 10, react, reaction
Id: N2aDsvhShYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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