Daz Watches 10 Signs That Girls Like You

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helpless what does games and love dad's watches I am going to give you men out there the holy grail of knowledge every man wonders how he can get the girl or any girl for that matter I think most men if they had a superpower I wouldn't be invisibility would be flying would be invincible no it would be the power to seduce any woman because women are very complex creatures to understand you know they do a lot that we think as males is all she likes me you know whenever they like might touch our shoulder will oh oh we're getting married because we're idiots what's stupid we need guidance we need help I found a video called ten psychological signs a girl likes you it's basically how to tell that she's attracted to you so we're going to watch this and we're going to see what we think if it's [ __ ] or is it actually psychologically true that's already hey it's practical psychology here and today I'm going to teach you how to tell as a girl like you using ten psychological signs that you might be interested and the first is does she look at you whenever she laughs if a girl is interested in you she will most likely look at you first when you're in a group of friends and everyone starts laughing now the psychological and biological reasoning behind it is telltale sign is that she's genuinely interested in your reaction and what what if she's laughing at you you gotta be more clear on these details man a lot of girls laugh at me that happened a lot you know uh do you look at people when you laugh I don't that's [ __ ] creepy like when I laugh I usually close my eyes i ah I don't laugh like that okay see see but I didn't even look at you I look down and I close my eyes like that that's what if you [ __ ] look at someone while you laugh it surely that's terrifying hahahaha see okay it already so heavy not my laugh I have to look away so woman we're attracted to you look at you when they laugh I wouldn't I would want to day that girl she looks at me and she was like I study it I'm sorry you got no chance wants to see if you thought it was 22 she wants to make it about you Asian of you and is still making subconscious judgments on what you think it's funny and how you two will function together as a pair she may look at a different person each time something is funny but if she sways towards you she's definitely interested however be careful of watching for her reactions for she might be curious if you're looking at her too and things could get awkward quick the second is dilated pupils so when someone sees something they are psychologically attracted to their pupils will physiologically increase in size up to three times to allow more light so that they can further observe the attractive stimulation woman of the Terminator so when I come and see something they like you know like they're attracted to their eyes just [ __ ] grow six-pack located mm-hmm wow that's true man I'm going to be looking at woman like was such curiosity now she likes you and she wants to take all of you in what did he just say she likes you and she wants to take all of you in okay he's talking about the eyes I mean if you can talk about this subject and say that a woman wants to take all of you in I mean you can take that one way or the other it may be hard to see this from afar but if you can offer her something or ask her a question make sure to pay close attention to her pupils before and after looking at you as other things can cause dilated pupils beforehand such as sunlight or alcohol all right okay so the guy was drinking or she's outside her eyes are gonna be bigger and now I'm going to think every girl it's attracted to me I I wouldn't go for this one guys I you know I I wouldn't be looking at like really closing because you have to look so closely to try and spot this like when you're talking to a girl you're just literally gonna be like do you like chocolate now the third is whenever you're in a conversation with her look and see where her feet and torso are pointed if they're pointed towards you it's a good sign was he standing behind her do our ankles [ __ ] dislocated haha I'm but I'm behind her and I rang to our feet are pointing forward and as soon as I walk up behind our feet just go and most of the time these are unconscious signs that are hard to duplicate consciously or to create a false positive if she feels safe around you and open to launch you her feet and torso will show it why do adults in I'm sorry this is a sight no why why do we adults in in this video look normal but the kids are made of [ __ ] pizza and noodles what why why are the children what are they made of especially in a group of more than five people if her body is open to specifically you and she's showing you more than two of these signs she's definitely interested in you right okay pupils dilated feet pointing towards you [ __ ] man this is the this has made it harder not easier number four is multiple glances in a couple minutes one glance could mean anything two glances means she's curious and any more could signify that she's attracted to you if you want to know right and this is ladies you need to listen out the case is true alright sometimes you'll see a guy wearing sunglasses all right and it's not particularly bright there may be indoors okay and it's because we actually look out for this [ __ ] you know if you're in a group and like there's there's a girl you like in the group and you put your sunglasses on you could just stop that you no one can see what you're staring are you'll be looking this way but really we're looking like that we're looking at you and like seeing what you're going to do we all sound like creeps now don't we you're never going to let your boyfriend wear sunglasses again that's a good way to look out for all this [ __ ] the next one is that whenever she's with you she touches her lips now this one's a hard one to point out as you have to notice the change just like her pupils not just a simple gesture and some women do this all the time they touch their lives all the time what woman has he been around boy what is that true it's that true you know I thought I've never seen a woman who's attracted to me come up to me like hey Dad how you doing if she touches her lips when she's around you or she's looking at you this is a good sign if she looks at your lips however this is a great time this is usually done subconsciously and in a matter of milliseconds but a quick glance at your lips surely means she's attracted on a deep psychological matter that's why guys wear that lip-balm stuff to make their lips look attractive people know this [ __ ] and I don't god damn it I've got buy some lip balm the next sign is that she plays with her hair when she's looking at you this one is a typical one you know usually they'll like you know wrap it around their finger dad's topic oh [ __ ] it's wrapped around my ring finger you know they get it caught up he's talking to you she may play with her hair now this can be turned both ways though as some say it could be a sign that she wants to be away from you and wants to find comfort if she's playing with it and her palm is pointing towards you she probably feels safe and this is a good thing if she palm is pointing to what how do you play with your hair so you got like a dollop of hair hair and you just like I like you she's fixing it up to make it look better she's probably attracted to you and want your attention and this is also a good thing however if she pulls it up away from her neck this can mean two different things she could be showing you that she feels safe and is doing so by allowing you to see one of her most important arteries whoa so they sweep it away from their neck to show you the jugular but I trust you the better you know I take her if these are all facts that I'm I'm Bob mind is blown she could be doing it as a stress signal and that her body temperature has risen and that she wants to get away but if she's truly attracted she'll be back the number seven is actually talks about you with her friends now this one is super important if she talks about you with her friends it means she's cognitively thinking about you on a level that isn't subconscious which means that she's aware of her attraction for you and has already started debating on whether or not to act on it try to talk to her friends in a nonchalant manner and see if she says anything if you do this or whatever she's German the idea how many times I've tried to break this circle you know in high school you know girls come to us and be like do you like Tracy we're on the street is that you like Tracy and guys will just be like yeah she's alright like we're just spill the beans because we're [ __ ] stupid girls you couldn't get the special forces to get that information a girl's best friends oh my god it's so difficult you know you got to me like I was I hear that Tracy might like flies these are my friends by the way and they'd be like mmm I don't know maybe coming to ask oh no no no no no and then they don't you don't want to know the information then you're like oh sit I've got I'm in too deep hi oh now number eight is that she accidentally touches you now accidental touching has huge psychological value you can tell if it's accidental or not just using common sense where she making a job out of being next to you or was she simply walking by you and accidentally bumped into you also if it happens more than once and she apologizes about it more than she probably should it might mean that she isn't doing it on purpose and doesn't want to come off creepy come on stay a girl in high school right I liked for a long time and she was a very touchy-feely person it's very true and she would apologize what I'm sorry I'm sorry that was your knee oh sorry that was your arse like you all right you know it's quite obvious you like me Paige how guys can't do that you know we like oh sorry that's your leg and then then you're in prison you know but yeah I had a scar like me ah and for some reason her playful touching and nudging and pushing turned into physical violence like I'm not even joking to show that she liked me she kept like punching me in the arm and stuff and as a guy I've been raised you must never hit a woman never hit a woman never raised a hand to war never hurt a woman so obviously I couldn't even like push her back or anything because I was so like worn out I can't do anything - woman they're princesses you know but this princess was punching [ __ ] out of me techne me in the leg and then eventually she said I'm only doing it cuz I like you and that was after she pushed me so hard I nearly went through a shop-window not even exaggerating I nearly went through Sports Direct [ __ ] window because she pushed me so hard I went up against the glass my whole body weight hit the [ __ ] glass and she's only doing it like you better sleep with sports director but says I'll fail what's the matter with you mental right mentally I I thought went out of her because I liked her I thought you know I can deal with this but maybe she'll stop once she's got me mm-hmm we were at a friend's house she came up to me and she looked like she was gonna kiss me I was like whoa I think it was great and she grabbed me by the shoulders and she need me right she need me really hard in the balls oh god it's like my mind's forgotten how much it hurt because that's how much it hurt I remember dropping to the floor she went upstairs laughing and I was they were upstairs what I think they were watching a movie and like bruh think was honestly about 40 minutes I was on the floor and I could not move oh my god and I I I literally crawled on my hands and knees because I couldn't stand out of the house and I open the door and I don't know why I did this because she could have beat me up even more but III was like hold as I was like 15 or something like 14 and as I was going out the door I show it up the stairs I was like it's over I dropped out loud Oh God I I never felt pain like that in my life she was nuts she didn't hear the it's over part and I got our friend to tell her to Skype see if you can sneak in touching her hand lower back or face in some discreet manner that doesn't come off creepy what what if you can sneak in touching her hand lower back or face and some discreet manner that doesn't come off creepy someone's face in a non-creepy manner it doesn't exist all right it's a very hard place to accidentally touch you know you can't just walk past song oh hi Tiffany sorry accident up did it again if you gotta don't take this guy's advice you go to prison don't and notice for reaction if she actually likes you she won't actually discuss it or say anything rude about it hello is this guy actually giving this advice if she's not disgusted by it she likes you don't touch people's faces ever unless you've been with them for a while Jesus Christ there's the possibility that she might become nervous and try to leave quickly now the second-to-last sign is to notice if she gets too nervous around you and you kind of have to be around a girl more than a couple of times to start noticing her behavior to see if she gets nervous around you remember in middle school when you could always tell two people who like each other just by the way they acted that familiar awkwardness that so many of us wish to never look back on leaving rejection you know I know that one my friend now this is a pretty obvious one if she's attracted to you subconsciously or consciously she will want to be around you whether that's a baseball game a table in the lunchroom or even constantly coming to see you where you work the more she likes you the more time she'll want to spend around you and the closer she will be around [ __ ] sorry that came out they make us chase them all right very rare I doesn't give my whole life as a girl come up to me and been like let's let you know they've never asked me out okay it's always us we have to do it we have to come up with the amazing proposals why Papa don't propose what huh I've got think of all the [ __ ] on Valentine's Day how how romantically can I give a card you know it's a card you're gonna throw it out the next day are the pressure it's men chasing woman it always has been you know if a woman tastes me I feel like Jesus Christ I I must be special so this channel is called practical psychology and after watching that I'm going to have to watch more you guys should go and check it out as well and support this channel geezer it was a killer fight it was an interesting video I wouldn't recommend taking all these as literal maybe is psychologically true but a lot of guys are now going to be looking out for all these signs and would you know you're probably just gonna scare the [ __ ] out huh okay so don't do it girls are now going to try and cover their eyes and point their feet and we have a [ __ ] direction guys are going to be looking at feet eyes playing with hair nervousness touching faces we're messed up now and I will see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,239,562
Rating: 4.9746795 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, 10 signs that girls like you, comedy, daz watches, funny, laugh, girl, boy, fail, challenge, watch, daz black, daz games, Jacob, vlog
Id: xzxjzyy6R_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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