Daz Reads Disturbing Fan Fiction Again

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husker dustless but that's games and not another des watches oh no they we are making a second video on this topic I am going to read some more fanfiction did you remember I made a video a while back reading fanfiction get the [ __ ] out of me we could do it again because I've been getting spammed about this on my Twitter oh oh oh the March right the March is selling its das Church is that how they I don't know what that is what's the dance Church its selling out I have to sell this [ __ ] behind me soon because we ain't got much left alright link in the description below join the Tea Party if you haven't already my god it's just it's just selling whoo so this fanfiction I'm about to read apparently takes place with someone wants to go on a date with me every day of my life right that's not I'm single as [ __ ] so let's give it a read shall we it's called all the way it does black fanfiction and it's by if it got add don't know how to pronounce that let's uh let's calm the mood down a little bit settle in and let's read all the way by author's notes this is a fanfiction about dad's black note the first two chapters start a little slow then it goes down here okay I had my phone a charger wallet and pepper spray in case of an emergency what that's your definition of slow why are you coming to meet me with mace in your [ __ ] bag I'm not that bad I think I was ready to go to the restaurants to meet him the most charming and funniest guy ever or so I've been told no it's true I am charming and funny honest I've been on many days before but this one was apparently different this time my best friend Louise had found the perfect match for me to tell me how lucky I was to be her friend and how she could create her own business for single people who are looking for love already tinder no I I don't really I don't know how you can compete with that - Piazza shut up - keep reading the rain was pouring down but I didn't mind it instead focused on touching up my makeup before we walking into the restaurant I looked around for a man that would fit the description I was given I was going to meet a little chubby man in his 30s [ __ ] when you get to the restaurant I'm gonna insult your makeup [ __ ] all right okay all right you're right first of all I ain't little I'm six foot that ain't little that's far from being a dwarf is it Oh chubby and plump he'd have brown eyes that you could drown in a van Bulow hair all right okay I'm drowning my [ __ ] eye though that would be weird and there he was he was seated next to the window which he looked out of whilst fidgeting with his fingers so I was sitting in the [ __ ] corner of the restaurant go [ __ ] when you come meet me on a date I'm all romantic and [ __ ] I'm in the corner light would you like a steak sorry we won't we will get through this I'm just I'm sorry he saved a little nervous you got a [ __ ] mace in your bag the man had dressed himself in a black tuxedo with a red bow Who am I James Bond I thought it was really cute and what towards him a confident as I ran my hand through my hair and suddenly my eyes met his excuse me but are you mr. black mr. black no one's ever called me that before I like it yeah that's me flesh and all I don't say that I don't say that he answered and then started to blush because of what I what he had just said nice to meet you I'm Julia I figured please have a seat he said was pointing to a chair in front of him I sat down and smiled so an awkward silence was casted upon us what do you do for a living well the other day I reviewed the free FAP I was just about to ask him what that was when the waiter suddenly interrupted us hello I'm a Danielle Smith other my Daniel Smith is Mexican but he [ __ ] well is and I'll be your waiter tonight have you decided what you want to eat does look to be was licking around his mouth but you said you think I'm special something I do not I do not order food at a restaurant game I'll take the medium-rare steak which should be cooked at 90 degrees no layer no more no less I'm sorry sir but we don't cook our steaks at a specific temperature mistake it's just cooked in a special way Do You Know Who I am why is she making me out to be a dick in this story I don't do that I'll just if a steaks undercooked I'll just get food poisoning I won't complain no sir I'm afraid not who who exactly are you I'm - black and I make youtube videos [ __ ] I'm famous the way to stood quiet for a moment let me ask the manager he answered quiet calmly I just left us does just rolled his eyes I can't believe people man I'm such an [ __ ] I nodded slowly in confusion the man was only doing his job why is mr. black acting like such such a douche maybe it's because he saw on your facebook status Oh on date with chubby 30 year old man god I'll be up the wrong way I don't go lie after a few minutes the waiter came back with the man behind him which I figured to be the manager old audience sir the manager is Russian I don't know I don't know what this restaurant is I thought the manager with me hello I am mr. Waddington may I ask what the problem is this man won't take my order properly does exclaimed because you wanted to be cooked a certain way yes I'm sorry sir but you came to my restaurant and if you don't like the way we cook our food then you're more than welcome to leave I will does answered ankle he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the restaurant as I mouthed i'm thorry to the manager when we finally got outside I cleared at him what the heck dude man I just grabbed her and made her get out the [ __ ] restaurant it's fifty Shades of dads in here what exactly happened in there I repeat it does pace back and forth in front of me I'm sorry alright I'm sorry but there wasn't anything like me I raised my eyebrows because I didn't really believe him even though a voice decide said that he was telling the truth why did you do that then I asked and tried to sound as calm as possible I don't know I I guess I just you just what does side I guess I just wanted to impress you well by being a [ __ ] rude bastard - you're not getting anywhere tonight man I'm telling you impress me I repeated and then started to laugh obnoxiously that's my obnoxious girl laughs you take quite the opposite sir I know could you please give me a second chance he asked with a pout how the [ __ ] do you do that how do you ask someone with a pouts just give me another church chair broke again I need a new chair Cody PI give me one of your chairs [ __ ] sake as if he was a dog begging for food [ __ ] you're on my last nerve right now okay I'm but - I'm bout to abandon you in the street I want to say no but what if he actually changed into a better person this time I mean where was this cute and charming guy I was promised I didn't promise you [ __ ] I didn't promise you [ __ ] all right you you met me on your sister's dating app or some [ __ ] what do you expect I nodded because I didn't trust my mouth in the situation I mean he was basically on his knees begging really really really really really I had nothing else to do this Thursday evening I'll just go out with a chubby guy a huge greater pain on datas face and I responded with one - so where are you taking me I asked for a while what I wasn't I wasn't responding to you I was just taking you somewhere I'm taking you to a place where all the magic happens where my house other than cooking curries and watching my dog try and lick the hamsters face through the cage nothing else happens in my house does open the door for me and we entered a huge mansion okay okay I know what you guys think I live in it ain't a [ __ ] mansion that could be home for a lot of families you live here alone I asked and he nodded my mouth fell open how could a person if is such a luxurious life from doing YouTube it's called talent I'm so salty don't you ever get lonely does laughed and suddenly raised her back why do you think I go on dates Touche I said I let my hand run through his black leather sofa it's beige it's not black I don't like blacks shut up that's just [ __ ] creepy do you trust me he asked was running his hands through his hair and I frowned not really that's good response that's too good response I'm feeling that I'm feeling it his facial expressions changed from excited to a shocked one as if he wasn't prepared for the answer please I just want you to close your eyes why I want to show you something amazing why can't you just please it repeats it as he interrupted me Oh fine I said I close my eyes terrified of what could happen I mean he does seem a little weird you you wrote me weird okay I'm not like this all right I'm I'm a nice guy if anything people leave dates cuz I'm a [ __ ] just an idiot his cold hand touches my back why am i cold I have a [ __ ] mansion surely I can afford central heating Jesus as he led me through his house into a cold room am i putting her in the freezer what am i doing I'm preserving her open your eyes I did as I was told and in front of me was a huge outdoor swimming pool Wow I said in slight shock it says it's a swimming pool and she never seen one something why she shot it's a big-ass hole with water in it that's not it as his eyes widen with excitement it's my baby that's why I'm lonely my swimming pool is my baby your baby huh I said slightly terrified by its I began to think that he crazy lecture yes yes let's jump in um no thank you I'm good besides I didn't bring a swimming suit she's not gonna make me say is she she's not gonna make me say it doesn't matter they even are underwear or naked if you want to yeah she maybe say so maybe sex maybe go there SH maybe go there no no I thought I don't think that's a good idea why not it's just like regular swimsuit it's just that I don't know you it's nothing dangerous with me look I can begin he said as he started to take his clothes off and my eyes widened even more you're damn right they did see nothing to be scared of I stood completely cited for a moment whilst debating whether I should leave or jump in the pool with him come on he said as he jumped into the pool causing water to get all over the place including me is that another fat joke chubby fat year-old man jumps into porn everything gets soaked is that what you're going with this see you're already wet there's no difference now ah whatever I answered as I begin to take off my clothes and so my underwear was the only thing stopping me from being completely naked I felt dad's eyes on me why was I like Oh bad joke ignore it ignore it does his eyes on me as a huge smiled appeared on his face I tried to ignore his look and he walked confidently to the side of the pool and then jumped in we swam closer to each other and said I could feel his breath on my face how close were you [ __ ] don't don't be that close if you don't know me someone's lying I now realized what Louise was talking about you could basically drown in his eyes I didn't want to but somehow I felt myself do so every now and then you are so beautiful he whispered and I smiled all the previous thoughts of him being a creep had disappeared really you're in a pool with me on night one he now seemed very genuine and charming just like the guy I was promised souvenir underwear of course I'm gonna be nice to you if you're in underwear Phil does hunt my cheek now to my chin and then pulled me closer and kissed me at first I was surprised but then started to kiss back and greeted his tongue with mine ha ha oh this is not how this is not how my dates go this is not how my dates go if you if you knew how my dates have gone yeah you wouldn't you would see that this is not how my [ __ ] life is I am NOT this lucky ok he was sweet and a gentle kisser and I wanted more so much more to place my hand around his neck and wrap my legs around him and death started taking off my bra only D monetization whoa a moan escaped my mouth first as his tongue made its way down my body are this is uh this is about me I have to remember this is about me and this is written by a fan I charted my head backwards as because well uh as because I could almost not bear it anymore it felt too good I let my hands massage his chest and I started to take off his underwear my hand made its way down his body and I grabbed his - get your hands off my - Julia I looked at DAWs in pure shock I've been calling your name for five minutes now what are you doing I realized that all these things only happened in my mind you minx you minx gosh I must look like a complete fool I felt my face redden as he repeated the question sorry I said and I realized that I don't have my bra on did I do that to myself [ __ ] she's mental get out - get out - Paul drowner drowner have I been moaning in front of him what just happened I quickly put on my clothes I started to run towards the entrance of the mansion I was completely and utterly embarrassed I could hear and call after me but I kept running I just couldn't look back I looked at my phone but it was no use because it was dead I would have to run all the way home and I did I hope you don't live far far by now the word must have got out what happened that's probably told Louise and Louise will definitely have told everyone she knows I scroll down the text from an unknown number which said hey it's me does I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for scared you off we try again I actually really enjoyed out date please call me place please call me I read the text over and over again did he really just say enjoy my date I freaking stood and orgasms in front of him Oh in my pool but I just had that thing cleaned come on I paid picked up my suitcase and walked to the Train I have been planning to leave England for a couple of weeks just to get away from everything that has happened but now I'm starting to debate whether or I should really leave on up suddenly I found myself typing I'm at Central Station I'm going to France come with me alright okay this scales got issues welcome to the Dave train my name is Dave and I'll be your train driver today why is Dave here my friend Dave must driving the train I wish you a comfortable journey and the train will leave in three minutes Oh Dave man I can't wait for you to watch this I find myself biting my fingernails anxiously waiting for dads is he gonna come what if he doesn't make it what if he doesn't see the text it's probably for the best I don't want to come anyway alright I find a comfortable seat near a window and I begin to settle down with no hope of him coming to me when suddenly I jumped out of my skin I look out the window when I see him there he was like a knight in shining armor the man I've been avoiding these past few weeks I open the window and hear him gasp for air he must have run here another fat joke another fat joke I'm unfit I'm unfit now [ __ ] me you came for me I asked and he nodded i I really like you Julia I think it's really cool woman I see one girl orgasm in my swimming pool in front of me in their underwear and I think she's a call girl and I know we haven't gotten the best start together but can we please start over again stay here with me Julia please I thought about it and after a few because I found myself walking out of the train France can wait dad's grinned widely at me and I responded with a smile hey I'm Daz he said as I frowned but quickly catch up on what he's trying to do nice to meet you - I'm Julia I said as our lips locked together and it feels like for the very first time his tongue tried to enter my mouth yeah whoops fan yeah our tongues danced in a perfect rhythm like it was just handcrafted just for us the train left the station and we walk hand in hand out of the station into his private cab where I place myself upon him and nothing in a word can stop us it's just the two of us at this moment as we ride home daddy I moan get out my car Matt listen listen listen to me now do not call me daddy stop it I didn't raise you okay I never grounded you once and you reach your bedtime stories I am NOT your dad don't call me that [ __ ] no I'm gonna edit this to say daddy i moaned then - push my ass out the cab watch me rolled i am i want to say guys if you enjoyed this video leave a like merch link in the description below do not come to my enormous mansion and orgasm in my pool or you will be escorted out of the building okay okay my club corrupts my channel and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music] before [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,051,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz watches, fan fiction, daz games, daz black, read, reads, story time, crazy, funny, laugh, comedy, vlog, vlogging, Paul, merch
Id: gJuyhKtbTKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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