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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games at another daz watches sorry the videos have been far and few between i've uh just been enjoying christmas and eating myself into a coma and eating is actually the theme of today's video vegan to be vegan i sometimes eat vegan foods at wagga mamas there's this vegan meal swear to god swear to god it's amazing i'm not against vegans and i know that not all vegans are preachy morons that want to ruin everyone's lives but i also eat meat and that is a personal choice i always try to make sure my meat is organic and comes from a place where um animals have uh and live life to the fullest like local farms and stuff etc i support small firms like butchers and stuff and i don't really buy from mass produced places that being said there is always a place to learn a lesson and where do you learn lessons you learn them from a teacher today we're going to be watching at your request because she's very hated and i've not really seen much of her content her name is the vegan teacher she has a tic toc channel and a youtube channel then we're going to watch some of them we're going to see why there is so much hatred towards this woman i did see a couple of hers blow up on tick tock and people were memeing it and it was quite funny i have to say just watch the video jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do this turkey had a mother and father humans took her father and placed him down wait what jesus doesn't support this hang on a second okay here we have jesus and uh this is a one of the many depictions of the the last supper there's a goat's head on a plate that is a whole ass goat's skull ladies and gentlemen i i don't think jesus cares i'm just saying i'm just saying you when you have a whole goat head on your plate in front of you and you're standing there like that bring me another goat head with all that sass and pink loincloth you think he cares he doesn't care against his will into a device masturbated him okay another human took a straw and sucked out the sperm as it was coming out i think you need to look up artificial insemination that's not how it goes you think someone gets paid to do that with a mcdonald's straw to suck sperm out of poultry no yes there are devices and stuff and injections and stuff that they use on farm animals to to mass reproduce but unfortunately that's just how it has to be done to meet demand i think all the chickens at kfc they just they just they just line them up in a massive warehouse and get on a megaphone and are like all right chickens [ __ ] [ __ ] you all need to do some nasty [ __ ] right now okay we only just started some babies in here because damn there's some fat people out there that need their chicken all right i want you all to look your partner chicken in the eye and just go just smash some arse it's all right just smash some chicken hats it can't be done it can't be done mother was also grabbed flailing and unwilling and shoved into another device where she was forcefully impregnated i wish someone would forcefully impregnate me i once went to a thing um it was a few years back now i hope they're not watching the video and i went to do an event for twitter in london and um there was food and there were vegetarian and vegan options all mixed together and i obviously i saw that there was a boss ass uh chicken club sandwich uh that was made and i hadn't eaten all day so you're damn right i go and pick up the chicken as i'm eating my sandwich i get tapped on the arm and uh this guy turned around and he had like a massive mohawk and he had studs you know those studs that they put under the skin in their skull i'm apparently mental for eating a chicken sandwich this guy but it's okay to have bolts out your head okay and he turned to me says do you know that chicken didn't sign a contract to be eaten right true story this is true story me with half a chicken hanging out my mouth i was like oh i i know i know he's like how how do you know sir i said chickens don't have hands i can't hold a pen what else do you say to that he's like oh i see i see it's a joke to you it's funny i was like no i'm i'm just hungry like i was like what's the problem he said he was a vegan and he was this and he was that that's fine that's fine i just can't stand you know when i get a lot of vegans points i i really do i get why people go vegan because i've seen some videos on the internet that make me go jesus but you don't you don't just get to come over and and preach it's why i don't like religion because they knock on my door and try and make me believe in [ __ ] and i don't want to i'm not knocking on their door making them believe my [ __ ] i don't think it's fair so i asked my husband you have a husband who would you rather have sex with that vegan nurse that meat teacher miss tofu or me and his response was children's toy i don't get it i don't i don't get it maybe i'm dumb i don't i don't get that one i don't get the sesame street character here over here i don't i don't get it maybe because he looks like a parsnip i don't know i don't know apparently the vegan teacher also is a musician and she makes from time to time songs about being vegan which is meant to encourage people to stop eating me and i i think this is one of them what the hell is on your plate what the hell is in your face what is in my face a nervous system i don't know what the hell is in your ass i i don't think that's any of your business and i don't think anyone else wants to know what's currently in my ass whatever breakfast this morning nothing is in my ass right now if you really want to know damn what the hell is in the toilet i i'm not sure what these lyrics mean i i don't know what your point is [Music] oh okay all right am i the only one that through that whole thing that was watching the little dancing avocado i love avocado [ __ ] that's what i should have breakfast avocado and poached egg this one's called billy eilish censored on tick tock what's billy eilish done [Music] get out of the way oh so are we in instruments now huh ah billy got our lips over the the tuning pegs [Music] go vegan breaking down stereotypes one at a time ladies and gentlemen no i want to go vegan now i've seen someone deep throat a ukulele i want to be vegan i don't get i don't get this woman so far she's not made one valid point to me yes god i'm trying to deliver a message i know i know but i was just about to turn the camera on and then the devil came and broke my zipper what the [ __ ] did i do devil broke your zipper i'm gonna i'm just gonna point out everything that's wrong with this video okay first of all i noticed that she makes her own clothes which is cool it's all cool but they are ugly fonts ugly ugly second of all the reason you're not reaching god or anyone for that matter is because you're uh you're using a banana and my knowledge of bananas is slim but i don't think they pick up a phone signal so second of all if if the devil um i think the devil's got more to do than try and unzip your hoodie i think he's a little bit more evil than that i'm just saying okay okay i'll try i'll try hold on if you want to get to heaven you better be vegan if you want to get to heaven you better be vegan if you don't believe me do you want to bet cause god has a message for you and here it is why the [ __ ] aren't you vegan yet be better bb again suddenly i'm getting the hate i'm getting i'm understanding the hate that was the did you did you not even plan that oh you know did you not even like put effort into the lyrics you just went freestyle yeah okay that was awful that that was awful some people just shouldn't sing i i can hit a few notes i'm not the worst singer in the world in the shower you may as well hang on the wall like do not disturb aretha franklin's in here maybe not that good but like that was terrible that was awful oh she's not done she's not done yeah it worked sort of i don't know okay free vegan food i'm coming right away these ugly ass fonts it's terrible what what's bart and lisa gotta do they ate bart loved pizza for christ's sake he was not vegan at all pretending to smoke weed okay that's great you know if we're really gonna get like um into the whole drug business where people are trafficked for sex maybe you care more about um cows than you do humans i'm just saying just saying if all life is equal then don't do drugs i love it yes susie it's beautiful class do you see what she drew yeah she drew um a dyslexic nightmare that's what she drew first of all uh if you are gonna pretend to be a teacher okay uh make sure your students spell because that spells fook okay what's that oh yeah she spelled it fine as long as she wrote the word [ __ ] as all that matters i don't have time in my life to correct this woman i don't have enough time in my life in my schedule i don't have enough time in the same sentence susie this is just fantastic work i love how you drew yourself holding this big one susie it's holding this big one suzy's gonna grow up and again only fans [Music] you're not you're not doing anything for vegans i'm sorry this is what vegans hate they hate women like this because they just come across as annoying that's what vegans they just want to eat what they want to eat and i'm happy for them to eat when they want to eat as long as i can eat what i want to eat but these people like her like this vegan teacher this is what vegans hate why do you choose to be an [ __ ] when you can just be vegan why do you choose to pay for murder when you can just be vegan i'm looking into paying for murder right now i can tell you that be brave be vegan the animals depend on you to come to the rescue you gotta be great be vegan even if 99 of the world makes fun of you because you're on the right side of history no we don't make fun of vegans we don't make fun of people like you with your ugly cushions is there not one cushion or t-shirt in the house you have not tip x jesus christ to it and why is it all these activists they always play the ukulele why why are they always a ukulele wanker i want to be vegan again we are born again as vegans friend look i understand if you don't eat a pig all right i totally understand but they're not our friends all right you ever tried to be friends with a pig they don't care they just did they're just like shove an apple in my mouth and leave me alone happy vegan declaration day to you happy vegan declaration daily [Music] [Music] all i want is chicken so go and [ __ ] yourself but look okay i think there is a less annoying way of getting your message out there okay i'm all up for animal activists and and animal rights and stuff i love animals you don't like vegan food i don't give a rat's ass if you don't like vegan food this isn't about but i don't give a [ __ ] if you don't like vegan food just eat the [ __ ] food and shut up that's how you get people to change their mind do you abuse them yes yes i'm so convinced now i'm gonna go and lick a lettuce at the hospital when you don't know what to do eat i'm tofu go around and see we're both about i don't really know so guys you call me text me tell me you just have tofu on your doorstep okay if you want to deliver a message okay if you want to change someone's mindset and open them up to your belief system don't be annoying as [ __ ] like it's very easy many ways you can protest many but just getting in your face and acting like we're all bugs on your shoe like talking down to people that's not a way like you got to be kind about it you know and if people aren't going to conform to your way of thinking then you have to accept that because she's going on with american flags and vote and all this stuff so she must she must respect freedom of speech guys i'm going to leave it there because i can't i can't tolerate anymore if i have to hear this woman sing one more time my balls will fall off i hope you enjoyed today's video guys like love caress my channel and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 8,791,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rakVbgiYbko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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