What Your Early Twenties Will Be Like

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yeah i'm 25. that's a quarter of a century and i've been doing youtube full-time for a nickel of a century my life's practically over i'm at a point now where when people recognize me they'll say omg james i've been watching you since the 8th grade and i'll be like omg your beard is bigger than mine so i've been thinking you know those going through puberty videos your 8th grade science teacher shows you for some reason the ones that are like hey boys i'm the puberty platypus and i'm here to tell you that your body is going through some wonderful changes you're gonna start growing hair in weird places and smelling bad but that's just the wonders of life and then for the girl one it's like oh ladies you're gonna you're gonna wanna sit down for this one well i think they need to make a puberty part two video that they show to high school seniors and prepare them better for the quote unquote adult life they're about to face schools just give you a piece of paper and a funny hat and send you off into the world expecting you to figure out your intricate and complicated life through what trial and error i want the puberty part 2 video that i'm planning on making to start like this the puberty platypus will come back on screen and will be like well kids you did it see puberty wasn't so bad for some of you um unfortunately dear children is only the beginning and then he'll start talking about all the fun things you can expect in the following years like uh instead of growing hair in new places for some of you your hair is going to start thinning and falling out and if you're a guy worried about hair loss then i've got good news this video is sponsored by bald people they're they're paying me money to tell you to just shave it all shave it looking good rush you're also gonna be perpetually tired and before you start thinking i'm not going to be tired i'm going to get eight hours of sleep every night first of all no you're not and second of all that's not going to help you will still be tired and there's no escape why do you think adults say don't talk to me till i've had my coffee it's because every adult from the moment they wake up is dead tired and we need stimulants just to function you're also going to start getting excited about things you used to think were stupid like furniture shopping sometimes you'll go on zillow and look at the most expensive houses and think oh that's a nice kitchen backsplash and then wonder where your youth went another thing ninety percent of the mail you get is worthless but the other ten percent of mail is very very important like if you ignore it your water power and wi-fi get shut off important or you'll get mail that's like hey you owe the government some money and we know how much money you owe us but we're not going to tell you stupid so you either have to figure that out yourself or pay another person some money so they can tell you how much money you owe the government hey there i don't want you to be scared of growing up there's still plenty of pros that come with being older and also you can't escape it you'll get to be independent and make your own decisions did your parents never let you get a tattoo well now you can but i want to put it somewhere that i can easily cover it up when i visit them for christmas that way it's not weird if i exclusively wear turtlenecks around them i just i just like them another pro you won't complain about the food you have at home because you'll only ever buy the food you like and can afford you're independent now you can eat cake for breakfast however if you do that your stomach will hurt and you won't be able to move for eight hours okay at first you'll be able to get by with bagel bites for dinner that's a standard college-grade meal but after a couple of years of that abuse your body will go yo do you think you could throw down some i don't know fruit every once in a while yeah we gotta make like new cells for your developing brain and we've been making them solely out of bagel bites it is genuinely upsetting that i have to figure out what i have to eat three times a day there are some days where i'm hungry but i'm not craving anything and i know i have to eat but i'm looking through my fridge and i end up eating string cheese and grapes for lunch on a bagel i wish i could just unhinge my jaw and eat a month's worth of food like a snake do snakes only eat once a month i don't know i hate snakes fifty percent of my driving destinations is to the grocery store and the other fifty percent is drive-throughs it's all food based oh actually sometimes i do have to go to the gas station wait that's just food for my car i've been trying to eat out less so i bought boxed frozen orange chicken instead of going to panda express but then i realized i'm still eating out i'm just heating up the orange chicken in my own microwave some of you might like cooking i don't whenever i cook a meal i purposely cook way more food than i need so i can get two meals out of only cooking one i would rather eat progressively staler pasta all week than have to cook every day but even if you like cooking i know one aspect of it you don't like cleaning up the mess afterwards why do you think the rule i cooked it you clean it exists and now that you're an adult you're about to learn it never stops get used to doing the dishes and laundry because as long as you eat and sweat those are two chores you do until the grave laundry is such a prevalent chore that i guarantee someone watching this video needs to put the wash into the dryer but instead they're watching youtube well go on leave i don't know how i'm gonna handle folding dishes and cleaning laundry for the rest of my life i'm only 25 and already burned out from it hey speaking of burnout i want to talk about something i just learned recently called having a healthy work-life balance some of you might have started working from home this last year welcome to the club you now have no reason to go outside so take it from a guy who's been working from home for five years go outside anyway there's definitely benefits to working from home like you get to work in your pajamas and um but it can be tough to work and live under the same roof and i think a lot of young people have this mindset of being on the grind is a good thing or at least a normal one while it is important to work hard to achieve your goals you need to be aware of burnout and as a content creator who is his own boss it's very easy to fall into an unhealthy work ethic if you think your boss is annoying try having a boss that lives inside your head and will not shut up about working it could be saturday and you're hanging out with your friends and your boss in the back of your head will say you could be working there will always be work that needs to be done you will always feel anxious about not posting and since you technically live in the office you could theoretically work well into the early hours of the morning every night or morning i don't know i want to talk more about burnout and my youtube journey and how i'm managing it but that will be for another time because i've been working on it i'm definitely getting better i'm more relaxed on the weekends and going to more social settings vaccinated of course it's taken me a while to learn the importance of a healthy work-life balance and that it's okay to work on yourself i'm not sure if you all related to that last part maybe give it a couple of years but anyways growing up is a part of life adulthood is something that you all should be looking forward to you learn and experience so many things and that's just your early 20s and before i go is there anything you want to add puberty platypus am i ever going to find something i'm truly passionate about i drift through every day doing what feels like nothing seeing all my high school friends getting married and starting families doing things that they're happy and excited about it makes me feel even more isolated in my state of confusion and solitude who am i why don't i know myself anymore what went wrong bite thank you all for watching i've been working on this video for the past 25 years so it took a while but it would have taken 25 more years if it wasn't for my amazing team who helped out with the production so thank you everyone also i'm aware that halloween is tomorrow but if you wanted to get some christmas shopping done my card game cafe chaos is now available in target you don't even have to wait for it to ship or anything you can just put it in your cart and go and in other news the wonderful domics is unable to participate in our wonderful tour scribble showdown which i know isn't wonderful but we're getting the wonderful emmerichu to fill his place wonderful it was very short notice so i'm glad she was able to drop everything and leave home for a couple of weeks and i can't think of anyone better to sub in for dom that sounded never mind anyways i hope you all have a good early 20s you get to start turning into adults so have fun stay safe and wear your seatbelt
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 11,514,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puberty platypus, growing up, early 20s, twenties, taxes, bills, mail, coffee, theodd1sout, theoddisout, comedy, funny, lol, cartoon, animation
Id: 3hw_y9hI_js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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