Day in the Life of an Amazon Delivery Driver—Country Roads

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hey guys i have been watching um a bunch of videos recently on youtube of people that are amazon delivery driver associates and just doing like a day in the life of an amazon delivery driver and so i thought i would try and make one as well so it would be fun to kind of do it for my friends and family so they could see what a typical day in my life looks like when i'm at work um so i'm gonna do my best to record throughout the day um and then put together a little video um yeah we'll see how that goes because i'm not great at making videos either but uh anyways i thought it would be fun to try it and so i'm just on my way to work right now and um yeah i will probably try to check in again once i get there [Music] alrighty guys so i just pulled into work and um so now i just have to get ready to clock in in about eight minutes uh 9 35 in the morning is when i clock in and um and then i will go and have a temperature check temperature taken make sure that's all good and then i'll go and get my um keys and phones and whatnot stuff for the day um and then we'll check back in and see what my route looks like um so i just got my van stuff and i'm getting situated in the van and i got my route um and everything and so yeah i am just sitting here waiting to line up for loadout um so i'm usually in a prime van but today i'm not i'm in a um fluid band just because i have a lot less packages and so i don't need as big of a van [Music] so this is the paper that we get every day it's called the dispatcher's daily it's just all the amazon news and then it tells all my info so my name my route number is cx 97 my package count is 151 that's not a lot i was really expecting it to be more however i am in fort lupton um which is a lot of country roads and stuff so we'll see what my route looks like here in a second so here it tells me that i have 151 packages and our um building where we pick up the package is actually on the same lot as where the vans are and so we are right here at the station so i parked and my packages are not quite ready yet um basically when they are it'll just tell me where they're located in the building and that will make it easier for me to find so here we can hit this button here and then go to today's itinerary we can hit um the list will tell you all of your stops here and then the map is going to show me where all my stops are and so yes it looks like i have a very wide spread um lots of stops that are far apart here as you can see so lots of country roads i really hope they're clear today and then we have some here in town and then uh looks like here again some a little bit closer together but for the most part my stops are really far apart so yeah so we also get a ipad to log into our mentor which is just basically testing our driving um and so it tests us overall on acceleration breaking cornering distractions and speeding the cornering is what i always have issues with uh if you take a corner faster than 15 miles per hour then it will ding you on that um and so anyways i'm gonna just begin my route and scan the vin um van and then go through the checklist kind of like i did on my phone earlier so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] all right so i just got finished picking up my packages i think they didn't have many packages to load and so um loaded them up and now i'm on my way to my first delivery so uh looks like it's about 35 minutes away and so um yeah it'll be a little bit of a drive but it'll be good to just kind of get ready for the day and [Music] um [Music] so usually before my route i just stop at a gas station to use the rest really quick and then also take that opportunity to sort my vein a little bit at least just the first bag that i'm going to be delivering out of today okay so really quickly i'm just gonna show you how i organize um my bag and so um as you can see here this is how i have them organized so i have the first bag that i'm working out of right here and then i have them organized so i'll go to this one next and this one and so on um and then i have my overflow on this side the oversized packages as you can see they shifted a little as i was driving um but that's okay so each bag each package has a sticker that looks like this on it and the big ones will match the ones that are in the bag so um as you can see here um this is and each package will have a sticker like i said on it so this bag all the packages in it will say j 21 3g and so um if i have one that says it's not in a bag then i can just look at the stickers on the overflow packages and say okay which one is it gonna be that way you know if i see this i'm gonna be like oh that's definitely not it okay that's not it so it's a j21 3g if i'm working out of this bag once i'm finished with this bag i'll go into the next bag and it'll be a different sticker the numbers at the bottom are marked in order of delivery and so here we have seven five four three and seven five four five so this one i'll most likely be delivering first sometimes they're a little messed up um but anyways that's they go in order that way um you're mainly just looking at the last couple numbers there um and so i will just organize them and put them all in order uh this one's 41 and then 43 so i'll line them up like this that way i can just once i arrive at the correct location i can just grab it and go as opposed to trying to search for the right package at every single stop okay so i have this bag sorted i have the numbers in order here um as they go sometimes they'll have letters like that that's different so we'll just kind of work out those and then the boxes i don't necessarily organize them in order of their numbers um just because there's usually not as many boxes i'll just kind of find a place for them right near the door um and then if i'm in the prime van i will sometimes organize the boxes just because there's a shelf so i can just put them right in the shelf in order and like i said take it to the stop just grab it and go um so yeah that is it and i'm going to head now to my first delivery so we see here that my first stop is going to be two envelopes well one envelope one plastic bag it literally will tell you exactly what it is an envelope a plastic bag a box whatever um sometimes those are wrong but most of the time they're correct and then this is what was on the yellow sticker that i was showing you earlier so this is the one with the numbers that are just kind of weird i don't know why some of those have that as opposed to the just the number um but yeah it'll tell me what is on the yellow sticker right there so i can know what to look for and again they should be in order and so you know most of the time i'll just check make sure it's the same grab it and then go and deliver it so also if the customer leaves notes we'll see that right here so as you can see they want me it looks like it's a business so they want me to deliver it to the rear door um it tells me the business hours and where exactly to deliver it um some people are pretty picky here as you can see they're yelling at me to not deliver at the front door to not deliver it after 30 for goodness sakes so yeah now you know i don't know why some people do that and like make such a big deal out of it but it could be because people kept delivering after 3 30 the business was closed and they just like watched it outside the door or something and so you know they had to make a note and they're just frustrated i don't know but anyways like i said some people do that like right on all caps you know whatever they their notes are and so i always read the notes um of course because i want to do what the customer has asked of me and i ultimately want the customer to be happy of course so not all people probably read the notes or follow the notes i try to follow them to the best of my ability but anyways all right so it's a little hard to find just because as you can see this is where i am right now and this is where it says the delivery is but i think the delivery is at the front desk and so kind of just drive around until i found um the door that said receiving which is where they wanted me to deliver it at so i'm just gonna hit i've parked um read the notes i have read it and understand scan packages um so i have the two packages here and i'm just gonna scan them and then bring them to the door and deliver them um i'll hit continue with two packages and it's telling me i'm outside of the delivery area so i can't even continue so okay so i got that figured out i delivered those and i'm on my way to my second delivery this is where it'll be it'll show me uh it's three minutes to my next stop here i am there's where i gotta go so i'll just hit start travel um it's four packages and we're on our way [Music] i also try to drink lots of water while i'm out delivering it's a little bit harder in the winter just because it's so cold um and then also bring lots of snacks um yeah i get hungry quite a bit especially just because i'm moving around so much and burning calories and so i bring lots of good healthy snacks i like fruits and vegetables a lot um and then like protein bars or nuts snacks just different stuff like that um and then of course i bring my lunch as well for my break which i usually don't take my break until i'm like totally done with my route um but it depends we'll see we'll see how things go these roads are so muddy oh my goodness guys look at my windshield mud just spotted all over it because these roads are so muddy okay so i'm finished with my first bag and so i'm going on to the second one it tells me right here it's 465 yellow and here's my 465 yellow bag so i'm gonna sort that and keep moving forward okay guys i am just chugging along here i've done probably about let me see here um well i have 71 stops left so 71 stops left here um i can go here to see um how many stops i have done already so i've done 40 so far and it's been just a little bit over two hours it's 1 48. so i've done 40 i have 71 left to do i have 99 packages left um here's what my van's looking like so i'm getting less here i've started a bag with the empty bags and i am currently having a snack i have some strawberries and apples here um because i'm really hungry so and also since i am delivering country roads today yes i am listening to country music sorry to those of you who don't like it what i'm currently listening to right now yes um i don't like all country music i have a select view that i listen to but it is fun to listen to them especially when i'm driving on um country roads out in the middle of nowhere so sometimes on country roads you get stuck behind tractors that are going really slow [Music] okay guys so i've done 51 stops now i have 60 left it's 236 um and so this is what i have left so i'm in the neighborhood part right now which is all these um so that will be fairly quick for me to get through all of those and then i'll just have um a few more country roads to do and so i am actually going to go ahead and just take my lunch right now which is a 30 minute unpaid lunch break i have to clock out and everything and so um i usually like i said don't take my break until i'm done with my entire route um however i'm kind of hungry today and so i really want to eat my lunch right now before i kind of just finish up the rest of my route um and so i just stopped here in town uh at a burger king and i'm hoping i can go in and use their restroom because not every place you can these days um but anyways yeah and then i'm gonna eat my lunch and um then get on with the rest of my route for today well man you guys it feels so good to stop and take a little bit of a break after you've been delivering for a while um today's route is really not that bad at all it's only 110 stops and um yeah so it's really not that bad okay so also while i'm on my break since i have a little bit of extra time i'm just gonna kind of organize the rest of my van um and or at least start to sort through the next bag that i'm gonna be working on um and then that way like i said earlier once i get to the stop it's just like go go get the package deliberate and um keep going so not wasting any time here um okay so i'm just gonna i just have a couple of packages left for that bag so i'm just gonna set those here um and then hold up this bag and put it with the other empty bags um and then i believe that this one is my next bag so i'll open that up and it honestly doesn't have much in it so i'll just take out the boxes and then i'll just organize the um envelopes so again i just have them all in order here so this will be the first one second third and so on that way i get to the stop i'll come grab it take it deliver it okay so i'm done with my break now and we're gonna continue delivering and hopefully kind of just get through these ones in this section of town pretty quickly um it's about 43 stops so hopefully it won't take me too too long and then i'll just have a few more country roads um to do before i'm done with my route and i'm really hoping and thinking that i'll be done around 5 30 maybe um it's 305 right now so um yeah all right so i'm usually not gonna do this from the car but just for the sake of showing you guys um once you get here scan the package um so we're just gonna go over it like this scanned um and then we'll say continue with one package and it'll have these options it's either giving it to the the customer um receptionist or doorman which would be like a business or something and then if you hit that you could type in the person's name that you left it with a front door front porch rear door or rear porch in a secure mail room that would be at like an apartment place or another safe location that would just be anywhere that is not any of these basically and the last four here if you pick those it'll prompt you to take a picture so we'll hit the front door hit continue and then i'll have to take a picture of it once i get to the door guys that house that i just delivered to wrote in the notes not to knock over ring the doorbell and i almost hit the doorbell by mistake i'm not gonna lie i've definitely done that before if the notes say don't ring doorbell i was just so used to it that i like hit it and then i'm like oh and i ran away um anyways i for some reason i always ring the doorbell but for some reason i've been like forgetting to recently i'm just so focused on getting all my packages done that i just like put it down take a picture and leave um some people definitely want you to ring the doorbell because i've talked to people you know customers before and they're like why don't people are in the doorbell and i'm like i don't know i try to but you know some people just don't um so yeah i try to remember but definitely don't always do it if i'm like you know one track like get the package delivered and keep going um but yeah comment down below if you would want someone to ring the doorbell when your package is delivered or if you're just following it on the computer anyways and you know exactly where it is and when it's gonna be delivered and what time and everything like that [Music] do [Music] alrighty guys i just finished up um all the packages in this area that i had so it's 4 26 right now so it took me about an hour and 20ish minutes to do those 43 stops so that was really not bad at all um and so this is where i am right here this blue circle and then i just have these 17 stops left to do so shouldn't take me too much longer probably like i said earlier i'll be done around 5 30 maybe a little before hopefully okay guys i'm working on my last bag those are all the empty ones i have 13 stops left several oversized and then just working out of this last bag here well it's just about 5 30 here and i still have five more stops um they're not too far apart thankfully but uh a bunch of the ones that i've been delivering to the past uh 30 minutes or so have been businesses and so i ran into a couple issues with a few of them one of them had to call the guy because no one was there he wanted me to leave it in this truck that was on the property and so that was just a whole thing but anyways i've delivered all of them so far so yeah i have five more and so i should finish up here really soon and then we'll see if they have anyone that needs help or if i'll be done for the day or [Music] whatever okay so i'm calling them at 5 45 and that's not too bad i would say for some of the problems i ran into um it's 15 minutes past what i was hoping but hey you know things happen right and there was someone that needed help so they sent me on a rescue that's really loud hopefully you can hear me anyways i'm going on a rescue i usually do if i get done early enough i mean it's not even six o'clock yet it's getting until eight so you know i usually do rescues so we're off on a great adventure we'll see how much help this person needs so i just picked up packages and it's just 17 stops so shouldn't be too bad here we got some good music going on here [Music] here's what an empty van well almost empty fan looks like those are the two factors i have to bring back because the bins being closed really frustrating and here's my dirty muddy van lovely isn't it so as you can see it's getting darker in here um it is now almost 7 30 and i just called my dispatch and they said that there's nothing else for me to do everyone's doing good i guess and so i'm going to um head back to the station first i will go to the gas station and get gas in my van as i'm about half a tank right now and then i will head back to the station to end my work day so hey guys what's up today is saturday and i don't usually work saturdays but i'm working today to um continue to help them get caught up as they got behind with the snowstorm last week and so i just figured i'd come on and kind of end this video and say thanks for joining me on my journey i hope you enjoyed it and got a little peek into what it's like to be an amazon delivery driver um so yeah thanks so much and we will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Karissa Paull
Views: 112,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n4H4eRpjbIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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