Life as an Amazon Delivery Driver (UK DSP COURIER 2021)

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hello what's going on guys it is the Sunday following Black Friday which if you didn't know is Amazon's busiest day of the year there's a lot of talk about how we treated at Amazon how hard it can be hopefully if you watch this video you might get a little idea maybe you're thinking of becoming an Amazon driver and this video is going to fill you in with everything you need to know when you're an Amazon delivery driver you don't actually work for Amazon you work for What's called the DSP and this is my DSP a DSP is basically a company which Amazon goes to for work rather than Amazon employing IND individual drivers themselves and I've got to say I've been in two dsbs and the one I'm in now is the best as good as it can get this company is a lot better than some of the others my last company throw me all kinds of bills accused me of all kinds of damage played a lot of games with me got me to Amazon to tell me I haven't got work right we are in our Amazon van let me show you around so we've got the front this is where you can put a lot of parcels Etc this is the back where you put all your Amazon stuff so what I usually do is see these bags here you have about 9 to 12 of them filled with Parcels I usually put them along here and then put more at the bottom and I'll put my overflow meaning individual boxes I just put here and um yeah on Sundays there can be so much stuff in the back of an Amazon van it can just be absolutely overwhelming today even though it's the busiest day of the year supposedly I don't think I've got that much I've got quite a big shift so at the start of every day we get given a route number all right how you doing 144 me drive you're on B2 just drive that's a new new see you in a bit and here we wait for for maybe 15 minutes so every day you get given a device with your rout and as you can see I'm working pretty close to Crosby and I've got 136 stops which really isn't that bad they're all close together as well so yeah for the busiest day of the year I'm flying yeah I'm going to put these steelies on and grab myself a m and then in 15 minutes we will be loading oh it's today is busy I've got 17 bags I usually have about 12 yday it's going to be busy it's been a while since I had this much stuff see a b bro next one see that's my V fully loaded yeah it's it's been a while since I the one like this and it's it is going to be a headache amigo [Music] right so I've just arrived on my first stuff but you can see there it says 9298 it's 9298 yeah so that's one of them and that's our next one hoping this didn't happen so early but as you can see my next delivery one medium box in this orange bag here and then one not in B parcel means it's overflow which means it's one of the boxes that are on the own as it's so early that's going to be a headache to a f yep not to find the other one give me a minute let me look for a few no and every time I get an overflow I'll be having to do this nope it took a few minutes but could have been worse it could have been at the end there but it was actually just it was actually just around here yep yeah this is the busiest day I've had in about a year so it's not always like this usually there's not like half as many boxes that you've got to look through and I've been moving a lot faster but today's the Sunday after Black Friday where all the Black Friday orders are being process so of course it is what it is it's going to take a while hey you okay have a good day okay okay two done 134 to go so so I'm on my fifth delivery and the personent didn't answer but they did leave a not to leave it in the bin therefore I've wrote down bin there and here I have to put the checking ID and the name which I'm going to do now of course so obviously you just whip this through the letter box and then you good to go so I'm here and my next delivery is down this road over here meaning I have have to go that way and take a while to get back into this road or I can reverse it luckily enough Amazon have Nifty reversing cameras so I can see exactly the right time to reverse and then head into the road like the Amazon Vans are good I can't lie so I have 126 new stops but um the stop I'm on right now is to four separate houses and I countes as one stop therefore I say it's 126 stops but it's it's it feels like a lot more cuz you go to that many houses I had 280 Parcels to the individual boxes you know one of them is here in the back anyway and I need to find it we go again all right I'm going to do two separate chips for this one the odd houses and the even houses and it's snowing right hi have a good day you too and the the evens that's yep and yeah it has started to snow and I've Got Friends in Mexico have probably never saw snow so this is it it's very mild snow though like snow can be beautiful this isn't around my next deliver is meant to be to this hair salon right here obviously it's not open so what you do is customer unavailable and then it gives you the option to text and call the customer but it's clearly just like sh so we won't and then swipe to finish and that's how it is look I could get it through the other doors but they jump absolutely rammed right now I can't get out the other doors that's why I have to bring it through the front right now yeah yeah there you go thank you I hate them to come in now and uh yeah that was a multiorder so got more yeah hey you okay it's been about an hour or two we've delivered 17 we had one problem which was the hairdressers and we still got 117 to do stops and we've got we've got 254 Parcels more to drop off yeah as you can see like you do have days like this that are just a little bit just too much and it and you can you can build up a lot of fustration um and I don't know it's up to you whether you think it's warranted or not I mean it is it is the job to do this yeah everything just builds up sometimes your day can go pretty bad in this job sometimes it can go absolutely fantastic especially for the money but you know today is not one of those days but it is the busiest day of the year so far this is popped off from the next stop which means it's a over 18 delivery which is usually alcohol so what I need to do is I need to ask this person for their ID I need to put down their B here or reader only deliver to an adult who is older than 18 always check ID if the recipient appears to be under 25 years old okay no this has changed since I went to Mexico and you used to have to check ID constantly but um I have to put down the B here I have to put down the person's be here regardless you know and of course it is possible to make a bait of beath but I've never done that right I'm here with a multiple order and uh we've got a flat so any deliveries please knock on ground floor window or leave with neighbor ground floor window all right there's Windows there on there patience you know what that might fit for to that b oh yeah will I didn't bend that in in any way by the way if it look like it and you know what a lot of Amazon workers put the yellow stickers over the address and look this is just me being honest a lot of Amazon workers put the stickers over the address and you can't see it now I don't know if they do that on purpose this one stuff you okay how you doing oh went for the bo someone else thanks for offering okay have a good day thank you byebye take care bye hey yep the way and trust me like s days you don't get many multiple deliveries some days you don't get many multiple deliveries um you're in a bus area with only houses and there's porches in every house and you get do that quick over days are more like this I've been in worse areas than here as well hello you okay oh hi yeah hi thank you no problem have a nice day no problem I'll leave the gate no problem that's how long it took to do one stuff see not all of them take that long you want them to be as quick as possible but we're get we're getting through them shortly enough I'll have enough room to organize my overflow and from there it's just going to start going a lot faster and yeah so another good thing about working for Amazon is you bur through about 2,000 calories a day which means there I've saw a lot of people join Amazon and then lose a lot of weight um if they if they were up beforehand and um yeah it's I sure feel like i' I'd still be a lot bigger had I not been in this job had I still been in dominoes cuz that's what I was doing before this but I mean I still lost a majority of my weight by the way it used to be like 20 stall when I was in Domino so you know but anyway onto our next bag cuz this is for the hairdresses that wasn't open right my next two deliveries are overflow and as you can see I've got a little more room in here now so I'll explain how I usually do the Overflow right so as you can see in the bag I've got in here right now you see these yellow stickers on like every single one of them says 3D so that bag is 3D the Overflow I'll be getting out of here well else I'm in this bag would also be 3D so at loading what you usually do and what I would usually do today I didn't have time because I had so many but what I would usually do is organize all the 3DS put them together like for instance this is 3D this is not the one I'm looking for but that's 3D do you get me so I'd put all the 3DS together in the back usually I'd have a lot more space on here as well all the frees together I put all the 2DS together I'd come into the back I'd see the pile of 3DS and quickly I'd find my parcel obviously today didn't work like that and maybe after another 20 stops we'll organize it properly but um yeah I just didn't have the time this morning cuz you've got a time limit and you've got to stick to it or else the yard Marshals will be quite aggressive with you and look I don't want I didn't want this to be a negative video but is anything I'm saying lie no a lot of the yard Marshals are very nice but a lot of them can be aggressive with you and it's weird because it's always something like not having enough time to put Parcels in your van when you simply just need more time and that's the only solution it's not because you're not going fast enough anyway let me find these two parcels and in a bit hopefully we'll sort sort all these overflow out properly hey what's going on so we're at our next stop and uh this is a verified OTP delivery OTP mean a one time password I usually get about one of these a day and basically it's when an item is expensive to stop anything fraudulent from taking place the person has been sent an email containing a six-digit one time password he'll tell me it so for instance 1 2 3 6 78 and then if it's right I'll pass it him if he doesn't know what the password is honestly my worst experiences in this job have been when people can't find the password and I can't give them the parel because I'm there at their door with their delivery they've paid for I honestly understand the frustration cuz it's their you know but anyway that's caused me problems on about 10 occasions people very aggressive over it and um Hest say I understand the frustration I's say 50% of the time they're on it they know exactly what to do the other 50% of the time there a problem but I always just you know what I do I just wait there until we finally sort it out and um usually after a few minutes it gets sorted eventually you know makes sense cuz people do lie about not receiving the pels and obviously if it's something significantly expensive then H Amazon are covering the wrong the wrong self I get it hello you okay I I need a one time password for this delivery a one time password it should be on is it Paul's email you okay what it's only is it m yeah six digit be on the email well they have a nice day you go see you in a bit so that time not too much of a problem but like I said before sometimes you be like what way I can't find the email I don't have the email this one time this one time I had someone screaming at me yeah that was sweet took a while like right I've got another one on this road now so yo so I'm just driving up this road listening to the listening to the weekend and this might happen once a week yeah once a week oh right right I decided I'd pretty much shown you everything I needed to show you so I just decided to get on with the day and now I'm finished I'm back on Amazon we're finally here right this was for a locker um at the co-op though it's a Sunday the car sh at 4: I got there at 4:02 so this will have to be delivered tomorrow there's about 20 Parcels in there as well but what can I do the cart was shut these are all Parcels that couldn't be it cuz the person wasn't in and yeah that full van is now pretty much empty um these are all the bags I had I've popped them back in here and yeah I've shown you pretty much everything apart from lockers now I really did want to show you the process of putting the puzzles in the Amazon lockers you know you see the Amazon lockers are about but um maybe I can do a separate video for that what else did I want to show you the process of leaving a parcel in the porch and there's an option instead of delivering it customer you deliver it to the enclosed from porch and you take a photo of it I didn't get around to do or not today I'll maybe do that on the next video as well and I'd also like to say the fact and this is a self-criticism earlier today I was in quite a negative mood you know feeling sorry for myself it was hard but even if it's just a fact I can't be always feeling sorry for myself you know this is my job and you know why if you want to be successful you just don't have the time to feel sorry for yourself you just got to do what you got to do in order to become where you what you're trying to be so I'm probably going to edit this video and like be a bit like ah I shouldn't have had that attitude but the fact is I did have that attitude and now I don't um let me go through I'm about to bring these into the Amazon warehouse but just before I do what can I say the benefits of this job is it does pay pretty well 15 in a day is a lot especially for me and this is in Liverpool also in London you probably get paid more than that but London is a higher cost than living and in Liverpool um so one 15 a day I'll put that down in Mexican peso cuz I have got quite a few Mexicans watching my channel I'm blessed to be from a country where I can make so much money compared to the rest of the world cuz there's some people who' look at that amount of money and think that's not worth the time you know people from London Etc what else can I say oh dsps the DSP I'm with Now by far the best DSP at Amazon cuz the manager puts the well be in and function over profit for himself and I know that for a fact I've had plenty of conversations with him that's reflected in the growth of the company for me like my last DSP has shrunk and now it's small and this DSP I went to Mexico there was there was like 18 drivers going out today now there's 40 OD and there that's a credit to my manager for SL owner of the DSP company I'm in um he works pretty much every day and whereas in the last DB I didn't even know who I don't even know who owns it really don't um it was a toxic W environment and I actually had a £3,000 bill after damaging a van after being sent up some mad mountains where damage was inevitable look if you damage a van in this company um you don't have to pay if anyone wants to start Amazon in Liverpool message me on Instagram because this is definitely the company to go to without a question of a doubt Jeff Bezos gets a lot of criticism on how like Amazon stuff are treated and how much work they've got I don't know about in the warehouse but sometimes I do feel like that has some Merit to it for drivers I don't I have felt like that before at the same time people feel sorry for themselves no matter where they were pretty much um look I don't want to be doing this when I'm 40 50 I'm just saying another big benefit to it is the fitness levels like I've been working for hours running around my last delivery I ran to I ran back no problem no why because I'm used to it my St is up I remember coming back from Mexico on my first day I was finished I was exhausted and all of a sudden I'm going finish the shift and ready to hit the gym afterwards but anyway that's that's uh I pretty much covered almost everything I wanted to cover now I'm going to head into the warehouse for my steel to cap on and yes I will white shoes today you don't need to comment about it like that's not how you become a millionaire I me I'm mean it I'm mean it man I'm not going to film inside the warehouse cuz uh like I might get in trouble for just posting this video as is without recording what's about to happen in this w house but is Amazon a toxic W environment i' say overall inside the warehouse it kind of does feel like it is I mean seven out of 10 of them are really good people but just like three out of 10 will say something unnecessary from a very insecure place and it's tough to deal with cuz it's very disrespectful and disrespect brings a certain side out of me the I just can't control um and I it's very unnecessary by the individuals making it making it toxic for the rest of them but that's humans you know and that's probably the same and Everywhere You Go which is why I am so pleased that my DSP is a good place for the good people and it's not toxic whatsoever I mean the job can be hard people can get frustrated but it's definitely not hey that's where I'll end the video thanks for watching peace
Channel: Zac Jones
Views: 650,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xdWcfSbFOG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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