7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Delivering For an Amazon DSP

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hey everyone so today i'm coming to you guys with a video about the seven things that i wish i knew before i started delivering with amazon now before i get into that video i want to give myself a quick introduction my name is chalene um i go by shaleen the queen that's also my youtube channel name you can find my information in the description below um i want to give a quick shout out a quick thanks to gig nation for allowing me to do this video for him and i also want to give a quick shout out to movinghelp.com with them so it's their own little gig you can be your own boss and with that you have full control of your rates your availability your availability and your coverage areas the best thing about that is the customers provide all the equipment so there's no equipment necessary for you to get for you to go help customers out now customers can book your services on uhaul.com or movinghelp.com now i suggest you guys give them a quick look um because that's a pretty good gig now into the video the seven things that i wish i knew before delivering with amazon alright so the first thing that i wish i knew before delivering with amazon is that every dsp is different so a lot of people don't realize that we're not actually working for amazon our company is contracted by amazon to deliver their packages for them so with that being said i have a private owner who owns their their own company which is called a dsp now each dsp can offer different things such as holiday pay they can offer you they can guarantee you your pay for the week so guarantee you your 10 hours shift or your 40 hours per week they cannot they can guarantee that they also give you 401ks or can give you 401ks health benefits insurance stuff like that but each company can offer you different benefits so i suggest you guys do your research before getting in with the dsp just because some can be better than others depending on what they offer the second thing i wish i knew before delivering for amazon was the loadout procedure so i did not realize that we have to load our own vans in the morning so some companies they have people come in at night time to load the vans for you but with amazon you come in in the morning you load your van so you're dealing with a hundred to three hundred four hundred packages before you even get out to your first stop so that's one thing i wish i knew before just just handling the packages so many times per day is is good to know um is this job is physical like i knew it was going to be physical coming in but i didn't realize how physical it was going to be now the third thing i wish i realized or i wish i knew before delivering with amazon was time is everything so from the moment you go into the warehouse or if you load outside the warehouse from the moment you come in to load out time your time starts so that means you're on the clock from the moment you scan the first package to to load up in your van so the time at the time you take at stops the time you take for your breaks the time you take just to kind of do whatever everything takes time and time is of the essence delivering with amazon you're always on a time clock they monitor they know when a package is supposed to be delivered so if you're off that if you're off that time then they know so like when i said time is everything i mean time is everything even when you take your breaks so you get an hour worth of breaks but you also have to incorporate the drive time it takes to get to your destination for the break like if you have to drive 15 minutes before you can actually take your hour break that's 15 minutes there 15 minutes back now that's 30 minutes you spent driving plus your hour break that's an hour and a half that you haven't been delivering so within that hour and a half it could put you behind depending on how far ahead you were when you decided to go on the break so just remember time is everything with amazon so also a fourth thing that um i wish i knew was that amazon literally monitors everything so a lot of people will say it's common sense that that they would monitor things but first they're getting ready to install 270 degree cameras in the vans so it's gonna monitor pretty much the front cab area and outside now that is for safety um i don't know if i'm happier or mad i'm kind of indecisive on whether i want it or not but so that's one way they monitor things they also monitor your driving so they monitor if you hard excel they monitor if you hard brake if you take a corner too quick if you're speeding if you touch your phone too much or while you're driving if you touch your phone at all while driving they monitor all those things now yeah that's just one thing i wish i knew before so a fifth thing that i wish i knew before delivering with amazon was flex routes so now we have our main routes what would be maybe 200 stops a day but we also have flex routes if one of our routes gets cut then our dsp takes a flex route now flex routes people would think that they're easy because you know you get three four hour i mean you get three or four hour blocks to deliver but with the flex routes all the stops are pretty much spread out so you might be in one you might start in one city and then 30 minutes away from that city just because the rock just because the stops are so spread out now flex routes it it takes time because the majority of your time you're spent driving so that's one reason why i don't really like flex routes because you spent you spend more time driving than you do actually delivering so that's one thing i wish i knew before taking this job with amazon now the sixth thing i wish i know is that you have to they want you to ex exhaust all options before delivering i mean before marking the package as unable to deliver now before i thought hey if they're not home you know i can just say that they're not home come on back but we have to call texts call the customers in that order before we can mark a package as undeliverable and then we also have to re-attempt a package as well so they really want us to exhaust all possible options before bringing the package back to the warehouse because they like to say amazon is customer obsessed so we want the customers to get their package which is true but sometimes you know going through all those steps can get very stressful or it can or it can take time and like i said before time is everything so when you're trying to backtrack on time when you're trying to backtrack on a package you know it's going to take time away from your other stops so with that the last thing that i wish i knew before delivering for amazon was is i wish i knew about the apartments or and or businesses beforehand now apartments and businesses they're very hard to deliver to just because so like businesses you might not necessarily know where to drop the package off so sometimes you walk into a business and you're just kind of looking around hoping hoping that somebody addresses you so you know exactly where to deliver the package now with apartments is different like i said before amazon is customer obsessed so as amazon we cannot just go to the mailroom and drop off all the packages there i know some people do it but we're not supposed to we're supposed to go up to each individual individual apartment not knock on the door and deliver the package there now of course if we can't deliver the package at the door then of course we can leave it at the leasing office but before we do that we have to call a text call remember exhaust all possible options before we mark something that's undeliverable now with apartments though if there is a secure mirror mailroom and we did try to already attempt at the door we can leave it in the mailroom um secured i i know a lot of apartments do have those but i mean honestly those things are just a couple other things that i wish i knew um before delivering with amazon there are a few more but like i said this video is only seven things that i wish i knew so so with that being said since i just went through the seven things that i wish i knew i am gonna wrap up this video by saying thanks again to gig nation for allowing me to have this opportunity to make this video second my name chalene the queen don't forget my information is in the description below so if you like the video make sure you hit the like button and then go to my page hit the subscribe button so you can stay updated on everything that i post from here on out i post everything a to z amazon so if you want a video just leave it in my comment section back on my page and i will make sure to get to it to try to help you out all right thanks again and i'll see you guys later
Channel: Gig Nation
Views: 95,776
Rating: 4.8802719 out of 5
Keywords: Amazon DSP, Amazon DSP driver, Amazon delivery, Amazon delivery driver, Amazon delivery driver training, Amazon DSP driver training, Amazon DSP driver first day, Amazon DSP beginners, Amazon delivery driver beginner
Id: EB-hwsNwC0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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