A day in the life: FedEx Delivery Driver

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foreign into the FedEx station now I'm gonna give you guys a little quick glimpse of what it's like when I walk in what my truck looks like Etc so I'm gonna have to walk through security so I'm gonna put you in my lunchbox [Music] so I just found out that apparently FedEx package handlers can't bring their phone in well there's reason number one not to be a FedEx package handler but about it [Music] all right so I'm going to show you what it looks like [Music] yo but I'm going to show you the inside of my truck I'm going to show you how it's loaded and how I load it to make sure that I can deliver as efficiently as possible so here we go so FedEx and UPS are very much alike I don't know about Amazon um I don't feel like they have a very good system at all at least from what I've seen when I'm out there um I usually see guys that are kind of lost in the sauce and that's no offense to them their system's just not really up to par yet but with FedEx your deliveries will go in order so you can see 1006 now they're not always perfect orders so I might do 1006 and then I might do 1018 and then 1015 but for the most part they're actually going to be in order so I'll do 1004 1006 1015 18 and it doesn't go every number so it's not gonna be one two three four it allows room for extra stops and you'll see all of my stickers are facing out that's something that took me a little while to get my loader to do they used to be on the top on the side all over I used positive reinforcement I used gift cards I got here early and I encouraged them that they were doing a great job every time they put it on the outside of the box and when they didn't put it on the outside of the box I would do it right in front of them and be like thank you so much for every box that you put it on the outside it saves me so much time trying to look for that box and sometimes they'd kind of roll their eyes at me but over a period of like a month or so every single box now is faced perfectly like for the last six months that I've been at this contract every box is faced perfectly and one thing that I started teaching them too and they do a really good job about it I still have to help them occasionally is they put if the box is on the bottom floor so if there's not enough room up here they'll put them on the bottom floor then they put the sticker on top so I can still see which box it is and you'll notice too how it says FL when you're looking in your scanner a lot of these boxes actually say FL so I know it's on the floor but some of them aren't going to be on the shelves so they just they have to be on the floor so you always know to check the shelves first then check the floor but if you're looking at your scanner and it says FL you know you can go directly to the floor to look for it so this is a really light day for me just so you guys know it's one of the reasons I'm taking time to film today but usually your big boxes are going to be on the side of your truck um there was a lady sweeping so I got them out of her way so all of mine are right here there's not a whole lot of them and then you'll have what they call your Smalls all your Smalls are basically all your like Lululemon your t-shirts your envelopes anything that's kind of floppy and doesn't have any structure to it they're going to put in these bins and I'll show you in a minute how I organize those and then how I load them in my truck all right all right so I'll show you how I organize these guys so what I do is I form like a semi-circle so five goes there seven goes there four five all right now that I've got all my packages in a semi-circle all of the Smalls are in proper order now what I do is I take the bins I start at the highest number so my Eights then I grab my sevens six is five and like I said guys this is a light day normally this would take me like two bins but it's pretty light day and that's one of the reasons I'm filming [Music] okay so now that we've got all of our Smalls right here what we'll do is we'll grab one and we'll look for the exact number this one's 15 18 and we'll find exactly where it goes so 1519 boom put it next to it now not every single one of these packages is in the exact order but what I always do is I look for the closest number and then so like for instance this is 15 18 I always put it right in front of 15 19. so at least I know that if I have 15 18 and it's not in order I'll always look for the next number and then it's right there so um 1001 boom goes up front 35 15 so then um yeah so there's 3507 3524 so I'll just shove this between there and I'll do that for the whole bin so then a lot of guys will spend a lot of time looking for packages and sometimes the problem is they're not on your truck sometimes you will get missed loads so what I do is I take the extra five minutes I load my truck perfectly literally there's not one package that's out of order or that is not like clearly right where like in a general area where it should be so like I said some of these aren't perfect but if they're not perfect they're right next to where they should be whereas with all these Smalls they're in perfect order so when I'm out of my route if it literally takes me more than 20 seconds to find a package I know that it's not on my truck so I just give up and then sure enough the end of the day it's not on my truck it was misloaded um it's on somebody else's truck it happens but then that way I'm not spending five minutes at every stop looking for my packages okay two more things that I forgot one is when when you're loading you want to make sure that you tilt your boxes so I'll show you what I mean so your boxes should be tilted out on the ledge so that way there's an angle to it so that way when you hit a bump they're not going to fall off um obviously if there's if there's just one box and nothing on top it's fine because it does have a lip but if you have boxes like this that are like that and then there's boxes on top as soon as you hit a pothole these boxes will just come sliding off cardboard is very slippery so you want to make sure they're on the ledge like this and then that way they stay pushed back to the back of the truck and then other thing is I always load all my Smalls first because sometimes what will happen is you'll place all your extra big boxes they're called icus here at FedEx I can't remember the technical reason the technical term for what ICU stands for but it basically just means they're too large to go on the belt so that way they don't come down the belt and smash all these smaller packages but sometimes what will happen is you'll take these larger packages and you'll put them in the middle in order and then you try to start doing your Smalls and then you're literally like tripping over them the whole day whereas if you do all your Smalls and then you load your packages from the front to the back your truck can be completely full but it doesn't matter because if you go in order you're gonna do one thousands first and then you're gonna do 1500s and then you're gonna do two thousands 2500s 3000 35 hundreds four thousands 4500s and so on so that way there's packages on the floor but you're not getting back there until the rest of it's already cleared off I've talked to FedEx I've talked to my manager I think especially during peak season it should go one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand fifteen hundred twenty five hundred thirty five hundred forty five hundred that way you're actually going back at an even rate because sometimes during Christmas what will happen is you've got a 1500 that's all the way back here and you've got packages that are just stacked right here so it would be better if you went one two three four but you know it's a work in progress It's it's a really good system it works pretty well so I understand they're kind of like if it's not broke don't fix it but during the holidays it is kind of annoying so anyways I'll leave you with that I'm gonna finish loading these large packages and then I'll show you guys what it looks like and then I'll get on the road all right guys so we've officially got the entire truck loaded I've got my Smalls loaded I've got my icus my large packages loaded I'll show you what that looks like again today is a light day but all the packages are in order so I'm not gonna have to get to any of those packages before I've done the entire front of the truck so these are all ones and twos those are six seven eights and nine uh there's no nines on this truck today but anyways so that's what it looks like I'll show you kind of what it looks like as we go throughout the day it's gonna be a pretty easy day anyways I have 132 stops and 162 packages and that's also including five pickups so it's actually only like 126 127 stops um there's one pickup on there that's not supposed to be on there and so anyways uh it's gonna be a pretty light day but I will catch you on the road [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guys so one thing I'm gonna do throughout the day is just show you a few things that I love about this job um things that I think a lot of people maybe don't realize and then things that I think are kind of unusual from most jobs and one of them is the fact that you can pretty much Start whenever you want to now obviously when I say pretty much I'm there's some flexibility there so once you gain rapport with your contractor they trust you as an independent contractor to deliver your route in an efficient manner manner and be done at a reasonable time when I say reasonable honestly as long as you're back by like 10 pm nobody bothers you nobody cares obviously you try not to make it back that late but for instance I knew I was going to be filming today I had to buy a few things for my GoPro I took time to film you know my truck and I'm I'm new to filming so it took longer than it should have I stopped and started the camera a lot but I'll show you guys real quick just to kind of show you how this works and oh let's see if we can get a better lighting okay so I'm not sure how well this is going to show up on but if you can see down there that's my first stop once I press complete on the map it'll take me to my second stop and then my third and fourth and fifth and so on and so forth so it's a pretty good system the nice thing about it is you can kind of you can kind of control it so like every once in a while you know it'll be off it'll it'll have me go here and it'll have me go right next door but like 10 houses later so you can kind of skip around a little bit but it's super efficient back when I started you had MapQuest papers literally a chunk of MapQuest papers and stop by stop by stop and you would be like on the fifth page and found out that you had to stop where you were an hour ago but it was on the left hand side of the road and they only want you to deliver on the right well that makes sense on like a busy highway or a busy road but it would be like on a cul-de-sac or something crazy so anyways it's a pretty good system I'm gonna get started I'll show you guys a few like point of view as I'm delivering and then I'll kind of show you my truck um show you from you know the start to how it ends up and uh we'll go from there thank you [Music] all right guys so I just got to my first house that has a heavy package one thing I hear a lot of drivers complain about I've seen it on Facebook I've seen on Instagram I've seen it on YouTube is they complain about the heavy boxes they complain about the chewy and just these like oversized heavy boxes um and I remember when I first started it kind of drove me crazy too there's some days where it's just like it's the last thing you want to do is deliver a heavy box but then I kind of shifted my mindset and I realized you know what on an average day it's about 10 boxes per day so 10 stops that are going to kind of suck and then once you're done with those 10 it's over so the way I look at it is you know this is only like my fourth or fifth stop and I've got a heavy box so boom I've already got one knocked out of the day now like I said today's a light day so I've only got like six or seven days I might have 20 but still 20 it's like 20 stops out of 200 it's it's usually about 10 of your day so I'm gonna deliver this box real quick and I'll have one knocked out and then uh we'll have a whole lot of light ones to do and then we'll have one more heavy one and then a whole lot of light ones so it's really easy when you change your mindset and you get a little bit of a workout as well so here we go [Music] okay there you have it guys I'm not gonna lie that one was pretty heavy I looked on the label it said 120 pounds I have a dolly I chose not to use it and it is what it is on the next stop [Music] so quick little lesson um I'm at these parcel lockers and Amazon FedEx UPS USPS pretty sure they do as well we all have um different codes so we can put boxes in there and so that way the customer knows their package is secured now a lot of these customers at this apartment for whatever reason their names aren't in the system and this apartment's kind of annoying to deliver to but that's our job well I just got here and there was a package here I was going to show you that guy was just walking away he was really mad because UPS just dropped it off and they just put it on the floor right by the door and this door is open like most of the day so anybody could just walk by and grab it so and there's no cameras in here a lot of these will have cameras this one doesn't have any so uh UPS this is the one time I can tell you do better those guys are usually pretty good but not now all right so thanks to Amazon a lot of these Apartments have these package lockers only unfortunate thing I don't know if you guys can see that is a lot of the customers here don't have their name in the system so it's kind of annoying but anybody that does it saves us so much time and then that way you know nobody's gonna steal your locker or excuse me steal your package off your front door [Music] but this just saves us so much time there are days when I'm able to come here and deliver like 20 packages in like 15 minutes and for an apartment complex that's pretty fast especially for this one because it's really confusing so anyways I always able to deliver two today we'll deliver the Rest by foot guys uh pick up number one I have five pickups today and actually this one accounts for two of them they for some reason they put it in twice [Music] [Music] foreign stop three done on stop four which is right there so I got pretty lucky all my pickups are right next to each other takes me about 10 minutes total depending on the day [Music] look at this guy you're gonna be in my YouTube video okay and this is my fourth and final stop all right I'll grab these real quick all right guys so update um we've been going for just over an hour um I'll show you the truck real quick we've done 20 stops so we did all of the 1000s all the 1500s and almost all the 2000s these are all the pickups um not all of them those are the first amount of pickups that was from the fourth stop and then the other pickups are there in the back um that way they're kind of out of my way but I've only got two left on the 2000 and 2500 shelves so I checked the app and we are at 27.5 stops per hour which is pretty good for me trying to record and something I've never done before um I usually try to do the first two hours of my route at 35 stops per hour and then from then I hit Coast at 30 stops per hour for the rest of the day which is usually about three four hours so um today's my goal is to get it done by 8 30. we started at three that's five and a half hours plenty of time that's with recording and everything so I'll update you guys um here about in an hour I want to get some stuff done so I'm gonna kind of haul ass get some stops done and then I'll catch up with you then so check it's now been just over two hours I have done 53 stops um it doesn't look like much more and that's because of my pickups I've done a few of the three thousands um I did them out of order but I did quite a few of the seven thousands and I did some of the six thousands so the only thing that sucks about getting started this late and it's nice to have that flexibility but when you do get started this late at least for my route I have about five to seven businesses that close at between five and six pm so I wanted to make sure I got those done so I raced around my whole entire route so then it slows down your delivery rate by quite a bit so I've now got 91 stops left and that means I can do that in about three hours so I'll still be done by 8 30. I started delivering at three so it's still not a big deal so here's what it looks like after two hours I will update you guys in about an hour foreign [Music] hey guys welcome back uh so it's been one more hour I have done 35 in the past hour so I have 54 left 54 53 left I think there's one on there that's not supposed to be on there it's that one that wasn't it's not on my truck I remember earlier we couldn't find it so anyways this is what my shelves look like we're getting pretty close to done we've done a lot of the bigger ones all of show four almost all of shelf three one of these packages was just way out of order every once in a while you'll find that you'll be doing stops and then it'll want you to drive like three miles for one stop so basically this package should be like way over in another section so we'll get it done but anyways that's where we're at um I'm gonna get back to running I've got about two hours left and uh I'll catch up with you then all right guys so I'm done um that last little bit took just a little bit longer it is 8.25 a little bit longer than I thought it would take it was just more spread out so um there was only like 10 stops and like five or six different communities so it was like driving almost a mile between every stop which the one bad thing too about having a light day is you still do all the same amount of driving you still zigzag through every single neighborhood you still turn it every light you still do all the like you put almost the exact same miles on your truck every single day the difference is you just make less money so I'm a I'm a big fan of like 160 to 200 on a regular day and then when peak season comes I'm like I'm happy about the craziness because that just means more money so anyways I'll show you my truck um there's that one stop I didn't get that's a pickup the rest is all pickups and then this one right here is what's called an O2 it goes to an apartment but it did not have an apartment number so that's it for now uh we're gonna drive back to the station and then [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that way they know to put the right apartment number on there [Music] all right guys that's it just got back so at this point you just open your door and then the unloaders will unload this trunk and it'll be good to go for tomorrow so as you can see since it's a little bit later all the trucks are already back already unloading them we've only got one guy missing he came in after me which is crazy because he had way more stops but yeah that's how it works thanks for joining me on my trip uh stay tuned for some bonus footage okay guys I'm back so I want to get out of here it's my last day here but I want to tell you guys some of the things that I love about this job and the number one thing that I love about this job is freedom absolute freedom I am not one that loves to be micromanaged I am not one that loves to be constantly checked in on to have managers that inquire how my day is going drives me nuts FedEx Ground especially my contractors all the ones I've ever worked for they don't ask you questions they don't text you they don't check in with you they don't bother you come to work you do your job and then you leave you can take as long as lunch as you want you don't have to take a lunch you can take a break if you want you don't have to take a break you can take 10 breaks throughout the day like if you literally if it's a nice day and you see a nice park and you want to go lay in the grass go lay in the grass like Park your truck somewhere safe turn on the hazards like lock your truck whatever but there's so many things that you can do that you just couldn't do with another job I will get a haircut on my route if I want to I will drop off my dry cleaning on my route and then pick it up on my way home just so many things I couldn't do with a regular typical nine to five job that I can do here another thing that I don't think people realize sometimes people are like oh man you're out really late and I I'm not going to lie to them I'm not going to tell them that it's a heavy day when it it was a light day I just didn't want to come in until later so I'll just be like yep sure am but today I got here at 1 30. 1 30 p.m so I got off it's now like 9 30. so it took me eight hours and that's because I was trying to record some today as well but and I took I took my time as my last day I said goodbye to businesses I said goodbye to some of the kids that I like on my route certain people I just took some time to make sure I say goodbye and said this is probably the last time I'd seen him for a while so people don't realize that once your contractor trusts you you can pretty much set your own schedule you can come in when you want to and you can go as fast or as slow as you want to um the only like hard deadlines are you have to do pickups at a certain time you have to do businesses before they close and you have to be back to the station at a specific time now each station is a little bit different when I was in Vegas they wanted me back by like 9 9 30 here in Phoenix they want you back by 10 30. and that's because that's when their conveyor belts shut off that's when that shift ends so then those boxes wouldn't get on the Outward Bound trucks so anyways number one thing I love about this job is the time freedom and the actual freedom of just doing whatever you want all right guys what's up so I'm back as you may have noticed it is a completely different day anyways the next thing I want to talk about is the pay I'm gonna pull it up on my phone because I don't want to give you the wrong numbers but since yesterday was my last day at FedEx it wasn't a full week in the last two and a half weeks haven't been full weeks because I was supposed to start three weeks ago at my new job and every time something happened with my background like the company they used to hire it just it was just a mess but it's finally all cleared up I'm starting Monday but so my last full week was a five day work week I worked Tuesday through Saturday um I try to avoid Sunday and Mondays um at least here in Phoenix those are the slowest days and because I was leaving I had that privilege before that I was working like six days a week so anyways five day work week my total pay was 11 44.90 [Music] and I took home 929.63 so 929.63 now I noticed some of you that seems like not very much money at all some people that seems like a lot of money um to me it's a good amount of money but the thing is is the freedom that came with that money my average time getting to work last that week was probably like 12 P.M I'm a night person so I like to take my time in the morning I'm more of a night owl so I would literally get up I would go get a breakfast burrito um I would do a load of laundry like sometimes I'd go get my haircut you know like I just take my time so anyways to me that's a good amount of money when you're not working more than 40 hours every day so I'm trying to think of a lot of things at once every day I would work about seven and a half hours as my normal now there's a lot of days where I can get done from the time I get to the work to the time I get back I can do it in seven hours but I feel like my average with that amount of money the amount of stops I did is 7.5 hours so if I got there at noon I would be back at 7 30 every day if I got back later which I did multiple days I'd get back like 8 8 30 no big deal nine no big deal 9 30 not a big deal and some people are like oh that's so late well they don't realize is I do all the signatures first I do all of the businesses first and then I do all the perishables first and I don't mean first as in like first part of my day but I do them all before like seven or eight pm signatures I try to get done before seven just because I don't want to be knocking on somebody's door whereas with like food deliveries and stuff I still try to get them done early but if I can't um almost everybody I deliver to they get an email like half the time I'm in my truck I scan a package and I mark it delivered and then I set my scanner down I grab the package and then I'm walking to the door and somebody's opening the door and they're like hey I just got the email and it's like are you really that bored but anyway so to me the most important things about this job were the time freedom and you make enough money that there's no stress on your life so you're not making an exorbitant amount of money but you're also not stressed financially and then the last thing I want to talk about is the people it might sound cheesy it might sound whatever but one of my favorite things about this job is getting to know the communities that I would deliver to so one of my favorite things is driving down the road and almost every single day multiple times a day you see a kid that's four five six seven eight they like get their mom and dad's attention and Mom look a big truck and then I would always drive by and I'd honk the horn and wave and when I do that they would get the biggest kick out of it sometimes if I could tell the mom or dad was super into like oh look at big truck big truck you know like super new I would stop and I would let them see my truck I've had kids get up into my truck now if you work for corporate it doesn't really matter yesterday was my last day but I would let people get up in my truck look at my truck I'd let kids sit in the seat you know honk the horn whatever um that's the best part of my day and you get to learn people's schedules and stuff and so I would know like hey they're not going to be home to sign for a package until this time or this or I know that they work on the weekends or so sometimes I would show up and be like hey I know you're not going to be here tomorrow yada yada so I stopped here early because I want to make sure I got it before you went to bed and they're just like so appreciative and just building that community of like trust people start to really appreciate you and you develop a relationship with these people and it sounds weird but there's certain people you see every day where they're walking their dog and they smile and they wave at you and it's like they're part of my day every day and you get to feel like this kinship between you you almost feel like friends so anyways if you're thinking about a job at FedEx Ground feel free to comment I can steer you clear of a lot of bad jobs because not every FedEx Ground job is is the same if I were you I would try to I'll just give you a couple pointers I would try to find a home delivery route because you're mostly doing residential businesses are fine but they really don't pay as well and I've seen some guys on here that work for FedEx ground and like they show their paycheck and it's terrible like one guy I'm not gonna like I'm not trying to put him down or anything but he does the same job I do it's just as hard and he's making 18 an hour whereas I usually average thirty dollars an hour and sometimes during peak season I'm averaging more like forty dollars an hour I had one peak season last year where my average was 48 dollars per hour based on the amount of hours I was putting in based off what I was taking home no not taking home my net pay so I was making like 40 yeah 45 dollars per hour for my net pay and then my take home was still like close to 40. so anyways guys um I hope you enjoyed that I was all over the place I know it was my first time videoing but if you want to find out why why I'm leaving FedEx ground and what I'm doing next stay tuned for the next video and I will talk to you then foreign
Channel: Alex Mutchler
Views: 301,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FedEx, Delivery Driver, Amazon, USPS, UPS, FedEx Ground, Day in the life, Vlog, FedEx, Delivery Driver, Amazon, USPS, UPS, FedEx Ground, Day in the life, Vlog, FedEx, Delivery Driver, Amazon, USPS, UPS, FedEx Ground, Day in the life, Vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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