Day In The Life Of An Amazon Delivery Driver | Business/Country Routes Tips & Tricks To Use In 2024

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[Music] what is up folks and welcome back to another day in the life of an Amazon delivery driver today we have 90 stops which is really weird that's the least I've ever had so we I think we have 10 bags total a bunch of overflow but all of my overflow need to be marked up so let's mark these up and then let's hit the road and I'm pretty sure we're delivering to businesses today so they're a little more time consuming but we're going to see if we're going to be able to knock them out more than likely we'll have rescues afterwards so let's get to it we got overflows all on the bottom on the tops sides and we got all of our stuff here we're working out of our first tote here which is already broken down over there we got our packages ready to roll also down here I have like 10 of these boxes that are all the same looking and usually when you have boxes that are all the same they're all going to the same place so I'm not going to even worry about numbering them cuz all I have to do is look at the driver aid number right here and know that they're all going together all righty and now we have everything numbered labeled ready to go again all those boxes are the same so they're going to all go together going with these and these and then all these are numbered ready to roll ready to roll let's get to it package of the day is right there we've already delivered to a California dairies so like I said it's going to be a business route today it looks like 90 stops which which is really really weird cuz I'm used to 190 but let's see how this goes genuinely a lot of the times when you have businesses they're going to take a little while longer like we're going to that business next got across the way y one package straight to the office close Saturdays and Sundays good CU today is Wednesday hello hello got a package here just need a quick signature from you how you doing today pretty good good good you can just put deacock on there really decx b b Cox and Cox awesome no worries have a good day okay appreciate [Music] you see and then sometimes you get customers like that which are super easy to work with takes no time delivery's complete next place is getting five packages so we'll worry about it when we get there getting out of here and we're going right all right we got traffic let's make it fast don't ever assume the other drivers are going to do what you think they're going to do just take your time be patient remember at the end of the day you're on the clock and at the end of the day it's all about being safe with this gig next business right here uh don't I think we'll park in there and these are all one stop we're going to continue receptionist and now and now we have our phone ready on signature mode hello oh snaps I'm losing one oh on the back on the chair perfect just where wanted to go look at that how are you I'm good how are you doing good let me make sure there's no you got it we keep getting oh really they're across the street I got Darla yeah girl names names and we're good okay got Angela and Darla y sweet no and what is this one Dar okay perfect yep all five here just one signature and I'll be out of your hair Angela F have a great day Angela appreciate you and now we'll get our next tote ready oh yes look at this one 18 packages that's what I like to see hell yeah let's just go I do have to say on the bright side delivering of businesses you do get to interact with people which if you do this job or any delivery job and you're really delivering a houses you don't really interact with people much so it is nice to say hi to everyone ask how you're doing conversation I'm a people person so I like chatting with folks 18 packages here we come 2 two24 or where you at it's going to be up here on the left all right so let's go here let's get all of our packages ready let's pull our Dolly out cuz we know we're going to need it and open up the back door stops like stops like these are the reason I'm happy I invested $4 $50 in a dolly to make my life a whole lot easier especially at stops like this all right so we'll go start dropping some of these off find out where we need to go I bet you they're all the same boxes I bet you what are these 250 yep that's this one wow okay the reason I say wow is cuz that's just going to clear out a lot of room baby all the big boxes and just like that we are finished we got oursel a thumbnail for the day this is exactly what tends to happen when you have a little amount of stops its businesses with just a bunch of amount of packages if you're lucky you only have a little amount of packages I'm going to leave those together because those are going to go together like I said in this job if you see two boxes are the [Music] same nine times out of 10 they're going together so I'm going to knock out a few businesses I'll catch up with you guys and give you an update in a bit all righty so we're just wrapping up lunch right now we are literally on stop number 30 which which I told you is crazy usually at lunchtime we're at like 75 almost 100 I got my next four totes unpacked I got six total left first one's here next three right there last two right there so we're going to uh go ahead and get at it and keep moving and grooving try to get this day knocked out it's 2:30 30 stops in ridiculous let's go I think I'm in the wrong area maybe here huh what the hell hello I'm good I just need a quick signature for a package for Jeff okay they told me to come here and I went through the employee lunch area over there I'm not in the right area have a good day thank you uhhuh one of the other rough things about doing these country routes and business routes hopefully we don't have Apartments coming up next is uh the amount of time it takes to get to stop to stop this now this next stop is only a minute away but most of them can be you know anywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes and these are all going to the same place I guess I could have drove in here always get worried about driving in narrow areas but this would have been fine I need 65 is that this one 65 that's it [Applause] hello you have some packages have a good day you're not going to always deliver the million dooll homes when working for Amazon sometimes you're going to be in the cuts hey okay no dogs and they want it to Backyard another safe [Music] location hi puppy bye puppy okay good thing we had a nice puppy [Music] make sure we close that keep the puppy in going do this one here pull off throw our hazards on shut the van off get our packages 295 oo I hear dogs 296 297 295 take all three next we flip a [Music] U-turn every trash can for their lives hey don't be barking at me that's the one 5834 perfect love when the houses are labeled it's the best hi kitty kitties I see you swipe to the finish on to the next one 365 okay perfect we got our package let's go I hear dogs never a good sign but I think they're locked up let's not wait to find out we is not going to find out I know that let's go now these are some decorations they got some cool signs here we won't die on 911 we got a rifle that's awesome look at all these signs Auto Zone speed limit Highway 65 that's pretty cool actually sh ja this is what I mean you never know what you're going to come upon oh there's the puppies oh no the killers are out hello how are you hi baby I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it's okay they're just protecting their mama have a good day hope thank have a good day bye babies oh my God run for your life look at that sign we don't die on 911 that's pretty cool dogs eat packages leave packages here oh doggy packages I'm definitely not going in there all righty guys so update we've made it back into the city we're delivering back to the regular houses residentials what makes it even so much better of a day the first 60 stops man were all country and businesses which everybody hates 58 that's that one so now so now it's time to fly through the day even faster hide that in the corner bam let's go so I'd love to hear from you guys in the comments are you a delivery driver what got you watching this video are you contemplating working for Amazon if you do if you got questions ask away guys it's what I'm here for it's the whole reason I started this channel so hope you guys are enjoying it trying to keep it entertaining while moving and grooving it's a little hard to do sometimes it takes a little more time to make the video while working but I think I got a good system oh poor babies are howling over there oh there's a dog out uhoh o obstacle course [Music] ready look there's a doggy out over there [Music] you okay puppy you okay a poor baby somebody missing a dog you okay oh there's two all right forget I even said anything I'm out of here if you're missing a dog it's on you and if you're watching this video and you're like dang why is he moving so slow this is exactly why there's hundreds of videos on YouTube about people complaining about apartments businesses and Country routes 32 I need 48 that's this one no that's 40 need 48 this one so yeah as you got to see you know it does take a little more time but at the end of the day as long as you keep at it you know you don't let your attitude Chang towards it you don't start getting pissed off you don't start getting mad and irritated that it's taking you long 30 stops at lunchtime is ridiculous I think the next lowest after that was 40 I have gotten to and that was when I had a route of 110 and it was the same thing businesses bunch of packages to certain places and it just took so long and you know you see 90 you see 110 stops you're like oh my day is going to be a cakewalk but that's not necessarily the case you know your days are going to be a cakewalk when you get like 130 those are when your days are going to be a cakewalk cuz genuinely all of the stops are within the same residential area this is what's nice about delivering residentials in out onto the next one hide it behind the pillar right there bam swipe to finish on to the next one 164 this one shut it off hit your I park go to your next screen scan your package straight up to the door get your camera ready hide it bam all right let's un tote these real quick and with the magic of editing all right so we got all of our toads away let's get our next couple of packages next package 165 small box 165 small box let's go I got to admit it's been a nice sunny day today got up to 74° which is really really nice so that's 34 I need 28 which is this one next door and that is the sound of the trees scraping the truck yeah the biggest thing with this gig is just staying on top of your stuff making sure you're organized you know where all your stuff's at you have your own system and people are going to implement other things you can try but ultimately stick to what works for you that's what I recommend cuz you don't want to start getting aggravated trying to do other things and implementing it into your day it not working out and you're getting stressed out anything about it you know what I mean so stuff like this like to hide behind there take your picture oh this one's a group stop cross the street cross the street all good let's do it [Applause] open oh yeah it is I'm sorry that was loud oh look at the [Music] fish couldn't tell if that was a real duck or not it's not please leave on the empty rack on the left hand side side of the garage oh yeah right here another thing you should always be doing reading those customer notes they're going to help you and when you do what they say they come back to reward you believe it or not people leave good reviews for you and you hear about it not all the time but you do hear about it for the most part everybody's super happy to see you obviously you got their package they paid for but everybody's super nice and I mean this in the nicest way possible older people older people they love you older people love the delivery people my first week of working I had an older lady it was cold as hell outside and she was making cookies and she offered me cookies fresh home baked cookies and I don't know I kind of felt rude saying no so I I got them and next thing I know by the time I'm leaving out the door the husband's walking up with a hot chocolate for me look at this one ring the doorbell if you want to drink there's water Red Bull Sprite Dr Peppers and others oh my God this house is awesome so what we're going to do is we're going to take our picture I didn't really want to drink I just wanted to tell them they were awesome you guys are awesome you had a camera right there didn't realize it remember guys and treat these packages like they're yours man you know what I mean same way you'd want your stuff treated hide them don't toss them don't throw them to the door don't be all pissed off cuz you oh that's cool don't be pissed off cuz you got multiple stairs and apartments you got to deal with yeah just remember treat people's stuff like it's yours front door going put it on this side cuz I feel like less traffic would see it coming around this way and I'm going to ring the doorbell till they get their packaged that's another thing Frontage roads busy streets big packages I always ring the doorbell just cuz I want to make sure they get it before somebody else does you know what I mean and I've had the moment where I questioned myself about doing it because it said do not ring doorbell but I dropped off big six like six big boxes at one house and I decided to ring the doorbell lady opens the door I'm like uhoh thank you so much for ringing the doorbell I appre appreciate it so it's like oh man you know a sense of relief so there's that too one two scan scan wham bam thank you ma'am straight to the D hide them I to take your pictures so when do you need to get a signature that's only when the customers re request that you get a signature upon delivery meaning their signature businesses same thing and instances where you have a special password needed for a package meaning it's probably a very expensive [Music] package and the customer doesn't want it just thrown out on the front door they want to make sure they get it if you're somebody that's watching this video when you work for Amazon I'd love to hear from you guys give me some of your tips and tricks it's the whole reason I started this channel is to give people help you know inside on what to do keep this hdden in here bam thank you have a good day guys start travel [Music] 6634 see what a huge difference in the amount of deliveries you can do Residential versus country and businesses right so just makes everything a lot smoother so right now this is our last stop I believe and then we're going to run back by a business to see if we can find them this time we didn't have any luck the first time around okay every time you're done with your route it always ask you how was your route today I always putting either easy or difficult all right so we just got word to go ahead and go back and return the station but before we do so we're going to run by one of the businesses because our pinpoint in the flex app of a business was wrong and so in order to make it better these are how we improve the system them by going to that location and telling them hey this is not right you know what I mean this is not in the right area so they'll fix it that way the next drivers don't have any issues and then once I do that I get to head back to station again if you're newer to the videos and newer to the channel thank you for hanging out with me I like bringing you guys to work with me and if you're looking for some more content definitely check out the channel subscribe because we got a lot more videos we have working in the rain we have the fastest way to load out most efficient ways to work all kinds of different video ideas I got coming for you guys I want to preface the whole point of doing this channel is to help you guys out he got a dog in the background don't mind him he just wants to be in the video but if you're finding this informational entertaining or useful do me a favor consider subscribing leave me a comment let me know how long you've been doing it or if you're even interested in the job and if this helps you all righty my friends until the next video cheers
Channel: Amazon Delivery Tips & Tricks
Views: 859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon delivery, day in the life amazon delivery, day in the life Amazon, is working for amazon worth it?, should you work for amazon in 2024, fun delivery job 2024, delivery vlogs 2024, tips and tricks delivery, amazon tios and tricks, UPS Tips and tricks, Fed ek tips and trick, Fed Ex, UPS, Delivery vlogs, Amazon day in the life, what is it like working for amazon in 2024, best delivery job 2024, full time job to consider, fun informative delivery vlogds
Id: 5NIusO8BhKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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