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hey guys welcome back to another YouTube video hope you guys are all having a great day today is Sunday morning it is currently 8 26 a.m I'm gonna be working today and I'm gonna bring you guys along with me like I said in my last video I'm gonna show you what I do for work so I'm heading to work and I'm already late because we have to be there at 9 15. so we park our car where we get our van and then they have like a stand-up meeting where they give you like your keys of the van and the paper in the paper it says how many boxes I've told you get you're gonna get that day and like we're brow and everything so I'm gonna try to record the loadout process so you guys can see that too I normally get 200 stops 365 packages um I'm praying that today will be like since it's Sunday so because [Music] say hi uh let's park next to each other I'm gonna park over here no there is it looks kind of full for us Sunday they go yo it's kind of weird Jack In The Crack hell yeah Jack in the Box hell yeah dude I'm kind of down here save this girl she's hungover dude we're matching with your car with blue we love blue can you guys tell that that's our favorite color we wrapped we wrap did I even lock my car okay this is the warehouse no and then we either drive one of these three cars this one doesn't have camera yeah say hi for my YouTube channel What wave are you two oh I'm with two got 19 bags and 16 overflow I'm in a prime and we have a camera right there two minutes so this is the van say hi it's for my YouTube channel what do you have to say oh you know he's a manager here so this is how you sign in start work we have like five minutes to do this I have to take a photo [Music] shitty ass photo but okay I don't know and then you have to scan them in continue got it skip all this I report some man and then you put a red and then we just wait for it to scan the cards time have you guys seen heater yeah foreign foreign foreign [Music] okay vlogging and then the last one foreign foreign everybody I'll read them off and then all right there's two 1918 uh 19 21 3C and then Tony wants to see a fish which is that one else foreign okay guys so this is how my van looks this is a light day usually it's all filled up so what I noticed I got they gave us a list and we just go down based on the list that's how I organize my van everyone does it differently depending on how you do it is how your day's gonna be because sometimes you don't organize a good and you have a shitty ass day so imma go down like this so this one this one this one I'm gonna go all of this and then all down this and then the Overflow yeah so I'ma take you guys with me on route today I'll probably just do like a few stops that way I get like not behind and so come right along with me I'm so excited to bring you guys along with me hopefully I don't get fired [Music] foreign [Music] stocks and I used to be done by like 5 30. that's bad and now I do 200 stops and I'm hoping to be done by 4 30 or 5. but if you're done early Tami and they have you rescue other people so sometimes it's just worth finishing your route not to snow not too fast kind of like moderate you know what are you guys gonna be for Halloween I'm gonna be a cop I might Vlog it too so some people ask me about the bathrooms what I do is I sometimes we have 40 parties like we find porty potties by the houses I used to hate those that show I'll be like ew I don't want to go to a party party now dude not Necessities like sometimes you have to go and you don't want to get out for out you know so what I do is um I go three times in the morning and I don't have to go for the rest of the day so I go before I leave my house I go at the station and then they have porty potties outside after you load out so I go there too that way I don't have to go like for the rest of the day I haven't set up Siri yet I wish I could be like hey Siri play Beach [Music] I don't care if the cars look at me because I'm so used to it like people always therapy I like cookies a 12 year old driving okay guys so I am here hello now you're gonna be on my vlog um yeah I'm gonna be a bit slower today probably so I'm still on my break on my lunch I don't turn it on at the end of the phone call oh okay I'm gonna turn mine on too I'm just waiting for my break to be over I have my usual route so I end my break so this app Mentor basically trucks acceleration breaking cornering distraction speeding it all sucks no one likes to use this app but we have to turn it on because our managers and we can get fired for that so yeah I don't know how I'm gonna Vlog and do this at the same time but I'm doing that all for you so go ahead and click that like button and subscribe if you're new you know if you want to keep watching my Vlogs this is how your stops look like so I'm gonna tell you guys how I set up my toe everyone does does it differently I'm gonna show you the way I do it foreign envelope so I basically tells you like the numbers of the um packages even boxes like it tells you on the app if it's an envelope or a box and I don't organize it I just like literally put all my packages down here and all my boxes up there how you know what I mean so I put my boxes here and I put my bags here and that's how I work down my tattoo then I go to another then another then another then another so I go to my first stop I'm not gonna show you guys the house number in the address foreign so this is the package and this is the number and I just scanned this so I scanned that I press continue depending on where you place the package I took a picture and then press swipe to finish and then it shows you the next stop and that's all I do sometimes you guys order more than one package and it's like 16 packages [Music] usually like to prepare before I go to my next stop because sometimes the customers are waiting outside and I don't like them waiting for a long time oh there's a customer he sure Smiles guys we sure smiles I don't like when there's cars behind me because I feel like rushed and I can't go as fast because they're tracking our speed they're Trucking or breaking or acceleration or cornering everything basically you can't even look away for three seconds because it'll document so it all just depends on how fast you run is how you do like how fast you deliver be the camera I could be faster with just the camera but if I turn on mentor I'll have a slow day got to my first stop like at 10 30 and then I have till 7 45 to finish they give us 10 hours if you finish early you do have to help other drivers if you guys have any questions about this job let me know I'm just doing like a I thought it would be fun to vlog I can't wait for winter oh they say Christmas gonna be bad we're gonna get more stops and more packages so the Overflow let's say um on the app it says a package a box and it says not in the back those are the Overflow which you see back there are the ones that wouldn't fit in a tote so they just give it to us like that in a box so I kind of scoot all my overflow here and then I like to keep it clean like that faster and it's better so I'm gonna continue delivering and I'll catch up with you guys once I have half them done hey guys so I did let me check right now how it looks like this is how it looks like I'm gonna work on this one next so I did 96 and I have 102 left and it's barely gonna be two so that's about good timing if you have 200 stops to get break hundreds by two what I like to do with my overflow is stuck them up here once I'm done with these totes so it's easier for me to walk when I have to move these totes so this is how I like to stack my tilts whenever I'm done with them I pile it on pile them up together um this is my overflow see how it's neat and I don't like to get for them to get damaged and stuff because you know we don't want to worry about that later so these are my last two totes I like to finish that then scoot all of these and then end up with those two be done by 5 30. I mean five Sorry 4 30 to 5 so foreign all right guys um I have three bags left I'm working on one oh no I'm gonna work on that one now then I'll have two one overflow extra packages stuck so I'm burning some calories I'm hungry hey guys so it's currently 4 38 and I am already done I have six stops left and I want to wait till five so I decided I never take my lunch on route so I'm just gonna eat a little bit because I'm hungry but yeah it was it was all right today I'm just so tired already and today's my friend I've been working five days so I have three days off in a row I'll be there I don't know what they're called um are you saying eat them when I was little [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I usually put these up and then I head back to the station I hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to like comment share and subscribe bye thank you I love you guys bye
Channel: Lizeth Medina
Views: 29,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y95caYlS6wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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