Amazon DSP training video

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welcome to Blue Mountain I'm gonna show you how how to get your bags and how it get done all right let's go the pen pad where you always check in always talking yeah type in the last four year social oh my God always hit indeed then log out make sure you have your rabbit so your gas card charger anytime you get your work phone your rabbit and to unlock the phone it's the password is always 20 80. that locks the phone so I'm gonna go to Amazon Flex you look for the Amazon symbol Flex symbol sign in sign in Blue Mouse sign in blew my Eda your work numbers all right it's two two seven and your password should always be blue 2080. all righty so once that happened once this come up you always hit schedule once you tap schedule yeah start work answer the question do you feel safe being on the road delivering with customers always admit did you face any navigation issues no submit then it's always a vehicle inspection every time before your trip so you hit start you scan the VIN and usually the van is inside the bag or on the outside of the truck on top of the window and that once you scan you do your vehicle inspection continue and just do your vehicle start inspection so yeah now I'm gonna print that inspector van so anytime we do an inspection you don't want to you don't want to inspect too quick you always want to look at everything everything good everything through it make sure there's always no damages anytime you see a damage or anything always let this fast enough all right you won't get accused of it all righty so anytime you head into the station always hazard lights on radio off uh Windows really windows down all right anytime you sign in to Mentor you sign in and then once you hit begin route you always hit begin round one should be getting route you just scan scan the same pin on the outside of the truck so you want to scan and once you see it in route that means you're all good you are going to use mentor all right the reason we use Mentor Mentor tracks your braking your speed ends your your Corners your distractions not using your phone um just just drive and drive safe on the road yeah so anytime you're doing Mentor you want your score to always be 8 10 or higher anytime your score is like below 8 10 or lower you could get suspended or they could cut you off the schedule so you always wanted to keep your Mentor up or anytime if you score is low just try to watch a um playlist try to watch a video to show to up your score to boost your score each day anytime we're driving up to the station this guy up in the front will let you know what number you have to pull into Wood Lane so he told us Lane four pull it right into the lane four right here in the back all right so anytime you get under the candidate while we're done so you should it will show your staging number how many bags you have so we got nine bags nine baths and 24 overflow so we just start scanning and once you hit start scanning next got it I'll show you a deal d03 is our staging number so we'll go out there and then usually once you once we go inside the building to that we can have the camera inside the building the um so the station numbers usually show on the top inside the building so use the a a a b c d then e f then it goes on to m outside um once we get all four cards from inside the building now we gotta scan each cart and it shows it shows what card number goes first so this is our first one so we scan that one and this is our oversized right here uvd if it matches all you do is scan how's it scan usually the scan speed right here if they're not right here this is our cart number three they usually always right here on the side them right down the side this one so yeah once you um once you stand on first cart and you can click the first one and it shows which one is your first bag maybe 199 blue second bag will be orange 401 Navy eight five three five nine so maybe one 199 is our first bag our second bag is orange 401 and our third is eight five nine who I usually do since I know these are our first first three bags this is our third this is my first and this one was my second but since I do it the way I usually do it since I know this is in my fourth it goes from left to right fourth fifth six seven eight nine so I put the four right here on the bottom and I put the first one on top of the fourth and then I'll do the same just do that the first one to four and then you put the first bag on top and then you get your fifth bag the second one on top and then you throw it back I need a six pack you put your third on top you do it like this because it's easier to grab once you grab out the first bag grab load up and same thing right here and then our second cart since this was our car number two ones on top just from there thank you since we're in the white van today we have to stack them three-story High these ones you always want these tricks right here these are your first three bags you're working out of and once you leave space here everything went empty out this is my last my last cart so usually with my last bag I would just stuff them in the back I just stuck three-story high back here it is peak season so we're all we're pretty we're pretty loaded so now I got oversized yeah so the reason I loaded like this so now I got all this open space all this open space in the corner on top of the boxes everything will fit anytime these little stickies these little numbers right here 2C or some be different like 1A these Master these mats like money these match the bags with the sticky notes in there I mean with the stickers on them they match so those oversized go with those with those on the back all righty once we're done loading up see the van's pretty loaded it's pretty cool pretty full but at least we got walkway where we can walk right here it's all the oversized and now like I told you this is my first bag 199. first bag to be easy once we're done with all this you hit continue always swipe to finish I always like to finish and then you're all good that's our first stop so once um once we're done loading up we're gonna help another teammate help them load up now I'll help him out help him out load another event pass that his stuff up you got your I drive both fans I drive the step Vans and the small vans so yeah you're gonna see me in videos of Step Vans and regular vans alrighty so now we just put up to our first house once we pull up to our first house seat fell off engine always off you always turn off your engine because you don't want no roll aways or Amazon tracks Amazon tracks how many times you turn off the vehicle on and off always take the key out alrighty so now we at our stop so how I organized so what I would do since we're at this stop and it says this um it's a small box 859 so what I usually do I take everything out out of the box okay just easier for you to suffer it for a small box with 35 tropical cork so I look for a small box these are the small boxes and they match the address and then we'll walk over there we see if the customer has any type of notes right now this customer doesn't have any notes so while I'm walking over here it's always good to that you want to scan and package when you're at the door it up your score so once you scan the package since the customer has no type of notes usually I'll place it you can place at the rear door another safe location or the front door a red door and their part uses door it's all right here another safe location or a red door anytime you're taking the picture you always want to take a picture of the box once you're done once you're done taking a photo you always swipe the Finish so yeah sometimes so when anytime you have a group stop so say you have a house here a house here I would usually just take a picture I take a picture of each of the house to say I have a stop at 35 I take a picture of this house it's a rooftop and then I'll walk over here and take a picture of this house this could be 24. okay okay let's stop all right and that was a group of socks usually when you do a group stop usually the house starts across the street or side by side anytime you have a hotel or or apartment building you always want to give it to the receptions on the receptionist it's the first one write the person name who took the packages right it's like to finish anytime you can't find a package always move on to the next stop and go back to it at the end of your route you finish the bag and you see it you've always deliver ing the same neighborhood could you be in that area and they say anytime you have a package missing if any package is missing don't mark it missing always just you just finish your route finish throughout the whole day and if it's still missing just call dispatch and tell dispatch this pack is not in my truck I don't see it nowhere and then the Old Market missing oh they'll tell you the market missing but don't Market missing soon okay it could be in another bag or it could be somewhere else who knows anytime you have a problem like say say you're not in the circle or not in the area so since this is my next stop 15 tropical Court so I scanned it and I'm gonna hit front door but if you see it says I'm not in the in the delivery area so that means that I would just have to go usually I know 15 15 is right there so if I walk over there we'll go green but to encounter that always call call jogger support and calling Jarvis support always hit the question mark top right and called Jarvis support is always at the bottom anytime you have a garage delivery or or a locker anytime you approach those especially when you post a like a garage it's pretty like self-explanatory once you get to the garage all you do is just Amazon on the app it will lead you right to leading to like open the garage place the package in the garage once you place it wait for the garage to close and just swipe the Finish same thing with the locker locker scan scan the barcode scan the barcode scan the packages put the locker locker open itself self-explanatory everything's pretty easy alrighty so anytime anytime you need help you can't find a house or it's hard finding or the customer I always call dispatch I always call dispatch dispatch will let you know you have to bring the packages back or or for anything for anything I always call it dispatch can help with anything never Java support driver support driver support can tell can take could take a little minute and dispatch and get in quicker where they can contact the Amazon station for you I just finished up a bag but I noticed that this package I noticed that I had one package left and I'm on to a new bag I know that this package was left so anytime you have a package left over you always want to see if you hit the three little lines hit the three little lines on the top left and hit pick up you always want to see if you can pick up the package so once I try to pick it up and they said if it lets me pick it up swipe the Finish and once you swipe the Finish now this package is right there on your route and it is already sending us to go there so anytime a business close anytime you have a business closed always Market always market and you go Mark your clothes or even at first you want to call or text the customer always call and text the customer for customer compliant so you won't get hit with customer complying this system will know that that you called or you text them and they don't respond as if they don't respond you can mark it close speed limit usually in residential area is 25 so you always want to go 25 even when you're on Mentor Mentor lets you go seven seven miles higher 25 the highest and goal is about 31.32 can't hit 33 because then it will it was a tractor score so usually when you're in residential areas you always want to go about 25 nothing too fast once you finish her route always call it dispatch I always call dispatch this pass will let you know if you can head back to the station or do you have to help another teammate out if they're out so anytime you help out anytime you help out with another teammate you always want to take the ending of their route or the area you're familiar with and you want to take about the last 20 to 25 stops just to give them a boost so they won't be out there as long so they can finish early just like you did once we once we finish and complete the route always gas up after every after every shift it doesn't matter if you only went couple blocks always gas up so when you guys up you always want to look out look at the mileage the mileage is one oh okay one one eight one one five one eight one five and then your baggy you know the bags always have the gas cards swipe foreign your PIN number uh they they will give you a PIN number everybody have their own and then the meter that's the mileage one eight one one five you guys up ready always use 87 foreign hazard lights always on your straight you choosing either Lane yeah put the bags inside the bag grab the bags and once we grab the bags we gotta bring it down yeah once you come back in the thing you your bag that anyone anyone I don't want to do it once you put away your last one always get your bag ready and any packages that you have to bring back it's a business closed so we usually the guys at the computer [Music] it's all set all right pull it back into the lot before we pick the bands well where the Vans are turn right always turn right if you really want to go around you don't want to make a left turn yards when they go around this pass will actually come out and he would check he'll do a vehicle inspection for you my phone's ringing hello no returns yeah yeah oh yep so once once everything's all set he said we could um once you do a vehicle inspection you can check you can actually go right there to the brooms and if it's Brandy to be sweet you can sweep it out and then let's park it once you finish Park the vehicle make sure you clean up after all your trash get all your trash all your belongings and stuff night in the Blue Mile at the very end of the night you go inside the hut make sure you have your phones your keys your gas card your about your charger make sure everything's back in the bag I always put the phone I always put the phones right here put your bags right here bags keys and then for the gas car now for the gas receipt you put the truck number your name and the time you clocks out that's six oh you dropped it off put you put the timer clock out 756. last for your social I always say out day Vlog out top right that's it all right welcome to Luma
Channel: Vutea Films&Music
Views: 77,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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