Day in the LIFE of a UPS DRIVER

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oh hey what's up so welcome to my first Randy with UPS YouTube video today guys gonna be really fun I'm gonna be showing you guys What It's Like A Day in the Life as a UPS driver obviously you can tell I'm a delivery driver and I work for UPS so yeah I'm going to show you how my day goes the kind of stuff that happens on my route I'm out of Oklahoma and it's freezing guys it's I think I looked it was 18 degrees and yeah it's Oklahoma it's bipolar it doesn't make up its mind so I hope you guys really enjoy this video hopefully it's a good tutorial if there's anyone in the future that wants to be a delivery driver to kind of see what goes on in the life and yeah guys so let's get right into the video foreign [Applause] all right everybody so I figured I would take you with me on this delivery stop we're going to now so we're gonna we're gonna have our delivery stopper looking for we're gonna find it on the Shelf but you know it's right here we're gonna do we call our bulkhead door handrail of course nice and safe PS preachers they want us to be safe but they want us to get to the house and deliver as quick as possible walking at a Brisk Pace not running not jogging like I said you're walking but a very brisk Pace you know delivered to the front door knock on her yeah guys and then he's the same way same route going back then I stop and complete I stop and complete on my scanner I shut my door back of course handrail and yeah guys on to the next delivery [Music] all right everybody so now I want to show you guys how we start our trucks um I've had a lot of people ask me this question it's very simple so let me show you guys how we start our trucks so this right here this it's called a key fob and we keep it on the belt loop of our pants um so what you do is you press that once you'll hit this once and then you hold it down and the truck will start right up so it's pretty simple and then just turn the truck off you just do that so that's it all right everybody so I really hope you're enjoying this video I hope it's good information of A Day in the Life as a UPS driver if you haven't yet hit the like button hit the Subscribe button because there's gonna be lots more of these videos foreign not a bad start guide so we've delivered 35 deliveries and 53 packages so far all right guys we're gonna be taking our lunch break now at UPS we have to take an hour lunch break so I'm about to go hit the gym get a quick workout in yeah let's get a good pump come on all right everybody so we just got back from the gym um we're putting our stuff back up now about to get back on our route so yeah that's usually what I do on my lunch break if I'm not crazy busy that day foreign [Music] all right everybody so let me know some questions in the comments um some questions y'all have about UPS so today like I said I'm showing you guys a day in the life kind of what I do but it's what is some specific questions that you guys would like me to answer in the future videos and all that good stuff so leave me comments I'm gonna do my best to get to them let's go okay everybody so I want to show you what we have to do at UPS when we have a business that is actually closed and it's called like a circle cross so what we have to do is we have to do square like that we put our initials we put closed and then this is the first time for me to attempt this so I have to put one and whatever time it is 3 15. so put 3 15 and that's it and it will get sent out back again tomorrow and try again foreign guys so what I did there is I'm getting to the residentials on my route which is towards the end of my route and stuff gets really tight and fast so I just moved everything that was on the back of the shelves up to the front so when I get to East deliveries they're just right there up front foreign everybody so it's time for a quick joke so what makes a UPS joke funny I'll give you a couple seconds all right you guys ready so what makes a UPS joke funny Here We Go drum roll the delivery pretty good let me know in the comments foreign hey I just want to say I really hope you're enjoying this content thank you all for supporting thank you guys for watching and yeah guys I really appreciate you guys what do you think of my truck looking good all right everybody so I have another business that was actually closed today so I gotta sit here and uh put the put the Circle Cross on there and get on to the next one let's go [Applause] all right everybody so we're at our second to last stop I'm telling you this weather is uh Oklahoma's crazy um we're gonna be heading on our way to our last stop let's go all right everybody so we just made our last delivery of the day it is 4 42. um so this isn't a typical day I normally don't ever get off this early it's just on Mondays they're my light days so I'm done now um and now let's head back to the building let's see how far we are so we are currently 59 miles away from my UPS facility so we're about to get on the road and uh head back let's go [Music] [Music] foreign guys much love to you guys I appreciate you guys for watching this video peace out let's go
Channel: Randywithups
Views: 99,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dfYAVjAiIt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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