How to Become a UPS Driver | STEP BY STEP πŸ“¦

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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel guys first and foremost I just wanted to say thank you all for the love and support seriously the comments you guys have been leaving me um the support y'all have been saying in the comments I really appreciate you guys you guys have been smashing the like button subscribes have been going up like crazy thank you all so much um if you're new here I'm a UPS driver I make videos informing you all about what I do in the daily life of a UPS driver so please hit the like button hit that subscribe button guys some very fun videos coming up soon so please stay along for the journey okay um you guys have been leaving some comments and today we're going to be doing a video over how do I become a UPS driver so we're going to pretend like you guys in a month you want to be a UPS driver right so I'm going to walk you through the process of how to do that what all it entails and yeah guys just the process and it's gonna be very fun so please like I said hit the like button hit the Subscribe button for new videos guys leave some comments on what you guys want to see very fun stuff comes coming soon so let's get it off um you're gonna go on the internet type in UPS Dash jobs UPS jobs I mean you guys for a UPS driver it's going to be a full-time position okay so you're going to look for our PCD which is regular package car driver or 22 for position they're both delivered drivers same thing except one gets paid a little less I don't know why it even has it but eventually if you do if you are 22 for you can become a rpcd once you get seniority so it just goes most likely you're gonna have to start out as a 22 4 do a year or two and then bump up in seniority and you'll get there so after you apply a UPS desk jobs you'll probably get a call You're Gonna Go probably take a tour of the facility they make you do that so you'll go probably early seven to eight o'clock in the morning check out the building see what all details they'll give you some information then you'll get a call you'll probably have an interview like normal go in person have an interview and then from there guys if they like you they're going to hire you on and send you down to what they call in a grad school so intergrad school is a full week of paid training yes it's paid training gonna go down there do some computer work some paperwork and some very Hands-On stuff checking out like what happens in the back of the truck how to drive a truck oh step back one second guys before that I think they're gonna make you go down and take a D.O.T physical so you'll go do a DOT physical once you pass that then you go to integrad school and then it's a full week of training computer work paperwork Hands-On you'll do some driving after a week if you make it through the school they're going to send you to a center whatever building you applied for and stuff so they'll continue there and then from there here's the important part please listen guys if you want to make it as a UPS driver what I'm about to say from here on out is the most important part when you're hot once you get to your building your Center you're going to have a 30-day driving probation everybody has to go through it so for 30 working days not 30 normal days with weekends 30 working days you're gonna have to make it through what they call a packet so in this 30 days ups at any time can say nope you're not fit nope we don't want you as a driver nope you can't make it so for these 30 days show up early learn your route um find a driver that has very good knowledge to help you guys out get informed on what to do you do not want to call in you don't want to show up late you want to be as efficient as you can these 30 days and just show them that you can do the job guys as long as you prepare well train well listen during training you're gonna make it just please don't call in don't be late and try not to need help on your 30-day probation because anytime they can say nope we don't think such and such can make it so he's not gonna be a driver but say you make it through 30 working days guys right they love you you make it through 30 days you're in you're a UPS driver then from there you want to go apply to be in the union or you want to get your union card get in the union pay your union dues every week um and yeah guys then from there you're gonna get paid every you're gonna get a raise or a weekly pay and then you're going to get a raise every 12 months you're going to get personal time option time paid vacation and you make it a career a long time we get a great pension guys so that is how it works this is how do I become a UPS driver like I said get through those 30 days and you're in guys you're gonna love this job I really appreciate you guys like I said work hard work smart be informed always ask questions if you guys have some more questions leave some comments I will reply okay guys I will reply to you guys so like I said if you can have the opportunity you have the chance you have the drive go be a UPS driver make it happen guys I love you guys smash that subscribe smash that like button leave me some fun comments go be a UPS driver I really appreciate this help I really appreciate your support I hope this helped you guys hope you all have the best day love you guys love people love Jesus let's get it come on
Channel: Randywithups
Views: 75,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qbrf30acycs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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